Clone Wars Wolffe - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Random Thoughts Oppress & Wolffe

Wolffe is 110% done. But if he met Savage Oppresses younger sister, my oc, he would have a challenge as to who was more done with the universe. The only difference is that she tries to stay on the bright side.

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2 years ago

Random Thoughts Oppress & Wolffe

Am I the only one who thinks if Wolffe's wife brought home her nieces and nephews he'd go, "Looks like I'm a dad now."

Also Fox would be face palming the entire time when the story was told to him.

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9 months ago

Poor Fox, thinking he could rest with his squad around. They could never allow it.

See What Fox Doesnt Remember Is That It Was His Idea.
See What Fox Doesnt Remember Is That It Was His Idea.
See What Fox Doesnt Remember Is That It Was His Idea.

See what Fox doesn’t remember is that it was his idea.

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9 months ago

Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Family is Annoying in any Universe)

A short look into the reception for Crosshair and Lyni's marriage.


Crosshair felt joy in his chest waking up next to Lyni. So much so that he dreaded his next deployment because it meant he had to take a break from being next to her. But Riyo promised that by his next leave the adoption papers for the twins Brutal and Shadow would be though then he could take all three to get military IDs.

And after the adoption goes through we'll take a vacation just the four of us, he promised himself. It was a promise that was keeping him from murdering many of his family members at this reception. They were testing his patience with the entirety of the Fett clan turning out to meet who one of their party boys was settling down with.

Looking around he could see his brothers talking to their cousins Cody and Rex, with a few of their brothers standing close by. Wolffe with his eye patch was giving stern stares at anyone who was headed his way so most steered clear of him. Shadow and Brutal were playing with some of the younger members of the clan, and Lyni was keeping a watchful eye on them.

Soon Jango started walking over, and Crosshair could feel the anger build up in him at the sight of the man. Most of his brothers had a strained relationship with their father, who was rightly called a dead beat. Jango had done little to raise them, preferring to leave them with the women that he slept with only to turn up later with gifts to try and mend the rift. One of the reasons Crosshair had slept around so much was because he was tired of fighting the expectation with Jango Fett as his father.

Lyni's slender hand slipped into his and Cross felt his anger melt away with her touch. Turning he smiled at his Riddur, his wife, and tried to ignore the man coming towards them. Jango had not gotten the hint, "Crosshair, why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely Cyre?"

Because my sweetheart is none of your business he wanted to say but didn't. Instead stating, "You have never been interested before."

Lyni squeezed his hand with her left as she extended her right, "It is nice to meet you Mr Fett, I'm Lyni."

Smiling the flirtatious smile he turned on all of his children's partners Jango answered taking her hand to shake, "What a lovely name for a lovely lady."

Raising an eyebrow, "A compliment that will never be returned to you sir." Crosshair snorted at the look on his fathers face but Lyni gave her practiced smile, "Now if you excuse us I have other members of the family to meet." Giving him a short nod she and Crosshair walked away and continued meeting members of the family.

There was Alpha and his generation, Colt and the rest of the uncles, Cody and the rest of the older cousins and then Tup and the rest of the younger cousins. Not to mention the spouses and partners of many of the older ones. Colt wife Shaak Ti stepped forward and took Lynis hands into hers, "Do not worry young one." With one of the tougura woman's gentle smiles, "Everyone will fall in place given time." Lyni just nodded and followed Cross some more.

Finally they had mad the rounds and settled at a picnic table for some lunch. Lyni relaxed a bit when Shadow and Brutal joined them with Wrecker following. He had also been playing with the kids but stopped when the twins wanted to rest. At this table for a moment they were just the Bad Batch and the Dathmarian trio. Lyni leaned her head on Crosshair's shoulder and sighed, "Is it always like this?" Her hand motioned to the chaos of the family unfolding around them.

Crosshair wrapped an arm around her shoulders while Hunter patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Only on a full get together. Otherwise there are less people." Lyni nodded once but sat up with with her practiced smile on her face when others joined the table.


I'm sorry if it did not have as much interactions with the clones as wanted and/or expected. I am just trying to stay writing on a regular basis and this is what came out.

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8 months ago

I'm dying!!! YES!!

On All Levels Except Physical, I Am A Wolf

“on all levels except physical, i am a wolf”

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8 months ago

Ahh yes, family bonding 😂

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I sketched something because I got a idea about Plo and Wolffe team work or something

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I got inspired from the official fan comic that Plo casually rise up his handcuff to offer Wolffe a clear shot from miles away in the middle of the Droids.

Wolffe of course not pleased when lightsaber approaches him, because of the trauma Sith left on his eye. And Plo knew it and always went careful with it, but there was always a chance of the emergency.

Like this, when Plo is middle of the gang, fighting alone, and some asshole pointing pistol to him, and Wolffe had his brothers and General to protect and help.

Wolffe trusted his General's skill, so he asked Plo a little help, and got a nice clean cut of his binder, and gave bad criminal a nice smack he really wanted to give.

Plo who casually reclaiming his saber: That's my boy!

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11 months ago

Original Link

Original Link


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1 year ago

Random Headcanonish Stuff about my Jedi Omega AU

The clones speak Mando’a - this comes straight from fanfictioin because I read a lot of fanfiction about the Bad Batch and stuff with Mando’a in it. 

Anakin and Ahsoka have picked up aa bit of Mando’a, but they are not fluent and only know a few words and phrases

Obi-Wan is fluent in Mando’a and no one knew until him and Cody got into a conversation in Mando’a, Obi-Wan knows Mando’a from his time with Satine many years ago - It is my personal head canon that Satine taught him Mando’a

Obi-Wan and all the clones call Omega ad’ika and sometimes her brothers call her vod’ika

Omega and Ahsoka get into all sorts of trouble together - mainly being things like pulling pranks or sneaking off around Coruscant together

Omega has trauma from medical experimentation, like any young child would - many people think she was experimented on, at least in fanfiction

Omega has extensive medical knowledge, even at the age of 9 (she is nine at the start of my AU) - this comes from people not just assuming the line about Omega being a medical assistant was just an excuse, but actually something she actually did on Kamino

Omega has probably called Ahsoka ori’vod at some point after Order 66

The Jedi make their robes from scratch, some Jedi do buy other clothes, like Ahsoka. So Omega has a set of regular robes and a set of clothes she bought.

Jedi get an allowance

Fives is one of the most chaotic and caring people ever

Omega is devastated when the brothers she has a deep connection to die (Waxer, Echo, Fives) because they still die, or supposedly die

Anakin has emotions that feel extremely different to Omega than other Jedi’s emotions

Omega has this emotional sense in the force - because it is one of those hints I pick up on in the show that prompted this AU

Wolffe is soft with little kids

After Order 66 Omega has nightmares frequently for years - the first year it mainly consists of trauma from the clone wars and order 66, but Omega got captured by Inquisitors about a year after the order and has a lot of trauma from that

Hunter is a tired Dad a couple years after Order 66

Obi-Wan is a tired jedi master because Omega gets into shenanigans with Ahsoka.

Everyone cares about everyone else in the group

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