System Things - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

The moment when your brain decide is time to get a flashback and dreams about that person/system who hurt us a lot so all the system gets triggered and now all the subsystem of introjects of that person/system is frontstuck alone feeling like they're their source even though they know they're not

Help us, we don't want to front like this


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9 months ago

Sometimes we have this thought and it's weird...

Are we trans because that's what feels right or just because we're a system?

Are we trans because it's just that way or is it based in our trauma and our phobia of women?

Idk... It's strange all of this and every time this question gets in our mind we can't answer it

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9 months ago

It's so weird when your not the host but someone new at front and people assuming you're the host just because we share personalities

Bonus points if you believe them because you don't fucking care till you care and you're left wondering "Who tf am I?" without an answer

Did I just use Tumblr to say I'm a new formed alter and people assumed I was the hoste? Yeah pretty much

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9 months ago

I only have 3 moods in the CDD community

More bored than ever because

Another fucking drama? /neu

This is why I hate the CDD community

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9 months ago

"Are you a overt or covert system?"

I'm me, does that count?

(We just don't fucking know at this point, we're both and at the same time don't)

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9 months ago

It really depends, talking about frequent fronters and the ones we know best we have a list of likes we commonly share or we're ok with it, after all we need to mask a consistent persona to blend with people

But we do have different likes!!

persmo - ✎...The Persmo

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9 months ago

Brain when I said I wanted to be the host again I meant in a "let me be a frequent fronter" not in the replace the actual host with me

Please let me go, I don't like the outside life, stop being dependant on me brain


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9 months ago

Here are some of the ones we use and for what they are / how do we use them

Notion: For saving up information about the system, alters, body or life, it's a more complex and free style notes app

Fortelling: It's made to help with writing but we use it as an app to map the inner world and have profiles to the alters, also helps a lot in everything system related information wise

Obsidian: SImilar to fortelling, we use it for system tracking/mapping, you can do separate pages that can be link with each other and then in a map like you'll see them linked if they're in the pages

Notion: Was made to talk with "your emotions" but we use it for system communication so alters can talk with each other in groups or "private" chats

Twinote: It's like a personal twitter app, we also use it for system communication but for more informal things because the communication is based in posts and thread

And this isn't an app, is a website

Lighthouse: It's a website for system journaling and interaction, you can do forums, posts and different personal/groupal journals all private and personalized, it also has an information and resources place that can help you

Idk if you or someone else know more than these or if these help you, but here it is!!

does anyone have good systemhood/plurality apps... other than simply plural

help a pal out 😞

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9 months ago

*Talks with someone*

*They mention a specific topic/do a specific question*

*You unlock a memory (might be good, bad or traumatic)*

*You verbalize that memory*

*You and that person talk about that memory*

*You two jump into another topic/finish the conversation*

*You forget the memory you just unlock*

*You immediately forget that you had that talk so you also forget you had that memory*

*Circle repeats*

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9 months ago

Hating our brain and how it works

When I'm in a crisis that might put the body in a terrible danger they leave me alone in fronte

But when minor stress we switch

Brain I don't understand you at all /neg

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9 months ago

Brain stop introjecting people who hurted us HORRIBLE, this isn't the way to cope with the trauma they leave us, STOOOOP

Shitty brain

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9 months ago

Actually yes, at least for what I been reading about introjecting in general psychological context and introjecting in OSDDID context I can say it is because of that

Some definitions easy to find in google about introjection in non-OSDDID context are:

The unconscious adoption of the thoughts or personality traits of others. It occurs as a normal part of development, such as a child taking on parental values and attitudes.

Introjection, one of many defense mechanisms posited by Sigmund Freud, occurs when a person internalizes the ideas or voices of other people. Some mental health professionals believe that introjection is a protective strategy that children employ in order to cope with unavailable parents or guardians: By unconsciously absorbing the characteristics of parents, children reassure themselves that some aspect of the parent is present even if the parent is physically absent. Depending on the types of attitudes that are picked up, introjection may lead to positive or negative effects.

So yeah, introjecting is a coping mechanism of the brain, when you get fixated in some show or media you tend to mimic and introject parts of the media in yourself as a way to understand, act and cope with the external world

If this mimicking and helping is seen as something that is needed for the brain is normal for the brain to make introjects

Basically I just expanded a little bit about how this works, I lazy to do a better explanation lol

I wonder if people who are autistic and have OSDDID are more likely to have introjects because it's so common for singlet autistic people to mimic/mirror others behaviors

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9 months ago

Thinking about doing a blog to talk about a personal project system related we have seen we're like 8 years old but then I remember it would have almost the same name of this blog and people wouldn't be so interested so... We don't make it

Sad me

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9 months ago

Idk in what moment having 1 sideblog and this main blog became having 11 sideblogs system/CDD aligned, 1 sideblog of another topic and this main blog

I just got fixated un doing tumblr blogs ig? lol

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9 months ago

Alter existing denial? Nah bro, I'm gonna go with

"I know this alter fragmented to the point he doesn't exist anymore, but I won't accept it and I can't deal with his lost so I'm just gonna deny he's not more here and pretend he still is the principal host"

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9 months ago
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

✎...Side blogs list (Not personal)↫

This posts is to enlist all our side blogs that aren't personal and are system related so if you wanna go and check them out, or if you know one of this and want to interact more with the system behind them!

[For the alter and some alter sideblogs list look here]

We also gonna add some kind of description to the side blogs so you understand better about them

This might be constantly updated because we love making side blogs, so keep this in mind to check it sometimes to see if there's an update

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Syspport is a blog oriented to help & support CDD systems with all kinds of problems, we also do requests of multiple kind of things and sometimes we do positivity and validation posts

Information, ask and visibilization of things are one of our goals, we want people to understand and know a little bit more about CDD and how they can understand this disorders in a way it can be helpful

Is a safe space to learn, ask, and request, an all in one place!!

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Non alter CDD is a blog oriented to all the aspects outside the alters in the CDDs, to bring awareness and visibilize the other aspects in hopes the CDD community stop treating this disorders like "the alters disorder" and more like a complex and difficult disorder

This is a completely safe space and open to interaction, questions, ask, positivity, visibilization, vents and all those things are allowed, the only rule is that it's about CDD and isn't about the alter part, or if you're gonna bring them out the alters aren't the main topic

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The cringe systems place is a blog for all the systems who are cringe or considered cringe for one or another reason to have a safe place to be themselves without being judge

This blog mainly functions with "Cringe system culture is" kind of posts, but isn't exclusively to that

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The silly systems is a blog for all the systems to be as silly they want, to share about something they find silly about themselves or similar things, just to be silly, random and all that kind of stuff, it's a safe space where no one's gonna judge you because for being a silly system/alter

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Queer systems place is a blog for all the systems who are queer (this can be because of one or multiple alters, or being collectively queer) to have a safe space to talk about it and express themselves without the fear of being judged or something similar

We accept all kind of requests, but mostly there are "Queer system culture is" and similar ones to that

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


System storytimes is a blog to share storytimes of your system, this can be any kind of storytimes that are aligned to your CDD, can be good, bad or neutral, we don't judge

The point is sharing your experiences and storytimes you want and giving a place for all the systems who want to

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Fuck psychiatrists is a blog that talks critically about the psychiatric field and how there's a lot of abuse, neglect and ableism in the mental health area, specially surrounding psychiatric

Here you can be real and serious about how fucked up the mental health area is regarding the CDD, because this blog is about CDD and for pwCDD, so all this is centric about that, but of course if someone wants to make a submission/ask about this that mix CDD and other disorder or something similar is completely allowed

An interactive blog for all the pwCDD to give their opinions and share their experiences, start talks and ask questions, a critical serious space that sometimes has little hater vibes

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Otherkin Systems Realm is a blog for all the systems who are also in the otherkin/therian community, this can be collectively or because one or a group of alters, to have a safe place to be themselves, share about their experiences and feel understood without being judge

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


The CDD community is a blog to talk about the CDD community, not only here on tumblr, but in all the internet in general

You can share experiences, vent, send ask and all that kind of things, all about the CDD community. You can be critical about how the current CDD community is, the topics, dramas and all the things going on around here in the community, is to talk about the good, the neutral and the bad things regarding the CDD community, no one's gonna judge you for what you say here, it's a safe space to share about how the CDD community is and works on internet

This isn't a syscourse blog, but syscourse mention is allowed do the nature of the blog and the CDD community

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)


Night Ravens is our syscourse blog, not only about endo syscourse but general syscourse, although the blog is kinda lonely because we have to be in the syscourse mood and there are always a lot of text posts or simply short generalized posts to be open to discussion

There's not much to say about this blog, but please let's keep separate this blog form our personal blog (this one)

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)
...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

This is all, if you like this blogs and want more interaction with us go ahead, we love interacting!!

Also if you want a side blog of a specific topic regarding systems go ahead and tell us, we'll gladly do it, more side blogs probably are being think off to make ✨

...Side Blogs List (Not Personal)

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8 months ago

I just realize the reason why I didn't like to investigate or talk about CDD but I used to have that as an hyperfix is because of splitting

I split an alter who was so so fixated on the topic that every friend we have and even in the own system we called them "The CDD master", now he splitted and it's not here anymore, and I fused with some of their fragments and I'm again fixed on this topics

This alter kept my hyperfix when it split... HE TOOK PART OF MY IDENTITY TO FORM HIS 😭

Bro's sucking my hyperfix/special interest

This is just another prove that alters don't make more identities, is just dividing and having less identity distributed in several parts

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