Aesthete - Tumblr Posts
Let's go on a picnic, and let me read poetry to you while I feed you fruit under the bright sun.
Then at sunset, we could enjoy each other’s warmth. I can lay on top of you while I comb my fingers through your hair as I pepper kisses all over your face.

While working on my art portfolio to apply for my local art school/university I realized just how much of an aesthete I am or in other words just how much I do things simply for the beauty (and therefore the aesthetic) of it and not for any particular meaning behind it.
After sending my portfolio in, my friend let me look through hers and it’s very creative and beautiful and so full of meaning and feelings and it made me feel a tad bad about myself because my own pieces have so very little meaning besides being somewhat pretty (don’t get me wrong, I’m not an amazing artist but I’m trying my best) and that’s because I never had the intention to give them much meaning. Ever since I started drawing and painting I only ever did it for the feeling I have while creating and the outcome at the end but never to actually put feeling and meaning into it. The outcome has to be beautiful to me and not meaningful (which doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate meaningful art — quite the opposite actually. I adore it and I love to think and talk about it. I just never created anything the like myself).
I always thought of it as a flaw, to be honest. Creating art for beauty’s sake and not for emotion and meaning. But thinking about it some more I start to wonder, why it’s considered such a bad thing to do things just for the aesthetic of it? As long as I enjoy doing it (and obviously don’t harm anyone else in the process) there shouldn’t be anything wrong with doing things just for the aesthetic, right?
It’s okay not to always want to make a statement with everything, right? But to do it just for the pure joy it brings. Or maybe that’s the whole meaning behind it? Or does it make me pretentious? Then again, is it really so bad to be pretentious?
It's how you still pursue me even after having me already. I find peace in you. You've made me understand that distance means nothing when two hearts are willing to make it work. You changed my perception of love. Your voice takes bad energy away. I love how you assure me of how much you love me and want to be with me when you know that I'm an overthinker. Even on a busy day you'll call me & text me too. You do your best to make sure I'm good. As they say, "the ocean never runs dry" so is our love. You're what I need in my life and I ain't letting you go. I love every single bit of you, I'll love you at your best & worst moments too. My love for you has no principles. Te Amor ❤️
I'm mad at myself for attaching myself way too much towards you yet you didn't care. I felt the trepidation of our ending so heavily that I didn't care. I didn't listen to my instincts because my heart was busy loving you, my mind was busy planning how we'll end up together forever. I sincerely blame myself for being horribly ignorant. I honestly regret.

I see the love of my life every single time I look in the mirror. I'll do everything not to lose her or else I'll be insane.

The scream my heart and soul produces at the moment is getting out of control. I'm at a point where I can't save myself. My world is currently void and hollow. I'm dying in disguise.
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