Hunting Dogs Bsd - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Being a Hunting Dogs fan is looking at all the other characters "dying" and thinking your favorites will be fine too. Like a fool

I picked a favorite organization and according to asagiri I picked wrong

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6 months ago

Fydor: Yukichi Fukuzawa, where have you buried all your employees? Tell me so I say

G'enchiro Fukuchi, Where have you buried all your dogs? Tell me so I say

Talking about the past of Fukuchi during the war: All the lives that you've stolen

Split in half, now bum and broken

Like your heart that was so eager to be hid

Talking about Mori, Dazai and Kyoka: He can't keep them all caged

They will fight and run away

Dazai and Kyoka to Mori: Mori, tell us so we say

Fydor: G'enchiro Fukuchi, where have you buried all your dogs? Tell me so I say

Fydor: Fukuzawa yukichi, Where have you buried all your employees? Tell me so I say

Fydor talking about Fukuzawa past as an assassin: Forest walls and starry ceilings

Barren memories that you're weaving

Like the fears that you keep inside your head

Talking about the agency: You can't keep them all safe

Talking about Kunikida, Tanizaki, Kenji and Atsushi: They will die and be afraid

Ranpo: Father, tell me so I say

The agency:(President, tell us so we say)

Fukuzawa: Amenogozen, where have you buried all my employees? Tell me so I say

Fydor Dostoevsky, where have you buried all my employees? Tell me, so I say

Amenogozen, where have you buried all my children? Tell me so I say

Fydor Dostoevsky, where have you buried all my children? Tell me, so I say

The agency: (Tell us, so we say!)

Fydor : you can't keep them all safe

They'll be far and fly away

The agency: President, tell us you will stay

We'll be far and fly away

I wanted so bad to do an animation with this song for the latest chapter, but I suck at drawing.

Anyway, I just didn't expect how the chapter went, but I it makes me scared.

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10 months ago

hc that the hunting dogs have a whole cabinet in their kitchen full of various food dyes for teccho

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10 months ago

Honestly, this is better than my actual post

Love this

hc that the hunting dogs have a whole cabinet in their kitchen full of various food dyes for teccho

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8 months ago

hc that Jouno is really good at detecting lies bc of his heightened senses

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6 months ago

Low key the hunting dogs are so much further detached from humanity than I think we give them credit for.

Aside from the obvious dehumanizing of themselves to characters like Sigma or Kunikida, they also just treat their bodies like objects.

Teruko punctures her own eardrums without hesitation to protect her brain.

Jouno’s first thought when being lit on fire is using his blood to cool the flames.

Tecchou says that even if they knock him down from the helicopter, he’ll just use his sword to get right back up, not even mentioning the pain.

Tachihara stabs himself with his own ability to keep his cover. When the coin bomb explodes in his hand, he’s only mildly upset that it could’ve “messed him up”, before going back to what he was doing.

Fukuchi was willing to be the centerpiece of his plot for world peace, and intentionally took the blame. It’s no mistake that his plan included his death.

Beyond all that, Teruko describes them as slaves to society. Tachihara (and I think Fukuchi also does this) refers to them as the fangs of the government.

One of the translations of Fukuchi’s speech to Fukuzawa while he’s being interrogated is that the Hunting Dogs won’t rest until they catch their prey because that’s how they were designed.

Idk just something abt the silly dog soldiers and their own humanity. Not questioning it, that’s not their place. They already know that they’re weapons.

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2 years ago

bsd anime e44

Bsd Anime E44



Bsd Anime E44
Bsd Anime E44

doesnt help that i know the plot twists since no surprises now BUT fuck its gonna be so much cooler with it all animated aghhhh


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1 year ago

Hunting Dogs but band AU

Thank you for listening

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6 months ago

The Jono doodle page so far / 1 ft. Tecchou because that bitch can't stay away from Jono, no this is not a spoiler but I nearly said something about that

The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is
The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is
The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is
The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is
The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is
The Jono Doodle Page So Far / 1 Ft. Tecchou Because That Bitch Can't Stay Away From Jono, No This Is

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Generating Incorrect Quotes For The Hunting Dogs Pt.1💀

Teruko: Truth or dare? Jouno: Dare. Teruko: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room. Jouno: Hey? Tachihara, blushing: Yeah? Jouno: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Tecchou.


Jouno: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Tecchou: Microwave for 40 minutes. Teruko: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Tecchou: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells. I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges but I didn't own any pots. Tachihara: You burned an orange too? How??? Tecchou: Microwave for 40 minutes.


Tachihara: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute. Jouno: No, that's not how you make cookies. Tecchou: FLOOR IT!! Tachihara: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!? Jouno: YOU'RE GONNA BURN THE BASE DOWN- Tachihara: I'M GONNA HARNESS THE POWER OF THE FUCKING SUN TO MAKE COOKIES! Teruko: DO IT! Jouno: NO-


Teruko: Why is Tecchou crying on the floor?Tachihara: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes. Teruko: And? Tachihara: They got Jouno.

Help-💀,From TheSwordThatStabbedJouno

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Generating Incorrect Quotes For The Hunting Dogs Pt.2💀

Teruko: *sees Tecchou and Jouno together* Teruko: They're cute. I would put them on a boat. Tachihara: You mean... you ship them? ---------------------------------------------------- Tecchou: How did none of you hear what I just said?! Teruko: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Tachihara: I got distracted halfway through. Jouno: Ignoring you was a conscious decision. ---------------------------------------------------- Tachihara: You're smiling. What happened? Jouno: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it? Teruko: Tecchou tripped and fell down the stairs today. ----------------------------------------------------Jouno: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Tecchou: The cow?? Jouno: What? Tachihara: Tecchou, W H Y? ---------------------------------------------------- Teruko: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Tachihara: Eyy, homie! Tecchou: But then there's cootie... Jouno: Die. ----------------------------------------------------Tecchou: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Tachihara: Weight loss? Drink water. Teruko: Clear skin? Drink water. Jouno: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.

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