Head Canons With Admin Yellow - Tumblr Posts
Headcanon a friend and I decided is Too Good Not To Share
Okay, so for starters, Butters is an unbelievably horny bb when he hits puberty
Like hornier than Kenny, horny
(Kenny is just more VERBAL about it, Butters keeps it to himself)
Butters doesn't realize you're allowed to jack off
He's been raised by strict parents, he assumes you need permission
Fast forward, when he dates he continously asks his S/O if he's allowed to touch himself
Like texts them at two am causes he's horny like, "Can I touch myself now?"
Because if he doesn't ask he gets anxious and feels like he's breaking some unspoken rule
Definitely takes S/O a while to figure out what the fu c k is going on
(And that it's NOT some kink, but Butters being slightly traumatized by how he was raised and unsure of himself)
I definitely saw this as Bunny, I'm weak I know, but I love the idea of it with any ship because hshdh ye s
I see your long-haired Kenny and raise u unfazed Butters. (Sorry, Bunny makes me soft). I can't imagine Butters teasing Kenny but he's so vocal about liking his hair and is just so innocently Butters that Kenny can't really utilise his long hair power over him. If anything Butters has Kenny wrapped around HIS finger with his genuine compliments and unprompted affection.
OH!!!! OH Y E S!
(I love Bunny too, you're okay!)
After he gets a short hair cut, Butters offers Kenny a wig.
Why? Because Butters admires Kenny, and how much courage it must take to walk around with such long hair, knowing he'll get bullied. (Butters is a little jealous, but mostly in awe.)
(Also, I imagine Butters would have one or two wings after the Marjorine debacle. Because then he can play dress up more accurately, but also he would be great at going undercover for dumb missions with Cartman. It would definitely happen.)
Anyways, Butters teaches Kenny how to properly put on a wig. They mess around with make up for a bit, starting out serious and slowly descending into drastically bright colors that make them look like idiots.
They giggle about it while they pick out nail polish, and Butters takes lots of pictures (that he promises to send to Kenny. Kenny decides not to mention he doesn't have a phone.)
Kenny headcanon:
bandaids addition
Everyone draws Kenny with bandaids and, honestly, I love it. It's aesthetically pleasing and it's like a reference to how the world is out to kill him.
But Kenny wouldn't use bandaids.
Bandaids cost money, that his family doesn't have.
If Kenny dies, he'd just come back. What's one little cut to an immortal?
Essentially, he views it as a huge waste of resources and time. Kenny isn't worth wasting bandaids on. The scars will fade when he's reborn again anyways.
To conclude: don't draw Kenny with bandaids, but old/open cuts because Kenny w o u l d n ' t treat his wounds.

Alright, I'll bite! Why'dya choose each pokemon? :) Really liking Kenny's boots btw. He's got good tastes.
I would die for you, god thank you so m u c h ('m glad ya like 'em! :D I based his outfit on my friend's zombie au a bit, just changed colors to make it more Pokemon-esque and friendly!)
Sewaddles are known for bundling up and making their own clothes! There's just something about tiny baby sewaddle that reminds me of Kenny, hiding in his parka. I love it.
I also headcanon that Sewaddle tries to make Kenny a lil "parka" but fails epically because it doesn't know how to make clothes for humans (yet). Which leads to my third point!
Sewaddle are known for making their own clothes! Sewaddle could be very helpful for fixing old clothes when Kenny and Karen can't afford new clothes!
Litwick are known for pretending to guide people while draining their life force. Which, Kenny is immortal. Litwick can endlessly leech off of him.
It's also said that litwick lead children into the afterlife... I like to think that this litwick started leeching off of Kenny for energy, because he's immortal and has plenty of "life" to spare. It started out as convenience, but after leading him by the hand towards his afterlife over and over again, it grew attached and protective.
Now it tries to guide Kenny safely through life, trying to help him stay safe, so that hopefully it won't have to take him to what lies beyond anymore.
The poisonous spores it makes can be used for/in medicine. Health stuff just suits Kenny because Death, okay? Like, poison kills, yet in this instance can be used to heal, and I love that!
It's a fucking ZOMBIE! The original "bug" is dead, and entirely controlled by the mushroom on its back. It is dead. But alive... like Kenny.
No thoughts. Head empty.
Now we get to the headcanon heavy stuff. Alright, some pokemon are actually humans who have died. Fun, right? Well, phantumps form when a spirit, more specifically a lost child who has died, possesses a rotten tree stump. Consider: a young Kenny gets lost in the woods, dies, and his spirit possesses a stump. He becomes a phantump, but at the same time he must come back to life, since being a ghost pokemon isn't exactly alive. So his soul splits, and a bit of him is still phantump. Is still that lost child who died in the woods and, scared of death, possessed the nearest object it could find.
Legend also says that by brewing their leaves and boiling down the liquid you can create a medicine that will cute anything! Do I like to think that this ability comes from/is enhanced by the fact part of Kenny's immortal soul is in the phantump? Maybe. Don't judge me.
It's said that, much like litwick, pumpkaboo can lead people to the afterlife. I like to imagine that pumpkaboo and litwick do it together (or one at a time when it hurts too much).
Pumpkaboo, like phantump, are also formed by spirits trapped in this world! And Kenny's spirit goes many places, but sometimes it goes nowhere at all, and this leaves him vulnerable to pulls, like possessing objects (like many spirits seem to). I imagine this happens around middle school, so it's been a years since his spirit was last split. But again, he is brought back, and pumpkaboo is left in his wake.
Gengars were also once human, and are rumored to take lives of humans to create companions since they're lonely!
This would definitely be when Kenny is in highschool, time for his spirit to heal and grow, and when he dies he is lonely and lost, trying to find companionship. His soul becomes warped, a shadow in itself, a playful smile in the night following potential "friends".
When he inevitably comes back, the gengar no longer seeks to kill for companionship, considering that Kenny would just come back anyways.
Honourable Mentions!
I specifically chose orange and purple themed pokemon where I could! Orange because,,, well. And purple due to Mysterion! Phantump was more black then purple, and sewaddle more yellow than orange, but I'm kinda proud of how it turned out!
I specifically chose pokemon that were ghost types and plant types! Ghost types because duh, Kenny dies, and plants because I felt they resembled life/growth. His pokemon represent him and that he comes back, in ever way!
Kenny's ghost pokemon can remember his deaths (or at least those that use to be Him). The rest of his don't remember, but they do have suspicions/get feelings.
Now here's Kenny wrapped up in clothes sewaddle made for him!

(I'm sorry it's late, I thought I added it already D:)

I’ve had this headcanon for awhile and I decided to make a doodle with it, now that ’m postin’ it!
Essentially: Whenever Kenny gets embarrassed or fucks up in front of someone (especially his crush, whoever it may be at the time) he’ll just,,,, step into the middle of the road and get hit by a bus, jump into a river and drown, or pull out a gun and off himself (etc, etc,,).
He does it so that 1: They’ll hopefully forget it ever happened (or that he was ever there in general so he couldn’t embarrass himself) and-
2: So that he doesn’t have to deal with the aftermath of being teased for it, he can just yeet to four days later.

A thing I made for trans Kenny, where Kenny is mtf! She doesn't come out or tell anyone, but suffers silently. She wishes she could be more honest with herself, wishes she could be like "Princess Kenny" and lots of angsty feels because she doesn't accept herself for who she is :(
Lots of dysphoria and disociating, because she treats "Princess Kenny" like she's someone else, and not her.
This is the song the lyrics are from, by the way! It's a cute love song, but I stole these out of context when the idea hit me like a truck at like two am