Duchess Satine - Tumblr Posts
I love your headdress, although I really can't imagine how long it must take to make it.

duchess of mandalore satine kryze s02ep12
something i love about satine kryze is that even though she is a pacifist she fights on her own terms, and is not swayed by anyone even if that person is obi wan she stays so loyal to her ideals that at some point is can be annoying but at the same time fair, another thing she is not intimidated, that energy, strength, the courage of the mandalorians she has it, she could tear apart every situation in front of her to achieve what she needs to for her people even if she has the death watch on her heels, she raised mandalore when it is destroyed by the mandalorians themselves you can definitely take the mandalorian out of the fight but not the mandalorian's fight.
When responsibilities increase, decisions have to be made. After the death of Quin Gon, many changes come for both Obi Wan and Satine. They know what they have to do, but that doesn't mean it will be easy.
Chapter two : Desires of impossible things
The senate of the republic was a battlefield and in it fights are fought for interests that many times are not those of the people and this would not be the exception, the duchess of Mandalore would not leave without the triumph in her hands, although she knew it would not be easy, she would make it work because the economy of her planet depended on it, It was the first time she saw Chancellor Palpatine and although she tried not to judge him at first sight she did not like him at all, there was something about him that made her distrust his exchange despite his courteous manners and his measured tone had been quite measured and to be honest quite uncomfortable, no one who came to power in those circumstances should be promoted so quickly. “The Duchess of Mandalore has the floor” one of the Chancellor's secretaries spoke forcefully as she turned to the capsule to face the audience. She could feel all eyes on her as she focused on the center of the room and on keeping her voice at an appropriate volume.

Drew my favourite Mandalorian gal again!
EDIT: I just noticed a mistake and reposted it to fix it.

Korkie is Obi-Wan's bastard pass it on
no offense to codywan shippers (ya'll are cool and create great fan stuff) seriously, codywan art and fanworks are some of the most detailed, and well thought out pieces i've seen.
but why do you guys ship codywan? they've exchanged like maybe, two sentences per episode they make an appearance in and its mostly about military affairs. they have a relationship you'd expect between like, somewhat affable coworkers. there's more evidence for rex and hunter than there is for cody and obi wan.
you know, i saw a bunch of codywan shippers and codywan fanart and fics when i first entered sw fandom and you know, i read some and thought "this is sweet. this is a cool dynamic. i could get behind this ship."
i'd like you all to keep in mind that i've never seen TCW at that point.
and then i watch TCW and i'm like, you don't even talk to each other. obi wan is in love with hillary clinton for some reason? cody is one of those rare characters where he has zero lines, but you can tell that he has a separate life outside of whatever bullshit he's put on screen for.
i see it as a "what could have been" ship; a ship that should have been explored a bit, even if the power dynamics are really fucked up, rather than yet another woman being fridged for a man. but like, what made you guys codywan stans?
i'm curious, so hit me with your reasons. i'm not dragging codywan-some of my favorite ships are characters that have exchanged a LOOK, not even dialogue. you guys have more basis than me.
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Qui-Gon Jinn & Anakin Skywalker Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Qui-Gon Jinn Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Worldbuilding, Original Character(s), Original Sith Character(s) - Freeform, Eldritch Anakin Skywalker, Yoda's Disaster Lineage (Star Wars), Jedi Can Form Attachments (Star Wars), The Force Ships It (Star Wars), Sith Obi-Wan Kenobi, Slow Burn Summary:
Anakin just wanted to find the Sith artifact, return to his ship and crawl into his nest to help his padawan with her homework while watching Holocomedies. Getting saved and abducted by strange new Sith was not part of the plan. Then again when has anything ever gone according to plan in his Lineage? What do you mean Force Marriage?
I love this fic, it's like sleep medication for me. It makes me feel so cozy. I know it's active Obikin, with what some people have problems with, but the authors writing is so GOOD. Also Eldritch Anakin.
Satine on her way to commit cultural genocide

An unforgettable date ✨
Random Headcanonish Stuff about my Jedi Omega AU
The clones speak Mando’a - this comes straight from fanfictioin because I read a lot of fanfiction about the Bad Batch and stuff with Mando’a in it.
Anakin and Ahsoka have picked up aa bit of Mando’a, but they are not fluent and only know a few words and phrases
Obi-Wan is fluent in Mando’a and no one knew until him and Cody got into a conversation in Mando’a, Obi-Wan knows Mando’a from his time with Satine many years ago - It is my personal head canon that Satine taught him Mando’a
Obi-Wan and all the clones call Omega ad’ika and sometimes her brothers call her vod’ika
Omega and Ahsoka get into all sorts of trouble together - mainly being things like pulling pranks or sneaking off around Coruscant together
Omega has trauma from medical experimentation, like any young child would - many people think she was experimented on, at least in fanfiction
Omega has extensive medical knowledge, even at the age of 9 (she is nine at the start of my AU) - this comes from people not just assuming the line about Omega being a medical assistant was just an excuse, but actually something she actually did on Kamino
Omega has probably called Ahsoka ori’vod at some point after Order 66
The Jedi make their robes from scratch, some Jedi do buy other clothes, like Ahsoka. So Omega has a set of regular robes and a set of clothes she bought.
Jedi get an allowance
Fives is one of the most chaotic and caring people ever
Omega is devastated when the brothers she has a deep connection to die (Waxer, Echo, Fives) because they still die, or supposedly die
Anakin has emotions that feel extremely different to Omega than other Jedi’s emotions
Omega has this emotional sense in the force - because it is one of those hints I pick up on in the show that prompted this AU
Wolffe is soft with little kids
After Order 66 Omega has nightmares frequently for years - the first year it mainly consists of trauma from the clone wars and order 66, but Omega got captured by Inquisitors about a year after the order and has a lot of trauma from that
Hunter is a tired Dad a couple years after Order 66
Obi-Wan is a tired jedi master because Omega gets into shenanigans with Ahsoka.
Everyone cares about everyone else in the group