Butterfly Effect - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

i’m not even kidding i could make a 5 hour long video essay on how story-butterfly affect-choice games are literally just an illusion of choice, because you can make all the wrong choices and still end up at the same spot at the end (sorry life is strange.. this is a direct attack) and when they do give you more freedom they will basically force you the whole game to do the “correct” storyline. for example detroit become human: literally if you play the violent, machine route they try to force you back onto the deviant, pacifist route. obviously i understand that there is limitations when it comes to games, especially multiple route games, but it’s so disappointing to play a choice game and have practically no choice.

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6 years ago
Fluttercordnew Generation. Her Name Is Butterfly Effect, Her Nicknames Are Butters, Butterscotch, Betty

Fluttercord new generation. Her name is Butterfly Effect, her nicknames are Butters, Butterscotch, Betty and Butter.

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5 years ago
Im Gona Name Her Butterfly Effect.Family And Friends Call Her Butters Or Butter.Here She Chilling With

I’m gona name her Butterfly Effect.Family and friends call her Butters or Butter.Here she chilling with her mom in forest,it’s probably not to far away from the cottege.

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4 years ago
Altered Butters Design.

Altered Butters design.

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4 years ago
Ive Decided To Give Butters A Sibling! Their Name Is Fauna. They Do Have Wings Like Their Sister.

I’ve decided to give Butters a sibling! Their name is Fauna. They do have wings like their sister.

 While Discord was creating the first child he really wanted them to look like a mix of Fluttershy and himself so it would be obvious to anyone who sees the child that they are Discords and Fluttershys. 

That’s simulates the way ponies reproduce, but draconicus babies don’t look like their parents, so when they decided to have a second child Discord made them draconicus way and it took more time to come up with their appearance that it took with their older sister.

And i headcanon that Fluttershy still has a vampire side and that’s transferred to her children, but for them it’s easier to transform at will and control their instincts that it’s for her.

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4 years ago
Fun Squad! I Sketched This Before I Came Up With Fauna So They Are Not Included. But Next Time Theyll

Fun squad! I sketched this before I came up with Fauna so they are not included. But next time they’ll be with the team.

Also it seems that I hate drawing cutiemarks.

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4 years ago
Some Sketch That Im Working On.

Some sketch that I’m working on.

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2 years ago
The Fam (focusing On Fauna)
The Fam (focusing On Fauna)

the fam (focusing on Fauna)

finally drew them all on one canvas 😅

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Wait so did Doctor who canonise the chaotic limiter from faction paradox with the butterfly compensation switch in the devil's chord?

Because if so that is fucking awesome and a great explanation for why the show flip flops on time travel rules.

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3 years ago

The Butterfly Effect 

- Part 6 

“I know who you need“ 

“Its Pansy, isn’t it ?” 

“Pansy Parkinson ?”

Harry’s already short breath stuck in his throat, a knot forming inside and his head doing the well aware spin it did when things got suddenly strange. 

“Ho-How did you -?” Harry couldn’t form the entire sentence even if he wanted to. It was like his voice was lost somewhere deep in his throat and his brain went into short circuit, like all of his fuses gave out and what remained behind was just burnt up left overs. 

“I knew it from the day you first came here with the business card and more convinced when you asked me about magic“ Boyce replied. 

Harry breathed heavily, shaking his head. He took hold of the nearest chair and sat down “Why didn’t you tell me before ?” 

“Why are you looking for her ?” He questioned back. 

Harry stared at him for long moment debating with his inner conscience whether it was wise to tell him or not. He knew if Boyce had to give out information about Harry, he would’ve but he hadn’t and what struck more to him was-” why tell me now?” 

Boyce dragged the chair in front of him and sat down huffing “I can see it in your face how much you want to know about her. You come here almost every day and take almost the same cakes. Only someone who either loves cakes would do it everyday or someone who’s desperate would do it, in your case, the later. What I don’t get is why didn’t you just ask straight away and more importantly why me to reach to her, aren’t you wizards supposed to know everything about each other ?” 

“Us Wizards-?” 

“I’m non magical. An exception in the family or sort of a disgrace as I should put it.” Boyce interrupted. 


“Anyways, I can’t tell you more because frankly I don’t trust you.” Boyce shrugged and leaned back in his chair. 

“But you can tell me where can I find her, right ?” Harry asked.

“I don’t get it, why do you need to know?” Boyce asked curiously. 

Harry sighed “Its confidential-” 

“Then where she is also confidential.” Boyce interjected snappily. 

Harry threw his head back a little groaning in frustration “Why would you tell me about her if you couldn’t help me ?” 

But he didn’t answer because perhaps he didn’t have any. Maybe he himself didn’t know why did he tell Harry about Pansy but refused to tell him where she lived.  

“Boyce- I need you to understand-,”

“Understand what ? How can I trust you that you won’t try to run after her to do all the bad things that your people have done to her? You didn’t see her Harry, the strongest person I knew crumble down like she was just some broken glass. How can I trust you that you won’t do the same to her?” Boyce’s voice sounded denser as if he had to push himself to utter even a single sound right now. Harry knew at once what he meant and that he cared for her deeply. He might’ve cared for her so much that It hurts him to even think of it. 

Harry leaned forward over the table “I am not one of them. Those people out there who tormented her and forced her to be one of them no longer exists and the ones who put her in that deep, dingy hole, I’m not one of them. I know you wouldn’t want to believe me but I was with her, I was on her side. You have to trust me Boyce. This is for her best,”

Boyce stared at Harry for a long time then behind him over the glassy windows, thinking of everything, debating whether he should tell him or not. 

“Please Boyce. Believe me, she would want you to tell me this.” 

“How can I trust you?” Boyce snapped. 

Harry looked over at him softly “Because I know what you’re feeling. I know you want to protect her, I’ve been doing this my whole life. I can’t tell you why I need to meet her but I can promise you that the one’s who did whatever they did to her are the ones i’m fighting against. I need you to trust me. Please.” 

Boyce thought for a long time, just staring at Harry then he noticed the desperation in his eyes, he could see Harry really needed this, he could sense it in his impatient self “You really need to see her, don’t you?” 

Harry nodded. 

Boyce sighed “She lives in the Hafton Building, Shaftsbury Avenue, 7th Apartment. It’ll probably be under the name of Nott’s,” 

“Nott’s ? Like Theodore Nott?” Harry asked. confused. 

“Yeah. She’s married to him. Why?” 

Harry thought for a moment about his conversation with Theodore then finally answered Boyce “I just know him from sometime ago. Met him a couple of days ago.“ 

Boyce evidently nodded, not thinking much of it. The pendulum clock behind him rang suddenly indicating that it was already 11 in the night and it hit Harry then that he was running very late and his friends back home might be getting worried. 

“By the way can I get a cake ?” 


Moments later when Harry’s cake was packed and he was ready to step out of the bakery Boyce called him one last time “I’m trusting you, Harry, don’t let it go to waste.” 

Harry looked at him standing in the middle of the Bakery, hope glinting in his eyes “Thank you for that- wait- How did you know my real name? I remember I told you it was Ron?” he frowned, his auror instincts kicking in to grab his wand from his pocket for any impending danger that might come along.  

“You’re very famous, even among Squibs. She used to tell me about you. She didn’t like you before school though.” he smiled as if he was remembering in his head every conversation they might’ve have had. 

 “Yeah, Her and I didn’t really see eye to eye on things,” Harry replied. He was finally ready to leave when he had to say just one last thing “ I’m sure she misses you.” 

No more words or explanations were needed, no more lingering glances, no more second thoughts were needed as Harry finally walked away from the bakery leaving Boyce alone. 

By the time Harry arrived Ron’s place again, his head was swimming with questions and adrenaline pumping up through his entire body like sparks that shot right up thinking about all the possible questions he finally would be able to find the answers of that he had been waiting all along to know of. The more he thought, the more he got excited about reaching somewhere but at the same time he felt himself being pulled down by something, he was finally close and it left him feeling stranger, scared somehow. 

“Where the hell have you been?” Ron asked as soon as he opened the door for Harry. He, without a word entered the flat, kept the cake over the kitchen table and summoned Ron and Hermione, as if he would burst if he didn’t tell them right now. 

“What took you so long ? Don’t tell me you got distracted once again-” 

“I know where Pansy is. She’s married to Theodore Nott.” Harry cut him off and rendered Ron speechless. Hermione gave him a shocked look at the same time a knowing look, as though she should’ve known. 

“But that day Theodore said he didn’t had relations with anyone in the Wizarding world,” Ron said 

“ Well it seems then he lied.” Harry raised his eyebrows. 

“How did you figure this out ?” Hermione asked from where she had sat down coming down from a mild shock. 

“ Boyce. He is Pansy’s brother- non magical that is. I went down to his bakery being the only one that was open,” Harry told them.

“ So, what now?” Ron asked eagerly. 

Harry looked at Ron longingly and replied “Guess i’ll have to pay a visit to the Nott’s after all.” 


“Parcel for the Nott’s,” Harry disguised in the buzzer. 

“Who’s it from ?” Someone asked in the intercom. 

“It says from the Firdle Real estate.“ Harry lied, holding onto the empty box. 

The person on the other side hummed and buzzed open the door. Harry’s heart rate picked up as he went up the stairs looking for the 7th floor. He could make up stuff in his head, why Theo might’ve possibly lied, but, right now going to visit him at his place to counter question him made Harry more nervous than he had been than when he came up with the idea of visiting them. Moments later when he was standing in front of The Nott’s apartment and had knocked, he kept a safe hold on his wand for anything that might’ve come his way but to his surprise a little girl opened the door. 

“Lilian, How many times have I told you to call me to open the door.” Someone’s voice echoed inside the flat and it was growing louder as if whoever it was, was approaching the front door. 

“Ha- Harry“ She gasped in a calm undertone but surprised all at the same time, However she knew she expected to see Harry standing on the other side of the opened door. 

Harry nodded and knelt down in front of the little girl “Your name’s Lilian?” 

“Yes I am. Who are you though? And what are you doing here?” she asked innocently. 

“I’m Harry Potter-” 

“You’re The Harry Potter. The one who killed the ugly man named Voldemort?” She asked excitedly 

Harry chuckled “I wouldn’t boast but he really had no nose and he really was ugly.” 

“Yeah I hate him.“ she muttered. 

Pansy approached Lilian, placing her hand on her shoulder “Who doesn’t Honey- Why are you here?” She asked. 

Harry stood up dusting his knees “I come here as an old acquaintance seeking help.” 

“My help?” Pansy scoffed “What could you possibly need my help with?” 

“I hope you’re aware I met Theo a couple of days ago,” Harry replied 

Pansy nodded, “I’m sorry but I can’t help you” 

Harry nodded dismissively. 

“Well, if that is it, I really will leave but before I go, I have a message for you- Boyce misses you” 

Pansy face became pale, exhaling sharply pressing her lips together. Harry stood there for a couple of minutes hoping it would weaken her stance but as seconds passed on, he was worried it didn’t and he made slow approach to step back to go away disappointed, until when he reached the elevators a little away from her apartment door, she called out to him “Would you like a cup of coffee?” 

Harry smiled “That’d be fine.” 


“You’ve got a nice house here.” Harry admitted after having looked around the room. 

Pansy nodded “Thanks. Back then it took all our savings.” she returned with a cup of coffee and a plate of biscuits in her hands. 

She rest the plate over the small table near the dining table and herself sat down opposite to Harry with her own cup of coffee. 

“I’m assuming that was your daughter?” Harry asked 

Pansy nodded. 

“How old is she?” Harry asked again. 

“Just turned 5.″ she replied

“she looks just like you.” Harry complimented looking far at Lilian who was carefully colouring in her book. 

“Harry- Why are you here?” She asked. 

“You don’t know?” Harry asked bemused. 

“I know but I want to know your reason. Why me?” She asked curiously. 

“Because there is nobody who I can reach out to who wouldn’t lie to me.” Harry replied. 

Pansy shook her head, “How are you so sure that I wouldn’t lie to you?” 

Harry exhaled “Because you care for Draco even after all this time.” 

“But from what I’ve heard you are working on the case to keep him in Azkaban?” 

Harry nodded, “If that were the thing, I’d had convinced why he should be kept there a long time ago. Let me tell you this, If I really had to convince that Draco should remain in Azkaban, then I would’ve turned down the case 2 days after I had received it and It would’ve inevitably kept him there until a new Auror would not have been found but I didn’t turn it down, I’m 2 weeks into the case and right now I’m here. So tell me, Do you really believe I want to keep him there?” 

Pansy looked at Harry for a long time, a sense of doubt crossing her features “Even if I believe you, how can I be sure that you’re not lying? After all you have no reason to save Draco at all.” 

Harry sighed again and momentarily looked at her daughter across the room unaware of the communication they were having “I want to redeem my mistakes.You are right, I have no reason to save Draco but I know I want to save an innocent” 

Pansy gave him a soft look “You are a weird guy, you know. You want to save your former arch-nemesis,” 

Harry gave a short laugh, almost a faint one “I am a weird guy,” He looked back at her again “But I would need your help saving him, but I need you to trust me.” 

“You’re doing some hard bargain here, Harry. It’s hard to trust someone who works for the one who put him there.” She stated but without malice. 

He remained silent for a long time, looking at his cup of coffee growing colder moment by moment, “Do you know what Termite does for a living?” 

She didn’t respond. 

“Termite reaches till the inner core of a building, eats it out, make it hollow that the whole building is surviving on a single thread, it would collapse anytime. We have a termite here, Pansy, It’s eating everything out, its weakening everything and I know who the Termite is.” Harry replied deadpanned. 


An important note- This fic will be discontinued on Tumblr. When I started writing this fic, it wasn’t supposed to be more than a 5 or 6 chapter fic, but we’re 6 chapter in and I still have a lot of things to write in this one. The following updates of the fanfic can be found on AO3. Hope you’d check it out. Much love..x

5,6,19 in one single fic of draco being in azkaban

5,6,19 In One Single Fic Of Draco Being In Azkaban

The Butterfly Effect

It lacks my skill to make it into a one shot and I apologize for it. This will be continued in parts. 

Dialogue Prompts - 5 - “ Why are you doing that ?” “Doing what ?” “ Treating me like a person” //6. “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture” // 19. “ I lo–” “ No, please.. Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me” 

Cold stirred inside the cell, a heavy cloud of mist settling in and the grey walls screeched as he scratched another day over the walls. Day 150. He dropped the stone over the ground making sure to make no noise but the rustling of the door awakened the beast and it crawled towards him. He shimmied back into the corner until no corner was left to fit into and he whimpered begging the mercy from the beast to let him go but what a deaf beast would know.

The beast took its bite, sucked his memory and left over the ground was a filled with tears Draco Malfoy waiting for the numbness to settle in. His life was becoming more meaningless than it ever had been, only now, he didn’t had anything more left to offer.

Keep reading

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5 years ago

jongin in exo's 6th studio album: obsession

my favorite lines

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5 years ago

jongin in exo’s 6th studio album: obsession

my favorite lines

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11 months ago

tfw you realize your entire story is a butterfly effect from the main character deciding not to shower for too many days in a row in high school.

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9 months ago

I need it for my collection🤯



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1 year ago

Ah yes

I get it now

Gabriel made everyone remember all his good deeds and forget everything else...

Including Adrien who now looks up to him , has absolutely no trauma whatsoever, wasn't forced to leave Paris unwillingly, and has never had to be stuck at his house against his will

I'm sure this will have no consequences at all or any butterfly effects

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