Blinky Npmd - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
I Found A Stray Page In The Middle Of My Sketchbook That Just Has Blinky??? Erm Idk, It's Old
I Found A Stray Page In The Middle Of My Sketchbook That Just Has Blinky??? Erm Idk, It's Old

I found a stray page in the middle of my sketchbook that just has Blinky??? Erm idk, it's old

I Found A Stray Page In The Middle Of My Sketchbook That Just Has Blinky??? Erm Idk, It's Old

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11 months ago
10 months ago

Here's some headcanons cause idk I'm bored and keep thinking abt music;

I like to think all the LIB have a favorite music creator

Tinky religiously listens to Will Wood and his favorite songs are Lalpace's Angel (Hurt people? Hurt people!) and Momento Mori (he also listens to Labyrinth from Hawaii ii by Tally Hall)

Pokey listens to Lemon Demon and loves Vow Of Silence. (Get it? Eh? Cause he steals people's voices???) He also likes Hyakugojyuuichi 2003.

Blinky likes fuzzy music- as an example Housewife Radio by Ghost and Pals. I haven't listened to a lot of Ghos and Pals' music except for like a few that were animation memes- but he definitely listens to Amygdala's Ragdoll (or however that word is spelt :D)

Wiggly likes Bo Burnham and Junie and the Hut Friends. Wiggly likes How The World Works by Bo Burnham and Bloody! Bloody! by Junie and the Hut Friends.

I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME THINK OF WHAT MUSIC NIBBLY LIKES!!! Like- I CANNOT think of music he likes and I wanna sob I'm so sorry Nibbly and Nibbly enjoyers <\3 </3

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10 months ago

Blinky for C3 if ur still doing requests?

Blink man

Blinky For C3 If Ur Still Doing Requests?

My tablet insists on changing the colors of Blinky every time (these colors are more vibrant than what I pick but both ways look good so idk)

Original Template + Tinky and Pokey sketches;

Blinky For C3 If Ur Still Doing Requests?
Blinky For C3 If Ur Still Doing Requests?
Blinky For C3 If Ur Still Doing Requests?
Blinky For C3 If Ur Still Doing Requests?

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10 months ago

HC of the hour: Since all the LIB (and Webby) are based on animals, they all have certain traits that their animal counterparts have.

Pokey- in my silly little headcanons he is NOT AN INSECT, he is a bird, he's a bird boy, let me deny canon - tilts his head at things, usually when he doesn't understand what they are.

Wiggly likes opening things. Jars? He'll open them. Boxes? Consider them not closed. He just likes opening shit and fiddling with stuff.

Nibbly likes to engage in silly play fights with his brothers. Usually only Tinky and him play fight cause goats like play fighting as well. Nibbly is also a sandbox kid, he will dig holes to the concrete (me too Nibbly, our concrete was blue??)

Tinky headbutts people to convey what he wants. He won't say it, he'll just headbutt them until they guess right.

Blinky will fall asleep to playthroughs of games with the brightness all the way up and volume at one. He likes his bright lights and warm, fluffy hoodie.

Webby likes bottle caps. Spiders in captivity are usually given bottle caps as water dishes cause they're tiny. Webby probably has a collection of those metal spiny tops on those glass jars.

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10 months ago

Can you do 1 B Blinky?

1B Blinky has been cooked medium well

Can You Do 1 B Blinky?

Original + full;

Can You Do 1 B Blinky?
Can You Do 1 B Blinky?

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10 months ago

Webby as one of the ones that are left to complete the family?

She's tired of raising these bastards (I am firm older sister Webby believer)

Webby As One Of The Ones That Are Left To Complete The Family?

Original + the others;

Webby As One Of The Ones That Are Left To Complete The Family?
Webby As One Of The Ones That Are Left To Complete The Family?

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10 months ago

It took my friend a good 5 minutes of convincing me it's okay to do a poll (I am a paranoid lil lad)

It Took My Friend A Good 5 Minutes Of Convincing Me It's Okay To Do A Poll (I Am A Paranoid Lil Lad)

I got an anon ask saying they should fight for it and I am not asking my friends cause they will tear each other apart over who's hotter cause they're all Ted clones

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10 months ago

To finish out the chart, I think Wilbur and Holloway should fight it out for the final spot

The poll was 50/50 so I went to a server I'm in and they voted Wilbur so here's the apple man :D

To Finish Out The Chart, I Think Wilbur And Holloway Should Fight It Out For The Final Spot

Finished chart + OG;

To Finish Out The Chart, I Think Wilbur And Holloway Should Fight It Out For The Final Spot
To Finish Out The Chart, I Think Wilbur And Holloway Should Fight It Out For The Final Spot

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10 months ago

There's a Grace and Stephanie in my class and I keep hearing their names and I go "NPMD REFERENCE" to my friend and she stares at me like "whar"

There's A Grace And Stephanie In My Class And I Keep Hearing Their Names And I Go "NPMD REFERENCE" To

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10 months ago

Here's an AMAZING prompt for everyone cause I am so awesome /sarc

Tinky waving a stick with a bat attached to it via string infront of Blinky- who is thoroughly disappointed and just trying to watch youtube or some shit (a predator to a moth is a bat, and I like making Blinky a moth [he booked it for the bright lights]).

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10 months ago

You cannot convince me otherwise that Tinky, Blinky and Nibbly are the closest. Like- sure, Tinky likes Wiggly, but who is he ginna have tea parties with first choice? NIBBLY AND BLINKY. Who does Nibbly, being youngest, go bother first? TINKY. Who does Blinky go to spill all the tea to? NIBBLY. Those three are just the opitomy (how do I spell that) of young children tornados.

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9 months ago


Man I am on a ROLL *cracks knuckles* I have a lot for him

• Blinky actually works at Watcher World- like he does physical labor. The other Lords cannot compare to his 'sick gains' (Blinky says that not me)

• Not only is he an iPad kid but also he is the most tech knowledge Lord(i wanna say 'tech savvy' but I don't know what that means- and I'm lazy). He has to teach the others about technology and how to use it. (Tinky refuses these lessons)

• The mallet seen in Watcher World (episode) he actually carries around like Thor's hammer. It's about half his height and completely made out of metal. Blinky is jacked and no one can tell me otherwise, I think it's funny.

• He actually treats his Snniggles really well- working at Watcher World for Blinky's sniggles is considered like, a REALLY big and awesome opportunity. The Sniggles that work for the Blinky's Musical Extravaganza Through Drowsytown thingy are Blinky's least favorites (they don't know that) but they are still treated well.

• Snnigglette is Blinky's favorite snniggle and he treats her like those munchkin cats.

• Blinky has around 20 different outfits he wears for Watcher World occasions and scenarios. I imagine they are all really complex outfits EXCEPT his usual one that he has under his hoodie.

• He wears his Watcher World uniform underneath his hoodie. He finds all clothes comfortable as long as they aren't stuff that set off his sensory issues (wool and corduroy).

• Can NOT sleep without a nightlight.

• He is nocturnal forced to be diurnal because all the other lords are ^_^

• Thorough fan of cowboys and Jack Bauer + McDoon for no specific reason

• He doesn't like arcade machines and has been scared by one before (he smashed it to smithereens)

• He wears contacts and sometimes wears those silly colored glasses with lots of stringy hangy bits.

• The hoodie he wears has eyeballs on the strings which are actually chewy thingys. He gets bored while zoning out and will start chewing on his fingers and clothes (like a moth), so to prevent himself from damaging anything he owns and his physical form- he has the chewy eyeballs.

• I don't think any of the Lords actually have physical forms- they have incomprehensible forms and that's it. What they DID do, is get some humans and make deals with them. When the humans die, the Lords get their bodies to use for eternity. Blinky was the last one to get a physical form because he was nit picky. THEN we get the happenings of TTO and he made a deal with Craphole.

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