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1 year ago

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

Pair: Mafia Jungkook x F Reader 

Summary: Jungkook was wandering the streets in the middle of the night and coincidentally passed the little flower shop you work at. Due to your odd working hours, you don’t have much socialising on a daily basis much less customers. So just imagine your shock when a handsome man, clad in all black, entered your shop in the ungodly hours of the night. Never would you have thought that the polar opposite of the worlds would collide and cause such a trouble. 

Genre: Fluff, mafia au, soft reader 

Chapter Warnings: mild violence, mildly creepy JK watching reader close up shop (if anybody does this irl, please smack the living shit out of them. Stay safe!), rape (I won’t go much into detail of this during the scene but it is implied. Do not be insensitive on this topic. For those who are sensitive on this, please do not continue reading)

A/N: Bold is for flashback.

WC: 2579

< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

Jungkook didn’t know how he ended up in an alley that sells flowers in the dead of the night and neither did he know why he was here. He was taking a stroll in, spending some time to himself when he smelt the citrus scents of the flowers, following them to where it currently led him. Most of the flower shops in this area are closed for the night or temporarily not receiving walk-in customers. 

However, there are some shops where they are open and busy. There may be no customers in the shop but orders seem to be piling on the desks where the arrangements are made. Jungkook spotted a swift-moving medium, constantly running from place to place in the shop. He stopped right outside it. The interior was made in a way where the arrangements of flowers made the whole shop seem like a home. 

A home full of plants.

But even from outside, Jungkook could clearly see the neat arrangements and lining of the labels. You, on the other hand, were running around the shop, trying to get the necessary flowers and stocks to make the last arrangement before the driver arrived and collected them. This project was big on money and your boss would be furious if you were to ‘fuck it up for him’.

Jungkook entered the shop, doorbell chiming as he pushed open the door. Your head whipped up from your working station, instantly greeting him at the front door. 

“Hello! Welcome to Fior Arrangements!” You chirped. It may be two in the morning but you worked the night shift while your other colleagues work the morning and evening shifts. Most of them did not want to work night shifts so you took on the initiative. 

Not that you minded. 

You never had much of a social life due to your personality and you had always been quite a night owl. Most of the time, there were fewer people at night, which means that packaging orders would be easier than in the daytime. 

“Hello.” The young man bowed. 

“What brings you here?” You asked, honestly curious as to why a man wearing a full suit with a coat over, would come in the middle of the night. Anybody could see that he was stocked.  His boots were, his hair slicked back, and the material of his clothes looked soft to the touch. “Any flowers in mind? 

He shook his head. 

“Well, every flower has a meaning.” You pointed to the labels on the walls. These are the names and meanings of the flowers. Feel free to look around and call me if you need help!” 

Jungkook nodded at you. 

As he walked around, reading the labels, he spied a few blurry-looking men walking into the shop. Instinctively, his hand shot to the gun hidden under the lapels of his jacket only for you to cheerily greet them. It shot a pang of jealousy through him.

Why was he jealous? He just met you!

Jungkook silently shook his head to clear his thoughts. With half his attention to his surroundings, he overheard the conversation between you and the men. You seemed to know them very well, conversations easily flowing between you. 

“Yep! There are more at the back. You know where that is.” You laughed and Jungkook’s heart felt like it stopped. And started. And stopped and started again. It was so pure and melodious that he would do anything to keep you laughing like that. 

“How are your kids, Peng?” 

“Not too bad. Just refusing to study as usual.” The guy in the black shirt and oversized jeans told you. 

“I mean… It’s kids these days. Plus, I’m sure when we were at their age we didn’t want to study either.” You snickered. 

Peng laughed. “True, true. Very true.”

The four men spotted Jungkook walking towards the cashier as you signed the papers and stamped them. Handing them the customer copy, you waved them goodbye and finally headed over to Jungkook. 

“Hiya, need help?”

Jungkook nodded. 

“Well, what is the occasion?” You asked. 

Jungkook didn’t come here for a specific reason. In fact, he didn’t even come up with a reason. So he just shrugged and answered, “Just wanted something calming in the house. It’s far too empty.”

That could by far be the worst lie he ever came up with. 

But all you did was nod and head over to the pails of flowers, picking up stock after stock. You then carefully cut off some of the stems and plucked some leaves, arranging them in a glass bottle. Your body covered most of the work at times and Jungkook stayed at where he stood. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise for himself. 

You didn’t take long, expert hands moving nimbly to arrange the flowers prettily. You turned over to him with the glass bottle in front of you, walking over to give it to him. 

“How’s it?” Jungkook could see that you were nervous. The little ticks of indication like the furrows of your brows and wringing of your fingers behind your back. 

“Do you always do this for customers?” Jungkook gently smelt the flowers. Lavender was the most prominent scent. 

His favourite and you didn’t even need to ask. The scents weren’t strong and it did was already doing wonders to calm him. 

You looked back at him, humming and shaking your head. “Just you and a few other more privileged customers. Seems like you’re one of them on the list now.”

Your eyes sparkled as you turned to him. Perhaps you knew the brands he wore or perhaps you guessed that he was more than rich. But as he brought out his card to pay, you declined him. 

“No need. You looked like you needed this. So it’s on the house.” Your smile was blinding and at that moment, Jungkook knew that he would have you even if it took years and years. He would protect you. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

You were closing up that day. Usually, the shop is 24 hours and the next colleague of yours who would be doing the morning shift would be the one to clean up the place. However, it was a public holiday and the flower shop was closed. Your boss had given all employees two days’ break so after your shift, you had to tidy up and ensure that all the flowers are placed in their exact locations a the back of the store so that they do not wilt by the time the shop re-opens. 

Honestly, you couldn’t be happier. While your job was fairly simple and relaxed, going without a day’s break even on the weekends can truly drain your energy. You don’t have much time to yourself and it can affect you when you are overloaded with your senses. 

Turning off the lights, you shut the door and lock it, the door code being with an indication that it has been locked. Scanning your surroundings and patting yourself down, you hummed, glad that you did not forget anything. 

As you started to walk back home, you felt an eerie feeling in your gut. One that warns you that something is most certainly not right. The hair on your neck started to stand as you got goosebumps, making a sharp 180-degree turn to walk back to the store. You were instinctively aware that there were more than three pairs of footsteps following you. And every time you sped up or slowed down, they would keep the same pace.

So you did the next best thing your overdriven brain thought. 

You ran. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

Jungkook was driving his car up the little hill to visit the flower store. He wasn’t sure if you were still on shift then. He knew from silently watching you the past few days that your shift ends at five in the morning. And currently, the time was 5.30 am. 

The road got too narrow for Jungkook to continue driving up so he threw his car into parking mode and left. 

He was only going to take a while. 

But as he got out of the car, he sensed that something was wrong. The air did not feel right and as much as he wished that his sensitivity would not follow him when he was off work, life has its way of throwing stones at him. 

A shrill scream broke him out of his trance. If it was anybody else’s scream he probably would have just continued with his plans and walked up the the store. But he recognised the voice - the sound. 


Your scream - filled with terror and pain. 

Without thinking, Jungkook ran towards the approximated direction where he had heard you. Your second scream for help was abruptly cut off making him pump his legs and arms faster. He didn’t want to think of all the horrid things that you might be going through right now. He needed to get to you. 

Jungkook came to a stop the moment he saw you, held by your throat, against the wall. Your hair and clothes were in a mess, eyes bloodshot, and valuables strewn everywhere. But the most avergrating thing was the six males standing there, choking you as tears streamed down your cheeks, laughing. 

Blood rushed to his head. 

How dare they. 

How dare they touch you. 

Jungkook didn’t care for consequences as he pounced on the men. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

You tried to run but they were too fast and too silent for you. You were pinned against the wall and stripped down against your own will. 

“Now pretty lady, how about I do the talking and you do the answering?” 

You didn’t want to but all you could do was struggle and struggle as they manhandled your body, stripping you bare of your own dignity. You cried and struggled as they took their turns, your body betraying you.

“Hey now, why are you crying, pretty?” They laughed, gagging you. “You’re enjoying it, see?”

Tears streamed down your face. You weren’t. You weren’t. 

And yet, you knew that nobody was going to come help you. To come stop these men from doing more than they already did. You were so close - so close - to resigning to your fate when you were suddenly dropped to the ground. 

Too tired to keep your eyes fully open, you watched through hooded lids as a mass of black pounded onto the males. You should’ve been scared - you should’ve cowered back, pleading with him to not come for you as well - but you didn’t. 

Especially as that mass of black picked you up into his arms, snarling and hissing words that seemed incoherent to you, you felt safe. Perhaps it was the adrenaline doing the job but you curled yourself deeper into him. His hands were gentle, unlike the ones that handled you earlier. These hands were calloused - probably seeing worse days as they skimmed over your naked body - but they were respectful. They did not venture where the rest did and you found yourself wrapped up in a jacket before being lifted up once again. 

Unable to keep your eyes open any longer, your head rolled to the side as you blacked out. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1

Jungkook has seen many things in his short life. Twenty-six years and he has seen death one too many times.  But nothing has scared him more than seeing you black out and going limp in his arms. Pressing two fingers on your neck, Jungkook confirmed that you were still breathing. In shock you most certainly were but now Jungkook needed to bring you home and he did not know your address. So the next best thing was to bring you to his home. 

As Jungkook’s black Mercedes Benz GT63S pulled up to the front lawn, he hurried out, passing the car keys to the butler and carrying you into the house. 

In the midst of the whole case, it completely slipped his mind to inform his family that he was bringing somebody home. All he had done was hurriedly call the group’s private doctor, not caring what the guy was up to. 

“Kook, what the hell! You can’t just bring a random person home like this!”

“Oh shit -”

“Fuck that girl is naked!”

“Jeon Jungkook, what the shit is wrong with you?”

“Did you fuck a girl out?”


Jungkook couldn’t be bothered. He’ll explain later. Right now, he needed the doctor to check you over and ensure that other than the physical and psychological trauma you’re going to have once you wake up, you were fine otherwise. 

“A little bit of a bump on the back of her head, scratch marks and bruises. That’s about all.” The doctor placed some pills on Jungkook’s bedside table. “I suggest you give these to her, twice a day after meals. Antibiotics. You can give her paracetamol if needed. Ensure that she is kept hydrated.”

Jungkook thanked the doctor and leaned over to cover you with the sheets when the doctor stopped him. “It would be best to clean her up first.”

With that, the doctor left, leaving the six men standing at the threshold of his bedroom door. They watched as he got a few clothes, cleaning you up, making sure to use soft cloths so that you would not wake from the oversensitivity. Only after Jungkook deemed you clean enough did he take out his silk pyjamas and tug them over you. 

The boys had silently excused themselves, only leaving Jimin as he helped Jungkook dress and tuck you into bed. Closing the curtains, he turned off the lights, leaving the moonlight on so that the room would not be encased in total darkness with the possibility of scaring you if you woke up without him there. 

Jungkook knew that the topic at hand would not be easy to talk about and he most certainly knows that he was in the wrong as well. Well, a little bit in the wrong. 

He would never apologise for bringing a person in need home, much less you. So as Jimin and he entered the living room, the boys were all seated, faces holding stoic glares. 

“Jungkook -” Hobi hyung started. 

“She works at the flower shop. She was the one I told you about - the reason why my room has a glass of flowers.”

“Still, you cannot just bang her up and -”

“She was raped.”

The silence in the room was pregnant and suddenly everybody’s breathing sounded too loud. 

“I parked the car in the middle of the hill as it was getting too narrow for me to pass through. I couldn’t get there fast enough. By the time I reached, she was already taken.” Jungkook harshly rubbed his face with his hands. He wished that he could’ve been there earlier - faster. If only work hadn’t kept him up, the whole situation wouldn’t even have happened. 

A soft hand landed on his shoulder, patting him gently. “Don’t beat yourself over it, Kook. It was good that you made it there.”

“But I couldn’t stop her from -” His throat choked up. He just couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence. 

“Some things are inevitable.” He looked up from his crouched position to look at Namjoon Hyung. “What matters is that you got there.”

Jungkook nodded. 

“I think today was more than enough of a fulfilling night. Let’s go to bed.” Seokjin Hyung called out and grunts of agreement were heard as everybody got to their feet. 

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1 year ago

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

Pair: Mafia Jungkook x F Reader 

Summary: Jungkook was wandering the streets in the middle of the night and coincidentally passed the little flower shop you work at. Due to your odd working hours, you don’t have much socialising on a daily basis much less customers. So just imagine your shock when a handsome man, clad in all black, entered your shop in the ungodly hours of the night. Never would you have thought that the polar opposite of the worlds would collide and cause such a trouble. 

Genre: Fluff, mafia au, soft reader 

Chapter Warnings: mild violence, mildly creepy JK watching reader close up shop (if anybody does this irl, please smack the living shit out of them. Stay safe!), rape (I won’t go much into detail of this during the scene but it is implied. Do not be insensitive on this topic. For those who are sensitive on this, please do not continue reading)

A/N: Bold is for flashback.

WC: 2995

< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

You awoke to an environment that is completely strange to you and not to mention feeling like absolute shit. You weren’t quite sure what had happened last night after you blacked out. All you remembered was being carried by somebody and then - 

You jolted out of bed, head whipping around, trying to get a feel of where you were. The room was far too nice to be a hotel room, far too decorated. Unless this person lived in the hotel. But the moment you looked past the windows and saw endless trees, you knew you weren’t anywhere near a hotel. Most probably a landed property a little farther from the city. 

As you willed your heart to stop racing so much and give you a clear head to think, the silken sheets beneath your hands drew your attention. Softer and warmer than the ones in your house, you glided your hands through them, in awe of the sensations they give off. Whoever brought you back must be filthy rich. 

A sudden shiver ran through your body. 

Wait, your body -

You weren’t in your work clothes. You were in somebody else’s PJs! And from the size of it - 

You shook your head, hurrying out of bed, trying to locate your backpack. 

“No, no, no.” You were panicking. I mean - who wouldn’t in this situation but -

As you were turning over the room, you heard the bedroom door open and you rushed to cower in front of the sofa seats that were facing the fireplace. 

Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t - 

“That’s not gonna work ya know?” A husky voice sounded from behind you. Shooting up, you came face first with a pair of cat-like eyes and messy hair. As the man unwinded from the chair, you realised that he was in comfortable wear, sweatshirt and pants. Easily slipping his feet into his bedroom slippers, the man held out a hand towards you. 

“I’m Yoongi. Glad to see you’re awake. Jungkook is almost out of his mind right now.”

You were confused. Well, one of your questions was answered. This man standing in front of you is Yoongi. But who is Jungkook? And where were you? Who was the one that saved you if there were two in the house? 

You must have looked like you wanted to be sprouting questions as Yoongi opened the door and said, “It’s best if Jungkook explained the situation to you.” He turned back. “But excuse his over-enthusiastic energy. You were in bad shape and he was freaking out.”

You took his hand and let his lead you around the big, big house. The walls were filled with paintings and pictures, most doors were closed, and the architecture and design of the place felt very… traditional yet modern. Whoever designed it sure had an eye for the Renaissance period. As Yoongi carefully led the both of you down another flight of stairs, you ended up in the kitchen with another six males staring at you. 

Fiddling with the long shirt, you suddenly felt self-conscious. You just got out of bed, haven’t washed your face, brushed your teeth, or even combed your hair so much less say a change of clothes. You flinched at the sudden movement and sound of the chair when a muscular guy suddenly attacked you. 

Suffocated, you tried to push him away. You didn’t know who they were and you didn’t want anything to do with them. Recognizing the signs of an incoming panic attack, you tried to stay as calm as possible while trying your best to get out of the hold. 

Keyword: trying. 

This dude was strong as hell.

“Kook, let the girl go.” You wanted to run - run away from the whole situation. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. 

Out, out. You needed an out. 

Strong hands gripped your shoulder, fingers digging into your skin. You cried out. 

“That’s it. Use the pain to ground you. Use it. Don’t lose yourself.”

That voice you recognise - Yoongi. 

You took deep breaths and focused on the pain. The ache as he held your shoulders harshly, the sting of his nails finding purchase in your skin, and the breathlessness you feel in your lungs. As your heart calmed down and your mind cleared somewhat, you looked around the room again. 

Before, you hadn’t noticed the looks of shock from other boys but now you do. Especially one. The one they call Kook. Must be the Jungkook guy. 

You got up on unsteady legs, Yoongi grabbing onto your elbow to ensure you don’t fall and another man - eyes smiling at you as he ruffled your hair - holding your back to give you more stability. But one thing for sure was that they were each pressing themselves against the walls of the room, giving you as much space and air as possible. 

You waved a hand. “I’m - I’m okay.” 

The man at the stove flipped a pancake and looked at you. “Would you like some?”

You nodded, hearing a bunch of ‘tsk’ around the room. 

“Why did you need to ask, Hyung?”

“It’s breakfast, who isn’t hungry?”

“Come on, Hyung, that was such a dumb -”

The man whipped around, pointing a spatula at the others sitting at the table. “Any more from you and you’ll be the one with no breakfast.”

The men instantly quieted. You laughed internally. The control the chef has over them and of course, you couldn’t not laugh at what the chef was wearing. 

A blue My Melody apron. 

Deciding that it wasn’t the best idea to laugh out loud like that, you kept silent, biting your lip. Of course that didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook who was intently looking at you. You weren’t exactly uncomfortable under his gaze but you weren’t comfortable either. 

You hung your head, putting your attention to your wringing fingers. At least you have something to do. 

You needed to know where you were so that you would be able to go back home and settle yourself. Whether it is to settle yourself or settle the mess you left over at the shop, you didn’t want to decide that now. 

Internally sighing, you were broken out of your thoughts when a bowl of bibimbap was placed in front of you. You were about to thank the man with the plush lips when you realised that - the portion was smaller than usual. Of course, not that you were complaining. 

You were completely at the seven men’s mercy. Wearing their clothes, staying over at their house, and possibly being saved by them. You continued to stare at the bowl, only breaking out of your thoughts when a concerned voice flitted over, asking, “Are you okay? Perhaps it’s too heavy and you would prefer something lighter?” 

You looked up to see a man fully dressed in an all-white suit, jewellery adorning his hands. You frantically shook your head, hoping that they wouldn’t take your silence as an offence. 

“No, no. It’s nothing…” You struggled to find the appropriate words to use. Without many social approaches due to your job, such a long talk was starting to make you nervous. Much less to say that you weren’t quite over what had happened. You felt disgusted. You needed a bathe - a shower - whatever - to scrub off the remains of the men who took you. 

You didn’t want it. You didn’t ask for it. 

You had hoped it wouldn’t end up in that type of situation. 

Subconsciously, you started to scratch your arm. 

You didn’t know what your parents were going to think. What were your parents going to say - to do? They wouldn’t kick you out now, would they? Your family was extremely traditional, sheltering you from a young age until you broke free from them. You needed air and wings and you made them yourself.

By no means that their sheltering bid you well. You were social but with the constant anxiety up your mind, you were always overthinking the worst situations. Keeping contact with your family was a once-in-a-month sort of thing. Your schedule did not match normal people’s and it was worse when you had nobody to talk to. 

So when you had started to suspect the rising crimes in the shop’s neighbourhood, you had no one to turn to - to confide in and to ensure your safety. Furthermore, you didn’t want to be a burden to the ones you call ‘friends and family’. 

You felt your heartbeat rising as you started to fret around. Without another word, you bolted up the stairs and by pure instinct and memory, you reached back to the room you woke up in. Dashing straight for the washroom, you quickly stripped and jumped straight into the shower. If you were in any other scenario, you would have taken the time to look and feel the tiles of the bathroom. You would have been so astounded by the sheer money the decorations speak off - so much so that your jaw would have probably dropped so far it couldn’t come back up. 

But you were in no mood to look around. Taking any soap, you lathered your hair and scrubbed your body. Looking down at your reddened skin, you could still feel the men’s touch and malice coming off of you. You brought the loofah to your skin and scrubbed again, turning the water to a blistering heat. 

You needed to get them off and out of you. The cascading heat was welcomed as you felt the burn. Tilting your head back, you winced at the crack in your neck. You were hurting and you knew it was wrong to do what you were to do. But the thought was just oh, so tempting. 

You held it in your trembling hands as you pushed passed the barrier. This wouldn’t be the first nor would it be the last time you would ever do this. 

I promise this is my last time. I promise. 

You had promised yourself so many times it was uncountable by now. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

It was odd - odd as Jungkook stared at your sprinting back. He had spent the time when you were asleep to read up on the post-effects of… what you went through. Jungkook involuntarily shuddered at the thought of him not getting there in time. 

It could have been so much worse. So, so much worse. 

It only got him even more worried when you didn’t come down after thirty minutes. Seokjin had placed a plate on top of your bowl to keep the food warm as well as your cutlery on the plate. Most of his Hyungs were licking their plates clean - not surprising when it is Seokjin Hyung cooking. Of course, Yoongi is compatible but their cooking styles were different enough and the food was always served that nobody really cared who cooked. 

Jungkook must have shown enough worry on his face that Jimin placed his hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure she’s fine, Kook. She’s a big girl. She should be okay.” 

Jungkook nodded, legs starting to bounce as he bit his lip and scratched the corner of his eye. Hobi Hyung quickly caught on and pulled his fingers away, holding them in his as we continued to devour his breakfast as if nothing happened. 

It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later when Yoongi got up, not caring to put his bowl in the sink and left the kitchen. Silence suddenly engulfed the kitchen. Something was definitely wrong if Yoongi hadn’t cared to clean up. 

Immediately, Jungkook shot out of his seat, pulling Jimin along with him. He wanted to go where his Hyung would go and he knew precisely where he was headed to. So the start of Jungkook’s nightmare began. 

The three of them entered the room without so much knocking. After all, it was his room and Jungkook had full access to it. 

Of course.

But it was the still air and the prominent smell of blood that permeated the air that had the boys stopping in their tracks. Jungkook was the most sensitive both in his senses and in his personality compared to the rest of his Hyungs. So he dreaded the worst when he slowly unlocked his bathroom door and pushed it open. But the moment his vision cleared and he saw you, he knew that not even his worst memory of a mass of graves, hauling dead bodies into them, could ever compare to this. 

The steam was so much that it was smoking the atmosphere, humidity at its highest. You were lying against the wall of the shower room, hot water cascading directly onto your front as it flowed the red, translucent water down the drain. 

There was a moment of silence before everything went haywire. Jimin screamed, rushing out of the room, most probably to get the rest of his Hyungs and their doctor. Oh, the doctor will probably get a heart attack not just from his old age now. Yoongi had entered the shower, hissing at the heat as he stepped in and turned off the tap. He gently lifted you, placing you down onto the pile of towels Jungkook had laid out on the bathroom floor. 

As Yoongi quickly worked his nimble hands, drying you and ensuring that there were multiple towels stacked on top of you, Jungkook worked to stop the blood. 

Just how long were you in that state? 

He placed two fingers on your pulse. 

Beating but faint. 

You were alive but what if he had gotten in later? What if Yoongi Hyung did not decide to go up to check on you? What if -


“FUCK -”

“I didn’t think that it would get this bad!”

“Somebody get the DOCTOR!!”

Jungkook shook his head and focused on stopping your bleeding. His self-wallowing could be continued after you are in a less critical condition. Now, his only point was to ensure that you lived. 

Jin Hyung and Jimin slid down opposite him, helping him dress you and bound your wounds, carrying you to his bed and tucking you under the covers. By now, you were shivering like a leaf, face pale as you curled up into a ball. There was no leftover blood bags in the fridge that Jin Hyung could use. They didn’t even know your blood type and using one that was not compatible with yours could cause even more problems in your already fragile state.  

Right now, all he could do was wait. 

And to play the waiting game was the most tortuous way. 

Their doctor had rushed over upon hearing the condition you were in. As you were being treated in his room and Namjoon and Hobi Hyung had retreated back to their offices to get some work done, Jungkook went back to the bathroom. 

His brain was in such a frenzy when he saw you lying there, unconscious that he didn’t think before he acted. By instinct, he did the best he could, just like when one of his men was to be found bleeding out. 

Inspecting the bathroom, Jungkook spotted his razor lying in the middle of the shower room. Picking it up, he spotted specks of dried blood and dead skin clinging onto it. Tears began forming at the edge of his eyes as he quickly wiped them away. All his Hyungs were already worried for you and with the upcoming ball, he didn’t want to be any more of a worry.

As the youngest, he was the most doted on. He triggers his Hyungs’ over-protective system into overdrive and this was most certainly not the time to do so. He threw the razor into the bin, starting to scrub his shower room free of blood. 

Once Jungkook was done, he entered back into his room. Seeing you laying there with bandages tightly concealing the wounds he had found you in, Jungkook felt the familiar rising anger burning his insides. 

He didn’t know what to expect. 

That you would be awake? That you wouldn’t be shivering so much under his covers? 

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. 

“The loss of blood is currently causing the majority of the problem here and I’ll inspect the reasoning of what was used to inflict the cuts on her -”

“Razor,” Jungkook answered him lifelessly. “My razor. Dumped it in the bin already. Found it on the floor of the shower room.”

He could see that his doctor was taken aback. By no means of how he found you and the state that he found you in was ever kept a secret from anybody in this room but if the invisible wounds ran so deep, perhaps it was best if they were to do something before the situation progresses. 

The doctor cleared his throat. “Well then, it is best to ensure that there will be no sharp or hurtful objects or materials around her. A lighter way to put this would be to ‘Bubble wrap her but do not suffocate her’.”

The boys in the room nodded, clearly understanding the meaning behind those words. As the doctor left the room, he each patted them on their shoulder before heading over to the middle of Kim’s office. 

He was their private doctor, working with the Bangtan for over twelve years. Even before their solid establishment, Doctor Eun has been continuously nursing both the boys and their teams back to health every time a situation were to occur. Seeing the harsh world that they were thrown into, Doctor Eun saw first-hand how bad the boys - especially Jungkook - would go when their possessions were taken. 

He had seen the way his youngest looked. The look of pity and anger in his eyes, his stance, and his breathing. He could sense that the girl lying on the bed was no ordinary girl to him and he hoped that Jungkook would not do anything he shouldn’t. 

“Come in.”

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1 year ago

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

Pair: Mafia Jungkook x F Reader 

Summary: Jungkook was wandering the streets in the middle of the night and coincidentally passed the little flower shop you work at. Due to your odd working hours, you don’t have much socialising on a daily basis much less customers. So just imagine your shock when a handsome man, clad in all black, entered your shop in the ungodly hours of the night. Never would you have thought that the polar opposite of the worlds would collide and cause such a trouble. 

Genre: Fluff, mafia au, soft reader 

Chapter Warnings: mild violence, mildly creepy JK watching reader close up shop (if anybody does this irl, please smack the living shit out of them. Stay safe!), rape (I won’t go much into detail of this during the scene but it is implied. Do not be insensitive on this topic. For those who are sensitive on this, please do not continue reading)

A/N: Bold is for flashback.

WC: 2995

< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

You awoke to an environment that is completely strange to you and not to mention feeling like absolute shit. You weren’t quite sure what had happened last night after you blacked out. All you remembered was being carried by somebody and then - 

You jolted out of bed, head whipping around, trying to get a feel of where you were. The room was far too nice to be a hotel room, far too decorated. Unless this person lived in the hotel. But the moment you looked past the windows and saw endless trees, you knew you weren’t anywhere near a hotel. Most probably a landed property a little farther from the city. 

As you willed your heart to stop racing so much and give you a clear head to think, the silken sheets beneath your hands drew your attention. Softer and warmer than the ones in your house, you glided your hands through them, in awe of the sensations they give off. Whoever brought you back must be filthy rich. 

A sudden shiver ran through your body. 

Wait, your body -

You weren’t in your work clothes. You were in somebody else’s PJs! And from the size of it - 

You shook your head, hurrying out of bed, trying to locate your backpack. 

“No, no, no.” You were panicking. I mean - who wouldn’t in this situation but -

As you were turning over the room, you heard the bedroom door open and you rushed to cower in front of the sofa seats that were facing the fireplace. 

Please don’t come over, please don’t come over, please don’t - 

“That’s not gonna work ya know?” A husky voice sounded from behind you. Shooting up, you came face first with a pair of cat-like eyes and messy hair. As the man unwinded from the chair, you realised that he was in comfortable wear, sweatshirt and pants. Easily slipping his feet into his bedroom slippers, the man held out a hand towards you. 

“I’m Yoongi. Glad to see you’re awake. Jungkook is almost out of his mind right now.”

You were confused. Well, one of your questions was answered. This man standing in front of you is Yoongi. But who is Jungkook? And where were you? Who was the one that saved you if there were two in the house? 

You must have looked like you wanted to be sprouting questions as Yoongi opened the door and said, “It’s best if Jungkook explained the situation to you.” He turned back. “But excuse his over-enthusiastic energy. You were in bad shape and he was freaking out.”

You took his hand and let his lead you around the big, big house. The walls were filled with paintings and pictures, most doors were closed, and the architecture and design of the place felt very… traditional yet modern. Whoever designed it sure had an eye for the Renaissance period. As Yoongi carefully led the both of you down another flight of stairs, you ended up in the kitchen with another six males staring at you. 

Fiddling with the long shirt, you suddenly felt self-conscious. You just got out of bed, haven’t washed your face, brushed your teeth, or even combed your hair so much less say a change of clothes. You flinched at the sudden movement and sound of the chair when a muscular guy suddenly attacked you. 

Suffocated, you tried to push him away. You didn’t know who they were and you didn’t want anything to do with them. Recognizing the signs of an incoming panic attack, you tried to stay as calm as possible while trying your best to get out of the hold. 

Keyword: trying. 

This dude was strong as hell.

“Kook, let the girl go.” You wanted to run - run away from the whole situation. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t want this. 

Out, out. You needed an out. 

Strong hands gripped your shoulder, fingers digging into your skin. You cried out. 

“That’s it. Use the pain to ground you. Use it. Don’t lose yourself.”

That voice you recognise - Yoongi. 

You took deep breaths and focused on the pain. The ache as he held your shoulders harshly, the sting of his nails finding purchase in your skin, and the breathlessness you feel in your lungs. As your heart calmed down and your mind cleared somewhat, you looked around the room again. 

Before, you hadn’t noticed the looks of shock from other boys but now you do. Especially one. The one they call Kook. Must be the Jungkook guy. 

You got up on unsteady legs, Yoongi grabbing onto your elbow to ensure you don’t fall and another man - eyes smiling at you as he ruffled your hair - holding your back to give you more stability. But one thing for sure was that they were each pressing themselves against the walls of the room, giving you as much space and air as possible. 

You waved a hand. “I’m - I’m okay.” 

The man at the stove flipped a pancake and looked at you. “Would you like some?”

You nodded, hearing a bunch of ‘tsk’ around the room. 

“Why did you need to ask, Hyung?”

“It’s breakfast, who isn’t hungry?”

“Come on, Hyung, that was such a dumb -”

The man whipped around, pointing a spatula at the others sitting at the table. “Any more from you and you’ll be the one with no breakfast.”

The men instantly quieted. You laughed internally. The control the chef has over them and of course, you couldn’t not laugh at what the chef was wearing. 

A blue My Melody apron. 

Deciding that it wasn’t the best idea to laugh out loud like that, you kept silent, biting your lip. Of course that didn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook who was intently looking at you. You weren’t exactly uncomfortable under his gaze but you weren’t comfortable either. 

You hung your head, putting your attention to your wringing fingers. At least you have something to do. 

You needed to know where you were so that you would be able to go back home and settle yourself. Whether it is to settle yourself or settle the mess you left over at the shop, you didn’t want to decide that now. 

Internally sighing, you were broken out of your thoughts when a bowl of bibimbap was placed in front of you. You were about to thank the man with the plush lips when you realised that - the portion was smaller than usual. Of course, not that you were complaining. 

You were completely at the seven men’s mercy. Wearing their clothes, staying over at their house, and possibly being saved by them. You continued to stare at the bowl, only breaking out of your thoughts when a concerned voice flitted over, asking, “Are you okay? Perhaps it’s too heavy and you would prefer something lighter?” 

You looked up to see a man fully dressed in an all-white suit, jewellery adorning his hands. You frantically shook your head, hoping that they wouldn’t take your silence as an offence. 

“No, no. It’s nothing…” You struggled to find the appropriate words to use. Without many social approaches due to your job, such a long talk was starting to make you nervous. Much less to say that you weren’t quite over what had happened. You felt disgusted. You needed a bathe - a shower - whatever - to scrub off the remains of the men who took you. 

You didn’t want it. You didn’t ask for it. 

You had hoped it wouldn’t end up in that type of situation. 

Subconsciously, you started to scratch your arm. 

You didn’t know what your parents were going to think. What were your parents going to say - to do? They wouldn’t kick you out now, would they? Your family was extremely traditional, sheltering you from a young age until you broke free from them. You needed air and wings and you made them yourself.

By no means that their sheltering bid you well. You were social but with the constant anxiety up your mind, you were always overthinking the worst situations. Keeping contact with your family was a once-in-a-month sort of thing. Your schedule did not match normal people’s and it was worse when you had nobody to talk to. 

So when you had started to suspect the rising crimes in the shop’s neighbourhood, you had no one to turn to - to confide in and to ensure your safety. Furthermore, you didn’t want to be a burden to the ones you call ‘friends and family’. 

You felt your heartbeat rising as you started to fret around. Without another word, you bolted up the stairs and by pure instinct and memory, you reached back to the room you woke up in. Dashing straight for the washroom, you quickly stripped and jumped straight into the shower. If you were in any other scenario, you would have taken the time to look and feel the tiles of the bathroom. You would have been so astounded by the sheer money the decorations speak off - so much so that your jaw would have probably dropped so far it couldn’t come back up. 

But you were in no mood to look around. Taking any soap, you lathered your hair and scrubbed your body. Looking down at your reddened skin, you could still feel the men’s touch and malice coming off of you. You brought the loofah to your skin and scrubbed again, turning the water to a blistering heat. 

You needed to get them off and out of you. The cascading heat was welcomed as you felt the burn. Tilting your head back, you winced at the crack in your neck. You were hurting and you knew it was wrong to do what you were to do. But the thought was just oh, so tempting. 

You held it in your trembling hands as you pushed passed the barrier. This wouldn’t be the first nor would it be the last time you would ever do this. 

I promise this is my last time. I promise. 

You had promised yourself so many times it was uncountable by now. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 2

It was odd - odd as Jungkook stared at your sprinting back. He had spent the time when you were asleep to read up on the post-effects of… what you went through. Jungkook involuntarily shuddered at the thought of him not getting there in time. 

It could have been so much worse. So, so much worse. 

It only got him even more worried when you didn’t come down after thirty minutes. Seokjin had placed a plate on top of your bowl to keep the food warm as well as your cutlery on the plate. Most of his Hyungs were licking their plates clean - not surprising when it is Seokjin Hyung cooking. Of course, Yoongi is compatible but their cooking styles were different enough and the food was always served that nobody really cared who cooked. 

Jungkook must have shown enough worry on his face that Jimin placed his hand on his shoulder. “I’m sure she’s fine, Kook. She’s a big girl. She should be okay.” 

Jungkook nodded, legs starting to bounce as he bit his lip and scratched the corner of his eye. Hobi Hyung quickly caught on and pulled his fingers away, holding them in his as we continued to devour his breakfast as if nothing happened. 

It wasn’t until fifteen minutes later when Yoongi got up, not caring to put his bowl in the sink and left the kitchen. Silence suddenly engulfed the kitchen. Something was definitely wrong if Yoongi hadn’t cared to clean up. 

Immediately, Jungkook shot out of his seat, pulling Jimin along with him. He wanted to go where his Hyung would go and he knew precisely where he was headed to. So the start of Jungkook’s nightmare began. 

The three of them entered the room without so much knocking. After all, it was his room and Jungkook had full access to it. 

Of course.

But it was the still air and the prominent smell of blood that permeated the air that had the boys stopping in their tracks. Jungkook was the most sensitive both in his senses and in his personality compared to the rest of his Hyungs. So he dreaded the worst when he slowly unlocked his bathroom door and pushed it open. But the moment his vision cleared and he saw you, he knew that not even his worst memory of a mass of graves, hauling dead bodies into them, could ever compare to this. 

The steam was so much that it was smoking the atmosphere, humidity at its highest. You were lying against the wall of the shower room, hot water cascading directly onto your front as it flowed the red, translucent water down the drain. 

There was a moment of silence before everything went haywire. Jimin screamed, rushing out of the room, most probably to get the rest of his Hyungs and their doctor. Oh, the doctor will probably get a heart attack not just from his old age now. Yoongi had entered the shower, hissing at the heat as he stepped in and turned off the tap. He gently lifted you, placing you down onto the pile of towels Jungkook had laid out on the bathroom floor. 

As Yoongi quickly worked his nimble hands, drying you and ensuring that there were multiple towels stacked on top of you, Jungkook worked to stop the blood. 

Just how long were you in that state? 

He placed two fingers on your pulse. 

Beating but faint. 

You were alive but what if he had gotten in later? What if Yoongi Hyung did not decide to go up to check on you? What if -


“FUCK -”

“I didn’t think that it would get this bad!”

“Somebody get the DOCTOR!!”

Jungkook shook his head and focused on stopping your bleeding. His self-wallowing could be continued after you are in a less critical condition. Now, his only point was to ensure that you lived. 

Jin Hyung and Jimin slid down opposite him, helping him dress you and bound your wounds, carrying you to his bed and tucking you under the covers. By now, you were shivering like a leaf, face pale as you curled up into a ball. There was no leftover blood bags in the fridge that Jin Hyung could use. They didn’t even know your blood type and using one that was not compatible with yours could cause even more problems in your already fragile state.  

Right now, all he could do was wait. 

And to play the waiting game was the most tortuous way. 

Their doctor had rushed over upon hearing the condition you were in. As you were being treated in his room and Namjoon and Hobi Hyung had retreated back to their offices to get some work done, Jungkook went back to the bathroom. 

His brain was in such a frenzy when he saw you lying there, unconscious that he didn’t think before he acted. By instinct, he did the best he could, just like when one of his men was to be found bleeding out. 

Inspecting the bathroom, Jungkook spotted his razor lying in the middle of the shower room. Picking it up, he spotted specks of dried blood and dead skin clinging onto it. Tears began forming at the edge of his eyes as he quickly wiped them away. All his Hyungs were already worried for you and with the upcoming ball, he didn’t want to be any more of a worry.

As the youngest, he was the most doted on. He triggers his Hyungs’ over-protective system into overdrive and this was most certainly not the time to do so. He threw the razor into the bin, starting to scrub his shower room free of blood. 

Once Jungkook was done, he entered back into his room. Seeing you laying there with bandages tightly concealing the wounds he had found you in, Jungkook felt the familiar rising anger burning his insides. 

He didn’t know what to expect. 

That you would be awake? That you wouldn’t be shivering so much under his covers? 

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. 

“The loss of blood is currently causing the majority of the problem here and I’ll inspect the reasoning of what was used to inflict the cuts on her -”

“Razor,” Jungkook answered him lifelessly. “My razor. Dumped it in the bin already. Found it on the floor of the shower room.”

He could see that his doctor was taken aback. By no means of how he found you and the state that he found you in was ever kept a secret from anybody in this room but if the invisible wounds ran so deep, perhaps it was best if they were to do something before the situation progresses. 

The doctor cleared his throat. “Well then, it is best to ensure that there will be no sharp or hurtful objects or materials around her. A lighter way to put this would be to ‘Bubble wrap her but do not suffocate her’.”

The boys in the room nodded, clearly understanding the meaning behind those words. As the doctor left the room, he each patted them on their shoulder before heading over to the middle of Kim’s office. 

He was their private doctor, working with the Bangtan for over twelve years. Even before their solid establishment, Doctor Eun has been continuously nursing both the boys and their teams back to health every time a situation were to occur. Seeing the harsh world that they were thrown into, Doctor Eun saw first-hand how bad the boys - especially Jungkook - would go when their possessions were taken. 

He had seen the way his youngest looked. The look of pity and anger in his eyes, his stance, and his breathing. He could sense that the girl lying on the bed was no ordinary girl to him and he hoped that Jungkook would not do anything he shouldn’t. 

“Come in.”

Tags :
1 year ago

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

Pair: Mafia Jungkook x F Reader 

Summary: Jungkook was wandering the streets in the middle of the night and coincidentally passed the little flower shop you work at. Due to your odd working hours, you don’t have much socialising on a daily basis much less customers. So just imagine your shock when a handsome man, clad in all black, entered your shop in the ungodly hours of the night. Never would you have thought that the polar opposite of the worlds would collide and cause such a trouble. 

Genre: Fluff, mafia au, soft reader 

Chapter Warnings: Mentions of rape incidents from previous chapters, PTSD

WC: 2405

< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next>

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

Jungkook trudged back to his room. After your incident two days ago, he refused to bathe in his own bathroom. It was bad enough that every morning when he entered, he was reminded of how much later he could have gotten in. Reminding him that if it wasn’t for Yoongi Hyung, you would have already been ashes in an urn by his bedside table. 

He had opened a search to find out your details.

Your address, your family, your friends, everything that they could possibly find. And as he read through the consolidated efforts of his men, there were just too many things that didn’t make sense to him. But he knew better than to ask you now. 

If you woke up, that is. 

Doctor Eun had warned them to not panic if they were to take longer to wake up. He had explained that your body was weak and needed extra time to recover from what you have gone through. But it did not stop any of his Hyungs from barging into his room every day, ensuring that they check up on you. It soon became somewhat of a routine as his Hyungs constantly took turns to visit you every hour. 

He threw his towel on the loveseat, walked over to push back the covers and slid under them. He then carefully adjusted the ruffled covers back over you, ensuring that they covered until your shoulders and still had more fabric as a leeway. 

With a tired sigh, Jungkook smothered his face on his pillow and fell asleep with the blanket only hanging at his waist. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

This was the second time you woke up in the same room. Lightheaded, you tried to get out of the bed. 

“Exactly what do you think you’re doing?” A voice sounded beside you. 

You turned, eyes blown wide as you anticipated the worst. The first thing you see is a head of messy hair, sticking in all directions before you notice the tired-looking eyes boring straight into your soul. The man lifted his arm and wrapped it around your waist, bringing you closer to the heat of his body. 

You acted, throwing a punch directly to his face. 

Bad move. 

The man on your bed - technically not yours but who cares for technicality now - caught it and pinned you down with a flick of his wrist. Burrowing his head in your neck, you saw the strains of his shoulders. He wasn’t completely let go of his weight so…

“Who are you!” You pushed him away, hand going to the bedside table, trying to find anything that could be used as a weapon. The man quickly hopped off the bed, drawing the curtains as you squinted at the sudden attack of light. The room was so dark you could barely see a thing before. It wasn’t until your eyes finally adjusted to the difference did you see the moonlight shining through the sheer curtains, casting a light glow on your frames. 

And it was also then did you realised who your bed partner was. 


The over-ecstatic bunny in the morning that refused to let you go. 

Jungkook must have seen the recognition in your eyes as he slowly walked back to the bed, hands in the air in a surrender position. 

"Hey, hey." Jungkook called out. 

You weren't sure how trustworthy the men in this house were. God, you don't even know their names! You curled up in a sitting position at the edge of the bed, almost falling over. When Jungkook sat on the bed, you instinctively scooted backwards, clashing against the bedside table. 

You squeaked in pain, holding your back, forgetting that there was nothing but the cold hard ground awaiting your downfall. Your eyes largened as you felt yourself falling back, hands flailing out, trying to grasp onto something - anything - 

Strong arms wrapped your waist and pulled you forward. Your face smashed against a toned chest as you felt the blankets beneath you being pulled downwards and wrapped around your body. For the next few moments, the only sound in the room was your harsh breathing. It was so silent that you swore Jungkook could hear your heartbeat. 

The both of you stayed in that position for a few minutes - or it could be hours or even just seconds - you didn't know. But you knew that the heat radiating from Jungkook's body was like a blasting furnace and you were warm. And when you are warm, you feel cuddly. And when you feel cuddly, you feel sleepy. Your eyelids grew heavier by the second and you closed them. You knew you shouldn't be so trusting but they have yet to do anything that caused you to feel wrong. Jungkook has yet to do anything that oppresses you. So you closed your eyes and leaned closer to him, cuddling deeper into his warmth and fell asleep. 

That was the last thing you remembered before you woke up again, but this time, in the arms of a toned-ass man.


Hell, now that the late morning sun is shining through the curtains, you are able to see what you weren't last night. Jungkook was without a shirt and the full glory of his slim waist and toned abs were fully on show for your innocent eyes to see. Well, you weren't that innocent. But you were still a lady - a woman - and you still had your needs that were obviously taken far too long to satisfy. But you weren't about to go imagining someone you can never get - you weren't about to hurt yourself again. 

You were brought out of your wandering thoughts when the soft snores exiting Jungkook's plush bow-shaped lips reached your ears. A small smile lifted the edges of your lips as you sleepily yawned. Wiggling out of his hold - for God damn he is strong as a bull - proved to be harder than it seems. Jungkook's arms locked you in place and you couldn't seem to get out no matter how hard you tried to prod and push him. 

"Mhmm, noooo." The man cuddling your back whined. "No, it's not time to wake up yet. Stop movingggg."

You didn't. Obviously. 

The hold on your waist only tightened even further. "Stoooppp."

You pushed his hands off of you. "Jungkook, please." You resorted to begging him out. "I need to wee."

Jungkook's eyes shot open, hands immediately leaving you as you took that chance to leap out of bed and bound over to the washroom. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

Jungkook swore he should've heard it wrong. Jungkook swore that he must have heard it wrong. 

Nobody explicitly told you who he is. Nobody had given you enough pointers to let you know that he was the one who saved you in that alley. Not that he needed you to know. But he didn't know - oh, he should've expected it - for you to have been so smart. You figured it out so quickly - who he was. 


But he needed to check. To know. To be sure - that what he heard was correct. 

He saw your dishevelled state coming out of the washroom, hands going up to scratch your hair. While he had a massive bedhead, your hair looked like it was shinier after sleep. Oh, how he wished that he could have that sort of blessing too. Then he wouldn't have to take so much time to wash and style his hair every morning. He could just get out of bed and leave. 

Your eyes made contact with his and immediately shot back down to the floor, suddenly feeling anxious. Your hands fiddled with the hem of his shirt as your teeth worried your bottom lip. Jungkook had to physically hold himself back from jumping right onto you. He wanted to take those soft, plump lips and give them a taste. He wanted to make sure they never get sore from you constantly biting them (Jungkook found out one of your habits now). 

Jungkook pulled on his restraint string and blew a deep breath out. He walked over to you, hands going down to grasp yours in his. He turned your hands over in his, admiring the size difference. It wasn't big but it was enough to make him almost coo out loud. 

"Hey now -" Jungkook started before your stomach grumbled. 

The silence in the air was permeating. 

Jungkook snorted, falling to the floor with laughter. By no means was he laughing at you. No, he was laughing at the situation - how your hunger had directly stopped him in the tracks of his confession. If anything, he felt like Jimin Hyung right now. He knew all too well how much he was always stopped in his tracks from doing things he best wished for for the sake of his job. But this was something different. 

Jungkook looked up with teary eyes and spotted your slight pout, making him laugh even harder. As he slowly got up from the floor, he extended out his hand to you. “Come on, let’s go and get something for your ever-hungry system.”

Jungkook did not expect you to actually take his hand, let alone hold it the whole way down. But who was complaining?

Oh, definitely not him. 

He led you to the kitchen and started rummaging through the fridge to find food. Finding a bag of opened buckwheat noodles, cucumber, seaweed flakes, eggs, and canned tuna, Jungkook decided to whip up a mean Memil Guksu (메밀 막국수). Jungkook whipped out Seokjin’s favourite pot and started boiling the water. After mastering the art of flourishing the noodles in the pot, JUngkook left them to boil as he combined all the sauce ingredients - soy sauce, tsuyu sauce, perilla oil, sugar, and roasted sesame seeds with a tablespoon of water. Then he chopped all the ingredients and placed them aside. After ensuring that the noodles are thoroughly cooked, rinsing them under cold water for a few seconds was a necessity. 

Placing them in the bowls, Jungkook topped the noodles off with the sauce, sliced ingredients, and tuna, garnishing them with extra sesame seeds and a handful of seaweed flakes. 

“Tada!” Jungkook placed the big metal bowl in front of you with chopsticks in hand. 

You chuckled at his enthusiasm. Jungkook didn’t wait for anybody before he dug into his meal. 

Slithered | JJK | Chapter 3

You had to admire this man’s spirit of trying to uplift you. Anyone could see that he was trying his best. But you didn’t know if you could. You felt… different - dirty. 

You wanted it off but you -

“Hey.” Jungkook’s voice jolted you out of your thoughts. “You okay? Maybe you don’t like the food? Should I have Yoongi Hyung cook instead? Or maybe Jin Hyung? Or maybe you’re allergic to -”

You placed a soft hand on his shoulder. “It’s not you… It’s just…” Your hands fiddled with the hem of the shirt. You weren’t sure if you should be telling him this. He had no obligation to you and you shouldn’t be using him as a free-range therapist too. But you were just so tired of dealing with it yourself. “It’s just… I feel so…”

You didn’t really know how to express it in words. 

Disgusted? Humiliated?

You felt the urge to scratch. 

You weren’t sure how he was going to react when you told him. He saw you and saved you, but everyone can change in the blink of an eye. You aren’t sure how he would react. Would he cast you aside? Leave you for the wolves? 

But on the other hand, why would you care? Why should you care? The both of you aren’t close. He saved you and now you can leave. So why do you feel so hooked?

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

You shook your head. “I want to. I just…”

Words won’t form. 

“Okay… How about you show me instead if there are no right words? Sometimes words can be difficult, right?”

You nodded. 

But how were you going to show him? Strip? 

You hesitated again. How? 

“The feeling - it -”

You tried to look at Jungkook, tried to gain some of his courage to say what you wanted to say. You worried yourself over him not accepting you but all you saw were open eyes. The windows were wide open like he was the one pouring his soul to you. 

“Dirty.” You tucked your head down again. “Humiliated. I feel so… so… nasty… It - I wanted to stop it but I couldn’t! I tried - I tried - I didn’t want to -” You cried out. “I - I -”

Large palms ran up and down your shoulder in a light, soothing manner. 

“Okay, I understand what you’re trying to tell me. I know, I saw.”

You placed yourself in his hold. “I tried but - but… I’m so tired I couldn’t.”

Jungkook didn’t say anything. He just held you, tightly and you were glad for the silent comfort. You didn’t really want words just a steady presence and Jungkook gave you all. You were crying - bawling - you didn’t know. All you knew was that you were finally letting go, sharing this with somebody else. 

You held the burden for long enough and you knew - you just knew - that you trusted him. A deep-rooted type of fear of being left in the dust again sits dormant in the pit of your stomach. But trust, you had - so trust, you believe. 

Your eyelids grew heavy as your breath evened out, you fought the urge to fall asleep again but the comforting soothes were too much for your tired body so you gave in. You swore this was the most you have slept in a really long time. With your schedules, you were grateful enough to even get past four hours of sleep.

Things will definitely take time to go back to how they were before the incident. Maybe you will never be how you used to be. Maybe this scar will never heal. But you knew that you would heal. This would will leave a scar that serves as a battle reminder - that you were strong and will always be strong. So as you let yourself lose in Jungkook’s arms, you knew that you could trust him. You didn’t know what life would throw in your path but you were certain that this man - and you, would stand for each other. 


You were certain. 


Tags :
1 year ago

Moonlight Sanctuary | OT7

Moonlight Sanctuary | OT7

Pair: Werewolf OT7 x F Reader 

Summary: In a chase, you find a cottage in the midst of the woods. Barging in, you found seven men at your aid and you never expected things to turn out the way it did. But you were forever grateful for how it did.

Genre: Fluff, werewolf au, human reader

Chapter Warnings: Violence, abuse

You aren’t alone. If you ever need a helping hand, our fellow social services, friends, and family will always be there. If anybody is going to be insensitive on this topic on my blog, you will be blocked. Borahae💜 

WC: 2297

The moon hung low in the night sky as you ran in the opposite direction of your house. Well, your brother’s house. You had never considered it a home the moment things took a drastic turn after your parent’s death. A home is a place where one feels safe and secure but this is… this was no home. 

You had no sense of direction as you blasted through thick foliage and wet mud. The sky was dark and thunder boomed when you left but now it was pouring. Drenched from head to toe, you felt your anxiety rise as the sky darkened and your lungs collapsed. You paused at the foot of a tree, bending down to catch your breath. You had no idea where you were going. All you knew was that you needed to run. 

Run. Run. Run or they will catch you again. 

The air was still with your heavy breathing and loud splatters of rain when you heard rustling sounds. Suddenly blinded by the onslaught of light, you made out the rough shape of your bulky brother. Fearing for your life, you quickly stumbled up and ran again. You didn’t dare look back but you dared to look up. 

The moon was shining bright tonight, despite the darkness that was chasing you. It casted an ethereal glow over the dense forest and if you tilted your head just right, you could see little rainbows in the making. You ran through the trees, heart pounding against your chest. You didn’t know how far or how close you were to your brother and his gang. At the same time, you didn’t know where the fuck you were. You could just imagine being eaten up by some sort of nocturnal animal in here. 

“BITCH! Come back here! Who said you could run away, huh?”

You tried to pump your legs harder - to give you more strength. But you found yourself short of any sort of energy. You didn’t have dinner and it was during your break did you sneak past the back door and run away from them, hastily slipping on your clothes for some decency. You carried nothing with you - just you, underwear, and clothes - which is essentially whatever you were wearing. 

“Ey! I swear you’re going to get it from me when we catch you! FUCK, you’re done!”

The sound of your own harsh breathing drowned out the haunting echoes of your abusive brother’s threats. For years, you endured his cruelty,  but tonight - tonight you had enough. He sold your body. Sold your body to his friends. You had sobbed and begged with every last shred of dignity you had but they never listened. You didn’t know where you were going but you knew you couldn’t stay there any longer. 

You stumbled through the woods on clumsy feet, the darkness of the foliage seemed to close in around you. You tried to keep your anxiety at bay, knowing it would do you more harm than good if you started to panic. Branches clawed at the exposed skin of your feet, the ground beneath the flimsy slippers you hastily wore was uneven and treacherous the deeper you went. Fear gnawed at your insides and despair threatened to overtake you. Breathing harshly, you tried to keep yourself calm. 

Just as you thought that all hope was lost and you would have to be running forever or be caught, your attention focused on the soft glow of light emitting from a cottage house. Without thinking, you ran towards it and pulled against the handle, trying every one until you found an open door and slammed it shut behind you. 

Sliding onto the floor, you placed your head between your legs, breathing through your mouth. You were tired and bruised. You heard before you saw someone stand in front of you, shadow covering half of your hunched over body. Your breath caught as you slowly took in the sight before you. You were the centre of their attention, their eyes reflecting the silver light of the moon. You were sure you weren’t breathing. THese were the folklore of your little village - stories passed down by the elders from generation to generation. 


Nobody believed that there were such mystical beings living amongst you. But you were certain that they were exactly what you believed. These seven men that surrounded you brought around them an aura of power and grace. 

You could easily tell by the tall and commanding figure to your left that that was the leader of the pack. He stepped forward, gait slow and steady, approaching you as if you were a scared prey. But you were quite the opposite. As you looked at each of them, they surveyed you quietly. Looking at each of them in their eyes, you felt a connection deep in your blood - a spark of recognition of what belongs. 

“Are you in danger?” he asked, voice low and soothing. 

You nodded, voice trembling as you replied, “My - my brother, he and his friends, they - they -”

The door was suddenly banged open as you stumbled into the man’s hold. You felt a sense of protection and comfort you had never known when you were with them. They surrounded you again, this time, as a protection barrier between you and your brother. 

You curled deeper into yourself. 

Without hesitation, a man grabbed your cheeks and forced you to look at his smiling eyes. “Hey! My name is Jimin! What’s yours?”

“Y/N, come here now.” Your brother commanded. Shivering in your spot against Jimin’s body, you shook your head and rejected him. You didn’t want to. 

“Come here now or you will regret it.” You shook your head. You didn’t want to go back to the life you once had. If it was considered life. 

“Come here and I won’t kill these ‘men’. They are vicious monsters, you know that.”

Your head turned when you heard your name being called. “You are safe here. We won’t let anyone hurt you now.” You nodded and turned away from your brother, clinging onto Jimin’s shirt tightly. 

“It’s funny how you claim to care for your sister when you sold her off. It is funny how you think you would be able to hurt us.” The man with cat-like eyes formed into slits. He certainly looked more like a cat than a wolf.

“HAH!” Your brother laughed maniacally. “You are a bunch of monsters. Werewolves? Ridiculous! You are not wolves nor are you humans. Monsters is an appropriate word to use for paws.”

“Shall we let her choose then?” The man with a fluffy head of hair said. 

The silence that followed was deafening. The tension in the air was at its peak and both sides were ready for an attack. 

“Come now, Y/N. Let’s go home, I’ll get you some ice cream if you cooperate now.” Your brother held his hand out, palm facing up - placating. He didn’t want to lose his face in front of his friends and males who didn’t even know you. 

But you refused. Your head went to Jimin’s neck as you stood up, trying to hook a leg onto his waist. 

Keyword: trying. 

You were just too short for him. 

The man with fluffy hair chuckled lowly at your attempts. Quickly hooking a hand under your thighs, he lifted you up onto Jimin’s hip. As he left, going back to his spot, your hand shot out to hold him in place, accidentally pulling against his hair instead. Your hand quickly retracted and your head shot up. 

“I -”

He was quick to soothe you, one hand patting your thigh in a soothing rhythm while the other went to your untamed hair, softly stroking the back of your head. 

“Hey, hey. It’s okay, okay? You can do whatever you want with me.” You hesitantly pulled against the sleeve of his shirt. 

“Stay? Please?”

He nodded. “Of course, darling. I wouldn’t dare go anywhere.”

The rest of the males reformed themselves to ensure that the three of you in the centre were protected. 

“I think it is clear what her choice is. Now leave.” The pack leader commanded, voice strong with power. You saw your brother’s friend pull him along. 

“Fine! Die with these mutts around you, whore!”

The cat-wolf lunged for your brother when the pack leader pulled him back. 

The males remained in the formation only when they were certain your brother was far enough and they couldn’t smell him from the distance anymore. Only then did they relax their posture, slowly turning towards you with worried eyes. You were no longer shaking in Jimin and the fluffy hair’s hold but your scent was still sour with fear. 

They cautiously moved up the stairs to the living room where they sat down at the sofa. You turned your head to look at them. All seven males were foreign to you - as foreign as the way they made you feel safe and protected. 

“Should we… say names?” The man with a whole sleeve of tattoos asked, eyes big and filled with curiosity - just like a bunny’s, you thought. 

“I’m Namjoon.” The pack leader started. 

“Yoongi.” You finally had a name for the cat-wolf.

“Taehyung.” The fluffy head of hair appeared into your view again. “But I give you special permission to call me TaeTae!”

 You nodded. 

“I’m Seokjin but just Jin is okay, yeah?”

“Me! Me!” The bunny man hopped up. “I’m Jungkookie!”

“You can call me Hobi!” 

Oh that man was filled with sunshine, you could clearly see. 

“And I’m Jimin but you already know that, little one.”

You nodded. 

“Would you like to ask us anything?”

You shook your head then nodded again, pointing to Yoongi. “Cat-wolf. Cat. Meow-Meow.”

Jungkook burst out laughing from your left, igniting a round of laughter that filled the room and lifted the heavy atmosphere. 

“For you, you can call me whatever you want, darling.” Yoongi smiled, gums out as he looked at you with adoration. 

In that moment, you felt their strength and loyalty, their offering to you of a sanctuary - a refuge from the darkness you fought so hard from. From those that have haunted your life for so long. 

As time passed, you became part of their pack - a human amongst werewolves. They were patient in teaching you their traditions and customs, their code of honour and their ways. You learned that they were the protectors of the forest, guardians of the vulnerable, and that they are the core value of the balance of nature itself. 

Namjoon, with his kind eyes and strong presence, quickly became a source of your strength and guidance for you. His knowledge and wisdom never failed to keep you entertained. Although clumsy, this man was the foundation of his pack. 

Seokjin, with his unseriousness and constant care, he helped heal the wounds that your brother and his friends had inflicted upon you. He kept you steady as you grew, always ensuring to pull you up when you got down but bringing you down when you were too high up.

Yoongi, the car-wolf, with his gentle hands and calm nature became another one of your rocks. He never failed to teach you something new that day and he most certainly cooked one of the best foods you have ever tasted - rivalling Seokjin’s. 

Hobi, with his everlasting laughter and sunshine, was an easy person to be around as you healed from your wounds. He never fails to make you laugh. With him around, there was never a dull moment. 

Jimin, with his soft and calming nature, he unintentionally healed both your emotional and mental wounds. While Seokjin cared for your physical wounds, Jimin was always a talking buddy that helped you through understanding yourself and your worth. 

TaeTae, with his outgoing mischievous nature, the both of you were constantly creating something to be cleaned up. Hand-in-hand with Jungkookie, the three of you liked to run out and about, being everywhere. 

Jungkookie, with his curiosity and strength, the both of you were always causing mischief for the others. Like partners-in-crime, the both of you would be curious about everything and anything, so the both of you would always take it upon yourselves to figure out the answers. 

But you have also come to realise that the entire pack was more than just a pack - they were a family. Each of them had their own unique qualities and were a force to be reckoned with. Today was a full moon and under the light of the glowing orb, you discovered a love and acceptance that you had never known. Your past, with all its pain and suffering, seems to fade into the background when you are with them. Embracing the new chapter of your life, you ran forward with them, putting your full trust in the seven males you had learned to understand. 

With your heart and spirit soaring, you felt the exhilaration of the transformation, the wind against your fur, and the pure joy of being truly free. In these moments, you knew you had found your place - a home amongst those who have shown you the power of love, trust, and transformation. 

As you looked up the the moon, you couldn’t help but feel a huge wave of gratitude. The moon led you here today - to the sanctuary - a place where you were no longer a victim but a survivor; that you were no longer alone but in a place filled with love and acceptance. 

As you howled at the moon and cuddled amongst your pack, you came to realise that sometimes, safety and love are found in the most unexpected places. For instance, in a moonlit sanctuary of a werewolf pack that had become your everlasting family. 

Tags :
1 year ago

Moonlight Sanctuary | OT7

Moonlight Sanctuary | OT7

Pair: Werewolf OT7 x F Reader 

Summary: In a chase, you find a cottage in the midst of the woods. Barging in, you found seven men at your aid and you never expected things to turn out the way it did. But you were forever grateful for how it did.

Genre: Fluff, werewolf au, human reader

Chapter Warnings: Violence, abuse

You aren’t alone. If you ever need a helping hand, our fellow social services, friends, and family will always be there. If anybody is going to be insensitive on this topic on my blog, you will be blocked. Borahae💜 

WC: 2297

The moon hung low in the night sky as you ran in the opposite direction of your house. Well, your brother’s house. You had never considered it a home the moment things took a drastic turn after your parent’s death. A home is a place where one feels safe and secure but this is… this was no home. 

You had no sense of direction as you blasted through thick foliage and wet mud. The sky was dark and thunder boomed when you left but now it was pouring. Drenched from head to toe, you felt your anxiety rise as the sky darkened and your lungs collapsed. You paused at the foot of a tree, bending down to catch your breath. You had no idea where you were going. All you knew was that you needed to run. 

Run. Run. Run or they will catch you again. 

The air was still with your heavy breathing and loud splatters of rain when you heard rustling sounds. Suddenly blinded by the onslaught of light, you made out the rough shape of your bulky brother. Fearing for your life, you quickly stumbled up and ran again. You didn’t dare look back but you dared to look up. 

The moon was shining bright tonight, despite the darkness that was chasing you. It casted an ethereal glow over the dense forest and if you tilted your head just right, you could see little rainbows in the making. You ran through the trees, heart pounding against your chest. You didn’t know how far or how close you were to your brother and his gang. At the same time, you didn’t know where the fuck you were. You could just imagine being eaten up by some sort of nocturnal animal in here. 

“BITCH! Come back here! Who said you could run away, huh?”

You tried to pump your legs harder - to give you more strength. But you found yourself short of any sort of energy. You didn’t have dinner and it was during your break did you sneak past the back door and run away from them, hastily slipping on your clothes for some decency. You carried nothing with you - just you, underwear, and clothes - which is essentially whatever you were wearing. 

“Ey! I swear you’re going to get it from me when we catch you! FUCK, you’re done!”

The sound of your own harsh breathing drowned out the haunting echoes of your abusive brother’s threats. For years, you endured his cruelty,  but tonight - tonight you had enough. He sold your body. Sold your body to his friends. You had sobbed and begged with every last shred of dignity you had but they never listened. You didn’t know where you were going but you knew you couldn’t stay there any longer. 

You stumbled through the woods on clumsy feet, the darkness of the foliage seemed to close in around you. You tried to keep your anxiety at bay, knowing it would do you more harm than good if you started to panic. Branches clawed at the exposed skin of your feet, the ground beneath the flimsy slippers you hastily wore was uneven and treacherous the deeper you went. Fear gnawed at your insides and despair threatened to overtake you. Breathing harshly, you tried to keep yourself calm. 

Just as you thought that all hope was lost and you would have to be running forever or be caught, your attention focused on the soft glow of light emitting from a cottage house. Without thinking, you ran towards it and pulled against the handle, trying every one until you found an open door and slammed it shut behind you. 

Sliding onto the floor, you placed your head between your legs, breathing through your mouth. You were tired and bruised. You heard before you saw someone stand in front of you, shadow covering half of your hunched over body. Your breath caught as you slowly took in the sight before you. You were the centre of their attention, their eyes reflecting the silver light of the moon. You were sure you weren’t breathing. THese were the folklore of your little village - stories passed down by the elders from generation to generation. 


Nobody believed that there were such mystical beings living amongst you. But you were certain that they were exactly what you believed. These seven men that surrounded you brought around them an aura of power and grace. 

You could easily tell by the tall and commanding figure to your left that that was the leader of the pack. He stepped forward, gait slow and steady, approaching you as if you were a scared prey. But you were quite the opposite. As you looked at each of them, they surveyed you quietly. Looking at each of them in their eyes, you felt a connection deep in your blood - a spark of recognition of what belongs. 

“Are you in danger?” he asked, voice low and soothing. 

You nodded, voice trembling as you replied, “My - my brother, he and his friends, they - they -”

The door was suddenly banged open as you stumbled into the man’s hold. You felt a sense of protection and comfort you had never known when you were with them. They surrounded you again, this time, as a protection barrier between you and your brother. 

You curled deeper into yourself. 

Without hesitation, a man grabbed your cheeks and forced you to look at his smiling eyes. “Hey! My name is Jimin! What’s yours?”

“Y/N, come here now.” Your brother commanded. Shivering in your spot against Jimin’s body, you shook your head and rejected him. You didn’t want to. 

“Come here now or you will regret it.” You shook your head. You didn’t want to go back to the life you once had. If it was considered life. 

“Come here and I won’t kill these ‘men’. They are vicious monsters, you know that.”

Your head turned when you heard your name being called. “You are safe here. We won’t let anyone hurt you now.” You nodded and turned away from your brother, clinging onto Jimin’s shirt tightly. 

“It’s funny how you claim to care for your sister when you sold her off. It is funny how you think you would be able to hurt us.” The man with cat-like eyes formed into slits. He certainly looked more like a cat than a wolf.

“HAH!” Your brother laughed maniacally. “You are a bunch of monsters. Werewolves? Ridiculous! You are not wolves nor are you humans. Monsters is an appropriate word to use for paws.”

“Shall we let her choose then?” The man with a fluffy head of hair said. 

The silence that followed was deafening. The tension in the air was at its peak and both sides were ready for an attack. 

“Come now, Y/N. Let’s go home, I’ll get you some ice cream if you cooperate now.” Your brother held his hand out, palm facing up - placating. He didn’t want to lose his face in front of his friends and males who didn’t even know you. 

But you refused. Your head went to Jimin’s neck as you stood up, trying to hook a leg onto his waist. 

Keyword: trying. 

You were just too short for him. 

The man with fluffy hair chuckled lowly at your attempts. Quickly hooking a hand under your thighs, he lifted you up onto Jimin’s hip. As he left, going back to his spot, your hand shot out to hold him in place, accidentally pulling against his hair instead. Your hand quickly retracted and your head shot up. 

“I -”

He was quick to soothe you, one hand patting your thigh in a soothing rhythm while the other went to your untamed hair, softly stroking the back of your head. 

“Hey, hey. It’s okay, okay? You can do whatever you want with me.” You hesitantly pulled against the sleeve of his shirt. 

“Stay? Please?”

He nodded. “Of course, darling. I wouldn’t dare go anywhere.”

The rest of the males reformed themselves to ensure that the three of you in the centre were protected. 

“I think it is clear what her choice is. Now leave.” The pack leader commanded, voice strong with power. You saw your brother’s friend pull him along. 

“Fine! Die with these mutts around you, whore!”

The cat-wolf lunged for your brother when the pack leader pulled him back. 

The males remained in the formation only when they were certain your brother was far enough and they couldn’t smell him from the distance anymore. Only then did they relax their posture, slowly turning towards you with worried eyes. You were no longer shaking in Jimin and the fluffy hair’s hold but your scent was still sour with fear. 

They cautiously moved up the stairs to the living room where they sat down at the sofa. You turned your head to look at them. All seven males were foreign to you - as foreign as the way they made you feel safe and protected. 

“Should we… say names?” The man with a whole sleeve of tattoos asked, eyes big and filled with curiosity - just like a bunny’s, you thought. 

“I’m Namjoon.” The pack leader started. 

“Yoongi.” You finally had a name for the cat-wolf.

“Taehyung.” The fluffy head of hair appeared into your view again. “But I give you special permission to call me TaeTae!”

 You nodded. 

“I’m Seokjin but just Jin is okay, yeah?”

“Me! Me!” The bunny man hopped up. “I’m Jungkookie!”

“You can call me Hobi!” 

Oh that man was filled with sunshine, you could clearly see. 

“And I’m Jimin but you already know that, little one.”

You nodded. 

“Would you like to ask us anything?”

You shook your head then nodded again, pointing to Yoongi. “Cat-wolf. Cat. Meow-Meow.”

Jungkook burst out laughing from your left, igniting a round of laughter that filled the room and lifted the heavy atmosphere. 

“For you, you can call me whatever you want, darling.” Yoongi smiled, gums out as he looked at you with adoration. 

In that moment, you felt their strength and loyalty, their offering to you of a sanctuary - a refuge from the darkness you fought so hard from. From those that have haunted your life for so long. 

As time passed, you became part of their pack - a human amongst werewolves. They were patient in teaching you their traditions and customs, their code of honour and their ways. You learned that they were the protectors of the forest, guardians of the vulnerable, and that they are the core value of the balance of nature itself. 

Namjoon, with his kind eyes and strong presence, quickly became a source of your strength and guidance for you. His knowledge and wisdom never failed to keep you entertained. Although clumsy, this man was the foundation of his pack. 

Seokjin, with his unseriousness and constant care, he helped heal the wounds that your brother and his friends had inflicted upon you. He kept you steady as you grew, always ensuring to pull you up when you got down but bringing you down when you were too high up.

Yoongi, the car-wolf, with his gentle hands and calm nature became another one of your rocks. He never failed to teach you something new that day and he most certainly cooked one of the best foods you have ever tasted - rivalling Seokjin’s. 

Hobi, with his everlasting laughter and sunshine, was an easy person to be around as you healed from your wounds. He never fails to make you laugh. With him around, there was never a dull moment. 

Jimin, with his soft and calming nature, he unintentionally healed both your emotional and mental wounds. While Seokjin cared for your physical wounds, Jimin was always a talking buddy that helped you through understanding yourself and your worth. 

TaeTae, with his outgoing mischievous nature, the both of you were constantly creating something to be cleaned up. Hand-in-hand with Jungkookie, the three of you liked to run out and about, being everywhere. 

Jungkookie, with his curiosity and strength, the both of you were always causing mischief for the others. Like partners-in-crime, the both of you would be curious about everything and anything, so the both of you would always take it upon yourselves to figure out the answers. 

But you have also come to realise that the entire pack was more than just a pack - they were a family. Each of them had their own unique qualities and were a force to be reckoned with. Today was a full moon and under the light of the glowing orb, you discovered a love and acceptance that you had never known. Your past, with all its pain and suffering, seems to fade into the background when you are with them. Embracing the new chapter of your life, you ran forward with them, putting your full trust in the seven males you had learned to understand. 

With your heart and spirit soaring, you felt the exhilaration of the transformation, the wind against your fur, and the pure joy of being truly free. In these moments, you knew you had found your place - a home amongst those who have shown you the power of love, trust, and transformation. 

As you looked up the the moon, you couldn’t help but feel a huge wave of gratitude. The moon led you here today - to the sanctuary - a place where you were no longer a victim but a survivor; that you were no longer alone but in a place filled with love and acceptance. 

As you howled at the moon and cuddled amongst your pack, you came to realise that sometimes, safety and love are found in the most unexpected places. For instance, in a moonlit sanctuary of a werewolf pack that had become your everlasting family. 

Tags :
1 year ago

Under the Light of the ARMY Bomb | KNJ

Under The Light Of The ARMY Bomb | KNJ

Pair: Namjoon x idol reader

Summary: Surprising your long-distance boyfriend as a singer has its perks. But when an unexpected double surprise came for ARMY’s in the stadium that day, it was the absolute highlight of the event. 

Genre: Pure tooth-rotting fluff, idol reader, idol Namjoon, established relationship au

WC: 1189

If you are ARMY, regardless of whether you have attended BTS concerts in person or virtually or even if you were just watching through clips, you know the exhilarating energy that they possess. Together with that, ARMY’s cheers and sing-alongs make the environment a thoroughly different environment. 

Today marks the last day of the world tour for BTS and they were performing at the Seoul Olympic Stadium. Even standing outside, you were already alight with energy, a sea of ARMY’s waving their light sticks and singing along to the electrifying performance on stage. From the little slit along the stages, you saw Namjoon commanding the stage with his powerful presence, leading his members with equal amounts of charisma. 

Every time, you would be part of the audience - a part of ARMY. But today will be unlike any other. Today, you had fully intended to join them on stage and give Namjoon the fright of his life. 

Amidst the crowd, you were hiding in plain sight. With your own fandom and performances, it was rare to find a moment of spare time where the both of you could just enjoy each other’s presence without the worry of the future. It has been four years since the both of you have come out to the public about your relationship. Saying that there were no hard times would be a big fat lie. 

You got threats on threats, making you constantly fear for your life. But there was also a section of ARMY and your own fan base that gave a positive output. You had changed your energy from them and did your best for them. You were glad that over time, people also grew accustomed to the fact that the both of you were dating. Not to say that there were no haters but just… lesser than before. 

When you found out that your precious boyfriend and his brothers were performing in Seoul, you couldn't resist the temptation of surprising him. Of course, you had told his members and talked to the company and their managers, ensuring that it was indeed okay for the surprise to happen. Arranging the preparation with the help of BTS’s management, it was still a challenge to keep your presence a secret from your boyfriend. The boys were not the best at keeping secrets from Joon and his sharp eyes just seemed to see everything. And your resistance was diminishing by each second when you see your boyfriend performing, hot as shit and cursing his way through. 

But it was all part of the thrill. 

As the concert reached its peak and the vocal line was performing ‘Dimple’, you slinked backstage with the rest of the dancers, heart thumping with anticipation. The crowd was in a frenzy and this was the perfect moment. 

Joining the line of backup dancers as they got onto the stage, shrouded in a hoodie and a cap, the spotlight was completely focused on the vocal line, allowing you a few seconds to prepare. 

As they got to the chorus, you stepped forward, voice steady and heart full of love and excitement. The vocal line continued singing with you, harmonising their voices with yours with ease. In the background, ARMY’S cheers increased in volume as the ARMY bombs went crazy, but all you could see was Namjoon’s surprised expression. It took a moment for the realisation to set in that you were actually here. The wide smile that adorned his lips made your heart explode. 

All that waiting was worth it. 

It was unforgettable. 

You and the boys continued performing, having the best time teasing their leader during the remainder of the song. As you faced ARMY and waved your own ARMY bomb, you could feel Namjoon’s eyes on you the whole time. But he couldn’t seem to take them off of you as the crowd erupted into cheers and applause as you bowed to them. Your presence on the stage was unexpected and everybody was living off it - including him. It was the best surprise that he could have ever asked for. 

When the song ended, Namjoon ran out from backstage, clumsily tripping over himself. As he stepped forward, his hands trembled uncontrollably when he held your own. The rest of the boys were rowdy behind the both of you, shouting and teasing, revelling in the romantic surprise unfolding before their eyes. But all of that turns into the background when Namjoon looks into your eyes. All he could see… was you. 

The crowd quickly hushed as Namjoon spoke, his voice thick with emotion. “Y/N, what an announcement spoiler you are.” He laughed. “From the moment we met, from the days we spent together to the nights after every concert and phone call, I’ve always been thinking about it. You brought so much light into my life, to the rest of the boys, and to ARMY. I wanted to tell you when we decided to go on that date two days later but after this surprise, I can’t think of a better time to ask than now.”

The crowd went crazy and then went silent again. 

Tears welled in your eyes as your heart rate rose to a dangerous level just thinking of the possibility of - 

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up every day with you by my side and go to sleep every night with you in my arms.” Namjoon kneeled down on one knee, an open ring box in one hand and a microphone in the other. “Will you marry me? Can you take this clumsy, absolutely hopeless kitchen man in?”

The stadium fell into absolute silence, the air tense with anticipation. 

But you didn’t hesitate. There were so many things you wanted to say but the words caught in your throat. Your mind was moving miles per second but all you could say was, “Yes! Yes, oh my gosh Namjoon, yes!”

The stadium erupted in applause and maybe you were just high from the adrenaline, but you swore that even the ground was shaking. But it was because of the cheers from the crowd and the ecstatic reactions of the rest of the members that made the moment even more unforgettable. Namjoon slipped the ring onto your finger, sealing the promise of a lifetime together. Namjoon’s hand cupped the back of your neck and brought you in for a heated kiss. 

You prepared a surprise for him but got a larger surprise instead. You knew that you were going to forever be teased on this by the boys but you couldn't bring yourself to care. It was you and Namjoon - against the world. 

As the concert continued, the atmosphere was even more electric. The unexpected love and joy in the air was palpable and your surprise appearance and engagement became the highlight of the night. Namjoon’s confession of love in front of thousands of fans marked a clear, new beginning - not just for you as a couple but for BTS and their dedicated ARMY as well. 

It was a night of music, love, and memories that none would forget. 

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1 year ago

Festive Feels | KNJ | Diwali Special

Festive Feels | KNJ | Diwali Special

Pair: Namjoon x idol!reader

Summary: Namjoon and you go out on the streets of Seoul to celebrate the Festival of Light together for the first time. And as the night sky is adorned with dazzling lights and vibrant colours, illuminated with thousands of oil lamps, you rediscover the meaning of love and your connections. 

Genre: Fluff, idol reader, idol Namjoon, established relationship au

WC: 705

The city was alive with the warm glow of a thousand lights. Booths, people, and glowing lights brighten the heart of South Korea. In Seoul, amongst the vibrant colours and laughter, Namjoon and you walked hand in hand through the streets, enjoying the celebration of the Festival of Lights, Diwali. 

As the both of you walked through the streets, the air was filled with the scents of the festive delicacies and you just couldn’t help but resist the temptation to indulge in some traditional Indian sweets and food. You’re eyes tilted upwards, watching Namjoon savour a piece of Kaju Katli, his eyes lighting up with delight at the sweetness that coated it. 

Kaju Katli is a cashew fudge treat that is terrifically smooth, thin, and melts in your mouth. 

“Oh, this is amazing,” He turned to you, mouth still full as he proclaimed his love for the food. “How have I never tried this before.” 

You chuckled. “Diwali is all about sharing happiness and delicious food with our loved ones. So, this is perfect.” You leaned into his embrace. “Oh… the food.” Just the thought made you salivate.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the real magic of Diwali began. You pulled Namjoon onto a bridge. The cityscape slowly transformed into a wonderland as buildings, homes and streets started to be adorned with countless lights and festive decorations. It felt as if the city came alive for the festival. 

You pulled Namjoon off the bridge, walking in the opposite direction, as the both of you found a quiet corner in a nearby park. People around you were lighting oil lamps and it was tradition to create beautiful rangoli patterns on the ground. Buying a few packets of rice, chalk powder, coloured sand, and flower petals, you headed over to a fairly empty walkway and started. 

The both of you were eager to try your hand at it. Pouring small amounts at a time, colours painted the ground a beautiful shade as you carefully crafted intricate designs. Namjoon watched you intently, occasionally offering a helping hand.  

As you worked, you explained the significance of rangoli to him. “These patterns are meant to bring good luck and ward off evil.” As you finish off another pattern, you continue. “They are also a symbol of hospitality, welcoming guests into our homes.”

Namjoon nodded, his gaze never leaving your hands as you worked skillfully to form a delicate lotus pattern. “I love studying about your traditions and I’m honoured to be a part of your Diwali celebration.”

With the completed rangoli sitting in front of you, the both of you lit up your oil lamps and placed them in the centre. The soft, flickering light created a magical atmosphere and you felt like you were sharing an intimate moment with your beloved amidst the grand celebration around you. 

Children were screaming and adults were working around in the booths - but it felt like your own little bubble of peace.  

As the night sky darkened, the fireworks illuminated the galaxy. You and Namjoon looked up, faces reflecting the vibrant colours and patterns that burst above you. 

“It’s like a starry night but with so much more.” Namjoon remarked, arm coming around your waist to bring you closer to his body. 

You smiled at his analogy. “Diwali is a reminder that light will always triumph over darkness - a time to celebrate new beginnings and the victory of good over evil.”

Namjoon leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I’m grateful to share this beautiful festival with you and I hope our love can shine as bright as these lights.”

Tilting your head up to meet his vulnerable gaze - your hearts connected. “Namjoon, our love has always been a beacon, guiding us through our darkest times. It was, is, and will always be.”

As you refocused your attention on the fireworks that painted the night sky with radiant colours, you felt a sense of unity and togetherness - reminding you of the beauty of sharing traditions and creating new memories with the one you love. 

At that moment, you realise that loving truly was the most powerful light of all, illuminating your lives with warmth, joy, and endless possibilities. 

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1 year ago

Festive Feels | KNJ | Diwali Special

Festive Feels | KNJ | Diwali Special

Pair: Namjoon x idol!reader

Summary: Namjoon and you go out on the streets of Seoul to celebrate the Festival of Light together for the first time. And as the night sky is adorned with dazzling lights and vibrant colours, illuminated with thousands of oil lamps, you rediscover the meaning of love and your connections. 

Genre: Fluff, idol reader, idol Namjoon, established relationship au

WC: 705

The city was alive with the warm glow of a thousand lights. Booths, people, and glowing lights brighten the heart of South Korea. In Seoul, amongst the vibrant colours and laughter, Namjoon and you walked hand in hand through the streets, enjoying the celebration of the Festival of Lights, Diwali. 

As the both of you walked through the streets, the air was filled with the scents of the festive delicacies and you just couldn’t help but resist the temptation to indulge in some traditional Indian sweets and food. You’re eyes tilted upwards, watching Namjoon savour a piece of Kaju Katli, his eyes lighting up with delight at the sweetness that coated it. 

Kaju Katli is a cashew fudge treat that is terrifically smooth, thin, and melts in your mouth. 

“Oh, this is amazing,” He turned to you, mouth still full as he proclaimed his love for the food. “How have I never tried this before.” 

You chuckled. “Diwali is all about sharing happiness and delicious food with our loved ones. So, this is perfect.” You leaned into his embrace. “Oh… the food.” Just the thought made you salivate.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the real magic of Diwali began. You pulled Namjoon onto a bridge. The cityscape slowly transformed into a wonderland as buildings, homes and streets started to be adorned with countless lights and festive decorations. It felt as if the city came alive for the festival. 

You pulled Namjoon off the bridge, walking in the opposite direction, as the both of you found a quiet corner in a nearby park. People around you were lighting oil lamps and it was tradition to create beautiful rangoli patterns on the ground. Buying a few packets of rice, chalk powder, coloured sand, and flower petals, you headed over to a fairly empty walkway and started. 

The both of you were eager to try your hand at it. Pouring small amounts at a time, colours painted the ground a beautiful shade as you carefully crafted intricate designs. Namjoon watched you intently, occasionally offering a helping hand.  

As you worked, you explained the significance of rangoli to him. “These patterns are meant to bring good luck and ward off evil.” As you finish off another pattern, you continue. “They are also a symbol of hospitality, welcoming guests into our homes.”

Namjoon nodded, his gaze never leaving your hands as you worked skillfully to form a delicate lotus pattern. “I love studying about your traditions and I’m honoured to be a part of your Diwali celebration.”

With the completed rangoli sitting in front of you, the both of you lit up your oil lamps and placed them in the centre. The soft, flickering light created a magical atmosphere and you felt like you were sharing an intimate moment with your beloved amidst the grand celebration around you. 

Children were screaming and adults were working around in the booths - but it felt like your own little bubble of peace.  

As the night sky darkened, the fireworks illuminated the galaxy. You and Namjoon looked up, faces reflecting the vibrant colours and patterns that burst above you. 

“It’s like a starry night but with so much more.” Namjoon remarked, arm coming around your waist to bring you closer to his body. 

You smiled at his analogy. “Diwali is a reminder that light will always triumph over darkness - a time to celebrate new beginnings and the victory of good over evil.”

Namjoon leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I’m grateful to share this beautiful festival with you and I hope our love can shine as bright as these lights.”

Tilting your head up to meet his vulnerable gaze - your hearts connected. “Namjoon, our love has always been a beacon, guiding us through our darkest times. It was, is, and will always be.”

As you refocused your attention on the fireworks that painted the night sky with radiant colours, you felt a sense of unity and togetherness - reminding you of the beauty of sharing traditions and creating new memories with the one you love. 

At that moment, you realise that loving truly was the most powerful light of all, illuminating your lives with warmth, joy, and endless possibilities. 

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1 year ago

Sharing The Moment | MYG

Sharing The Moment | MYG

Pair: Yoongi x reader 

Summary: You and your son went to D-Day 3 to support Yoongi. Your son stole the show after appearing on stage and ARMY was absolutely… swooned. 

Genre: fluff, established relationship, parents au, married au

WC: 1169

Before the both of you stepped into the stadium, you could feel the ground vibrating from all the fan’s anticipation. The arena felt alive before the real show even started. It was the last day of Yoongi’s D-Day tour in Seoul and all the fans were there early. Whether is it giving out fanmade gifts, food, or drinks, they - Is that a tangerine in her hand? And is that a whole bag of it?!

The atmosphere was electric but for you, today was something even more special. You were not only here as a fan but also as Yoongi’s family. While ARMY’s certainly had eagle eyes, they have yet to catch on that you weren’t the only surprise that day. Your son, Min Ji-Hye, a carbon copy of his dad, was the source of the surprise. His little body was buzzing with energy. 

Since young, Ji-Hye has looked up to his father’s music and absolutely idolizes him. Every time Yoongi works from home or comes home with new music, Ji-Hye would demand listening to it even if it is the rawest version. Of course, Yoongi tries to keep the cursing to a minimum whenever Ji-Hye is around. 

The both of you found your seats in the middle catalogs which the staff has reserved especially for the both of you. Ensuring that Ji-Hye wouldn’t fall off his bumper seat, you started to set the area for the both of you so that you wouldn’t miss a single second to find some water. You were so engrossed in ensuring that your son had everything he needed that you didn’t realise Jin and Hobi were standing right next to you. 

You jumped when you felt a light tap on your shoulder, immediately turning around with large eyes, hoping that you wouldn’t cause trouble for your husband if you got mobbed or something during his concert. But you found two laughing figures and calmed down once you heard Jin’s signature laugh. 

“Yah, don’t scare me like that!” You chided.

“It was you who weren’t paying attention! We were here the whole time!”

You were about to shoot back another snarky remark when - “Seoul, ARE YOU READY?” 

Cheers from all directions engulfed you as fireworks lit up the stage. Yoongi came blasting from the backstage and no matter how many times you have been to BTS concerts, you never get tired of seeing them perform. The raw passion in their movements and voices always ensures that the audience has one of the best concerts. 

You turned over to see Ji-Hye at the edge of his seat, eyes glued to the stage. You had dressed him in Yoongi’s stage outfit, complete with a cap that looked a few sizes too big (it was taken from Yoongi’s closet). With his cat-like eyes and gummy smile, he was essentially Yoongi 2.0. 

Watching your son sing and jump to the lyrics of his father, your lips curled upwards in a loving smile. While he didn’t quite understand the depth and innuendos of the songs, he was enjoying himself and you knew how much this concert meant to him. With the news of Yoongi’s enlistment, you knew that your time together would be cut short for two years. 

You had told him that telling ARMY a day after the concert wasn’t going to be the best decision but management pulled through so it was scheduled as it is. So both of you continued to enjoy the concert with the new addition of Uncle Namjoon. 

As the music filled the stadium, Yoongi delivered an electrifying performance, pouring his heart and soul into every lyric. His presence on stage was magnetic and the fans were completely enthralled. You thought that you could hold back the tears as he broke down in front of all his fans but the tears streamed down your cheeks, staining them in a salty caress. 

Amidst the sea of fans, Ji-Hye suddenly squirmed and wriggled his way past the people in front of him. Running down the steps, you tried to catch him when Namjoon suddenly grabbed your wrist. “He’s safe, don’t worry. There are guards everywhere.”

But you couldn’t help but worry. What if he got lost? What if fans start to swarm around him and he can’t make it to Yoongi or any of the guards in time? Your heart skipped a beat as you saw his little figure making his way up the stage. There was a collective gasp from the fans nearby as they realised what was happening. 

The surrounding security personnel recognised him and allowed him to approach the stage, guiding him carefully so that he didn’t fall down the large steps. Yoongi had just finished a ‘Life Goes On’ and was taking a moment to catch his breath when he saw little feet running up towards him. His eyes widened and broke out into a huge grin when he saw him, squatting down to his level and spreading his arms. The fans, realising that he was Yoongi’s son, started to cheer even louder. 

The moment Ji-Hye crashed into Yoongi, every ounce of fear that Ji-Hye would be afraid of the cheers washed away in that instance. Yoongi scooped him up, hugging him tightly as your son laughed into the microphone, causing another wave of cheers to vibrate the stadium. It was a moment of pure, unscripted love between a father and his son. You stared at the two most important people in your life on stage, celebrating as if they were the only ones in the world. 

The fans were absolutely swooning - taking in this whole scene with hearty eyes and red faces - their hearts melted by the sheer adorableness of the scene. They watched as Ji-Hye whispered something into Yoongi’s ear and Yoongi’s eyes sparkled with amusement and affection. 

Yoongi turned to the fans, holding Ji-Hye high above his head like the scene from Lion King. “This is my son, Min Ji-Hye.” He announced proudly. “He’s a little ARMY like all of you.”

The fans erupted into cheers, shouting their love for both Yoongi and his son. Ji-Hye waved at the crowd, his gummy smile wide, grinning from ear to ear. Your heart felt so big that it was going to explode. 

As the concert continued, Yoongi held Ji-Hye in his arms, dancing with him on stage during a couple of songs. It was a moment of pure joy and it was clear that this concert had become something extraordinary - not just for the fans but for Yoongi and your family. 

After the concert, Yoongi was still beaming with light as he continued to hold Ji-Hye in his arms. “You know, you stole the show today.” He chuckled to his son.  

Ji-Hye looked up at his father, eyes shining with admiration. “Daddy!” He swung his little legs. “I wanna be just like you when I grow up!”

Yoongi’s heart swelled with love. “You can be anything you want. Just remember to always be yourself.”

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1 year ago

Learning Flights | JHS

Learning Flights | JHS

Pair: Hobi x reader 

Summary: Tour life can be difficult and even the strongest relationships can be broken down when one is overwhelmed. Your attempts to voice your concerns about Hobi’s well-being were quickly shot down by the man himself. 

Genre: Established relationship, angst, idol, BTS on world tour

WC: 1155

Hoseok has always been the sunshine of the group and an everlasting burning sun in your life. You have always loved his energy, optimism, and warm, infectious smile. You loved how he could always keep you on your toes and make you laugh. Not a single second with him ever turns boring.

And ARMY feels the same. 

During his tours and performances, fan meets and videos, it was always a memorable experience for them to remember. It was no different for the current world tour that they are on. The tour has been a whirlwind of excitement and energy, with Hobi’s performances leaving ARMY asking for more. But behind those dazzling lights and loud cheers, you could see that something had changed in his usually vibrant demeanour. 

From the packed schedules, late nights, and constant travel, you watched him struggle to keep up with appearances. You could see that the tour was starting to take a toll on him, fatigue creeping in almost after the performance finished. The underlying strain was leaving him more weary and irritable. And as usual, as his partner, you felt a deep concern for his well-being. Worried for him, you constantly try to check up on him but your attempts to voice your concerns have been mainly met with short, clipped responses or irritability. 

One evening, as you sat on the tour bus, the weight of the tension between you began to feel difficult to bear. Hoseok had barely slept the night before and they had rushed over right after the performances. Everybody’s luggage was a mess as nobody had much time to pack due to the packed schedules. You knew that his patience was wearing thin as he had snapped at you for simple questions and comments. 

It hurts to say, but it certainly stung. 

But you didn’t let it show on your face. You knew that he was exhausted and not feeling his best. You knew that it was difficult for him and he needed to save most of his energy for his fans during the concerts. You could understand, but it hurts.

When you finally dared to ask him again, you reached out to touch his hand, “Are you okay, Hobi?”

His response was sharper than usual, edged with frustration. “Can you stop asking me if I’m okay? I’m fine, okay? Can’t you just give me some goddamn space?”

His harsh words hung in the air and you recoiled, blinking back your tears. You quickly sank back into the seat and stared out at the window, feeling the distance grow between you. You were hurt by his reaction and the swooning fans outside the bus had no idea what was happening on the bus. Not wanting to irritate him any further, you smiled at the fans. You didn’t want to disrupt the harmonious image that they have of BTS. 

Slowly as the journey continues, you feel the distance between you grow. The weight of his words was pressing down on you and you weren’t sure how much longer you could bear the silence. After a while, far enough from the fans, you moved to the empty seat beside Jimin. 

Giving you a sympathetic smile, Jimin opened up the blanket and offered you some space. You settled beside him as he wrapped his arms around you, giving you a sense of silent reassurance. 

Just as you were about to fall asleep, Namjoon came over and sat down beside the both of you, occupying the seat that you sat on previously. He cast you a reassuring smile as he said, “I know Hoseok’s been a bit on edge recently, but it’s not your fault. He’s just tired and constant pressure can get to anyone.” 

You sighed in Jimin’s hold as you nodded, trying to keep your voice steady. “I know. I just don’t want to bother him when he’s tired.”

Namjoon gave you a knowing look but nodded all the same. “Hobi will come around, don’t worry.”

The rest of the journey continued in sombre silence, the members feeling the tension on the bus and constantly sneaking glances at the both of you. Jimin’s body was like a furnace and with the cold air blasting right above the both of you, it was a nice temperature for a cuddle buddy. 

As the bus reached the next hotel, you waited for Hobi to step off before passing him his luggage. He looked worn out and weary, and for a moment, you hesitated. Placing down your hand that unintentionally reached out to him, you turned your back to him, deciding to retire in Jimin’s room today. The both of you were exhausted and having a conversation on what had happened now would not turn out nice. You hoped that Hoseok would come to you when he had some time to properly rest up and unwind. 

Settling down for the night, Jimin was ordering some food from the staff who were going down to the convenience stores. A knock on the door startled you, and when you opened it, you were surprised to find Hoseok standing there with red-rimmed, puffy eyes. “I’m sorry!” He swung into you, letting his full body weight onto your unsuspecting arms. 

Jimin was standing at the television console, looking like a deer in headlights as he observed the situation between the both of you. 

“I’m sorry! I know you meant well, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.” Hobi sniffled. “Namjoon told me you were upset.”

He buried his face in your neck, sighing deeply. “I’m sorry I made you cry. I truly appreciate what you do for me, I really do! But… It’s just that sometimes when I get overwhelmed, I don’t always handle it well.”

You welcomed him into the room as you closed the door, giving Jimin a piece of dignity for his half-clothed body. Pulling Hobi into a comforting hug, you stroke his hair soothingly. “We all have our moments and I’ll always be here for you no matter what, okay? But it’s not healthy to bear everything yourself. That’s what I’m here for. Promise to tell me if anything is bothering you?”

Hobi nodded his head vigorously, arms coming around your waist to wrap you even closer. “I promise, promise. I love you.” 

You smiled, rocking the both of you from side to side as his cries turned to sniffles. 

You knew that the challenges of tour life can put a strain even on the strongest of relationships but you were certain that your love and willingness to communicate with each other will make it all worth it. 

“I love you too, Hobi.” 

You almost forgot Jimin was there until he made a gagging sound. “How long are you guys going to be at it? It’s making me feel painfully single.”

You chuckled.

“Please leave my room now that the both of you have reconciled. God, the tension was unbearable!”

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1 year ago

Breaking Bonds | PJM Mini Series Masterlist

Pair: Fae Jimin x Nymph reader 

Summary: Stripped from your own birthright, you suffer at the hands of your people. But after all, you couldn’t blame them. Having enough, you left in the middle of the snowy days but things didn’t go as you planned. Jimin, pulled by an unspeakable force, ventures out into the blizzard to find a body face-first on the ground. Your love and connection is forbidden - looked down upon. But the both of you are willing to try. However, where there are dreams there are prices to pay. How will the both of you push through? Can the both of you do it?

Genre: Strangers to lovers, fantasy au, Jimin is the CROWN PRINCE (I mean-), angst, kidnapping, smut

TWC: 10307

Breaking Bonds | PJM Mini Series Masterlist


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


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1 year ago

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Teaser

You curled your fingertips, feeling the soft, silky sheets beneath them. Trying to view the room from your current position - lying flat on the bed with a head that feels as heavy as bricks - you were taken aback by the sheer language it screams. 


From the materials beneath your body to the furniture displayed, the decorations and architecture of the room, they were all beyond your imagination. You had not stepped into such a room since the battle. As you looked around, you realised the room was not originally made to stay cold. The fireplace seemed to be covered in a layer of dust but the decorations on them were clean. 

And although you knew that this was not your room, the calming temperature felt just like home. But you had not been in a room like this for a very long time. Distantly, you heard the opening and closing of a door. Your eyes immediately shot in the direction of the sound just to find a man already standing beside the bed. 

You sink deeper into the sheets, holding in your sigh as you close your eyes. 

“Oh!” Your eyes shot open to see the man right in front of you. “Oh, you’re awake! Oh, finally! Wait - wait - let me call the physicians!”

The physicians fussed you back to bed and ran a thorough check of you, reporting back to the prince whenever they found something. Whether it was something healing or something that needs healing. Over the next few weeks, you realise how persistent and petty the prince can get. 

“I will lay the world down on your feet for you, please. Do not leave me.”

“My world is not one you can provide.” No, he couldn't. Your home was something of the past and now...

My world is you. 

And it is not something you can hope for.

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1 year ago

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 1

Pair: Fae Jimin x Nymph reader 

Summary: Stripped from your own birthright, you suffer at the hands of your people. But after all, you couldn’t blame them. Having enough, you left in the middle of the snowy days but things didn’t go as you planned. Jimin, pulled by an unspeakable force, ventures out into the blizzard to find a body face-first on the ground. Your love and connection is forbidden - looked down upon. But the both of you are willing to try. However, where there are dreams there are prices to pay. How will the both of you push through? Can the both of you do it?

Genre: Strangers to lovers, fantasy au, Jimin is the CROWN PRINCE (I mean-), angst, kidnapping, smut

WC: 2932

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 1

The history of the fae and nymphs - elements that used to live together harmoniously. Like the primary and secondary elements of life and magic, the love between faes and nymphs was sacred - so sacred that only royals had the right to arrange a marriage between their children. 

But hundreds of centuries later, amongst the roots of enmity that were fueled by old grudges and misunderstandings, blew out of proportion and affected many citizens. 

The dark history between them that started was marked by blood in the ledger books. The first is The Great Rift. The conflicts between faes and nymphs are often referred to in this phrase as the powerful fae kingdom taking lands that were traditionally inhabited by the nymphs. Territorial dispute ignited much hostility and opposition. This therefore caused the lack of resources. Both mystical beings relied on the same natural elements to thrive from the magical essence in their forests. 

And within these battles of dominance grew something more than just territory but also magical supremacy. Each mystical being possesses its own unique and elemental powers. As the war grew to a larger scale, betrayals were not able to be prevented. A web of alliances and betrayals intermingle with the supernatural races while leading to mutual distrust. 

The history was marred by not one, not two, but five different wars at different times. Both sides inflicted much suffering on the other. The wars led to untold loss with neither willing to yield. The main lasting repercussions come in, especially in the revised laws that were enacted to prevent any form of interaction or alliance between fae and nymph. Love between individuals of two races was seen as a dangerous threat to the stability of their respective societies.

The history was written in blood and the older generation of both races have a hard time letting go of their prejudices. 

And here lies the snowstorm. 

In the middle of the forest, where the snow blasts down like little chilling knives slicing through your skin and a good three feet of snow -

Your kind were the ice nymphs, once the royal family, now stripped of your title and an outcast amongst your kind. Where the fae folk thrived, you ventured - away from the place you once called home, now a barren room barely the size of a storage room. The scars of the Cold War between the nymphs still lingered, leaving the kingdom in the easy grip of the Lyrin fae.

You kind - the ice nymphs - were rare to come about, each one of your veins flows with the power of winter. In the lores, your kind was told to have a beauty that was like a fragile kind of enchantment, with hair as pale as frost, and skin as delicate as the first snowfall. 

There were only a few times that you have looked in the mirror - countable with five fingers. After your family was stripped of their title, with you accordingly, life was never the same. Your people, with no place to go, lost trust and justice in you. 

Desperation drove her journey as she yearned to escape the dark shadow of your people’s fall that hung over her head like a knife over the bed. Even with the ice in your veins, that winter night, when the biting frost finally embraced you and hunger gnawed at your core, your strength failed. You had pushed yourself as far as you could but as the sun dipped below the horizon, your body could no longer hold you up, giving in to your exhaustion and malnutrition. 

Lying beneath the icy canopy, you were a fragile, half-dead being that is an easy hunt for food for predators living around the area. Your eyes swerved back, trying to calculate how far you might have to go back for shelter. But you didn’t know. 

You had walked without a direction, lost in the depths of the Lyrin forest. Frostbites numbed your limbs and your brain was moving slower from the exhuation. But there it was, amidst the unforgiving cold and darkness, you sensed a presence stirring. 

Your hazed hearing registered the crunch of footsteps in the snow as your blurry vision sent your brain to somebody standing next to you. Your eyes roll around until you have a clearer picture of who it is. A man with dark hair, brown eyes, and plush lips, dressed in regal attire with a crest of the fae kingdom. Lyrin was one of the biggest fae kingdoms and everybody knows their crests. After all, it was them who led the battles many years ago. It was them that inflicted the harm and loss on your people. It was them that had killed the ruling family back then. 

Your family. 

But he wasn’t the one who took the action. No, he was almost as old as you were and then, the both of you were barely kids. 

Prince Jimin, they called him. 

The golden sunlight. 

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 1

The crown of Lyrin weighed heavily on his shoulders. He knew the crowning ceremony would be soon, and this winter, he wanted to let go and be just a man until he could no longer. Once he takes over the throne from his father, his duty to serve his country is solely on his shoulders. There was much to do and many things he would like to change, but even as king, these little ideas - as his father likes to call them - had to go through the council. 

And Jimin knows that the old hags would never approve of it. 

It went beyond the revised edition of the old laws. 

To reconcile with the nymphs. 

Jiminhad ventured into the forest today, going around with no direction, guided purely by an inexplicable force. The kingdom, although a realm of enchantment, was deeply tainted by the darkness of its past. If all was silent enough, one could still hear the shrieks and cries of the souls. The darkness had bred a strong sense of hatred and fear between faes and nymphs. Their mating was now an old tale of forbidden love - a story buried deep in history. 

As he ventured further into the woods, he stumbled upon the nymph, your frail form half-buried in the snow. Your beauty, even in your weak state, took the breath right out of his lungs. He recognized you as a nymph with your small frame and pale, white hair. But it wasn’t completely white. It shone like the silvers of the moonlight when light reflected off it. 

But it was when he moved to pick you up that he saw your family’s sigil, now faded from royal to common, that told him - you were no ordinary nymph. As his arms went under the ice, you stirred slightly at the movement. As you opened her eyes, he was completely taken aback by the sheer blue shade of your pupils. 

Even with one foot into the Underworld, you looked ethereal to him. Jimin was snapped out of his daze when your frostbitten lips whispered a plea for help. In that moment, all history and hatred were forgotten. With fae swiftness, he scooped your fragile state - lighter than air - into his arms and covered you with his coat. 

Determined to save her, he summoned a warm breeze that melted the frost from your body and sealed you in a cocoon of warmth. Jimin only dared to start running faster to his horse when colour slowly came back to your lips. Ensuring that you were safely tucked in his arms, Jimin ran back to the castle, fighting against death who wanted to take the girl in his arms. 

As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. The little nymph’s life continued to hang in the balance and Jimin was a mess. He made every doctor attend to you, pacing around the bedroom day and night. He had caused an uproar in the kingdom when they found out that their crown prince had brought back a nymph - even more than this one that was from the late royal family - and was nursing her back to health. 

His father had threatened to strip him of his title if he did not abandon you. But he could not do it. So it started the feud between father and son, neither backing down. Jimin understood that his late grandfather and his father had a feud among the nymphs, had been the ones who executed them and had been the ones to fight at the front lines. They were the ones who brought Lyrin to what it is today - expanded. But as Jimin studied the history of both parties, he felt a certain connection to the nymphs. 

He did not want to be a ruler where their mystical counterparts would be afraid of them. He did not want to be a ruler like his father - ruling by fear from an iron fist. 

While doctors attended to you, Jimin watched them with sharp eyes, ensuring that none of the doctors would slip anything into your bloodstream. When nothing helped and your state was only getting worse, Jimin grew more and more anxious. He had sifted through books and hunted down the Old Scripts.

He learned that your name was L/N Y/N, the youngest of the last ruling family. Your father had been killed in the war, your mother led you and your siblings to safety but soon after passed due to the broken mate bond. Your siblings were either caught by his father’s cavalry or died of starvation, leaving only you. Your records were still in the kingdom, seemingly down till two days before he met you. That means that you were active in your own kingdom, at your people’s mercy until you left.

He looked back at where you lay still on the bed. 

And if he didn’t find you, you would have probably been dead by now. 

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 1

You woke up to the warmth and luxury of a place you had only dreamed of. Your body was still weak and you didn’t know what happened after passing out. Slowly rising to consciousness, you found yourself in a room of blue and white, drapes swinging in the wind. But you registered that the windows weren’t open and the room was cold like… ice?

Winter may be the season but no room was made to stay cold unless the elements of the magicians’ are meant to stay cold. 

Like you.

You curled your fingertips, feeling the soft, silky sheets beneath them. Trying to view the room from your current position - lying flat on the bed with a head that feels as heavy as bricks - you were taken aback by the sheer language it screams. 


From the materials beneath your body to the furniture displayed, the decorations and architecture of the room, they were all beyond your imagination. You had not stepped into such a room since the battle. As you looked around, you realised the room was not originally made to stay cold. The fireplace seemed to be covered in a layer of dust but the decorations on them were clean. 

And although you knew that this was not your room, the calming temperature felt just like home. But you had not been in a room like this for a very long time. Distantly, you heard the opening and closing of a door. Your eyes immediately shot in the direction of the sound just to find a man already standing beside the bed. 

You were immediately broken out of your thoughts when you realised who it was and where exactly you were. You did not need to open the windows to know - you were on enemy territory. The rulers who killed your family. The rulers who brought demise onto your people. 

But looking at the man, clad in a loose tunic and pants, dark brown hair ruffled in all directions, you couldn’t find yourself to hate him. Even as you knew that he shared the purest blood with the murderer, you knew that he… was just like you. 

A family’s misdoings do not mean a child’s downfall. 

One’s choice does not equal the choice of another. 

You sink deeper into the sheets, holding in your sigh as you close your eyes. 

“Oh!” Your eyes shot open to see the man right in front of you. “Oh, you’re awake! Oh, finally! Wait - wait - let me call the physicians!”

Your brain couldn’t register his words fast enough before you saw his body move so fast it was just a blurry shade running down the stairs. Or maybe it was just your vision that was a little crusty. Rubbing your eyes as you yawned, you got up from the bed. You wouldn’t like to overstay your stay, especially not in a place where your head was on a bounty. 

You had left your kingdom only to be stuck in another. 

Sighing, you looked down to your feet -

Your arms shot to cover your already clothed body. Wait, wait, wait - 

Your hands patted yourself down. You - 

You were changed. 

Your plan to secretly escape was a fail the moment your ears picked up the sound of multiple heavy footsteps coming towards the room. The large doors were banged open, revealing a line of physicians behind the prince. 

“There! There! I told you, she is awake!”

Squinting at the all-to-cheerful sound that the prince makes, the palm of your hands pressed against your ears. 

“Careful, Prince. The Lady just woke up, her senses will be sensitive. You must lower your volume, Prince.”

Sheepish eyes shot at you, a guilty smile lifting the corners of his lips. The physicians fussed you back to bed and ran a thorough check of you, reporting back to the prince whenever they found something. Whether it was something healing or something that needs healing. Over the next few weeks, you realise how persistent and petty the prince can get. 

He would refuse you bites of food if you were to call him by his royal title. He would refuse to help you up from bed, just standing at the corner of the bedpost when you need the restroom, always claiming, “If you aren’t going to help yourself, you don’t get to do your business.”

But you also realise how much he has gone through. As the only child, he was meant to take the throne a couple of weeks before he found you. But he had caused a huge uprising and a big fight with his father. When you were sneaking out one of the nights, Jimin found you during his nightly duties of patrol and whisked you back to the room. 

Although you had left with the intention of Jimin’s life getting back to normal, he has increased your security so that you won’t have much of a chance to run away again. 

Keyword: much. 

You still had your chances and when that came, you took it. You had everything packed and ready, but this time, you left with a note at the bedside table, paired together with a magic-infused healing charm for the man. 

Safe to say, it was a bad idea. 

You knew it was the moment you penned down your goodbyes and gave him the charm. But you didn’t have much on you to give him for thanks other than the occasional swirls of magic in his office. 

Yes, it was a horrible idea - of course it was! You were caught - again. 

This time, Jimin didn’t just leave you back in the room. He was silent the whole time after he found you. The ride back, up the stairs, and even after the both of you entered the room. You saw the note on the bed. 

Jimin’s back was to you. 

“Why - Why would you think that?”

You were taken aback by the tears that streamed down his plum cheeks that you had teasingly squished the past few weeks. Looking down at the note, you felt a pang of… sorrow.

A sorrow that wasn’t yours. It shouldn’t be. “Because it is against the laws.”

“I do not care what the laws claim!”

“I am nobody, Prince. You have a duty to serve your kingdom and its people. I am a princess, stripped of my title, belonging to the very kingdom your father and his father killed through. The very princess that they couldn’t care less before killing off my father on the battlefield.” He couldn’t be yours. He was a prince, deserving of one better than a bond that was looked down upon. 

“My ancestors can go suck their dicks.”

You pulled a face at the crude language. You knew that he would be insisting - you found out that much about him - and you prepared yourself for a situation like this. But your resolve was already crumbling. 

“Prince -”

“Stop, stop! I am yours! Please - I beg of you - stop calling me by my title.”

You sucked in a deep breath. “You are more than your titles. But you are also the light of your people. The only heir to the throne and you will not shove it away just because we are bonded. I refuse.”

“I will lay the world down on your feet for you, please. Do not leave me.” His cries hurt you more than knives and ropes splitting your skin raw. 

“My world is not one you can provide.”

My world is you. 

But you wouldn’t dare say that as you turned your back to him and walked out of the castle, following your original plan in mind.

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1 year ago

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

Pair: Fae Jimin x Nymph reader 

Summary: Stripped from your own birthright, you suffer at the hands of your people. But after all, you couldn’t blame them. Having enough, you left in the middle of the snowy days but things didn’t go as you planned. Jimin, pulled by an unspeakable force, ventures out into the blizzard to find a body face-first on the ground. Your love and connection is forbidden - looked down upon. But the both of you are willing to try. However, where there are dreams there are prices to pay. How will the both of you push through? Can the both of you do it?

Genre: Strangers to lovers, fantasy au, Jimin is the CROWN PRINCE (I mean-), angst, kidnapping, smut

A/N: AHEM - 👀 that's all the warning I'll give HAHA

WC: 3774

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

Heartbroken was truly not the right word to use while describing Jimin’s current state. 

He went around his duties like a ghost, refusing to sleep in any other place than your room even if it was freezing cold to him, and cried himself to sleep almost every other night. 


He was hurt. 

Jimin could understand why you chose to leave. After all, he read your note. He knew he understood your intentions but he tried. He had hoped that you wouldn’t. His mother was barely in the picture, preferring her group of ladies rather than staying in his quarters and having some bonding. She was almost a non-existent figure in his childhood life. It was only when he started taking up his duties during adolescence, did she appeared more. 

His father and grandfather were always too busy fighting on the battlefield and when his father finally came home, Jimin was disregarded like an old rag doll. With the King in perfect condition, the young and naive Crown Prince was no longer being held at the throat for possibly taking over the throne. 

The only parent figures he had were the maids and servants in the castle. When he was young, they would sneak some snacks for him before bedtime and they would eat together as they watched the night sky. More times than not, stories would be told then. During his adolescence, some of the councillors would give him extra help for his homework. They would teach him the laws and ways of the kingdom not by books, but by actions. 

During seasonal festivals, the servants would always pair up with an undercover guard to bring him out of the castle - even if it is just for a few hours - and let him explore what would be his when he ascends. 

Jimin is forever grateful to those who took care of him growing up, some of them barely eighteen years old. But he had always craved a different sort of intimacy. Nobody could replace the absence of his parents but as Jimin grew older, he had wished that he would find the one for him so that he could shower them with as much love and care as the servants had for him. 

But as he came of age and after so many years of mindless finding, Jimin had started to give up until he found you, lying face first in the snow. He was drawn by an unspeakable force to venture into the depths of the forest that day. He was in the middle of his afternoon duties when he looked out into the vast snow and felt it. 

Jimin had initially wanted to ignore it but it got stronger the more time passed. So he went to the stables and settled his horse, trotting the both of them in an unknown mark. He observed where he was going, of course - southeast, with little turns and ups and downs. 

Until he saw your body on the ground. 

His heart stopped. 

That day, he figured out a new type of fear - One that was bone-chilling. 

He ran back to the castle and summoned as many well-known physicians as he could. And while you were bedridden, he carefully nursed you back to health, feeding you morsels of the forest that were saved in the kitchen. He picked out the rarest fruits and collected enchanted waters from the streams up ahead to bathe you. 

The both of you had grown a lot closer in those times, conversations revealing a shared desire for peace and unity between both your kingdoms. He kept you farthest away from his parents, and while nobody in the kingdom was oblivious to you being protected in the walls of the castle, they were of your connection. 

His people knew that he always had a soft spot for nymphs - just like he has for many other things. But fearing for your life, Jimin dared not share the connection he learned - a sacred bond of both the heart and the soul. He knew that you could feel it as well, many times preferring to lay on him rather than beside him. 

But history had to dictate that nymphs and faes were eternal enemies, their alliance forbidden. 

And the unexplainable feeling that coursed through his body when you left him - left him feeling completely… shattered. 

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

You weren’t certain which direction you were going.

You were never good with directions.  

Even worse without a compass, you walked on foot until it turned dark. 

You knew that you had to find shelter soon or the possibility of you being eaten in the middle of the night by some rouge animal would probably be higher than whatever tree you were resting on. Turning back, you decided that the cave behind the waterfall you had found was probably the best bet. 

A loud howl spurred you on, warning you of the troubles in the woods. As carefully as you could, you ran back in the direction of the waterfall. But you were running for more than fifteen minutes and you were sure that the waterfall was not more than a seven-minute walk away. You could still hear the sounds of the rushing water before you started but now, you couldn’t hear a thing. 

Stopping in your tracks, you panted hard, hands on your knees as you fought to catch your breath. In the snowy weather of the continent, there resides the deathly ghost leopards. They hunt when the sun sets, white fur easily blending into the snow of the surroundings. They are so silent that even your pointed ears cannot hear a thing. The only time you know that you are staring at it is when you look into their green eyes, glowing in the dark. 

When you were younger, your parents would always use the story of ghost leopards eating you up if you ventured into their territory to ensure you stayed in during the night. Now you truly wished you had just stayed at the waterfall when you had first found it. Because staring into the glowing eyes was not how you wanted your life to end. 

Your head bowed down as you cowered. Ghost leopards know no bounds on magic. 

They are known as the Balancers. These specific animals and plants are almost human-like, where they are not mystical beings nor are they completely mortal. They balance out the good and evil. But they too, have their seasons. Within the caps of the snowy mountains resides one of these.

Ghost leopards hail from the same element you came from but you were from two different sides of the coin. And while some nymphs have snow leopards as their spiritual partners, the both of you did not get along. 

“I’m sorry, I’ll just… leave.” You slowly backed away, keeping your attention trained on the ground. “Please just don’t eat me.”

But life wasn’t on your side it seems. 

The leopard in front of you leapt, precisely knocking you down as a shriek exploded out of you. You fought for your life as gigantic teeth clamped down on your arm and large paws scratched at your back. You started to fade out when the clashing of swords and hushed voices was the last thing you heard.

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

Jimin looked out of the window in his office. He felt a sense of gut-wrenching ache to go into the depths of the forest, much similar to the feeling the day he found you. But he knew you wanted nothing to do with him and therefore, brushed it off as his overprotective and clingy feelings. 

Softly sighing, he ran his hand through his hair and closed the curtains, turning to the bed. Your scent was slowly wafting out of the room and even your pillow, being the most heavily scented item, was starting to fade. Still, Jimin snuggled into the pillow, bringing it to his nose and letting your scent calm him down. 

It wasn’t until late in the night that the night shift guards returned, causing a much louder ruckus downstairs. It was shouting and clashing that Jimin woke up to. Squinting at the grandfather clock, Jimin registered that he had only slept no more than four hours. Groaning, he flipped himself onto his stomach and tugged the quilt higher. 

But it was the prolonged yellings that finally dragged him out of bed. He had half a piece of mind to go down and reprimand them for making so much noise, so late in the night. Jimin had put together that they were probably celebrating a big catch that the night shift must have brought back from their rounds. 

Just as he was tugging on his tunic, a guard, hands bloodied and face pale barged in. Jimin was immediately awake. Perhaps he thought wrong? 

Instinctively, he grabbed his sword that he had left leaning against the wall when the guard went, “Highness, there is no need. No monster is in sight.” Jimin was confused. If there was no killing needed, why are his hands full of blood?

“You are needed at the infirmary, Your Highness.”

Jimin didn’t put down his sword and walked out of the room. The guard followed him closely behind, footsteps rushed as the both of them headed down. Jimin should have been more alert, should have better sniffed around at the man to gain some inkling of what is going on because he was not ready to have another sight of you on the hospital bed. You looked like you were bleeding from every inch of your body, blood covering your arms and hair. 

His physicians were trying their best to staunch the bleeding but Jimin could just hear it. It wouldn’t stop. The wounds were to deep. 

“Who-” Oh, he was beyond furious. He would kill anybody who hurts you and his primal urges are urging him on a hunt right now. 

“It was a ghost leopard, Your Highness.” The same guard who led him over said. “We heard screams and ran over but the leopard already had its fangs down.”

Jimin loves animals but he would truly like the skin that leopard dry. 

Taking deep breaths, Jimin pushed a few physicians aside, commanding his powers forward. Small wisps of flames licked up your arms as they went in and out of you, before sealing your wounds. Your body was tense and twitching throughout the time. Jimin could only imagine what it is like for you. He was fire and you were ice. The polar opposites. 

As Jimin stepped back, he let the physicians fret over you once again. He never thought that he would have to see you lifeless on the bed, again. The first time had broken his heart so much he refused to move from his spot, worried that you would wake up the moment he leaves and there would be nobody beside you. The maids had finally convinced him to take care if himself when his father called him over for a council meeting at the main palace. He made it back just in time before you woke up. If he had been any later, you would have probably screamed bloody murder by then or jumped out the window, forever never making an appearance. 

But the worst of it was always seeing you on the bed, lying there, unmoving. And now that he has experienced your bubbly nature, it felt even more heartbreaking. His brows pinched as if they couldn’t stand the silence between the both of you. You were always saying something, always teasing him - and although he gets irritated, he would never dare say he didn’t like it one bit. 

Jimin felt like the whole tortuous process had started once again, waiting for any sign of response from you. Luckily, this time, it took you no more than two days before surfacing. Jimin was dead asleep when you had awoken and he had no idea until you had shaken him awake. 

“Jimin… Jimin.”

His brows furrowed. Why do people never let him sleep?

“Jimin.” He felt soft hands caress down his cheeks and he puffed them, turning to snuggle deeper into the pillow. Light laughter broke him out of his sleep-deprived state. It was a laughter he hadn’t heard in a while and your rings felt like absolutely harmony on his ears. 

His eyes shot open only to stare back at your frosty blue ones. Unbelieving, he pinched himself, wincing at the pain that shot up his arm. “Ouch…”

Your hand landed on his biceps with a smack. “Why would you pinch yourself, dummy?”

“I’m truly not dreaming?” He saw your brows furrow. “Truly?”

Your smile turned sad as the light left your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You got up into a sitting potion, hands dropping into your lap as you wrung the quilt between them. 

Jimin didn’t dare to probe the thin string between the both of you, allowing you space to speak. 

“I’m sorry. I know - It’s just that you deserve better and our bond will always be looked down on. I wanted to give you a better life rather than having to constantly hide and step on eggshells around the council and your family. Your kingdom is already unhappy as it is, I did not want to create more problems.” You hang your head, bearing your neck to him. But this is not Jimin. 

Jimin does not want you to feel like it is a necessity to apologise to him. He understood your train of thought and Jimin didn’t want you to be the one making all the decisions for him. 

“I just - I thought that it would have been better for you if I left and -”

Jimin tilted your head upwards, staring deep into your eyes. “What is good for me is a decision I choose to make for myself. And I choose you. For better or for worse, through thick and thin, I choose you. I do not need you, but I want you.”

Jimin searched your eyes for any form of discomfort before asking, “Do you want this?”

Silence followed the both of you and Jimin felt his airway close up. 

It couldn’t have been more than a few seconds but it easily felt like minutes. But Jimin kept silent - gave you space to think, to feel. Until your eyes cleared up and your voice was solid when you answered, “Yes. I want this.” 

Jimin’s breath got knocked out of him for the umpteenth time in the past few days. 

“Then it is this you will get.” Jimin brought your hands together, linking your pinkies as a promise. “We will be part no longer. I will not hide you or our relationship. I am yours.”

You nodded back at him. “I am yours.”

Jimin brought his palm to your cheek and moved closer. At a hair’s breadth away, Jimin stopped. “Are you sure?” He didn’t want to put you through anything you didn’t want but he has truly waited a long time for this. 

It was within a moment that he felt your lips on his. 

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

It was a tangle of limbs from then on. Nobody knew where it started and where it stopped. 

The bedroom door closed and only a small opening was left on the windows to allow some form of ventilation. Silent as it was, the servants and whatever guards who were not on duty were all sleeping.

You bit your fisted palm as you threw your head back and writhed around. But it was difficult when his very touch ignited a type of fire within you, dragging pleasure through your skin. 

“Mine. You’re all mine.” Jimin whispers into the night. Your hips instinctively pushed up, grinding against his length. 

“Please, please.” You begged, feeling your senses beginning to blur. You needed him close.

Jimin let you go, unbinding his hands from yours and sat up, stripping himself of his clothes. Without any form of restrictions, you reached for him, hands gliding down his toned body. You have never seen more than what was above and it was safe to say, you were thoroughly satisfied just from staring. 

Jimin remained upright, allowing you to explore his body as he did with yours. Your taste still lingered on the edges of his lips as he licked it, savouring the remains. Your hands glided over his body - fingers, palms, and lips. He watched as you traced every outline with that shiny look in your eyes. 

You took extra notice of the spots that he was most sensitive to - constantly arching his back, neck exposed. 

Jimin felt himself weaken in pleasure as you proceeded to lie over his body and worship his aching length. At this point, half of his rational brain was denying that he had never done this before but the other half of him was passed out from the pleasure. Just the moment your mouth engulfed his length, he was done for. 

“Oh, Jimin… God -” Your moans reverberated around, causing him to grip the sheets to find some slip of control. You abandoned his length and moved down to his heavy balls, hand remaining to jerk him off. He was so wet already, pulsating in your hand. 

“Ah - Oh, Y/N, it feels so good, ah.” Jimin moaned, face scrunching up from the force of keeping himself intact. “Ah, Y/N…”

It wasn’t long since you had gone down on him but Jimin was already grasping at the sheets, pulling them off the edges as he fought for his breath. He never knew this type of hunger from you but hell - who was he to complain? 

“Y/N - Ah - Slow down, please.” Jimin’s voice was hoarse, the pace of breathing ruined. His eyes were glassy as they looked down at you, completely blown out. Your hunger was well taken but Jimin felt oversensitive. 

But the wicked gleam in your eyes that Jimin had learned to learn was not a good thing, made him gulp. His begs have the opposite effect on you and instead of giving him a break as you took him back into your mouth. You took him down as far as you could go, hitting the back of your throat as his groomed hair tickled your nose. 

“Ah - No, I -” He throbbed in your mouth. God, he was big and you could feel him pulsating. 

Jimin whimpered and threw his hand over his mouth, trying to muffle the next loud moan that threatened to escape him. He struggled to leave your wet warmth but your sharp nails had forced his hips back down onto the bed and worked him into overdrive. Throwing his head backwards onto the pillows, Jimin squeezed his eyes shut as pleasure coursed through him. He was already lying down but he felt his knees tremble and buckle, growing tense and lax at the same time in your hold. 

As he whimpers his pleas for a break as you push him into oversensitivity, you slip off his length and kiss at the hard planes of his abdomen. Its strong structure rippled under your lips as you watched Jimin fight for air.

“God, I’ll have you for breakfast every day.” You moaned, drawing patterns with your tongue over his lower abs, occasionally dipping lower. You were not too far behind your mate. Panting and gasping for air, you look up at him with love-drunk eyes. 

Jimin swallowed heavily of whatever saliva there was left in his system - which was essentially, close to none - and met your gaze. Your blown-out eyes and messy hair - everything about you, captured his attention. 

God, you looked so pretty with his cum staining the sides of your lips. 

Jimin grabs your face and pulls you up onto the bed, meeting your lips halfway with a kiss. He thought he couldn’t get any happier but oh, how wrong was he. As your tongues tangled, playing a game of push and pull, he feasted on his lingering taste on your lips. 

Carefully, he positioned you on the bed, ensuring that your arm would not be in a compromised position. And a few seconds later, the remaining of your clothes had found itself on the floor, in a pile, beside Jimin’s own set. As he kissed you passionately, his length breached your walls as he rocked his hips into you in a desperate rhythm. 

If it wasn’t that his lodgings were the farthest from the main palace, the servants and guards would have heard the both of you by now. But even so, Jimin’s kisses kept you silent for most of the time and you dared not complain. 

Breaking Bonds | PJM | Chapter 2

As the both of you lay in bed, hands playfully caressing each other, you bathed in the presence of peace. And beneath the stream of moonlight that shone into the room, Jimin curled a tendril of your frosty hair, murmuring, “Y/N, I cannot change the past but I can change the future. For us, for our future, I promise you that I will try.” He brought his lips to your head. “We will rewrite the history of our kind. Love, not hatred, that connects us once again.”

Tears filled your eyes as you snuggled deeper into his hold, “I truly hope to believe that, Jimin.”

“We will try. We will look forward, not back, and try.” For the night, Jimin brought his arms around you as if to protect you from any other sources. “What’s mine is yours, and so your burdens are no longer just yours to bear. We have each other now.”

But peace, was a distant dream - and love, came with a heavy price. The court had already long figured out the connection between you and Jimin. Outraged by the fact that their Prince would choose a bond that was forbidden - an abomination in the eyes of history. The council feared the alliance of fae and nymph, for they were the ones who urged the breaking in the first place. And now, three generations later, they see it as a threat to their power. 

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10 months ago

Inhumane {Teaser}

Inhumane {Teaser}

Pairing: Taehyung x reader Characters: Taehyung, reader, Jimin, OC Genre and Themes: Angst, apocalypse Words: TBA Release date: TBD Status: work in progress

It has become a place we never knew before. Too many of inhumane tragedies have taken place in the human world. This planet's original inhabitants are forced to take extreme measures to survive, even if it means sacrificing what is left of their humanity. Perhaps, it’s a restart, or maybe it's the other way around: the absolute end.

In the middle of it all, Taehyung, a fearless, independent survivor, met someone along his endless journey. She was apparently tired of the mundane life of confinement, even if it meant her warmth and safety. He thought it was stupid of her to do that, but he can't really comment that when he, himself, is a lone wolf in the midst of lurking monsters. Though, he doesn't really like to call them that.

Despite the hopelessness of it all, he lives on. Except that this new companion has quite turned his world upside down. Whether he likes it or not, she is to stay. After some time, he has grown to enjoy the company. Oh, and she brought companies!

With one destination in mind after getting acquainted with new friends, Taehyung eventually has to lower his guard. Despite having already spent too much time alone and refuse to form a bond with anybody anymore, he did.

And it hurts.

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3 years ago

new fic?

HI EVERYONE!! It’s been a hot minute since I posted, right? Sorry, school’s been out for my ass :( However, it is winter break and I finally have the time to start writing again. I am currently almost done writing a ~3k-4k one-shot. It’s a jungkook x reader classic fluff/angst. I am planning on releasing it by the end of this week (thursday or friday). Please keep an eye out and give it lots of love. I worked really hard on it and I hope you will enjoy reading it <3333

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Original Female Character(s), Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character(s), Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga Additional Tags: Merman Kim Namjoon, Top Kim Namjoon | RM, University Student Kim Namjoon | RM, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Merman Kim Taehyung, taehyung is a prince, King Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook is Whipped, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Min Yoongi | Suga are Best Friends, Alpha Kim Seokjin | Jin, University Student Park Jimin (BTS), Cute Park Jimin (BTS), Fucking, Jungkook TOTALLY doesn't have a crush on his best friend Summary:

Liyana is 22 year old college student in Atlanta, Georgia. She spends most of her time outside of school chilling with her best friends Yoongi, Jungkook, and Rena. Everything is going just fine for her until one day a new student shows up. He's everything she's ever dreamed of. But with every great thing comes a price. He's hiding a dark secret from the world and from his new roommate. What will happen when she finds out?

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1 year ago

#Ot7~official #ARMY & lover/supporter of all things #Bangtan!!!

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2 years ago

Person A- you thought I was any better than that?

Person B- well, that's the reason I led you this far

Person A- guess you're always wrong, darling *says it slowly while leaning towards person B*

Person B- oh- I have to go, they need me

Person A- I need you more

*Me as their neighbour vibing to 'i need u' by BTS*

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