Mentally Disabled - Tumblr Posts
hi there, please remember that:
people with NPD are not inherently abusive or manipulative, and "narcissistic abuse" isn't a thing -- just say "abuse."
people with BPD are not inherently abusive or manipulative
people with schizophrenia, psychosis, or DID are not inherently dangerous murderers or criminals
feel free to add on <3
When you’ve always been seen as the strong friend (mentally or physically or both) it’s really hard to accept when you need help or when you can’t fill that position that others see you in. Sometimes you need to either accept or ask for help from those around you. Whether that’s from the medical side (which I know is awful right now like seriously why is it so hard to get what we need) or from friends and family, we need to start asking for help.
I actually finished and turned in an essay on time last night. That’s the first time since high school that I haven’t used an extension on an essay!!!
I’ve brushed my teeth at least once a day for two whole weeks!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!
This may not seem like a big deal for a lot of people but I’m really proud of myself for this!
I know to a lot of people, especially abled people (whether physically or mentally abled), the idea of not brushing your teeth regularly is gross or “repulsive” or makes someone disgusting and what not, but I think we need to accept that not everyone can engage in hygiene practices the same way as everyone else. Just because someone cannot brush their teeth, or shower, or brush the their hair daily or even weekly does not make someone less than or gross or less deserving of anything. We are all people and we all deserve the same respect and we all deserve to feel safe in this world. Everyone has different abilities and support needs. Everyone is their own person and can do what they’re able to and should not be forced to do more than they’re able to do safely or comfortably. Someone may choose to do more but they should not be forced to by others.
Disabled people are people and deserve the same respect as everyone else.
My ability to take care of myself changes daily sometimes even throughout a day and I shouldn’t feel like I’m being judged for doing the best I can when it doesn’t match what others think my best should be.
TL;DR: Someone’s ability to engage in hygiene practices should never ever determine their worth!!!!
EDIT: (September 6th, 2023) I am so proud of everyone in the replies/reblogs who struggle with hygiene too! You are all doing so good and you should be proud of what you’re able to do!
I hate being alive
Especially when you are people pleaser , have trauma, have ADHD, have depression and an adult ....
My problem seems like an gaint rock that I can’t move.
i can't find anything on how to be an it girl girlboss when ur mentally disabled and have executive dysfunction. ONE DAY. ill conquer it and ill make that content.
"this user uses the fork/spoon theory" userbox made by me!!

feel free to use but keep my username visible ty!!! :3
People who think that ableism against mentally disabled people either isn't real or is "mild" have never been...
- restrained and yelled at during a meltdown
- denied the ability to transition because people won't let them make choices about their own bodies (and then have that issue get completely ignored by neurotypical trans people)
- abused by their own parents for behaving in ways that look weird or rude even though they can't help it
- sent to an underfunded and often neglectful special ed school so their neurotypical peers don't have to see or deal with them
- forced to constantly focus on acting in a way that feels unnatural and stressful to them in order to mask their disability and avoid further abuse
- physically assaulted for things like "acting crazy," having hallucinations, taking medication that neurotypical people think is scary, etc.
- denied accomodations at school or work because people decided they're so stupid they're not worth the effort
- locked up in a psych ward against their will
- unable to shower, shop for groceries, or other basic care needs because of overstimulation, executive dysfunction, and other mental health issues.
- treated like subhuman because they have an intellectual or developmental disability and need people to take care of them 24/7
... And it shows.
Mental disability is not fucking Disability Lite. If you think that the only ableism we face is occasionally being called a mean word, you're part of the problem. We have every right to be angry about the way we're treated.
And no disabled people, whether mentally or physically disabled, should have to be all smiley and positive just to make the people who constantly abuse us comfortable.
I shouldn't have to justify why I NEED a day off!
Mentally Unstable Girl

Teachers:"Math is super easy, you're just not trying hard enough"
Mom:"You're stubborn"
Relatives:"Maybe you just stupid 🤷"
Me:"You're gonna end up homeless you dumbass and you'll always be useless "
Disability services interactions be like
ds: we can offer a support person, or home help, or some level of assistance!
me: ...but i don't want a support person?
ds: we can offer a supportive person to help you live better
me: i just said i don't want a support person
ds: we can give you home help and someone to keep you company
me: are you completely ignoring me. i want to keep what freedom i have left.
ds: we can offer support person, you can pick them, we don't chose them for y--
me: i want to stay as independent as possible!!!!!! i've already lost most of my life to my disability! i was told you'd help me find ways to be independent. having a person to help me will ruin my mental health because i hate being seen as incapable.
ds: oh.
ds: we can offer a support person!
Dear young disabled people,
You didn't deserve this.
Ableism sucks and I wish there was free medical support for everyone (and shorter wait lists).
It's okay to ask for help. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to be angry. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to mourn what you lost to your disability.
On the flip side, it's okay to have fun with it. It's okay to decorate your mobility aids, wear fun disability awareness pins. It's okay to be proud of your disability.
But it's okay to hate it too.
Celebrating your disability, and the disabled community, while hating what your disability puts you through are things that should, and can coexist.
Sending love
~ 💜
Okay, if you say "happy positivity to disabled folk" BUT you exclude disabled folk cause "they are almost all of the positivity posts..."
You are a fucking asshole and DO NOT actually believe in disability positivity.
This is like saying aspec people aren't queer cause we "aren't oppressed enough." Fuck you and I hope you eventually realize how fucked up that is.
alright here we go
this one's for "stupid" mentally disabled people. people who can't do basic math. people who are gullible to no fault of their own. people who can't understand nuance in some situations. people with cognitive issues. intellectually disabled people.
hey, you're doin' just fine. doing a great job, even! don't put yourself down or feel like your worth as a person rests on how smart you are. we'll be ok