Billys Basic Educational Game - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
@that-there-is-a-wierd0 I Know You Were Joking With That One Drawing But You Could Not Be Any Closer
@that-there-is-a-wierd0 I Know You Were Joking With That One Drawing But You Could Not Be Any Closer

@that-there-is-a-wierd0 I know you were joking with that one drawing but you could not be any closer to the truth 😭 I got asked on Twitter to make a relationship chart and this is what I got.

【Text Transcript】

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1 year ago

Calculating trajectory to hit the heart most effectively, sending Le Family angst to Obod’s way.

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10 months ago
Billy and Ebi-san holding hands together while walking down the hallway of the Billy Hotel. They pass by the entrance, which has a big red door and potted plant. They are both happy. There is a paper texture on the image with a few stains.
Billy and Ebi-san shaking hands in the decrepit Billy Hotel. Billy seems regretful while smiling, his face is stained with oil trickling from his eyes. He has black scelera and red pupils, he is covering one of his eyes with his other hand. Ebi-san is now a solid colour of orange and has lost most of her features, exceot her shrimp tail and collar. They are standing infront of a broken window and a tipped over potted plant.

“11 years later… Welcome back old friend! I missed you!”

@ebigeso I made this for you ówò. I hope you don’t mind me drawing your Billy & Ebi-san, I missed both of them and wanted to do a tribute to their gradual development over the years.

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9 months ago

It’s been a long time since I’ve drawn her and my tastes changed, so I experimented with her hair abit.

Caption says, “Billy’s Girlfriend is bored.”  1.) Billy’s Girlfriend standing, there is text next to her that says, “Люшка, Любимя Девушка.» 2.) She is resting her head on her arm, waving her other hand in circles. Her hair is in a bun. 3.) Her arms are raised, resting on something behind her. She is droning the word, “AAAAAAAAAA.” 4.) Her hair is in a ponytail; her face is framed by her open hands, she is winking at viewer and blowing a kiss. 5.) A comic  P-1 🧤 standing behind her: ? ⏰ lying on her belly and kicking her feet in the air, her hair is in a half-pony: Soooo boredddd. 🧤: Do you want to walk outside? or… ⏰: Sure.  P-2 ⏰ walking outside: Why’re you wearing your dad’s clothes? 🧤 walking next to her: They’re hand-me-downs. ⏰: I thought you want to preserve them?  P-3 🧤 smiling: I wanted to make use of them and honour him…  P-4 🧤: I’ll become as great as him. ⏰ softened expression, smiling: Ah, that’s nice. [And then the Le Family tragedy struck…]

Whenever I draw her I need to use young Billy. It doesn’t make sense chronologically for her to be alive in the present.

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8 months ago

Okay, here’s the crazy drawing I was talking about yesterday.

Billy’s Girlfriend sitting on the ground limply, she is leaning on a shelf filled with various objects in it (i.e. Computer hardware, Voice recorder, Casette tape rack, Box of engineering tools). There are two computers ontop of the shelf, there is a Well-Made Pad resting on the left computer. In-between the computers is a red and yellow clock.   There are two green clock bells sticking out of her head, black liquid drips down her face from where the puncture is in her scalp. Her eyes are bulging, staring blankly, she is smiling faintly. Her neck opens to reveal metal segments as the bone, her fingers are made in the same fashion. A mess of wires is strewn all over her, across her limbs and others plugged into the gadgets around her. The wires seem to come from her scalp, they blend in with her hair.   The room is darkened, only her and the clock are illuminated.

Billy’s Clockwork ⏰

Billy: I don’t think my love is okay, but time heals all wounds, right?

My good fellow, Poka, decided to draw Billy’s girlfriend for the first time and I was equal parts horrified and overjoyed. I love the idea of a corrupted Girlfriend robot, since usually I’m too busy tossing Old Friend through the meat grinder of The Office and giving my interpretation of Girlfriend existential dread. So it’s really nice just seeing plain ‘ol body horror. This can still play really well into the whole idea of Billy corrupting his deceased girlfriend’s image, but from what I’ve read from Poka it seems like she plans on making Girlfriend corrupted on her own.

Okay, Heres The Crazy Drawing I Was Talking About Yesterday.

Also, I chose the name “Clockwork” because uh… I don’t think that Girlfriend is very… Human… She’s like a moonscorched citizen from Funger Termy.

Okay, Heres The Crazy Drawing I Was Talking About Yesterday.

If that’s the case, I wonder what will happen to Old Friend. Or maybe Girlfriend and Old Friend are the same person in this version? I’ll just wait and see what Poka publishes. Either way, still cool. Any fanwork of Billy’s girlfriend is good fanwork for me, also different interpretations make the world more colourful.

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7 months ago
I Have No Idea How To Post Here, Do The Posts In Communities Also Upload To The Blog??? How Do You Even
I Have No Idea How To Post Here, Do The Posts In Communities Also Upload To The Blog??? How Do You Even
I Have No Idea How To Post Here, Do The Posts In Communities Also Upload To The Blog??? How Do You Even
I Have No Idea How To Post Here, Do The Posts In Communities Also Upload To The Blog??? How Do You Even
I Have No Idea How To Post Here, Do The Posts In Communities Also Upload To The Blog??? How Do You Even

I have no idea how to post here, do the posts in communities also upload to the blog??? How do you even post in Tumblr communities???

Anyway, here’s a compilation of all the fake BBAU tweets. The one with Billy’s son is honestly inaccurate when I think about it, I think it should be Andrew and Baldi (mathematics teacher) because the personality suits them but does Baldi even know what sex is??? I think Billy is the only one who could make that kind of joke but also I don’t think he has the insanity to say it outloud, especially in a classroom.

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7 months ago
Good Day For Writing Scripts.

Good day for writing scripts.

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7 months ago

draw olivia eatign cooked mushrooms since thats canon now

Draw Olivia Eatign Cooked Mushrooms Since Thats Canon Now

You’re so right, here you go, Staurt. Staurt, my favourite guy ever, I hope you enjoy this comic. She’s eating mushroom soup.

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7 months ago
Panel 1 Text with an arrow pointing to Online Dater: Definitely knows something Denied: Oh! Hey Billy! Hope it’s okay that I brought a friend.  Panel 2 Text with an arrow to Billy: Full of contained rage

Idea: What if Online Dater and Billy were exes, okay, good night.

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7 months ago



Billy’s Son: Okay, dad, I want you to meet my new friend, this is Mr. Alex-

Billy: Where did you get that spirit.

Billy’s Son: Okay, listen to me. This is Mr. Alex-

Billy: No…

Billy’s Son:


Billy: …

Billy’s Son: I visited the forrest, it was at the west, or maybe it was east, which one goes left?? Uhhhhhh… It was to the left of the camp site we usually go to. Anyway there was this patch of pink tulips and that’s where I found him.

Billy: We need to call an excorcist.

Billy’s Son: No you can’t, because he’s my friend now actually.

Billy: Son, he’s dripping blood everywhere all over the carpet, and he’s hanging from the ceiling.


Alex: へ(:3 」∠)_

Billy: No, I won’t shake your hand.

Billy’s Son: Dad, he’s not even talking. I don’t think he can talk.


Alex: o(・x・)/

Billy: I’m calling an excorcist, I sense he has malicious intent.

Billy’s Son: See, this is the judginess that made mom leave us.


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7 months ago

[<] P.2


Olivia: I’m starting to think you’re getting haunted on purpose.

Billy: It’s not me, it’s my son. Please excuse him, I don’t know when he started taking interest in the occult.


Olivia: Excorcism won’t kill your friend, it will just forcibley pass him into the afterlife. However he will be in constant turmoil because he never resolved whatever problem he had in the living world.


Alex: :3

Olivia: What’s the name of this spirit by the way? 📝

Billy looking at his brat: Okay, son, what’s the name of your friend?

Billy’s Son: Mr. Alex :^(

Olivia: …Mr.…Alex… 📝

Olivia: …

Alex: Suffering is eternal.

Olivia: …

Alex: You cannot hurt me in a way that matters anymore.

Olivia: …

Olivia: Okay, Mr. Billy, I’m afraid I cannot excorcise this spirit. I have some unfinished business with him.

Billy: Can you take him out of my house atleast?

Olivia: No, sorry, no room.

Billy: Ah… You live with family?

Olivia: I own a cat.


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7 months ago

I always liked to think that the reason why her sweater is green and blue is because it’s a fusion of her parent’s colours (Green = Billy’s Girlfriend/Blue = Billy).

I Always Liked To Think That The Reason Why Her Sweater Is Green And Blue Is Because Its A Fusion Of
I Always Liked To Think That The Reason Why Her Sweater Is Green And Blue Is Because Its A Fusion Of

Anyway, here’s a trans interpretation, shhhhhhh… 🤫 don’t tell on me. Just a secret between us. If you’re wondering why she has a bolo tie, it’s because I like to think that every Le child gets a different tie.

I Always Liked To Think That The Reason Why Her Sweater Is Green And Blue Is Because Its A Fusion Of

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7 months ago
I Would Like To Introduce You All To El Le, The Mpreg Egg Child Of Billy And Alex. I Named Him That Because

I would like to introduce you all to El Le, the mpreg egg child of Billy and Alex. I named him that because Alex’s nickname in GD is “El Gato,” then I just took the “Le” surname from Billy’s family.

I Would Like To Introduce You All To El Le, The Mpreg Egg Child Of Billy And Alex. I Named Him That Because

He is a dosgusting criftter I hate dhim he is so ugldy, he is an accident, he is a mistake. Goodbye, son. Oh also, here’s another idea I proposed but I was rejected by Holly.

I Would Like To Introduce You All To El Le, The Mpreg Egg Child Of Billy And Alex. I Named Him That Because

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