He Really Is - Tumblr Posts
he is wife material to me

As he gets more involved with fsociety and this plan that he and Mr. Robot and everyone at fsociety come up with, it definitely compromises his relationships that he’s really striving to hold on to. […] He becomes so one-sided that he loses touch with the thing that I think he really wants the most, which is the human connectivity. The one person he really does have that with is Angela. - Rami Malek
chan is a real "I could be home with my wife rn" type of guy and I love that
“If I could choose to be a cat, I totally would.”
— S.B.


He is THE King (and the father)
we should appreciate more how good of a dancer wonho actually is
can we talk about how sweet crowley was this whole season. he told gabriel to jump from the window, regretted it, and made him cocoa. he saved a woman from suicide. he saved a bunch of goats and 3 kids by turning them into birds or lizards. he bumped muriel on the shoulder like a dad would when they told him they were 37th not 38th. he wanted aziraphale to be safe. he told that one guy not to feed the ducks bread because he wanted the ducks to be safe. he sheltered aziraphale, who he’d only known for a few minutes, under his wing. he helped aziraphale with his magic trick and supported him the whole season—his only condition being that aziraphale was safe.
crowley is a good person. even if he hates that, it’s true. and more than anything he wants aziraphale to be safe because he knows what it’s like to lose him. and he wants to protect aziraphale from heaven, because he knows how terrible they can be.