Carnotaurus - Tumblr Posts

Intentionally bad pic of a #wip of a #carnotaurus Been way to long since I drew dinos, especially dinosaurs NOT from the Flaming Cliffs formation. Also testing out a pose and perspective I think I haven’t done yet, or at least not in a while. I’m out of practice and I really need to step up my animation and sketching game!

Day three on the carnotaurus. I feel close to be ready to ink it. When it’s finished, I’m gonna do a scaly version, then a feathered version based on this article right here:
I really feel like I’m progressing with details in mind, seeing that theimage to the left is from day 2 of working on this piece

Never got around to post the finished #lineart for this #carnotaurus #sketch so here you go! Will get around to give it so e #colour some day. This was never meant to be #onfleak with #scientificaccuracy rather just fun to #draw so the tail is too bendy, too much #scutes and the legs are too emu-like and it should probably not have the scales going from the toes and up, and the scutes on the tail are completely #speculative . . #dinosaur #paleoartist #carnotaur #abelisauridae #abelisaur #jurassicpark #carnivore #theropod #theropoda

#carnotaurus #titanosaur #sauropod #sauropodlet #theropod #sketchbook #wip #draw #paleoart #theropod

I've been really busy the past two months, but am finally finding a little time and energy (although in the wee hours😴) to do some #artstuff here'se a #sneakpeak of one of my #carnos posted way back, but being #painted with #watercolour #dinosaur #dinosaurart #paleoart #specpaleoart #carnotaurus #carnotaur #theropod #abelisaurid #watercolourpainting #watercolorpainting #watercolor

This is not the best of pictures, but since it's taking me sp long to get around to finish it (moved and got no proper space to do watercolours as I want to) I'll show you how far I cane until I had to halt my progress on this piece. #carnotaurus #carnotaurussastrei #carnotaur #dinosaur #paleoart #art #watercolour #watercolor #paleoartist #graduate #painting #theropod #abelisaurid #abelisauridae #inaccurate #olddesign #wip #speculative #speculativedesign

Revisiting a sleepy carnotaurus from 2014😃 When it's done it'll go up on my Redbubble webstore. #carnotaurus #wip #sketchbook #drawing #digitalart #paleoart #art #artist #paleoartist #dinosaur #cute

I've not been posting lately due to illness and starting my job, but looks like I'm gonna have two weeks now to get some art done 😁 This one's soon finished too, will put it up as a print in my Redbubble store! #dinosaur #cute #carnotaurus #carnotaurussastrei #paleoart #paleoartist #sleeping #sleep #nap #abelisaurid #creaturedesign #characterdesign #sketchbook #digitalart #digitalsketch

My personal spin on various species of dinosaurs! Available in my shop as prints, shirts, and even tote bags if you are the toting type! Check out the Dilophosaurus and Stegosaurus HERE!

Day 5: Carnotaurus

The Lost World JP: Dinosaurs
Soo cute

Colors based off king cheetahs. Path of titans screenshot I used for ref under the cut 🦖

Carnotaurus - a mouth full of teeth with a bad attitude.

DINOSAUR (Dir: Ralph Zondag & Eric Leighton, 2000).
Travel back 65 million years in Walt Disney Pictures' visually stunning Dinosaur.
Iguanodon Aladar, separated from his mother while still an egg, is adopted by a family of lemurs and raised in the lush tropical surrounds of Lemur Island. When a devastating meteor shower hits, the ensuing deadly dust cloud forces the family to leave their now barren home. Joining a herd of dinos heading for the Nesting Ground, Aladar clashes with group leader Kron whilst catching the eye of his sister Neera. A dino romance ensues, but drought, rockslides and a pair of hungry Carnotaurus threatens the perilous mission at every turn.
With its real life filmed backdrops and detailed CGI dinosaurs, the movie looks beautiful. Yet, this groundbreaking approach to filming is undermined by a pretty pedestrian screenplay which is marred by some unfortunate glib, facile dialogue.
It is perhaps best not to dwell on the story and screenplay elements of Dinosaur, after all its writers didn't. Anyone above the age of 7 is clearly here for the spectacular visuals. This was the first time Disney had utilised CGI on such an elaborate scale in one of its own non-Pixar movies. While computer graphics have undoubtedly been refined in the two decades since its release, the visuals are still mightily impressive. Its most spectacular set-pieces include the meteor storm, the Carnotaurus attack and an opening, following the journey of Aladar's egg from nest to Lemur island, which the studio used as the film's trailer, such was their belief in the strength of the animation.
Dinosaur was a hit with cinema audiences, but not on the scale the studio had hoped. A better script would have undoubtedly elevated it above the status of matinee popcorn fodder; its visuals belonging to an epic on a much grander scale than dialogue and plot suggest. None the less, Dinosaur is a highly entertaining movie, both for dino obsessed kids and grown-ups who are willing to overlook its shortcomings to enjoy the awesome visuals.
Read an unedited version of this review and reviews of other Disney classics on my new blog:

I’ve run into the problem that I love dinos HOWEVER I do not know enough about dinosaurs with any type of accuracy Tumblr paleo community don’t roast me

little cretaceous guys + guest appearance of our even older friend the gorgonpsid (triceratops, pteradon, carnotaurus, parasaurolophus, deinonychus, ichthyosaur, gorgonopsid, repenomamus)

I’d fucking die for this scaley man and his tiny jazz hands
Check out Acro and their art because its nice •v•

Why he sad?
It was certainly a…unique take on how dinosaurs possibly tried to attract a mate.😂
Prehistoric Planet: Here is a terrifying Carnotaurus.
Me: :O!!!
Prehistoric Planet: He's going to try to impress a female and get her to mate.
Me: :O
Prehistoric Planet: He is going to use his most GOOFY WIGGLY ARM TECHNIQUE.
Me: :D