Hikkicore - Tumblr Posts
I need this and the rilakkuma one for cute bentos n dishes

Sometimes I geta little scared to post my fantasies even though this is tumblr as I'm still trying to discover them alone on top of me having anxiety n a plethora of other mental health illnesses n disabilities that I was born with, just trying to get my thoughts together for anything half of the time feels like a lot of work sometimes ya know so instead I like n repost a bunch of stuff even though I wanna make my own kawaii pics n horny posts so that I might have a better idea on what I want n therefore have a better idea of what to write , but i currently don't have the means atm financially or otherwise X<
Sorry for the little vent, this isn't my usual type of post, l'm kinda tired now so maybe I'll lay down n take a nap, or just continue scrolling thru tumblr or pinterest like i always do.

Manifesting these items into my possession ♡♡♡
Thx for the heads up! Flashing lights kinda hurt my eyes a bit & can often give me a headache, and while it may not be as bad in my case it can be much worse for others, so I'm gonna reblog this
hey so two people in a row on my dash just commented that trying to open the new communities popup on tumblr mobile(?) brings up major flashing lights, so please please PLEASE take caution doing so. i don't like asking people to reblog stuff but please reblog this or make your own post about this to tell people about this because this could seriously hurt someone

Some more cute food that I wanna recreate

More stuff I wanna recreate pt3

Some cute figurines I wanna get one day
Petition for Tumblr to become a more commonly used social network again!😩

Reblog if you want Asks/Messages from your followers in your inbox