Japanese Drama - Tumblr Posts
「僕たちは愛するために生まれました。 ただ愛するためだけに生まれました。」
"We were born to love. We were born just to love."

I think about this scene all the time.
whenever i start watching dramas in a new language i just keep…translating them into korean in my head and saying basic dialogues like “im hungry” in korean. someone save me from kdramas
are they…yk..
the happiness when he heard the praise 🥹😭😭
i just rewatched kieta hatsukoi and they are so similar in this scene omg,,
The way Amagi is nervous about what's going to happen to Takara but Takara only cares because Amagi cares and you can see how much Takara is trying to be the right person for him.
And now Amagi is telling the sweetest lie to try to cover up for Takara so he can stay popular when I have the feeling that Takara would rather not even try with that.
Tanaka is specifically targeting Amagi because he can sense his weakness, because he knows he can use this against him, because he knows he can manipulate him.
Oh man, the way Tanaka assumes that Takara is cheating on his girlfriend with Amagi and then Takara, as I predicted, just willingly outed them because he's in love and a bit stupid but he had to make Tanaka understand and that was the only way.
Because Tanaka was messing with Amagi because he thought this was just a toke between them, he thought it was nothing more than just a moment and so he could manipulate Amagi into sharing a moment with him only to discover that that wasn't a moment it was so much more.
Katori is the sweetest boy who gives advice and Tanaka is just losing his mind as he realizes what he should have seen and didn't.
(I really love Dr.Daimon’s dynamic with Hiromi,Kaji and Hara like bOi cmon-)
Some random doctor who’s been underestimating our lovely part timer: s-she’s fast!
Hiromi,Kaji and Hara who’ve been dealing with Daimon’s crap since 2012: yeah we know
Treasure of Japan💎
Dori Sakurada
Niragi supremacy 🧎♀️💥
Terrified pt.3
Hello everyone!
So here is the last part, writing this fan fiction has tested my limits in writing and i am feeling great that i have been able to challenge my limits. I don’t know how good i am at writing but i am happy that i gave it a try this way i won’t regret it. I don’t know if i would be able to write any other fan fiction after this one as i have been busy with college work ( reason of late update, Sorry!) But i will try to write if i get any great ideas or even if anyone of you could suggest me something. I have one in mind of Playful kiss ( Itazura na kiss ) that i might write and publish it in coming few days, If you would like that then please let me know!
This part shows encounter with the stalker and i was confused when writing the fight scene because it proved to be quite difficult, so if anyone of you could provide me with pointers which i may have missed or could have been written better it will be helpful!
It had been a week since the apartment incident and so far there was no sign of Tazawa anywhere. Police had searched every possible location and inquired everyone who had been in contact with him. It was like he had disappeared off the face of the earth.
In the starting, Tendo had been on edge regarding Sakura's safety and had not left her alone. For Sakura it was like their roles had been changed, now whenever possible , Tendo Sensei was on her tail following her. At first, it was cute and quite refreshing but as days passed on Sakura had been agitated from it. She was not sure whether she should cry in pleasure or scream her head off. Dealing with this new side of Tendo Sensei was becoming quite difficult. Mainly she was worried for him because he was stressed and that could be seen in his action. She was worried that he might fall ill like this. Talking with Ryuoko had helped her ease down her worries for him. Sakura was now more relaxed because there was no incident after the apartment break-in. She truly wanted to believe that Tazawa might have come to his senses and left her for good this time. However, Tendo was not quite sure of it. He believed that if he lets his guard down Tazawa might attack again.
Sakura lay awake now in Tendo sensei's bed as she recalled the last week. She had moved into his apartment and his bedroom, neither of them willing to sleep in different rooms for both had been shaken up to core to leave each other. Sakura wasn't willing to leave the comfort of Tendo sensei and Tendo not willing to leave her on her own. After finishing her daily routine, she made her way towards the kitchen to make breakfast, yesterday she had returned home with Doctor Kisugi. Sensei had a night shift and had only returned early this morning around sunrise, he had a late shift today so she made him some food and left in on the table for him to eat when he wakes up. After finishing up she went into the bedroom to check on him once before leaving for the work. She bent forward and kissed him on his forehead, immediately sensing her movement he grabbed her jacket-clad arm stopping her. " Are you leaving for work? Wait for me I will drop you" he was about to get up when she stopped him " Sensei sleep, I will go with Doctor Kisugi, he promised that he will take me with him, don't worry and go to sleep, you need it" He looked at her face for a minute and contemplating whether he should get up or not and when Sakura ran a hand through his hair he heaved a sigh and finally realizing that he truly was tired. He let himself fall back in bed with a groan and muttered to her text him or call him when she reaches the hospital safely, and just like that, he was asleep again. Sakura gave him a loving gaze and got up to leave. Walk with Doctor Kisugi brought her previous memories of how he had agreed to be with her and keep her safe, she felt warm and happy because of it. She truly was happy as to how her life had turned out to be, she became a nurse and more importantly, she got friends and a loving boyfriend, she could not possibly ask for anything more.Her thoughts were cut short when they arrived at the hospital and Sakura was glad to be in a familiar environment as throughout the walk to the hospital she couldn't shake the feeling of as if something terrible is going to happen."Okay, Sakura, I will leave you from here I have surgery scheduled" Doctor Kisugi gave her a warm smile and departed. She smiled and made her way to the nursing station. It was around noon when she was making her daily rounds the feeling of uneasiness again quipped her mind, she shook her head to stop herself from overthinking. She must have spaced out while walking because when she came out of it she was on the 7th floor which was rarely used. She once again scolded herself mentally for always spacing out so much. She turned and instantly went pale in fear because there stood Tazawa with a look of a pure maniac. She knew her possibility of getting to the elevator was low because he was standing right in front of it. Her eyes darted towards the washroom which was the only option she could think of right now, she just had to create a distraction to give her enough time to get away from him and hopefully call someone. She looked at the trolley with medical supplies and grabbing whatever she could she started throwing at him and when she had nothing left she pushed the trolley at him which had managed to throw him off guard and fall on to the floor. She rushed in the washroom locking it and pushing whatever she could find to secure the entrance and with trembling hands, she pulled out her phone and dialed Sensei's number. "Sakura? Where are-"before he could finish she interrupted him" Tazawa-7th floor" she gasped for air and continued" I am in a locked washroom and he is outside" as soon as she finished there was banging on the door and she was not sure how long the door could hold."Sensei please hurry...I-I am scared" she cried out as the banging only grew louder"I am on my way" He hung up and was already on run, as he made his way through hospital lobby everyone was stunned at his expression, no one had seen this side of Doctor Tendo, He was no longer in control, His face had an expression of both anger and fear. He pulled out his pager to inform security, and they were on their way. The hinges on the door had started giving out. There was a loud thud and she saw Tazawa making his way towards her, he was quick and before she could register what had happened he had cornered her and pulling onto her hair making her scalp ache, with another hand he held her hands and whispered in her ear " Think you could have gotten away from me? I know you like me so stop playing so hard and come with me" he then turned her face to kiss her but before he could kiss her she managed to twist her head and screamed loudly in his ear. He immediately released her and reeled back from her. Recovering from the shock he slapped her across the face and making her fall down in the process. She landed on her hip and hit her back on the wall behind her. She raised her head and saw him towering over her. Searching for something in her pocket, she came in contact with a cold metal object, she pulled out the surgical knife she had managed to grab from the trolley and held it tightly in her hand. She knew she had no chance to stand against Tazawa but at least she could buy herself some time. As soon as he bent down to grab her again, she took advantage of her small frame and twisted out of his reach enough to stab him in his side. He fell back on his side in shock and cradled his side. Without wasting a second, she was on her feet and out of the washroom. She collided with someone and was about to fall when a set of arms broke her fall. She looked up to see Tendo looking down at her worried and his eyes searching over for any injuries and when he saw blood on her hand he was alarmed and Sakura calmed him down by telling him it was not hers. No longer able to hold herself she started crying and Tendo pulled her into her tight hug and murmuring into her ears that she was safe now.
She vaguely remembered security pushing out Tazawa in a stretcher, and giving statements to officers about what happened. Once Tendo saw that she was drained he had intervened and told them she would give any other statements after she had recovered. She stood up shakily from her chair, but her vision had started getting blurry and before she knew her legs gave out, the last thing she remembered was the warmth of a body holding her up. She woke up to someone caressing her hair, turning her head to the side she saw Tendo Sensei."Hey, How are you feeling?" Confused at first she tried to remember what happened and the memories started rushing in and fear started setting in. Realizing where her thoughts had started to go Tendo took hold of her shoulders"It's over, he won't come back, I promise you" Removing hair from her face he gave her a soft gaze" He was taken for a test and they diagnosed him with a personality disorder, they will likely keep him under restrain during his treatment."She started relaxing but groaned in pain." You might experience pain from the bruises from where he grabbed you and hit you, otherwise there is no serious injury" he told her calmly but inside he was gnawing in worry over how she was in pain. " Rest for now, I will watch over you, you will be released by tomorrow morning" Following morning, they had returned to their home after taking a detour at the police station where they learned that Tazawa had managed to grab an extra medical gown and Id from an intern to access all parts of the hospital. He had managed to follow Sakura but was not able to do anything without alarming someone, so finally, when he got a chance at the deserted floor he took it. He had been hiding from public's eye and had studied the hospital security hours and schedules of medical staff. After returning home, Tendo helped her settle down on the couch and went to make some food for them to eat while watching movies. Tendo had taken the day off to be with her during her recovery and to keep her company. They were both now free from any worries and only wanted to enjoy their rare free time together. Snuggling with Sakura, he had shifted his hands inside her top to rub her lower waist to provide her comfort. She had fallen asleep halfway through the movie and Tendo no longer interested in the movie gazed down at her lovingly. He truly could have a good rest now without constant worrying over her and could give her the space she needed, he knew she did not like the over-protectiveness but did not say anything to keep his worries at bay. Last week had been strenuous for both of them and he wanted nothing but to take a vacation over the weekend and take her away from all this. Picking her up in his arms he took her to his bedroom and snuggled with her on the bed while keeping an arm over her small frame. He went to sleep with a smile on his face for the first time in a week.
PS:- As always be kind and helpful to others!💜
Love yourself!
Recommendations Please!
I’ve started watching Asian dramas and I need some recommendations.
Here’s what I’ve seen and liked so far:
I Hear You - The first drama I watched. It was cute and made me want to watch more.
Love O2O (series) - I loved the friendships in this one. I liked the strength of the relationship between Bei Wei Wei and Xiao Nai, although it was so hard to watch them kiss, but the fault of that was all on her. The sort of relationship between Hao Mei and KO was adorable. I fell in love with Yang Yang, Zhang Bin Bin, and Zheng Ye Cheng.
Good Morning Call – I liked the premise of the show. I had major second lead syndrome though. All the other guys who were interested in her were better than the main and I wanted better for them all too.
A Love So Beautiful – I liked that the other characters got some background and story time as well. I felt bad for Wu Bo Song, but I liked the main couple in this. And the relationship between their friends was so sweet.
Accidentally In Love – The plot for this one was kind of all over the place, but I enjoyed it. The second lead again deserved better, but I realize this is a common theme and I’m just going to have to get used to it.
I Am Not A Robot – I loved this one. It made me cry. The main actor was so convincing in his emotional scenes and the scenes where he was having an allergic reaction. I like that some of the antagonists were redeemed a bit by the end.
You’re My Pet – This one was odd, but in a good way? I watched the Japanese 2017 version.
Addicted – I watched this one based off another person’s recommendation. I was disappointed to learn it had been cancelled because of the subject matter, but I know that it’s a continuing struggle all over the world for acceptance.
Pretty Li Hui Zhen – I watched this one just because it had Zhang Bin Bin. I really disliked Bai Hao Yu until just a few episodes before the end. He was horrible to Li Hui Zhen and she was so obsessed with this memory of their childhood that she was completely oblivious to Lin Yi Mu’s feelings. I may have been a little - ok, a lot - biased, but honestly, why go for the mean guy when you’ve got the fun sweet one right there? He deserved better too.
Marriage, Not Dating – I liked that he realized his feelings were genuine before she did. Even though I liked Han Yeo Reum, I think Gong Gi Tae and Joo Jang Mi were perfectly matched.
My Girlfriend’s Boyfriend – This one was funny, but surprisingly had a lot of heart. I loved the comedy throughout. I still cried a few times though, especially near the end. I wish there was another season, just because.
I’m currently in the middle of:
Eternal Love – I’m only about halfway through it. I love Zhang Bin Bin’s character, of course. The costumes in this are gorgeous.
Absolute Boyfriend - I’m about 12 episodes from the end. Just waiting for them to be available on Viki. I understand the ending is a bit polarizing for the people who’ve seen it, but I’m invested and I’m going to finish it.
I’m open to pretty much any genre and time period. I’d prefer if the shows weren’t completely depressing though. I have Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Viki, so any shows available on those would be great.
Thanks in advance!
Me when I watch anything with a love triangle:

Sakuko Kodama Fanart to test out a different art process :)
gonna rewatch this absolute banger just to feel something again
AI-Less Whumptober Day 4 - Non-Con Body Modifications
TW---This post contains a lot of blood, gore and violence.

My Name - Ep. 3
Bloodhounds - Ep. 1
Fak Fah Kiri Dao (ฟากฟ้าคีรีดาว) (My Himalayan Embrace) - Ep. 3
Two Worlds - Ep 4
SilHaa KonKla Tah Atham (Zeal 5 Kon Gla Tah Atam) - Ep. 94
Rurouni Kenshin (2012)
Extracurricular - Ep. 7
Tien Bromance - Ep. 10
Tomb of the Sea - Ep. End of 1 & Beginning of 2