Hero Vs Villain - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


Hero tied up over a volcano: YOU’LL NEVER GET A GAY WITH THIS!!!

Villain still monologing: BUT I ALREADY- wait what? Did you mean away?

Hero still tied up over a volcano: did I stutter skittle squad?

Side kick equally tide up but in a less sexy position: HE SAID YOU GET NO BITCHES

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3 years ago

Immortal Villain: At last I found you! You look exactly like my long lost love that died long ago. You must be their reincarnation...I must have you!

Modern day mortal: Ummm...be right back. * Goes to have facial reconstruction surgery done. *

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6 years ago

He reeked of innocence

You could smell it on his breath

Hear it when he spoke

See trails of it on everything he touched

It radiated off his clothes

And shone from his eyes

You could feel it brush you when he passed

It was practically leaking from his pores 

The purity

It left you breathless

The sincerity 

Left you crawling in your skin

The innocence 

Kept you mesmerized 

He reeked of innocence

Bleeding Out

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2 years ago

UTMV Human Superhero AU

Honestly what I'm posting now is kinda just somewhat old stuff, like not recent and new things but more like just tryna fill my blog with posts while ALSO keeping with the theme? ??? Anyway have another AU lmao- I actually don't read as much UTMV fanfiction so zero idea what's more common than others. SO! This'll just be current notes I have for different Sanses, but that also means I just have the more common Sanses instead of Sanses like Error, Reaper, Fresh, Lust, and so on.

CW: Mentions of famines, drought, murder, injury, blood, bullying, disowned, cannibalism, pressure, high expectations, etc.


Nightmare's Gang, dubbed the Bad Guys (Which Killer jokingly refers to them as Bad Gays) by the media is a high ranking supervillain organization, consisting of members,

Dust- VN: Executioner Has voices in his head. (When he's lost it, his eyes turn red.) They predict the future and help him get by, but with the drawback of them sounding like those he has killed before. It haunts him and leaves him unable to eat, sleep, or anything after. The sole survivor of a mass genocide, suffering through Survivor's Guilt. He had no one to get help from, and eventually found himself with Nightmare. He's bitter and craves revenge against the shitty heroes who failed to help him then and now.

Horror- VN: Butcher Once trapped in a persistent famine and drought, he was unable to control himself anymore. He ate anything that moved, including people, much to the disgust of the public once it came to light. People were disgusted by him, but with his newfound desire for cannibalism came a power. He'd find himself in a state of constant hunger, yet the more he ate, the more invincible he became. Sometimes he'd be able to even use another's enhancement.

Nightmare- VN: Nyx Forgotten in his brother's shadow, he grew bitter and angry. 'If they wanted a monster, then that's what I'll become', he thought. His power let him see people's worst fears, bringing them to light with 'hallucinations'. In a way, he could change reality to his own making. In the 'hallucinations', he produces a black fog that hides the ground and everything the eye can see. When inhaled, it poisons the victim severely. Few survive, but those who do are easy to spot due to their sickly figure. The black slowly overtakes them. They throw it up. 'Corruption' Nyx calls it. Then they lose all will. A puppet in the making.

Killer-VN: Jester He was kicked out of his own home due to his sick nature, and nobody wanted the kid with an odd obsession with blood. Killer always had been fascinated by death and soon became a murderer who hid in the shadows, yet known to play with his 'food'. Soon he had caught the attention of Nightmare who took him in. Killer's power had to do with drinking blood. It let him use that person's enhancements, and at times he could wield multiple at once. He grew fangs due to it as well, and enjoyed joking about how he was a vampire. It always sent him on a sort of high when he got some in his system. It was also due to this that he had an unhealthy addiction to blood, though if he were to stop he'd weaken. When he can't find a source, sometimes he'll just take his own blood to calm the desire. Sometimes though, if he has a big enough amount of blood from someone, he can copy their features. (edited)


The heroes lmao. no special name for them [ig they're just the stars but thats about it. Also they'll probably end up falling apart due to different ideals n such]

Swap- HN: Knight can form a shield and sword on will or whatever? [thoughts pending]

Dream- HN: Hemera He can provide 'suggestions' to people in a soft siren-like voice. When he does it, it forces a calm over them, almost like drugging them, and they do as he says. (For some reason people dont call him out for having a 'villain' like power unlike Nightmare's)

Ink- HN: Creator Can create things with his brush, easy to understand

Cross- HN: X Put under high expectations, he was meant to become a hero at his birth. It wasn't what he would've chosen as a job, but he was helping people. That was a good thing right? He was being helpful. That was his purpose, after all. Wasn't it? He has heightened senses. He can hear better, see better, even move faster and jump higher. Sometimes he adopts other people's abilities, almost like a mimic, being able to make sounds or voices. He once had a dog (dead now), so he has a habit of copying a dog's noises, like growling when under threat.

MANY notes subject to change, though I'm already using them for a series on another thing so it'd be awful to change it now, BUT some sanses haven't been shown yet, or even done anything yet so changes could happen [though the bad gays have already been shown haha along with their powers and '..backstories'

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2 years ago

OKAY! Adding onto this idea and semi-story building.

Horror gets captured. My idea for the situation is this: Dust and Horror are fighting against Swap. Horror gets very injured, and despite Dust's best efforts he still ends up failing as Dream comes to Swap's aid, and since Dream is much more powerful, Dust stands no chance, and it's already even more less likely for him to defeat those two without Horror in commission.

Nightmare [and the others] are unable to make it there. Nightmare tells him to pull out. [through earpieces]

Dust doesn't want to. Not with Horror in danger. He fails anyway, and Horror gets captured by the heroes. Nightmare this time very urgently tells him to go, even going so far as to play 'bad cop' and demand him to. Dust has to listen because he has zero chance, and he can't rely on backup this time. He knows he can't do anything about it but it still feels wrong.

He pulls out before he can even have the chance to be unable to. He feels immensely guilty.

He also hates Swap and Dream. After all, Horror was his partner, his second half.

CW: Body modification but kinda.. horror..? i dont usually do warnings since i dont usually come up with dark stuff but uh. ive had this in my head for awhile. or death.

What happens to Horror? Well I have a few angsty ideas there. Either the hero association is corrupt as FUCK and removes Horror's teeth so he becomes weaker and unable to become at his former glory, which is also completely fucking sick and I can just imagine Horror being so fucking saddened at this and crying but no ones there to comfort him and help him through this even though they all promised they'd be there for each other, and he really doesn't blame them but that doesn't make the hurt go away.

..or they sentence Horror to death row?

but it's really hard to get a hit on the hero tower thing, not to mention barely anyone has been able to get out of that place, no matter the resources.

The bad guys are on edge.

Maybe Dust sometimes snaps at Nightmare for making him leave, but there's still that understanding that there wasn't a choice unless they wanted Dust to get caught too but that doesn't make the pain go away.

Maybe one day Dust wishes that he had been caught so he could be with Horror, but it's probably really clear to the media how close the two were, never being seen without the other close by. They'd probably never let the two near each other.

I have been thinking over this for awhile, and each and every one of the bad guys have some form of mental issue and honestly, their support system is getting really close to unhealthy dependency to where take one person out and everything fucking crumbles.

god the heroes wont know what hit em, but they are also just doing their job.

..for a corrupt government.

anyway---- thats kinda it so far?

UTMV Human Superhero AU

Honestly what I'm posting now is kinda just somewhat old stuff, like not recent and new things but more like just tryna fill my blog with posts while ALSO keeping with the theme? ??? Anyway have another AU lmao- I actually don't read as much UTMV fanfiction so zero idea what's more common than others. SO! This'll just be current notes I have for different Sanses, but that also means I just have the more common Sanses instead of Sanses like Error, Reaper, Fresh, Lust, and so on.

CW: Mentions of famines, drought, murder, injury, blood, bullying, disowned, cannibalism, pressure, high expectations, etc.


Nightmare's Gang, dubbed the Bad Guys (Which Killer jokingly refers to them as Bad Gays) by the media is a high ranking supervillain organization, consisting of members,

Dust- VN: Executioner Has voices in his head. (When he's lost it, his eyes turn red.) They predict the future and help him get by, but with the drawback of them sounding like those he has killed before. It haunts him and leaves him unable to eat, sleep, or anything after. The sole survivor of a mass genocide, suffering through Survivor's Guilt. He had no one to get help from, and eventually found himself with Nightmare. He's bitter and craves revenge against the shitty heroes who failed to help him then and now.

Horror- VN: Butcher Once trapped in a persistent famine and drought, he was unable to control himself anymore. He ate anything that moved, including people, much to the disgust of the public once it came to light. People were disgusted by him, but with his newfound desire for cannibalism came a power. He'd find himself in a state of constant hunger, yet the more he ate, the more invincible he became. Sometimes he'd be able to even use another's enhancement.

Nightmare- VN: Nyx Forgotten in his brother's shadow, he grew bitter and angry. 'If they wanted a monster, then that's what I'll become', he thought. His power let him see people's worst fears, bringing them to light with 'hallucinations'. In a way, he could change reality to his own making. In the 'hallucinations', he produces a black fog that hides the ground and everything the eye can see. When inhaled, it poisons the victim severely. Few survive, but those who do are easy to spot due to their sickly figure. The black slowly overtakes them. They throw it up. 'Corruption' Nyx calls it. Then they lose all will. A puppet in the making.

Killer-VN: Jester He was kicked out of his own home due to his sick nature, and nobody wanted the kid with an odd obsession with blood. Killer always had been fascinated by death and soon became a murderer who hid in the shadows, yet known to play with his 'food'. Soon he had caught the attention of Nightmare who took him in. Killer's power had to do with drinking blood. It let him use that person's enhancements, and at times he could wield multiple at once. He grew fangs due to it as well, and enjoyed joking about how he was a vampire. It always sent him on a sort of high when he got some in his system. It was also due to this that he had an unhealthy addiction to blood, though if he were to stop he'd weaken. When he can't find a source, sometimes he'll just take his own blood to calm the desire. Sometimes though, if he has a big enough amount of blood from someone, he can copy their features. (edited)


The heroes lmao. no special name for them [ig they're just the stars but thats about it. Also they'll probably end up falling apart due to different ideals n such]

Swap- HN: Knight can form a shield and sword on will or whatever? [thoughts pending]

Dream- HN: Hemera He can provide 'suggestions' to people in a soft siren-like voice. When he does it, it forces a calm over them, almost like drugging them, and they do as he says. (For some reason people dont call him out for having a 'villain' like power unlike Nightmare's)

Ink- HN: Creator Can create things with his brush, easy to understand

Cross- HN: X Put under high expectations, he was meant to become a hero at his birth. It wasn't what he would've chosen as a job, but he was helping people. That was a good thing right? He was being helpful. That was his purpose, after all. Wasn't it? He has heightened senses. He can hear better, see better, even move faster and jump higher. Sometimes he adopts other people's abilities, almost like a mimic, being able to make sounds or voices. He once had a dog (dead now), so he has a habit of copying a dog's noises, like growling when under threat.

MANY notes subject to change, though I'm already using them for a series on another thing so it'd be awful to change it now, BUT some sanses haven't been shown yet, or even done anything yet so changes could happen [though the bad gays have already been shown haha along with their powers and '..backstories'

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2 years ago

You Were Never Meant To Be a Hero / DSMP [Hero AU] Fanfic [TnT Duo] / Thoughts

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I know I said I wasn't going to talk about hero fics and shit but like.. I kinda like this one aghauhedsuihf

It. So. Wilbur, the eldest son of the Minecrafts, which is a hero family (Phil, Techno, Tommy), is a rescue hero called Magpie (unless somehow i remembered this wrong????). I think it was a thing in the Minecrafts to name themselves after their type of bird.

Wilbur has been overshadowed all his life by his brother who's better at fighting, who's more famous then him, but Wilbur tries his hardest, overworking himself and doing so many things to help people only to never be noticed.

Quackity, a former vigilante and current villain called Ace (again, unless I somehow got the names wrong), finds an interest in Wilbur-

[spoilers aAaaaa] and proceeds to claim him as a Nemesis, which villains can do to a hero in which said hero will get EVERYTHING that that villain has done for any clues as it basically means that Quackity is Wilbur's responsibility now.


But Yes, it is a ship. Yes, they get together. Yes, they kiss.

but I just

The way they pulled off how stuff happened, how people planned, i just

it makes so much fucking sense, with things that I probably normally wouldn't think about and I just


It's written smartly, with a lot of thought and effort put into it and it shows, because you can really tell that it all kinda flows really nicely with each other. I might be wrong, but I feel like it just matches still regardless? I dunno, I've been reading this while it's been in WIP and it has just finished with its last chapter.

But still I really like it.

The hero system is always abusive as fuck, but I also don't hear that much of others speaking up about their own bad experiences, other villains, children, heroes in training, vigilantes, even just heroes speaking about their experiences.

And this fic? I think, although it doesn't explicitly state of the association's crumble, they are really breaking. Wilbur broadcasting everything and how the hero association is a fucking dick and did shit to CHILDREN, and just- I'll refrain from speaking too much about their wrongs as it's.. kinda triggering :')))

And then there are villain sympathizers who wear a shade of blue the same as Wilbur's wings as a sign


Of course, it isn't perfect. Wilbur having to leave for awhile after staying for a few days with Quackity because he has a big fucking target on him now as the number one villain. sobs

it hurts my soul but it makes sense too aghhh

i just

Hero fics might not be your type of thing, and that's understandable. Ship fics might not be your thing and that is understandable too, I just

I think it might be a little bit of an interesting read to anyone else ? I don't know.

I kinda wanna do more of these on fics I read but I don't wanna rush aghh

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