Genshin Focalors - Tumblr Posts
When talking with Neuvillette focalors says “and all along she’s been playing her part in the most unimaginably long, unbearably lonely, and agonizingly painful opera of all time.”
And Furina says in her part of it and when she is heard crying in the fountain of Lucine “so in terminal… So lonely… just how much longer…”
PLEASE THEY MATCH😭😭😭 unimaginably long > so interminal; unbearably lonely > so lonely; and agonizingly painful > just how much longer. The last one could be seen as a bit iffy, but Furina said that cus she was in pain and wanted it to end. I feel like it was already implied but this just proves how much Focalors watched over Furina and how much she heard. I couldn’t imagine how focalors felt when she realized she was forsaking Furina in such a terrible way.
Honestly, it took me months till I finally properly appreciated Focalors' character. (And it was probably obvious for most people but I'm an idiot who took a while to realise this. Lol)
Back when we first met her, something felt a bit off about Focalors. At least, that's how I felt. Her calming demeanour, the way she sounded so neutral about her crazy plan, how she never wavered a single time when explaining Furina's role. (Heck, the "So anways, then I cursed her" line became a meme. Lol)
Compare her to Neuvillette during the scene. The Hydro Sovereign who once never cared about humanity, was absolutely distraught once he realised what Furina went through. He sounded like he was in the absolute verge of tears the longer Focalors talked.
I think it was the first time I saw a God act like a benevolent, all divine being in the game. The other Archons, for all their developing understanding of humanity, still felt flawed and human under all that divinity.
That's when I finally realised what Focalors lacked throughout her scene: Her humanity. She truly felt like a God above her people, who had plans for her people and there was barely an doubt for failure because it felt like she was truly in control. For all her talk about saving humanity, she sounded so weirdly detached, even when her actions said otherwise.
Do not get me wrong, this is not a complaint on her character. It was just an observation I had. I was alright that Focalors felt different from the other Archons we met during our journey. Similar to how I was alright if we saw Ei under an antagonistic light.
But then it hit me like a brick thrown from across the room and I'm an idiot for forgetting this fact whne it was clearly stated... Focalors' humanity wasn't lacking, just removed from her entirely. Her humanity was in the shape of Furina.
Before everything that has happened, Focalors was once a human. Before she was even human, she longed to live life as a human. And when Egeria granted that wish for the oceanids, it was a dream come true. Her wish was to live and feel her humanity. To feel the everyday emotions and experiences that every humans encounter, to laugh, to cry, everything. Even when she sounded so neutral during the scene, she clearly expressed her love for humanity.
And honestly, it must've been difficult to completely split her humanity away from herself, the very thing she longed for, all for the possibility that Fontaine could be saved from the prophecy. For all the messed up stuff she had to put Furina through, she too screwed herself.
So let's imagine this:
If Furina was a representation of Focalors' humanity, and Furina was an absolute emotional mess during it...What did Focalors feel when she came to the conclusion that her humanity had to be seperated from her?
From everything we learned about Focalors, I think it's safe to assume that it was probably one of the most heartbreaking things she had experience.
And just like Furina, she sacrificed it for her people. It finally made me appreciate Focalors more.
The 4.2 livestream was fucking insane and I'm going to talk about it. SPOILERS FOR GENSHIN IMPACT 4.2 LIVESTREAM FOR THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!
Okay, so as I already speculated, Focalors is playing pretend. The livestream tells us that when an NPC(?) asks why Furina deceived them.
WHICH IS A GOOD FUCKING QUESTION- what reason does furina have to be a liar? And from what it seems, Neuvillette isn't involved in this "play"
We know Furina will go on trial- Neuvillette seems very upset and recalls something. Could he be recalling more of the prophecy? Could he be recalling something from 500 years ago?? I NEED ANSWERS I AM FUCKINH IMPATIENT.
"You are a devious one, Focalors" - Neuvillette, which is why I stated that it's safe to assume he had no part in Furina's lies- maybe he just played a role in Focalors' drama, but clearly he was not aware.
"Everyone's dead" "...papa what should I do"
WHO THE FUCK IS PAPA? Neuvi are you a dad? However- I don't recognize the voice of the character saying "Papa". Is it Furina? Navia?.....does Neuvi have a dad ?? The more I think about it the more I think Navia is saying it (Taylor's version) /j for all
AND THEN WE GET TO MEETING CHILDE'S MASTER? BRO SHE'S FINE AS FUCK. From her words it smells like she planned out this prophecy or she has a major part in it- especially since we're hopefully meeting her. I hope to fuck she's playable...she is hot. I have so many questions with this live stream, so much lore to get into. I never focused on genshin lore this seriously but because Fontaine is based off of France and I speak french I have an obligated strong interest in this nation's lore.
So what exactly are my thoughts? My theories are that there are three hydro archons, Furina...the oratrice, and Furina. In her gameplay you can see her outfits swap from white to black and vice versa. I think her white clothing is her archon abilities and her archon self present, and her black clothing is her original self- just a girl who has to act as the nation's all knowing God. It sounds weird for the oratrice to be an "Archon", but hear me out.
The oratrice probably holds some of the archon's power or consciousness, which is why trials need to happen in order for it to gain power. It has a mind of it's own, how? Is the gnosis there? In my mind, 1/3 of the hydro archon is there.
Another reason to why I think there are 3 archons is because at Lynette's lvl up material's boss, the robots dancing: There are 3 thrones that the archon would sit on. Why 3 specifically? RAHH I HOPE WE GET ANSWERS DURING THESE ARCHON QUESTS I NEED TO KNOW THIS SHIT!! ALSO! I will be pulling for c6 Furina on NA servers :) So I will def. post for that! And when I play the archon quest, hopefully that'll get me to write and draw. I need given the LORE!
I just finished the centre of the Fontaine archon quest and I’m sobbing.
Spoilers under the cut ->
I’m so relieved that they didn’t kill off Furina.. it really looked like it was going there and I was devastated. She’s one of my favourite characters after all!
It was so interesting that they took the route of making Neuvillette the new leader for Fontaine and gave him his full powers back. (My boy! :>)
Also I loved the short little scene of Childe fighting the “eat everything narwal” as I’m referring to it as. Much like the whale, i will eat up any and all Childe content <3 (This stupid ginger if fighting with Itto for the spot as my fav character)
Also Skirk! She straight up yeeted Childe back into the abyss and then insulted him. Like ??? Slay ig?


OTHER NOTES ➽ My personal interpretation of our beloved archon's design, specifically the way she styled her hair in all forms.

Focalors, who had pure straight hair. Seamlessly luscious befitting that of the divine.
Focalors, who separated her humanity and divinity, one day seeking that human half for a greater goal.
Focalors, who approached a short-haired Furina that possessed the same raw curiosity for living as Focalors did when she first left her watery form. So young yet so full of life.
Furina, accepting a role at the cost of herself, donning a polished attire that still resembled her human apparel.
Furina, who faced the eager audience that was Fontaine with the same long curls as Focalors, which was unlikely to have grown naturally in such a rushed length of time.
Furina, who paraded a unique haircut, yet you can see where the end of her short hair is, and where the temporary locks start.
Furina, who had shown us in her mental stage the rigorous pursuit of a solution for the prophecy; working with both her true human self and the godly persona she played.
Furina, who, unlike Focalor’s hair, had a distinct cut that’d separate the short thrill of humanity and the long lamentation of an archon.
Furina, who unlike Focalors', was always a figurehead even in design, one who didn’t have the same true divinity as Focalors.
Focalors, who, unlike Furina, didn’t have the pleasure of experiencing the glory of a god to her people nor the amusing titillation of a human.
Focalors, who will forever outgrow her hair until it’s long enough for even the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale to chop it, thus ending her divine run.
Furina, who, unlike Focalors', was able to live out her humanity even when the long tresses of divinity were cut from her hair. Only appearing when assuming a fleeting role as Fontaine’s archon.
Furina, who may now grow her hair at her own pace, not as an artificial divinity, but as a human who yearned for spectacle.
Focalors, who designed her human self in a way that’d allow for Furina to grow, because that’s the one thing she knew she couldn’t fulfill herself, as evidenced by the lengthy tresses that flow behind her before her demise.

Focalors, whose hair is unnaturally split into two, might've been the forewarning of her two halves.
Focalors, and her humanity, are differentiated by the consequences of cutting their hair, of cutting their divinity.

Tag list :: @cxsinesis @luvielle

Genshin Impact | Focalors & Neuvillette
"Farewell, Neuvillette. I hope you've enjoyed the part you played these five hundred years."

The God of Justice
Genshin took over my life and I'm now going to make my hyperfixation of it everyone's problem
Some time ago, I really, REALLY got into Genshin Impact and it has, without a doubt, taken over my life.
Recently, I read two pretty cool fics on Ao3; "Wards of the Wind" by Kiri_Kaitou_Clover and "Just a Boy" by Karmitara, which... both had me cooking.
I have a funky Genshin AU / Story Idea I want to info dump about! I call it "A Thousand Winds in a Windless Land"!
The general gist of it is that during the Cataclysm, Barbatos is sent to kill the Khanri'ahn heir, baby Kaeya, however, Barbatos is unable to bring himself to kill him and hands him over to Dainsleif who escapes into the Abyss while Barbatos distracts the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles.
Of course, they (because I stan gender-neutral Venti) lose. Normally, such actions would result in execution, however, the Sustainer is unable to kill Barbatos without consequences that probably involve Istaroth, so instead, she seals Barbatos away, but still tells all the Archons that she killed them to prevent any more rebellious behaviour.
Before they get sealed away, however, Barbatos transfers their powers over to their siblings; the Thousand Winds, putting them on the same power level as the adepti of Liyue, and then Barbatos transfers their soul into a vessel in the form of a wisp similar to the rest of the wisps so that they can keep helping out in Teyvat in secret. After sealing Barbatos away, the Sustainer goes to destroy Mondstadt as part of Barbatos' punishment, but because of the Thousand Winds' power up, they are able to defeat the sustainer and send her and Celestia into a slumber after she'd been weakened by the Cataclysm.
Afterwards, the Wind Wisps essentially became divine protectors of Mondstadt, similar to the Four Winds and Liyue’s adepti. They’re also able to have human forms, identifiable by their white hair and anemo-coloured tips and eyes. They mostly stay in Mondstadt but are also known to live in other nations alongside people they decide to stick to.
I imagine that the inclusion of the wisps and the presence of Barbatos (who calls themself Nye since their identity as Venti has been compromised) changes a lot of things that I'll probably cover in another post lol. But I like to imagine that some of the wisps decided to stick around with anemo users and residents of Mondstadt, as well as people who are just generally fighting for freedom as well as the archons. I also like to imagine that a wisp decides to stick around with Dainsleif, and as for the Traveller? The wisp who follows him around is literally just Nye/Venti lol
I don't really know what the Mondstadt quest will be since I plan for Dvalin to be cured :PP
I am also a sucker for Venti & Tsaritsa shenanigans and like to headcanon that they have a sibling relationship, so I imagine that around half of the animosity she feels towards the other archons is probably Barbatos related. She's mad at Morax because he was the one in charge of making sure that Barbatos would kill Kaeya, she was originally not as disappointed towards Beelzebub and was even a little sympathetic towards her until she decided to take the coward's way out and hide away in her Plane of Euthymia and leave an emotionless puppet to rule her people, but the Tsaritsa probably has nothing really against Buer and Focalors since there was genuinely nothing they could have done since neither of them become archons until after the Cataclysm. I'm not sure what Murata's role should be in all of this yet, but I do know that the Tsaritsa probably also really blames herself for not being able to prevent Barbatos' fate. My brother even suggested that maybe she was the one who was originally supposed to kill Kaeya, but because she refused, the duty was pushed onto Barbatos.
I'll probably info-dump more about this AU later lol
This is a great idea. I would so write this if my creative juices were working! Let's hope more screentime withthe character while help.
i worry that someday, furina might actually try and sue venti. Not because venti could be stronger than her, and i'm certainly not worried about venti.
I worry because venti is a bard and bards are known to talk well. Not only will he talk himself out of all charges, he will probably somehow push them all onto furina and the fontaine justice system will need months to figure out what the fuck just happened.
And chief justice neuvillette will not speed up the process. Let the hydro archon learn her lesson as she spends like two months in jail.
Imagine the uproar. The hydro archon, god of justice, in jail. Venti would visit her daily.
Credit to Thai McGrath for letting me use the song!

Just got over all stuff that happend in Fontaine and I didn`t expect to like Furina, but She is menace to Neuvillette and I am here for it.

I havent posted anything since like... Wednesday, so here I am, at least trying to draw something for myself

Damn i haven`t draw anything for myself almost a full w e e k

I have no idea why am I so rare here: is it cause I`m so-so busy dog or because I was flabbergasted from 4.2 quest
Quick furina drawing

furina/focalors x reader
fluff, gender neutral reader !! (lowercase intended)
a/n: omgomg !!! first post, any tips are appreciated !! i absolutely fell in love with furina when i first saw her <33 shes so pretty auauagaha !! requests are open, i should probably set up my account more but like grrr i wanna write for my sillies already 😒😒 ALSOALSO sorry the picture is so UGLY i dont know how 2 make it all framed n pretty but i TRULY do not care enough to learn rn 💔💔 i’ll probably fix it later i dunno

you softly knock on the doors to FURINA’s office, and a faint “enter.” is heard from the other side of the door. you hear her sigh, but as you open the doors and walk in you see her dull eyes light up at the sight of you.
“oh, dear! i didn’t know it was you, i’ve told you that you needn’t knock to enter my office!” she exclaims as she rushes over to you, engulfing you in a hug. you can visibly see a newfound glow in her eyes, and the excitement in her voice unlike the tone you had heard a few seconds prior.
she leads you to her desk, pulling up a chair next to hers and having you sit in it. she starts talking about the latest trial, but your mind is elsewhere.
the way she changed- it was so sweet. had you been anyone else, you’d see the bored and disappointed look in her eyes that emanated disintrest. her voice would be drawn out and whiny, although from what you hear right now you could argue she sounds just as snappy.
but you weren’t anyone else, you’re you. you’re the only one who gets to see her eyes light up and her voice full of love, you’re hers, and you didn’t need to hear her say that. it was obvious for anyone- from monsieur neuvillette to any citizens who’ve witnessed you two roaming the streets of fontaine together, she’s whipped.
if you pointed out these behaviors, she’d definitely fluster and deny the accusations. but she knows its true, you know its true. she was so happy to see you.
(extra !!)
“then, the oratrice- you will NOT believe this darling! the oratrice declared him guilty! it was history, its never disagreed with neuvillette !!.. wait.. are you listening to me?!”
your moment of reflection on how you APPRECIATE and LOVE your adoring girlfriend- was thrown out the window. your fault, honestly, you should’ve been listening to her !!