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Do you ever have those random nights where your brain won’t shut off, even though your body feels like five hundred pounds of exhausted.
Becky Albertalli
“And every freaking time, I have to reintroduce myself to the universe all over again.”
— Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Becky Albertalli
guess who is re-reading the first queer novel I ever read…this was my Heartstopper and I continue to quote it in my head to this day
might do a long ass review when I finish re-reading it just so I can ramble about how much I love this book
I finished they both died at the end last night.
Now that we're all on the same page and understand the level of my emotional trauma :)
There was a moment, when we read from the perspective of Andrea Donahue (Chapter 14) early on in the book, and in this chapter she is talking about how she rushed through her names today and hopes she dosen't get audited and have her calls reviewed tonight. And God knows, I spent the rest of the book thinking she had made a mistake. That Mateo Torez was not going to die because some lady who hated her job, didn't care enough to make sure she did it right. That Rufus was going to show him how to break out and the importance of living and Rufus would die but Mateo would live on for both of them--
Of course, it was never hinted at again and my hope wavered but it was always there. And yet, when it happened-- or rather didn't? Good God, it hurt like hell.
Anyways, this is fucking disgusting.

^ Becky Albertalli author of Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda

^ Dove Cameron
Listen, I understand being curious about celebrities' lives. If you see a celebrity doing a bunch of gay things you might think "hey, maybe that artist is queer" but that's as far as it should go. You should never harass, or threaten, or force anyone to come out. That is fucking disrespectful and wrong. Queerness is about including anyone who feels that they do not fit into normal society, there is no one way of being queer. It's not a box, it's free and open and that's the beauty of it, so how about we fucking stop forcing queer people to come out, or label themselves, it's none of your business.
This has become a pattern and it needs to STOP
Sooo... I've spent the last 2 days binge reading Here's to Us and I'm dying to speak about it without spoiling stuff sooo.... Please please let me know if anyone wants to talk about how much of a precious gem the entire book and the characters in it are.
Okey byeeeee
📚 Mis lecturas del 2023 📚
Lo venía haciendo en Twitter y decidí darle un mejor formato y mayor espacio, así que acá están mis lecturas de este año, en el orden en que fui terminando los libros.
Algunos los arranqué antes pero los pausé y continué con otro. Están clasificados y ordenados según la fecha en la que los terminé.
Le Guin, Úrsula K. (1976) El Nombre del Mundo es Bosque. Editorial Minotauro
Albertalli, B. y Silvera, A. (2018) What if it's us
Klune, T. J. (2020) The House in the Cerulean Sea
Klune, T. J. (2020-2022) The Extraordinaries, Flash Fire, Heat Wave
Continué lecturas, pero no terminé ningún libro, estaba preparando finales.
Hall, Alexis (2020) Boyfriend Material
Doyle, Arthur C. (1902) El Sabueso de los Baskerville. Editorial Salvat.
Dick, Philip K. (1988) Cuentos Completos I: Aquí Yace el Wub
Hall, Alexis (2022) Husband Material
Marcos, Álvaro (2021) El Mago Merlín y el Poder del Dragón
Hall, Alexis (2022) Paris Daillencourt is about to Crumble
El-Motar, Amar, Gladstone, Max (2019) This is How you Lose the Time War
Miller, F., Janson, K., Varley, L. (1986) Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. Editorial OVNI.
Lewis, R., Mazzuchelli, D., Miller, F. (1988) Batman: Año Uno. Editorial OVNI.
LeBlanc, Maurice (1907) Arsène Lupin: Caballero Ladrón. Editorial Salvat.
Dick, Philip K. (1989) Cuentos completos II: La Segunda Variedad.
Silvera, Adam (2022) The First to Die at the End
Jemas, B., Bendis, B. M., Bagley, M., Thibert, A., Buccellato, S., Javins, M. (2001-2002) Spiderman, Poder y Responsabilidad. Marvel Comics. Editorial Salvat.
Álvaro, Marcos (2021) El Mago Merlín en la Torre Oscura
Machado, Antonio. (1899-1939) Poemas Esenciales. Selección de Jesús García Sánchez. Editorial Salvat.
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1894) El Club de los Suicidas. Editorial Salvat.
Wells, Herbert George (1897) El Hombre Invisible.
Shelley, Mary (1818) Frankenstein, o el Moderno Prometeo
Capullo, G., Kubert, A., Lee, J., Snyder, S., Romita Jr., J. (2017-2018) Dark Nights: Metal. DC Comics. Editorial OVNIPRESS.
Dick, Philip K (1989) El Padre-Cosa
Millar, M. Kubert, A. & A. (2001-2002) Marvel Ultimave: X-Men. Men of Tomorrow. Return to Weapon X. Editorial Salvat.
Rothfuss, P. (2007) The Name of the Wind. DAW Books.
Cortázar, J. (2023) Historias de Cronopios y de Famas. 9a Edición. Buenos Aires, Punto de Lectura Editorial.
Arlt, R. (1926) El Juguete Rabioso. CAPÍTULO Biblioteca Fundamental Argentina. Centro Editor de América Latina.
Reseña: What if it's us, Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera

Mi reseña original en Twitter:
"Romcom básico para pasar el rato y distraerse. Cumple lo que trata de hacer, no cae en demasiados clichés (evita el "Bury your gays") así que +1⭐ por eso Igual, algunos conflictos son demasiado básicos y los personajes están "okay""
Algunos comentarios adicionales:
Un poco ya me olvidé (cuatro meses después) los principales puntos de la trama, pero sí me acuerdo de algún que otro conflicto y momento romántico (como las declaraciones de amor y despedida). Recuerdo que los personajes principales se me hicieron un poco planos, apenas destacando por encima de los personajes secundarios.
En su momento no me había gustado, pero el final tirando a epílogo y posibilidad de reencuentro es una buena forma de cerrar una historia sobre encuentros casuales y "meet-cutes" en lo que, desde el exterior, suena a la ciudad con más posibilidad de casualidades en el mundo.
Mis otras lecturas del 2023.