Alchemist - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
It Has Been Ages Since I've Tried Using FireAlpaca And These Are What I MadeVenus (left) Is My CharacterCioches
It Has Been Ages Since I've Tried Using FireAlpaca And These Are What I MadeVenus (left) Is My CharacterCioches

It has been ages since I've tried using FireAlpaca and these are what I made Venus (left) is my character Cioches (right) belongs to my amazing friend @stayingdead 

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6 years ago
My First Digital Drawing....Besides Being Now Kinda Old, Ugly And All, Im Still Proud Of It Since I Find

My first digital drawing....Besides being now kinda old, ugly and all, i’m still proud of it since i find that for the first try on a new platform it’s not that bad.

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8 years ago
Inktober Day 29: Alchemist. Still Doing Things Last Minute.

Inktober day 29: “alchemist.” Still doing things last minute.

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9 years ago
The Alchemists #Gintama #Alchemist #Kagura #Shimura #Anime #Manga #Fullmetal_Alchemist

The alchemists 😊 #Gintama #Alchemist #Kagura #Shimura #Anime #Manga #Fullmetal_Alchemist

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2 years ago
Some More RWBY X DnD Drawings; Finishing Off Team RWBY With Paladin Ruby And Another Wizard/Alchemist
Some More RWBY X DnD Drawings; Finishing Off Team RWBY With Paladin Ruby And Another Wizard/Alchemist
Some More RWBY X DnD Drawings; Finishing Off Team RWBY With Paladin Ruby And Another Wizard/Alchemist

Some more RWBY x DnD drawings; Finishing off team RWBY with Paladin Ruby and another Wizard/Alchemist Weiss.

I love this AU/Art tandem so much. I think I will do team JNPR next C3 Any ideas?

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2 years ago
Weiss Schnee The (DnD) Alchemist

Weiss Schnee the (DnD) Alchemist

Drawn for fun. Maybe it will become a series. I dont know.  Also, pretty sure this isnt an original idea XD Please tag anyone else who does these, I wanna see them all X3

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5 months ago
Drew My Sillies Again.

Drew my sillies again.

And, yes, their entire adventuring party is like 70% spellcasters. The two weapons users are warlock and sorcerer (the two characters on the left), an alchemist (the guy in the middle) can theoretically do unarmed combat with alchemical fire on gloves.

Commission info

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12 years ago

His name is Isaac. He's really a friendly guy. Go on, say hi!

Woo! Heres Another Commission. This Is A Concept Of A Cyclops Alchemist For A Fantasy RPG P&P! This One

Woo! Here’s another commission. This is a concept of a Cyclops Alchemist for a Fantasy RPG P&P! This one was awesome to work with because I was able to get some of my groove back. Imagine encountering this guy out in a town or forest!

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1 year ago

Doctor Agatha Shiny


Image © @iguanodont

[Writing this entry was very cathartic. Doctor Shiny is not only my Villain OC (and trust me, there’s nothing even remotely redeeming about her), but also a way to process the trauma I experienced in grad school. You may have noticed that “collegial mad scientists” are a recurring theme in my work; Doctor Shiny is their boss in the Inner Sea, at least as far as mere mortals go. I’ve been meaning to create a Legion of Doom in my campaigns, and this is as good an excuse as I’m likely to get. As one of the most powerful alchemists on Golarion, I gave Doctor Shiny access to a ton of weird extracts; I’m just posting a link to the Archives of Nethys master list than linking to them individually.

Also? Without any visual reference, Iguanodont managed to make Doctor Shiny look an awful lot like me. Spooky.]

Doctor Agatha Shiny CR 20 NE Humanoid This woman is fat and cheerful, her brown hair done up in a messy ponytail. She is dressed in a lab coat, heavy gloves and boots. Two tentacles grow from her back, each studded with sightless eyes.

Everyone in Absalom knows who Doctor Agatha Shiny is; she’s a celebrity scientist. Head of the Biology Department at Endiron School in Eastgate, her lectures on everything from diet to material science to biodiversity are popular and well attended by the public for entertainment and education purposes. Her column, “Ask Doctor Shiny”, is carried by several broadsheets and circulations. “Ask Doctor Shiny” is a slang phrase in Absalom meaning roughly, “how should I know?” Her various grad students and colleagues have nothing but nice things to say about her. Because the ones who talk out of turn have a habit of ending up dead or transformed.

Despite her jolly exterior, Doctor Shiny is a sadist of the highest caliber, and someone who is disgusted with humanity in general. It is her studied opinion that humans have been the dominant species on Golarion for far too long, and the ultimate aim of her research is to find a suitable replacement. Her primary laboratory for these experiments is the Puddles, which is increasingly home to murderous monsters of her own design. Doctor Shiny and the headmaster of her college, Tontartigan Dellby, have a system of mutual blackmail; both knows the broad strokes of each other’s schemes, enough to expose and humiliate the other if pushed. Agatha knows that she would win any conflict if it were to arise—she would merely shred Dellby with her bare hands and replace him with a simulacrum that obeyed her every command.

Doctor Shiny’s main lab is underground at Endiron School, but she maintains laboratories throughout Absalom and the entire Inner Sea region, each one of which has a doppelganger simulacrum she can project her mind into. Each lab is a facility for collecting monsters from the region, running tests on their physical and magical properties, and incorporating their characteristics into fleshwarped abominations. Her raw materials for fleshwarping often include those aforementioned recalcitrant students, as well as indigents, adventurers and other people who go unmissed. Those that would be missed are replaced with simulacra, or turned into dominated sleeper agents. Doctor Shiny has done some self-experimentation; tentacles grow from her back (she keeps these under her lab coat in her role as a public figure), and her internal organs are no longer fully human.

Like any good scientist, Doctor Shiny maintains a network of colleagues, almost all of whom are just as depraved as she is. Her Number One Minion is a blue slaad named Ranna, who was once a graduate student named Marina Rhinne, and to most of the world is still known by that name and identity. Ranna serves Doctor Shiny as an assassin, collection agent and lover. Doctor Shiny was the first contact point in Absalom for a species of fleshwarping monsters from Sarusan who have decided that the Inner Sea is ripe for their exploitation—these are the zern. She is also the chair of CIS, the Committee for Ingenious Science. CIS is a network of mad scientists throughout Avistan and Garund who occasionally report on their findings and brainstorm new ways to exert their will on the world. And lastly, Agatha Shiny is a religious woman. Her primary deity is Shub Nugganoth, but she sees the Goat of the Woods as the leader of a small pantheon of gods and demigods devoted to nightmares of evolution and knowledge at any cost. These six deities are the kyton demagogue Raetorgash, the sahkil tormentor The Vermillion Mother, the daemonic harbinger Deceid, the demon lord Abraxas, Shub Nugganoth and her green (wo)man daughter, Briarpatch. Doctor Shiny refers to these six as the Xammux, a zern word meaning “council”.  

New Material: Shoggomer Shoggomer is one of Doctor Shiny’s miscellaneous inventions, although she typically refers to it as “self repairing polymer” in public. It is a form of latex, made with both tree sap and fleshwarping reagents derived from shoggoth ichor. Shoggomer can be used to make clothing, or any form of armor typically made from leather, hide or fur. As it is flexible, it cannot be used to make shields or typically metal armors. Shoggomer armor reduces its spell failure chance by 10%, increases max Dexterity bonuses by 2, and decreases armor check penalties by 2. Materials made of shoggomer heal at a rate of 2 hit points per day, or 1 per day if they have the broken condition. While healing, shoggomer materials manifest sightless eyes, small mouths or small flapping tendrils—this both institutes an armor check penalty of 2 when worn, and creatures within 30 feet must succeed a DC 15 Will save or be shaken for 1 minute by the eerie sight. A creature is only affected by the fear effect of repairing shoggomer once in a 24 hour period, whether it succeeds or fails the save. Shoggomer items are always of masterwork quality

Type of Shoggomer Item       Item Price Modifier Clothing                                    +750 gp Light armor                               +1000 gp Medium armor                           +1500 gp Other items                               +450 gp/pound

Keep reading

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7 years ago
Hello All, Its Been A While Hasnt It. Have A Small Alchemist As An Apology. Im Thinking About Participating

Hello all, its been a while hasn’t it. Have a small alchemist as an apology. I’m thinking about participating in Art Fight next month and I’m considering using Cadenza here as one of my characters.

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6 years ago
My New D And D Character Vallen Gadson A Dwarf Swashbuckler/Alchemist For An Upcoming Campaign. If You

My new D and D character Vallen Gadson a Dwarf Swashbuckler/Alchemist for an upcoming campaign. If you like this picture and want me to draw your OC let me know

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2 years ago

No dwarf sharpshooter would be anything without his Goblin Alchemist best friend

No Dwarf Sharpshooter Would Be Anything Without His Goblin Alchemist Best Friend

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1 year ago

Got a new Samsung lite tablet and was testing it out by drawing this Goblin Alchemist

Got A New Samsung Lite Tablet And Was Testing It Out By Drawing This Goblin Alchemist

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