Dream Smp Theory - Tumblr Posts
Now I am truly big brain
Okay but he said "unless you wanna cash in the deal "(wish, favor, whatever the pig said)
S...so uh...does that mean he'll give up tommy if dream asked? I'm sure he'll make some sort of bargain but
Cue the speedrun music
Bitch is thinking
And she's probably thinking way to hard
I know that this post might not see it's day. But. I have a theory I would like to share.
(I also would like to apologise for any mistakes, it's late and i'm pretty tired. Just had to get it out of my head)
Remember when c!Ranboo was breaking down and saying how everything is just repeating itself but with diffrent people ?
Well, some of you guys might know about Tales of the Smp, right ? There is a huge possibility that c!Ranboo was a part of the tale. Maybe he, c!Karl and c!Dream lived longer than any other character on the smp.
In his recent stream feauturing L'manburgs fall he repeated the same words about others but not specificly people in l'manburg but people from his past and failing to save them. It's an endless circle that seems to repeat itself for him. Therefore it might be the reason to why he neglects his memories.
The boy slowly starts to understand that it is important in fact that he needs to remember.
c!Dream was a fragment of his imagination whilst being in the panic room. There must be some explanaition to why. Everything leads to c!Dream essentially.
Ranboo said on one of his stream's that he might join one of Karl'sTales of the smp. But we don't know if it's going to be c!Ranboo or completley new character.
This is just a fun theory. It's not here to be treated seriously.
Dude, I would also like to add that the characters from The last city of Mizu were shown to us alive just chilling in the city. Some of us might think that this happened before their death experiance in Mizu. But just as you pointed it out, the gladiators respawned. This could only mean that Karl time traveled so many times that he changed the outcome of their story !
I apologise for my poor english btw.
i think what's really interesting about last nights tales from the smp is that every one was pretty much still alive when their match is done, just knocked unconscious whereas everyone else in the other tales had one life/just never came back.
yooooo i have literally nothing to add other than the fact that this analysis and theory is one of the best i’ve ever seen in my life, *chefs kiss*
(tw for suicide/mentions of suicide and manipulation!!)
So!!!! What do we know about this prison? It’s nearly impossible to escape from given the incredibly complex system (we appreciate Sam in this house) that it’s apart of. We’re talking:
Teleporting guards
A card system
A sole portal exit/entrance
Miner fatigued obsidian blocks
And probably even more
It’s been said that this prison was made for someone really capable, which has led a lot of people to think it could be for Techno, Philza, or even Dream himself.
But, thinking about it, what has been Dream’s priority lately? Tommy.
Making sure he has control over Tommy. Tommy’s been in exile for a bit more than a week now and undoubtedly the person who’s kept him company the most would be Dream, and it shows. Tommy’s aggressive, confident exterior has sort of melted away since Dream’s been there. He went from adamantly fighting back against Dream burning his things to willingly giving his armor to him before even being asked. When Tommy was saying he didn’t have any friends left, Dream popped in saying how he was still there. When Tommy had his beach party, Dream was the only person to show up, making Tommy even trust him even more. But why put in all the effort?
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So about the new Dream SMP development-
Tubbo still cares about Tommy but they’re struggling to balance their personal relationships with their job as president. Tubbo swore to protect L’Mamberg and it’s people. Tubbo is trusting and kind but we have a pattern of L’Manberg’s leaders.
Wilbur had the weight of the world on his shoulders, now Tubbo is stuck with the same. But to put it simply Tubbo is gullible, they’re trying their damndest to lead L’Manberg and not make the mistakes of the past but they don’t realize their free real estate for people vying for power and vengeance.
Dream wants power, he wants a new war so he can take back the land he believes he lost when this all began. He gave L’Manberg independence while having a way to manipulate one of its biggest players, Tommy. But now that Tommy is losing his fear of him, Dream is starting to panic, so he’s creating a rift between the once seemingly inseparable duo so he can take power.
Fundy also wants power, he wants Tommy’s position as VP if not Tubbo’s spot as president. Fundy feels like he has to prove himself. He can’t get power if Tommy is there to support Tubbo and protect them from people trying to manipulate them.
George supports Dream, not to mention Tommy has slighted him a good few times.
Quackity is a bit of an enigma to me(possibly cause I’m missing streams) but it’s clear that he’s got a vendetta against Tommy for whatever reason. He’s mentioned wanting to try and resurrect Schlatt, it’s possible he holds Tommy and maybe Tubbo as well, for Schlatt’s death/fall in general.
Tommy is probably going to run off to find Technoblade, he’s been betrayed by everyone he thought he could trust, even Tubbo. The story of Theseus was foreshadowing. Tommy saved L’Manberg, he fought for L’Manberg, he put himself through hell to save L’Manberg every time he had to make the choice. But what did he get in return? Exile, betrayed by his people and left to die.
Technoblade was onto something. Wilbur was right. L’Manberg’s foundation has been so rotted and corrupted even the most pure are gonna fall. The government system is flawed and the choices for president didn’t help. Schlatt was a dictator who wasn’t a lover or a fighter, he had everyone else do the dirty work for him. Wilbur had the weight of the world on him and had expectations no-one could have lived up to. Tubbo is a good person but they’re being manipulated and they don’t realize it and they won’t realize it till it’s too late.
Tommy is going to join Technoblade or possibly go completely solo. He’s either gonna ally with Techno, betray him when it’s over so it’s not complete anarchy or he’s gonna be watching L’Manberg burn while holding the matches. Or he’s going off on his own.
If he joins Technoblade, Philza will too. Philza already lost one son to this political nightmare and he’s not gonna lose any more, even if it means burning an entire nation to the ground.
Maybe Ghostbur gets involved. Maybe as Tommy is packing his stuff to leave, either because of exile or as a ‘I’m leaving before they can force me to’, Ghostbur shows up. He remembers, he remembers EVERYTHING. Ghostbur and Tommy devise a plan to save L’Manberg, whatever ‘saving L’Manberg’ winds up being.
I’m equal parts excited and terrified.

Tubbo and Tommy: A character and character dynamic study.
Neither are the villain here.
Both are 16 year olds, raised during war. Tubbo is doing everything they can to protect and lead L’Manberg. Chaos and destruction is all Tommy knows and he gave up his prized possessions, the discs to save L’Manberg. Now they stand on opposing sides because Dream is the villain scared of losing power.
Dream let L’Manberg have independence but took the discs in trade for it because he wanted a backup plan. If L’Manberg became too big of a threat to Dream’s power he’d just use the discs to manipulate Tommy, Wilbur’s right hand man.
History is repeating AGAIN. It’s a running theme in the SMP and until someone realizes this and puts an end to it history will keep repeating.
Tommy will start down the path to destruction that Wilbur walked. But, perhaps with Ghostbur’s help, Tommy will stop before it’s too late. He’ll break the cycle and I think Ghostbur will be integral to it, after all he was a part of it. Tommy is one half of Wilbur’s character parallel.
Now onto Tubbo.
Tubbo, like Wilbur, has the weight of the world on their shoulders. Tubbo is the other half of Wilbur’s character parallel. Tubbo is doing what they think is best for the nation. On top of what happened with Tommy, Tubbo is constantly being underminded and mocked by the cabinet members. Tubbo is probably gonna feel like everyone has betrayed them, much like Wilbur did.
Tubbo and Tommy are parallels to Wilbur.
In conclusion, Tubbo and Tommy, like everyone else, are incredibly in-depth characters. Neither of them are the villain, they’re kids with a metric fuck ton problems, their own and others, to deal with.
We don’t know what Ranboo‘s other half is, and I doubt I’m right. BUT, his half is white with red eyes.
WHAT IF Ranboo’s other half is just albino enderman
My biggest fear with Tommy’s recent lore streams, is that in the next few days/weeks we are going to find out that the price of the revive book is that it isn’t actually permanent and can’t be properly sustained for long. My next big fear is that c!Tommy is actually aware of this, and that is why he has been running around the SMP tying up a bunch of his loose ends and unresolved traumas, so that when he enevitably dies this time he won’t end up in limbo like Wilbur and Schlatt who still have unfinished business.
But that’s just a fear... right?
Now in this dire moment of grief and anguish I feel the need to bring up the small glimmer of hope that can save us;
c!Tommy still has a piece of Slime in his enderchest.
It’s the cactus theory!!!!!
Although wait… I guess I’ve never explained that on here. My understanding of c!Phil has always been that he treats his and other’s lives like cacti. And tbf I know nothing about cacti other than what my best friend told me one time and technically it was an aloe plant but I think that version still stands. She told me that you can’t actually save an individual tendril(?) from rot, you can only cut it off to try and save the rest of the plant, and that really fits with what c!Phil does throughought the course of the story, he finds whatever things he considerers “rotted” and cuts them off to save the rest of the group. Like with c!Wilbur and with L’Manburg. But people don’t actually work like that and I think we’re starting to see that with this stone example. c!Phil tells c!Tommy that people are more important than attachments and uses the breaking and smelting of the stone to show how easily the item itself can be repaired, items can always be fixed after all. But the reason why no one really understands what he’s trying to say by that… is because in contrast, what he means is that people can’t be fixed. Which is something we all know isn’t true. But to c!Phil seems perfectly logical with his cactus-themed ideas. Especially when you consider how he does treat other people especially c!Wilbur, as despite the amount out trauma and terrible things that have happened to him including his own suicide, c!Phil still treats him as though everything is fine because he can’t, or doesn’t want to admit that c!Wilbur, and every other character as well, needs actual help.
hey umm. am i the only one who saw the parallel between tommy breaking the stone and smelting it over and over back to its original form, and dream saying he’ll kill and revive tommy again and again? because hoo boy
Could it potentially be an out of canon thing where cc!Punz and cc!Ranboo have been offering to help cc!Sam out with his new mega-build which will supposedly have some lore implications and be used. Mans making a whole mountain range, (I think, I haven’t watched any of cc!Sam’a streams on it, only whatever cc!Foolish has seen) I could imagine that the other cc’s would help out, especially if this area is going to be used for something. Kinda like that time cc!Bad jebaited us with his trident being stolen.
hello can i ask what stone theory is? ive seen you meant it a few times but i have no idea what it is (or maybe i do and just forgot idk)
It's the attempted explanation for a perceived pattern observed while Dream was in pattern:
- Wilbur was specifically, upon revival, asking Tmmy to collect stone. Post-res Wilbur has gone on record having a /pos opinion of Dream - During Ranboo's mining spree a while back, people picking apart his pickaxe durability found it to suggest that he was Specifically Mining Stone Offscreen (smelting stone was also a possible reason for the coal). Ranboo and Dream Collab of some stripe has been at the very least Strongly Indicated - Punz allegedly also had a couple moments where he specifically emphasized he was Mining Stone. Even then it was a running guess along with staged finale that Punz was still partially in cahoots
So that was three people who had precedent to be considered In Cahoots With Dream who were also apparently mining Specifically Stone
Now, you may ask. Why the hell stone specifically. What is Dream going to do with crazy insane amounts of stone
And to that stone theorists answer: No One Knows. Like genuinely no one has any clue this is a dead end. Stone theorists did not think they would get this far
What Jobs Does Everyone in the Dream SMP Have Outside of Politics, Terrorism and the Draft ™ (this is a headcanon lol)
okay so a lot of us saw the post about the idea that the dream smp’s town tailor would be absolutely exhausted, but idk how many of you saw the ensuing tailor!tommy au/headcanon where someone brought up the fact that tommy sewed his own clothes back together with string from techno after he escaped exile
everyone just went off on a tangent about tommy being an arrogant, violent little shit with the world’s most wholesome hobby, and since then i’ve wondered what everyone’s jobs would be aside from that, but we’ll get the more obvious ones and the ones i’ve already talked about out of the way first
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An Unwanted (but likely) Theory:
Techno is going to die, and by the hands of Ranboo.
I was typing a reply to a random comment when I found out how Techno is going to die.
“Techno is going to die.
He has made jokes of death, his code name is famous for dying first. And the fact that Ranboo has made jokes of being a god killer” and I didn’t even finish typing when it came to me.
What did Techy call the nukes? “God killers” (During the “Syndicate” stream)
And during the Cake baking video, Ranboo was planning to kill god. (Don’t judge, he said that he would and have been dropping hints in ANYTHING that he is in.)
And what does that got to do with the other? As of March 26th, Tubbo did a short lore stream, stating that one of his nukes have gone missing. Ranboo most likely forgot- But I am starting to think his subconscious has a whole different memory storage.
And it just so happens that the new family is having a house built.
Yes, this theory is likely but highly unwanted. I mean, I am a Techno, Ranboo, and a Phil apologist. I want people to still apologize for.
…c!Techno has only one life, instead of the assumed 3.
He came from a “time where everyone only had one life” and it is confirmed that Technoblade does NOT know how old he is! In the part where Quackity was making small talk, he asked the pig how old he is, he didn’t know. This proves that he is AS old as Phil, his “old friend”
As we know, Will made it that Phil only has one life because of Phil’s hardcore series. (Which he called “playing with his trains” back when he lived in L’Manburg) Phil is canonically a couple centuries old at least and mentioned that if Tales of the Dream SMP was not in majorly American time, he would make his character a cameo. (Most likely in the past set ones as Phil informed us of his ghost skin-)
And another piece of evidence is his name. Not “Techno,” his Syndicate name; Protesilaus. A great warrior who was the first to die. “First to die” wouldn’t really matter if he had three lives. Technically Ranboo was the first to die- Sorry
And I further hope that my earlier theory about Ranboo killing Technoblade is false. It truly seems that way, as killing does not fit Ranboo’s character at all. (Real Ranboo maybe.) And Techno is obviously going to try to get Dream to revive Ranboo, which is confirmed in multiple streams after the death stream.
…You know…
Not what I meant.
…c!Techno has only one life, instead of the assumed 3.
He came from a “time where everyone only had one life” and it is confirmed that Technoblade does NOT know how old he is! In the part where Quackity was making small talk, he asked the pig how old he is, he didn’t know. This proves that he is AS old as Phil, his “old friend”
As we know, Will made it that Phil only has one life because of Phil’s hardcore series. (Which he called “playing with his trains” back when he lived in L’Manburg) Phil is canonically a couple centuries old at least and mentioned that if Tales of the Dream SMP was not in majorly American time, he would make his character a cameo. (Most likely in the past set ones as Phil informed us of his ghost skin-)
And another piece of evidence is his name. Not “Techno,” his Syndicate name; Protesilaus. A great warrior who was the first to die. “First to die” wouldn’t really matter if he had three lives. Technically Ranboo was the first to die- Sorry
And I further hope that my earlier theory about Ranboo killing Technoblade is false. It truly seems that way, as killing does not fit Ranboo’s character at all. (Real Ranboo maybe.) And Techno is obviously going to try to get Dream to revive Ranboo, which is confirmed in multiple streams after the death stream.
But in the same time yall forget there’s Mining Fatigue and they can’t even mine a Lightshroom, lectern is pretty far away from the lava too,,,
But that would such a cool escape wouldn’t it 👀
Just thought i would bring this to Tumblr
