Accommodations - Tumblr Posts
I actually finished and turned in an essay on time last night. That’s the first time since high school that I haven’t used an extension on an essay!!!
I’ve been at universal for 8 hours now and holy shit. Having both the accessibility pass and my crutches has been life changing!!! I haven’t had to wait super long standing in lines which, I haven’t needed to sit as much as I would otherwise, AND I’m in a lot less pain than I would be otherwise. This is fucking incredible
Universal Studios Hollywood was an amazing experience yesterday! And honestly was super disability friendly (from my perspective at least). Accommodations were easy to get and we’re not a hassle at all!! All the staff was super nice and always made sure I would be able to ride the rides/experiences. I’m so happy that it is the way it is. Also, having my crutches was LIFE CHANGING omg sure I was in pain yesterday, but it didn’t get to a point where I couldn’t handle it and today im not in a flare which is AMAZING!!!
Tl;dr: Universal studios Hollywood was an amazing experience and super accommodating and holy shit having my forearm crutches made my life so much easier.
The fuck is up with abled people and thinking that using or having a mobility aid makes us weak? Or that our goal should be to not use them? Why can’t they just accept that using mobility aids is not a bad thing and that we use them because they help and give us more freedom? My mobility aids enable me to do so much more than I can without them and my goal is not to get rid of them or not use them or whatever my goal is to have the ability to do what I want and be independent and not be in excruciating pain. Maybe at some point I wont need my mobility aids but right now I do so idk about other disabled people but stop telling me to try to not use something that makes my quality of life so much better and stop telling me to get better soon I’m just trying my best and the fact people don’t see that is really disheartening just because I don’t fit what someone thinks i should look like or be doing to “get better” doesn’t mean they should feel free to tell me their opinions on my body and what I do to accommodate myself
Honestly this started out as a rant about ableist bullshit regarding mobility aids but it definitely applies to so much else like neurotypicals complaining about how I accommodate my autism and telling me to “just be normal” and other shit like that.
It definitely applies to more than what I’ve said here but goddamn it abled people stop policing disabled bodies and minds, stop trying to control us, stop thinking you know our bodies better than we do
Tl;dr: abled people need to stop with their bullshit and leave disabled people and their tools and accommodations and self accommodations alone. Abled people believe they know our bodies better than we do and that’s simply not true.
I hate hate hate classes that have a no absence policy. I can’t make it to my classes today because I am in too much pain and because of that I’ll lose points. Why am I punished for having a shitty body arugh
Just for the record, I’m gonna say that I genuinely cannot spell, I can mostly read, but I use context as a crutch
I get accommodations in school and stuff and so I’m able to navigate using that
But I’m not always able to tell the difference between two words that look similar,
Prescription and perception
Same word, at least to me
I use voice to text a lot to accommodate these issues, but it can’t always hear me right and I don’t always catch when it messes up. lol
So you see a weird out of place word in a post that’s what happened
if I notice I’ll go back and fix it
We had a teacher in 6th grade that had the messiest room of all time. Like everything in her room outside of walkways to desks and the door was covered.
We had just transferred that year and knew no one. She gave us (DID system, dyslexic as hell) very vague instructions as to where something was. We were confused and tried to look. She proceeded to lecture us in front of the entire class at how incompetent we were, that we were playing stupid and wasting class time.
So yeah, FUCK people who make any ND feel inferior because of any accommodations no matter how “dumb” they may seem.
maybe a hot take but slowing down, using more concise language, and/or giving more detailed explanations or instructions is not the same as infantilization or “dumbing it down,” some of you guys just view disabled/ND peoples need for comprehension accommodations as inherently childish, dumb, or less-than