sorry-i-ship-drarry - Drarry Drabbles
Drarry Drabbles

| 21| Gryffindor | I write Drarry drabbles almost everyday. Inbox open for request.

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Draco Talking To Scorpius And Referring To Harry And Albus As My Potter And Your Potter

Draco talking to Scorpius and referring to Harry and Albus as “my Potter” and “your Potter”

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More Posts from Sorry-i-ship-drarry

3 years ago


Dialogue Prompt 7- “ you’re not a friend anymore, remember ?” request by @everlydream, sorry for taking such a long time to get back to you.

It hurts.

It still hurts a little too much when you see the man who was supposed to be yours been taken by someone else so close to you. It hurts when you see him smile, when you see him become the person he does but at the cost of losing you because you knew somewhere deep inside you he was better off without you but when he pushes you away over and over again and without a reason, without so much so of an explanation breaking an unspoken promise of forever, it hurts a little too much even though you pretend you're not hurt, it still does every time you think of it.

Its been an year and half since I heard from you, i wonder a lot what went wrong, why did you and I both pushed each other away and more why didn’t you and I try harder, didn’t we say we’d graduate together, didn’t we? Then where were you and I when we walked the graduation floor and we weren’t there in the crowd. I wonder if you too secretly like me from behind the windows of abandoned classroom watched me walk off my graduation. It upsets me still to think of why did you walk away from me, was I such a bad friend ? was i incapable of making you feel loved ? were you bored of me ? Did i start annoying you ? Or simply you stopped caring ? I'd like to know and I'd like to know a lot of other things too like when was the first time you realised you didn't want to be friends with me anymore or anything even more ? Or where even are you right now ? Or had it always been Someone else and you Always thought I was a burden you just had to carry ? But as these questions remain unanswered I tend to dwell on our memories together, our days together, our time and everything and I smile ever so often and then my smile turns into a frown as I lie on the grass watching the sky change its colour. I remember in the ways you had stopped your interactions with me towards the end, was there really nothing left to talk about or was it just you didn't want to anymore ? I remember the first time it had hit me in December that you didn't see me the same way anymore or wanted anything to do with me anymore when I had happily came to tell you something and you had dodged off my enthusiasm like a base ball, I remember it hurt, I remember it vividly killing me inside and the way I knew it then that we weren't going to last long, that maybe we'll last a few more months but the thought of losing you was unsettling to me, something that I believed I wouldn't be able to live without because I had known you for so long now, we've been friends for longer than we ever thought we could be and because we had some of our best moments together, I just wasn't ready to let go at all, I was holding onto one last ray of hope that one day miraculously you'd start talking to me again. But I made the mistake of staying shut and letting you create distance when I should've said so many things, when I should've called you out but I didn't and maybe it seemed to you that I didn't care enough either but it has been days since I last saw you, your image inside my head is starting to fade, your face is dimming away so is your smile, your hands, your nose, the way you smelled, everything about is starting to fade away and I'm just holding onto the last of the memories and they're going to run out soon like the last of batteries left.

I wish a lot you hadn't gone, I wish that one day you just didn't decided to strand me but as they say not all wishes come true so I've started making peace with your abandonment even though I Always think of you. Maybe it hurts more because I always thought you were going to be the one for me, the one who wouldn't ever leave me, the one who'd stick with me through my thick and thin, the one I'd meet the day afternoon graduation and gossip about how annoying the ceremony was, the one I'd suggest to work in the same place, the one I'd want to do everything with because in the moments we had spent together, especially the one of your early moments, I knew that you were the person I'd never have to leave, the one I'd never have to worry about but you are the one person I thought who'd never leave me but did. You are that person and I can't help it. And sometimes I have this weird addiction to the pain and I end up picturing you with me and having a forever with you but then the reality crashes in and reminds me I only have you in my memories. That's what I think I'll always have you in now. If i were given a nickel for everytime I thought about turning back time and going over and over again where it went wrong but the problem was that isn't it, I don't know where it went wrong, I do not know and it sometimes kills me but to think of knowing the answer just oddly unsettles me and I think that maybe I'm better off knowing it because if I did, I'd hurt more than it already does.

But now that I see you across the isle dropping the packet of barley in your shopping cart I can't bring myself to take my eyes off you until you finally see me.

" Harry " you excitedly say and walk towards me with your arms open and hug me, I don't hug back, I don't know why.

" it's been so Long, I haven't seen you in over an year " you say it with such a grin that It seems as if you're so happy about it, maybe you are ?

" Before Graduation actually " I Corrected you.

" so what's going on with you- anything new ?" Why do you want to know?

" nothing new- just the same old things " I shrug casually even though I was browsing your face and remembering it all over again as if I'm seeing you for the first time ever. I notice you got freckled and now you have small wrinkles side your eyes from smiling, and the way your eye brows have turned sharper and your jaw a little more pointed and then just as casually I notice the ring on your finger, I didn't want to ask but you sensed it.

" oh yeah- got engaged a few months ago- I'm getting married next month- oh- you should come " you chirped clapping your hands together in low noise to show your excitement but when I see you like this, you're not the same Draco I remember.

" I would but " I pause, glancing at you one last time then continuing " you're not a friend anymore, remember ?- we're no longer friend's. You don't call someone on your wedding you didn't meet on graduation, so it'd be weird. It was nice seeing you though but I don't think I can do it " and I walk away before I could've seen the look on your face.

You didn't run after me, like you didn't last time. Like I didn't the last time and this time I stranded you and I wonder if it hurt you the same way an year and half ago like it does to me right now. But maybe you are better off without me and it's okay to me. Now that I've seen you today I'll remember you a for a little while longer, like my batteries have been recharged but only a little and it would soon come a time when you'd just exist as a blurry face in my head with a name and maybe one day I'd be fine with it too.

Even if that one day never comes.


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3 years ago

The kitten effect

The Kitten Effect

It had been 3 months since Draco broke up with Theo after he had caught him cheating with the girl that lived in the next building right after he had proposed to him even though he was aware that they were rushing into it too fast but he thought of the amazing time they had together and how he knew it was what he wanted, apparently even though Theo had said a yes, it wasn’t something he wanted therefore he cheated. The relationship ended like burning flames and rather badly with Draco losing a place a live, running out of leaves so he had to over work even saturdays and moving into a rather small studio apartment which was if anything expensive but he had no choice and looking for an apartment there wasn’t a piece of cake. Draco realized ever since the break up with Theo which had left him completely shattered, everything in his life had taken an unfortunate turn like the other day when he was travelling back home after having taken a bus for a 5 minute walk it started pouring down and he had taken out the umbrella out of his bag that day in the morning and it was the last of his clothes left for laundry, he remained sick for the rest of the day, or like the time when he was late for work and had missed breakfast and had chosen to take a cup of coffee from the only cafe which wasn’t crowded because it was overly expensive, the coffee went in waste and even his money because someone tripped Draco making him ruin his favorite white shirt he was wearing leaving a large coffee stain which could not be removed by magic or the time when he was signing the final papers of the students he realized that almost every student had written the same answer but later realized he had read the question wrong and he had to do all the 56 sheets he had already done, or the time when he went to purchase a couch and wanted to have it delivered to his place, not only the couch came wrecked but it had a no exchange policy. Clearly his life hasn’t been a delight and every day something or the other kept getting messed up that Draco was running on his last straw. He had been through so much in the last 3 months and so overly exhausted that he was barely hanging on.

Today was just another day in the wrecked life of Draco malfoy and the only sunday he had been free and he was just about to finally pick on some reading when then he decided to work on the paper mache model of mandrake and that of tiny flasks that he had to show to his classroom and put it in the classroom for decoration that he had been trying to work on for a long time but due to the exhaustion from life in general he had been putting the model on hold, so today he decided to take out the incomplete model and try to finish it since it takes a lot of time to dry but apparently just as he took the models out, the intricate model of mandrake had somehow gone damp and had ruined the roots that took him weeks to make and despite his strong urge to treat it with magic he knew that it would thoroughly wrong, especially after he had read Gallivan’s magic theories for muggle artifacts: what to do and what not to do ? He resided with fixing it the normal artistic way but the more he tried to fix it, the more he wrecked it but he continued to fix it and an hour later most of the mandrakes roots fell off and in exhaustion and recklessness he accidentally pushed the models of tiny flasks off the table he had made which cracked them up. It was the most he could take and the mental breakdown found its way to him and he broke down crying and screaming into the pillow for such a long time that his throat became sore but the tears didn’t leave until his door was knocked upon and he tidied himself up and check who it was. He pulled himself up together, encouraging himself in a fake way, wiping his face until his eyes and cheeks went all red and opened the door with a forced smile and there stood someone with their back faced towards Draco. 

“Yes?” Draco asked. He turned around and it turned out to be a very familiar face. 

“Draco” He grinned 

“Potter” and he immediately internally slapped himself for not addressing him by his first name.

“ Hi- what are you doing here?" Draco immediately asked

" I was- well I moved in here recently and my radiator broke down and I was wondering If you had a tool- were you crying ?" Harry suddenly asked after having notices the dry patches of tears on his face and his red eyes.

" what- no! You said you need something-"

" your eyes are all red and your shirt seems wet" Harry pointed.

Draco huffed " I just washed my face and the soap got into my eyes "

Harry's face immediately dawned with realisation and apologized thereafter for sounding intrusive.

" you needed something?" Draco asked finally, his feets finally turning a little too cold in the November chills.

" oh yeah- my radiator broke down and the electrician cannot come before 5, so I thought maybe I could fix on my own but I don't have the toolbox- so I was wondering if you had it ?" Harry asked

" I have the tool box but i highly doubt it'd help " Draco said as he turned around and walked into his apartment navigating Harry to just come inside.

" why ?"

" did your knob break down ?" Draco asked bending down to open the storage cabinet beneath the TV stand and looking for the tool box

" well yeah but I think something broke inside too " Harry replied

" there's hardly anything you can do- I can lend you but I must tell you it's a waste of your energy and time-"

" are those paper mache?" Harry interjected.

Draco stood up with his tool box and approaching Harry " yeah, I messed them up “ He sighed in disappointment. 

Harry looked at Draco for a moment before he sat down cross legged over the carpeted floor and starting fixing the broken paper mache. 

" I highly it would do anything- I tried and i’ve been trying to fix it all day but I don’t think its repairable anymore- I’ll just make new one-” 

“Do you have glue ?” Harry interrupted and Draco nodded, immediately bringing him the glue.

Draco sat down across Harry and curiously watched him as he fixed the paper mache with utter concentration that he felt almost bad for him because he knew there was no scope of repair and he knew Harry was wasting his time but he didn’t had it in his heart to tell him the truth just because how eagerly he was working on it.

He sat there watching for a few more minutes until he realised that Harry was infact making progress and before he knew it, Harry had not only fixed the tiny cracked flasks he had made but had also managed to ameliorate the Mandrake model and have been very successful at giving the Mandrake a crying look and Draco was all but very disappointed, in himself.

" You would just need to paint these now-"

" How did you- how did you fix it ?" Draco asked almost upset.

" oh it was nothing, I just added glue to the parts where the flasks cracked and pasted a bit of newspaper over it and the Mandrake roots, I just- well I don't know what I did but they're not damp anymore and they seem strong- but I did use glue to highlight the expression" Harry explained grinning turning the models in his hand and rather proud of himself.

Draco suddenly grew upset and frustrated at the same time because of how easy Harry made it sound and how easily he just did it in few minutes while he had sat down for months to perfect the models little by little to make it as realistic as possible and he did it without even trying and it only frustrated him more because now when he saw the models he liked them more than he should've and it saddened him that he could not a simple task as this and he grew much more disappointed in himself which ultimately drove him in a circle of how many regular things he had been fucking up and no matter how hard he tried nothing seemed to get better and right here Harry made it all so simple.

" Are you okay ?" Harry asked approaching draco and sitting down next to him on the couch.

"What ?" Draco asked, coming out of his series of thoughts.

" You seemed to be zoned out- are you doing okay ?" Harry asked generosity flowing in his words.

"Yeah- I'm fine- it's just I've been trying to fix this and making it for month's and you just did it in a few minutes without having to cry over it or without feeling completely disappointed in yourself " Draco forced a chuckle as if it was funny but it wasn't and he noticed how Harry didn't take it as a joke and stood up abruptly, wiping his hands to the side of his jeans.

" I- I happened to know how to fix things- I'm actually known for it but the thought that you tried is not disappointing, you tried at least and that's something " Harry shrugged.

Draco shook his head " that's what it is- trying isn't enough-"

" but it is enough, it's more than enough-"

" It's not- if it were I'd be with my damning boyfriend right now- which is why everything is so fucked up in my life right now. If trying was enough I wouldn't be living in a fucking studio apartment that doesn't even have enough space yet paying half my salary for this piece of shit. Trying isn't enough " Draco snapped loudly and even though he expected Harry to wince or at least be taken a back, he didn't, instead he approached Draco and with hesitation wrapped his arms around his body.

"Wha- What are you doing ?" Draco stuttered.

" Hugging you" Harry replied

"Bu- But I don't want you to- I don't need your hu-"

" shush- just relax- breathe in and out and just go with the flow " Harry adviced and even though Draco remained numb for what felt like the longest of time, he eventually gave in and after taking few deep breaths, he finally embraced Harry in a hug and within a few seconds his hesitation was lost and he found himself weeping into his arms like he was a glass that shattered after it hit the ground and he clinged onto Harry rather tightly.

Harry moved his hand up and down Draco's back in comfort and kept appreciating things about Draco, telling him that everything will be alright and that to let it all out.

It was several minutes later when Draco had found himself hiccuping that he finally decided to break the hug and wiped his face from the corner of his sleeves but Harry didn't let him, he wiped his face from the corner of his sleeves with a beautiful smile that melted Draco's heart.

" feel better ?" Harry asked smiling.

Draco nodded hesitantly then instantly apologized " I didn't mean to- I- I don't know what came over me but I really just don't go hugging around random people "

" I'm not a random person Draco- I'm your used to be arch nemesis, your abandoned acquaintance from school, now your neighbor. I'm not nobody to you- I'm someone and I don't mind it. Psychology says that a person needs at least 8 hugs in a day to feel fine so I think it's absolutely fine- besides I was the one who Hugged you- you see I'm a hugger and it's really comforting to people and me as well- it's like the effect that kitten have on humans- basically a kitten induces serotonin or some other hormone which makes a person feel happy, hugs have the same effect. It's just affection- " Harry rambled and without a reason Draco found it admirable and adorable.

" Why don't you tell me about your Shitty life while I make us some coffee so you feel better ? Or anything that you like ?" Harry asked

" but your radiator ?"

" It can wait- I want to know about that asshole of your boyfriend who left you " Harry grinned and for the first time draco found himself genuinely chuckling and he led him into kitchen.

Despite the broken radiator at home and the absolutely cold place Harry knew he would be returning to at night and all the mess he left because he thought he'd be returning in five minutes and the date he had tonight after a very long time, he cancelled all of them and decided that it was much better to stay with Draco and be there for him and as long as Draco didn't know about his plans, it was more than fine. The rest of things, his friends, his date, his Life could wait as long Draco didn't know about it and weirdly Harry found it absolutely normal and if not, he even loved it.

And Draco, for the first time in the longest time actually found himself smiling unknowingly and he just knew it then that maybe it was time to move on. For the first time he felt happy and he knew he would be fine, as long as he knew Harry was there. Infact he knew with Harry would be more than fine because maybe Harry induced the kitten effect on him, and he thought it was adorable.


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3 years ago

5,6,19 in one single fic of draco being in azkaban


The Butterfly Effect

It lacks my skill to make it into a one shot and I apologize for it. This will be continued in parts. 

Dialogue Prompts - 5 - “ Why are you doing that ?” “Doing what ?” “ Treating me like a person” //6. “Sometimes memories are the worst form of torture” // 19. “ I lo--” “ No, please.. Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me” 

Cold stirred inside the cell, a heavy cloud of mist settling in and the grey walls screeched as he scratched another day over the walls. Day 150. He dropped the stone over the ground making sure to make no noise but the rustling of the door awakened the beast and it crawled towards him. He shimmied back into the corner until no corner was left to fit into and he whimpered begging the mercy from the beast to let him go but what a deaf beast would know.

The beast took its bite, sucked his memory and left over the ground was a filled with tears Draco Malfoy waiting for the numbness to settle in. His life was becoming more meaningless than it ever had been, only now, he didn't had anything more left to offer.


The rustling grew louder and louder as people walked by suffocating the place more than it already was. It was a stuffy busy day today and the elevators were more stuffed than usual meaning today was perhaps an important day or it was incredibly hot outside and people were looking for shelter, to be in the calm cool place.

" 6 months " He said

Harry ran his handkerchief down his neck, trying to get rid of the sweat that had formed because his boss refused to close his window which caused the temperature of the room to rise what seemed like 90°F. It was an extremely hot day, Harry thought and from what he could see outside his open window was the burning bright blue and white, radiant as ever.

" What's in it for me ?" Harry asked

" Pride, integrity, work force, a promotion too maybe. He's been in the cell for over 6 months, we need to make sure that his being in the cell wouldn't raise more questions " His boss confessed openly

" What if he's in there for a wrong cause ?" Harry truthfully asked

" We're convinced he's a murderer. His mother confides otherwise-"

" A minor ?" Harry interjected disgusted

" Not a minor, at least not now. He's a death eater and every death eater is a murderer " His boss harshly sneered

Harry wished to go otherwise, to tell him that's not true, to tell him that the world isn't divided into death eaters and non death eaters but it would hardly make a difference because his boss saw death eaters as the dirt of his shoe and anyone who dared to go against him became like Bob from muggle artifacts, stuck there without a promotion in a small office since 4 years. Harry nodded hesitantly.

" case file is on your table, show me your best. Convince me that he can't be released " He said and this time Harry didn't nod,how could he. He just departed back to his office to convince himself that he works only because he likes having a purpose and trying to make it a better place. He nodded his head as he walked past people he knew in a gesture of acknowledging them before he reached his office and sighed in relief locking his door behind him and approaching his desk, the case file already being there. 

He pushed his hair back from his forehead, pouring out a glass of water as he opened the case files kept there drinking some water little by little realizing 2 of the files were the cases he already did and opened the last open finally as he drank some more. 

He choked as soon as he the picture attached to the file with a clip on and pushed away his glass of water. He hadn’t seen that face since he got out of school and it took him by surprise when he bought the file more closer to himself and watched the moving picture for a long time, a frown to a numb look switching over and over as if he didn’t care anymore, like he had done this several times. Harry finally moved his eyes from the picture and shifted to the lettered papers. He slanted his head unconsciously as he read word by word. 

Name : Draco Malfoy 

Date of birth : 5 June 1980

Sex : Male 

Blood status : Pure blood 

Blood line : Malfoy 

Date of imprisonment : 3rd January 2003 

Cause of imprisonment: Suspected murder of Ben Codsworth 

Evidences at crime scene : Knife, Draco Malfoy’s wand, Draco Malfoy’s footprints, Draco Malfoy’s hand prints over furniture and wand. 

Harry sighed as he flipped through more pages skimming over the evidence’s and brief of the crime scene. He read briefly about Draco and focused more on the part of the statements against him, statement given the guard on duty saying Draco came for a visit like usual and the forensics review over the matching DNA, the photo’s of the marked outline where the body was found but what caught him more was Draco’s statement upon the case. 

“ L'appel du vide ”

Harry frowned when he read further the statement over and over and wondered later whether Draco could have killed a man or not, he admitted later that he didn’t murder anyone but he admitted he vividly doesn't deny of killing. The statements against him involves the act of saying that he was nothing but a manipulator. 

Harry thoroughly began reading the file, word by word, taking him by surprise upon knowing that Draco had disappeared for 3 years after the war without any information about anything or his whereabouts or any rest of it but as soon as his return became evident, he was imprisoned with the charge of being a killer. It was hard to guess whether he was the killer or not but reading more and more about the case and Draco’s repeated statement, it felt otherwise, like his words meant something else. Upon reading further of many more of officer's statements about the murder when taped while he was in azkaban Draco convinced the reporter that he had been planning a murder viciously but had been extremely unfortunate, but most of his statements were ended with blanks meaning the statements were too long or classified to be put in the file or more than often he kept uttering in his sentences " L'appel du vide "

“ I need the tapes from January 2003, Draco Malfoy’s case “ Harry told the librarian at the ministry after having being unsuccessful of convincing himself to not be thoroughly invested.

“ They are classified “ she said.

Harry blinked harshly “ what if I bring a permit ?” 

The lady thought for a few seconds then nodded and Harry hurriedly ran off to Hermione's office.

" 70 seconds " Hermione clicked her wrist as she got up from her chair to stand in front of the mirror. 70 seconds, the seconds she'd fix her hair in.

" I need permit to attain tapes from the library on Draco Malfoy's case " Harry hurriedly said

Hermione whipped in a second, her hair going in different directions " You got his case ?"

Harry nodded " why ?"

Hermione thought for a moment deciding on whether she should tell him or not but then she did, hesitation clear in her voice " the-they all say he's gone loony- like nuts, sort of a cynic " she shrugged.

Harry scrunched his face at her " you can't say he's gone mad "

" it's not me Harry- all of them say that- they all say he's aberrant- I've heard his tapes and seen his file- it's irrational. It's all-"

" so you believe in all that they say- the man who told me to convince that someone shouldn't be released because if they're a death Eater they must be a murderer " Harry snapped

" Harry- I know the department Is messed up but you'll- you know what, fine- I'll give the permit but you're going to realise soon what Everyone is saying " Hermione sighed then took a paper and stamped over it, then handed him the permit.

" Harry " she called out to him Just before he was about to step out.

" what ?"

" don't believe everything you read or hear " Hermione nodded, then her phone rang and before Harry could ask further questions, he knew it was time to leave, so he left with questions dangling in his head.

Harry ran back off to the library and with the permit took all the recordings recorded and the video tapes there were. On reaching back to his office, he locked the doors again and put the cassettes in the cassette player and heard carefully. 

“ Do you plead guilty ?” 

“ No ” 

“ But are you a killer ?” 

“ yes ”

The investigating officer heavily groaned then asked to provide a statement claiming he murdered Ben Codsworth but he denied profusely. The first few tapes went off in Draco’s denials, admitting that he didn’t kill Ben Codsworth even though the evidences proved otherwise, he admitted that he did not kill anyone but somehow as he was reaching the last of the cassettes he heard Draco muttering continuously “ L’appel du Vide ”. Whoever was put in on the investigation was thorougly dissatisfied and frustrated by the end and asked him to say any other sentence but was met with only silence as if he had already said enough but it wasn’t until the end when Draco had finally said something otherwise as if he had always stored this for the last meeting, 

“ Killers don’t always use weapon, murder isn’t always murder and death isn’t always met. I did not kill Ben Codsworth, someone did and that's not me ”

Harry relaxed into his chair biting his nails off trying to make sense of his words and then his eyes fell upon the video tapes and he put them on the projector as well, they were the same recordings only these were video taped and Draco’s face could easily be read. On going through order Harry noticed the way Draco’s face grew duller and duller and how his face sucked in, the way his face lost any expression and numbness casting over his face and his lips over his words growing more slurry, his face had lost everything by the last tape but in the last tapes when Draco spoke his last words he had stared directly into the camera and confessed his last words, it almost felt as if to Harry that he was there and he was saying those words to Harry himself, leaving Harry feeling strange.

The pendulum clock on the wall went off and Harry packed away his things in his briefcase, taking the videos with him to perhaps play it in the night when he’s all alone after Ginny had slept. 

He flooed home like he usually did, hopeful to finally meet his fiance and soon to be wife home working on the wedding planners but he was met with the incandescent emptiness, finding a note on the table saying she went home for the night, fleur apparently needed help to take care of the newly born baby. Harry sighed as he sat the briefcase on the table, leaving it there to be while he did his routine. 

It was later in the night when Harry had been focused immensely on the wedding planning when he stretched his neck back to get some relief when his eyes fell upon the briefcase and he remembered the case files he bought home with the video tapes and this night he chose to read further on his disappearance and his paradoxical replies upon the whole matter. How could someone’s handprints be found at the crime scene even though under the effect of veritaserum he confessed he didn’t kill Ben? How can he be his killer, yet not at the same time ? 

When he read about Draco’s disappearance he tried to match the events from his life from the time period he was gone, when even his disappearance didn’t come into light, like nobody even cared but suddenly everyone cared when he was a tagged murderer. Harry’s back ached as he remained hunched over the file reading word by word about disappearance even though the whereabouts while his disappearance’s remained unknown and unimportant, what remained more important was the word Death eater highlighted multiple times. Harry couldn’t help himself but pity Draco, like he had done a lot in his life but right now as he read the concluding statements of the case he felt strangely angered at his treatment. Draco couldn't have gone mental, could he ?

Harry shook his head then craned his neck side to side, putting the paper clip at the page he left then going back to the front page and seeing Draco again, he seemed lost. He didn’t even look the same anymore, like something about him had changed or something was different but Harry wasn’t able to point what. 

He saw the clock on the wall once realizing it was past midnight then put the files back into his case after having briefly suspiciously glanced at the tapes, then shut it off. 

That night he couldn’t sleep because the image of Draco in azkaban haunted him.

Despite the lowering interactions on these Prompts recently and the lowering notes, I'm taking the risk of continuing this into a short fic, I'm afraid at the end I'd be disappointed. Anyhow, good day everyone.

He conferred at 3 in the morning, this wasn’t a normal murder case and he needed to visit Draco, very soon. 

PART 2&3


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3 years ago

End of the world

End Of The World

Dialogue prompt 28- " nothing has changed " " it has and you know it "

Hurt/comfort | Do not pound me it was all her @everlydream

" one ticket ?" Harry whispered hurriedly getting hold of one of the rods to keep himself from colliding into the bus conductor

" to where mister ?" His accent was wheezy and barely audible but coherent enough for Harry to understand what he was saying.

" Devon " Harry replied jerking forward almost slamming his face into the conductor.

The conductor gave him his ticket after having collected the money and Harry walked off to the back of the bus apologizing once in a while when he stepped on someone's shoe or accidentally bumped into someone because of the bus. He finally reached the back seat and sat down in one of the empty seats, sighing to himself.

" biscuit ?" The old man next to him asked but he politely denied and took out his walkman from the Only bag he was carrying, showing it to the old man as if telling him that he'd be doing this while he ate his biscuit then plugging his headphones and stuffing his hand in his pocket. For just one moment he closed his eyes and dropped his head against the seat but because of a jerk he realised he wouldn't be able to sleep so he stayed awake staring in front, his feets crossed ahead of him and his husband's favorite playlist buzzing in his ear, popular jazz from 1940-1960s. He watches as one by one the passenger decreased over time, even the old man next to him had left and he was left all alone in the back with a few other people still sitting in the bus in the front seats. He couldn't help himself but with irony being the tag along tonight he thought of how all his life had nothing but been like this bus, passengers getting off on stops after stops, people going away that he might never see again until there are only a few or one person left who stays till the last, the final destination. His husband tonight had stepped off the bus.

It's been a long, long time buzzes through his ears and he fails to conceal his smile as he is vividly reminded of night of the wedding and how like every couple, they had a song and this was their song. They never wanted to be one of those couple's who have a song or have to embark something as just their own but for once, only once in life they embarked something as their own, the coincidental playing of the same song they had danced on at the last ball at school and the night of the wedding and both times they had started a new journey. He hums along still smiling and looking far ahead at the motionless passangers, the conductor, the bus driver, the Chinatown keychain dangling off on the rearview mirror, he finally allows himself to ponder. What led him here ? The fight, not just any fight but the fight. It had been 5 years since they got married and like every other couple the first few years had been the most amazing one's of their wedded life but from 4th year onwards, ever since they started to looking for slight changes in life things started taking a harsh turn. With Harry working late a lot and Draco coming home burnt in potions and the rejection from the house they wanted because of being gay, everything started messing up, it was one thing after another and they were just holding off themselves, from fighting, from Being disappointed, from being angry or sad, they didn't dwell on their failures but it hurt them a lot even if they pretended it didn't, for the sake of the other, after all they were just trying to protect each other but with everything going haphazard, bizzare even their lives turned into series of unfortunate events and they held themselves off like usual until they faced the 7th rejection from the adoption agency, Harry's demotion onn a case and 3rd rejection for a house and their lack of time for each other crossed the boundaries they had Maintained for so Long. It was like the kettle of water had been whining for so long to take it off the stove but they had left it be and it was finally bubbling water all out and they didn't know what to do.

" So we face another rejection Draco, it's not like it's new for us. We've faced Many and we'll probably face more but we'll get one " Harry has causally said as he dropped off his bag at the table and taking off his coat. He should've sat by next to Draco, put his arms around him and tell him it'll be alright, but he didn't instead he walked into the kitchen and poured himself some water.

Draco Snapped and stormed into the kitchen taking away Harry's glass of water and putting it over the counter to represent that he needed his attention.

" what the hell Draco ?" Harry snapped

" How can you be so damn casual about this Harry, we'd been trying to get an adoption for almost 2 years now, we've made no progress! How can you be calm about this? This is a child we're talking About-"

" I know it's a child we're talking but what do you want me to do sulk and cry and whine about not being able to get one ?" Harry bellowed back, walking away from Draco.

" Are you implying I do that ?" Draco asked offended walking off behind him.

" I didn't say that- all I'm saying is that I can't do anything about it alright- so we don't get one- we still have more agencies to try with " Harry shrugged.

Draco shook his head forcefully " No I'm saying- you can be just a little sensitive- it's like you don't even care- like It doesn't matter to you anymore "

" like it doesn't matter to me ? I'm sorry but I'm working my ass of, over time so I can put money every time we try for adoption- if I had stopped caring I would've just stopped working at all " Harry snapped

" you're not the only working force and I appreciate you working your ass off but so am I okay- But you Harry pretend you don't care anymore, you don't have time for us, for me or for anything else anymore, you have to see that your life isn't just work. The least you can do is ask me how my day was but you've even stopped doing that and it's not fair to me, you don't give me the time and everytime we fail to adopt someone instead of us supporting each other like we used to, we just pretend it's alright like it's a casual thing but it's not- I can't pretend it doesn't hurt anymore, it hurts me a lot okay and the worst part is even if you know about it you don't care. Even Us, Harry- everything about us has changed-"

" nothing has changed-"

" yes it has and you know it " Draco harshly breathed in, driving away the tears that were threatening to spill " I hate this change and I don't want it but there is no going back- at least it doesn't seem like it and even if we talk through tonight we're going to end up being the same way the next time this happens "

" so what are you suggesting ?" Harry asked crossing his arms in his front.

Draco hesitated, closing and opening his mouth several time before he finally spoke up " I need some time- alone time- to maybe just think things through-"

" you want to take a break ?" Harry interjected, his heart collapsing into his organs and his tongue twisting inside his mouth.

" we need to take a break. We've barely talked with each other in such a long time and it's killing me because I want to but I also don't want because this is getting suffocating, it's like everything wrong that is happening I'm blaming you inside my head even though it's not it and I know you're doing the same but too afraid to even let the thought wander- I'm Afraid Harry that we'd need to separate permanently and I don't want that because I still love you and I can't find it in myself to not because despite everything I still want you everyday- just these few weeks- I've constantly felt like being alone and please just understand that you too need some alone time even if you think this is absurd and even if it's just me- I need you to understand that I need some time before it gets too late"

And that's why Harry was here right now all alone humming to the song with his head pressed against the back of the seat, tears stuck at the corner of his eyes. He shook his head smiling thinking how absurd it was that he felt like dancing to this song but the man he wanted to dance with was no longer here and had claimed he needed to get away from Harry, if only for some time.

The specific song was so magical that it could cure any of their mood. There were several times when Harry would be working late at night, going through his cases while Draco would stay awake for him to come to bed or when he'd come home from work all drained and exhausted because of how it had been and Draco would randomly put this song on and despite Harry's Denials and claims that he needed to work or to rest he could never resist himself once he'd see Draco skirting over the wooden floor with his arms in the air as if he was dancing with someone and it always felt like to Harry a space that needed to be filled, no matter what the circumstances were, he just needed to and he didn't know why but after every time he'd dance with Draco, his worries would evaporate and he'd wind up laughing and snuggling in bed with his lover. However he can't remember when was the Last time they danced, an year ago? A forced dance at a ball ? He doesn't remember and he can't remember when he forgot that he still loves Draco more than anything in his life. He can't pin down the moments when he'd came home from work and felt to himself that he needed to be away, when thing's got out of his hands and he was left just like a ghost living each day.

He hated himself right now as he looked at the empty seats besides him and all those others, how barren it felt to not be with Draco but to think of rest of his life this way, he wasn't sure he could even survive.


" mister " Harry was violently shaken awake by the shaking of his arm by the conductor, the bus had emptied and he was the only one left " your stop "

Harry nodded, shaking his head profusely to get rid of the sleepiness then got off the bus with his bag.

He walked miles with his Walkman dangling in his hand and the bag slipping off his shoulder often until he reached the outskirts and finally had seen the water's. The advantage of it being night nobody was there and Harry disapparted to the cliff when he knew where he needed to be and sat down by the board " grunta beach ".

Due to High tides the water kept clashing with the cliff and the weather resulted in More of its contribution but he found it pleasing, the sound, the weather and the wind and the music he had again started listening to.

He slipped briskly into his memories with Draco and pin pointing in his mind each time he did it wrong, each time instead of comforting his husband he walked away without caring that it hurt him, where he became an unsupportive husband, where he stopped dancing with Draco randomly, where he stopped kissing him goodnight, and many others that led to this separation and now he was rendered with the thought of going back home to divorce papers sitting on his desk and it hurt more than anything he had ever thought of. The thought of losing Draco forever Haunted him so much and to live a life without him Just crushed his insides but when he saw the disgusted look on Draco's face when he said all those things he said tonight, Harry knew he wasn't going to return and all he thought of was not asking him for one last dance and he finally cried, he let himself weep with the water roaring more loudly as he cried more. He didn't want to live a life without Draco but now, he knew he had no option.

He thought and thought of wanting to correct his mistakes, his life, the points where it went wrong, to go back in time but Harry had fucked up so bad that even if tried to he was Afraid he might never even return and would forever be stuck in time and space and eventually leading a life without Draco. Right now no matter what he did or what he thought of, he knew Draco was gone and he wasn't going to come back.

Maybe it had been an hour or 15 minutes or 45 minute or 3 hour's, he didn't know but he heard some footsteps approach him and Harry didn't care if at this point someone came to kill him, Rob him, mug him or anything, he'd let it happen because his life had no meaning anymore but the steps were awfully familiar and just when he turned around to see who it was he went running off to him and collided into the ground hugging him.

" I'm sorry " Harry cried into his arms.

Draco coughed loudly then wrapped his arms around Harry " I know you are "

" no you don't, I really mean it- I'm sorry- I've been so terrible to you- I've been nothing but a shit husband and you put up with me for so Long but Draco I can't lose you- I don't want to separate- I don't to take a break- I can't lose you-"

" you're not losing me Harry- actually- I came here because I knew you'd be here " he sighed and pushed Harry so he was forced to sit and he sat next to him too with his hands over Harry's to wait for him to interlock them and he did.

" I came here to tell you that it's never going to be too late with you because I don't want to ever be apart from you- these 3 hours away from knowing I had pushed you away were the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I don't want it- but I do need time- not away from you but time with you, I thought I needed away from you but I don't- I need you to be with me when I cry- when I laugh or whenever I do anything, I need you " Draco's voice cracked " I really need you because this is so hard for me- facing rejection everyday- and I've been pretending that I was fine but I'm not- I can't face another rejection Harry and I want to stop trying again for adoption or a home, maybe it's not in our fate- not our Destiny maybe- but I can't deal with having little hope everytime for it to be crushed again "

Harry wiped the tear that fell off his eye and hugged him, kissing on the top of his head, himself crying " I'm sorry that we're facing this but if you need me- I promise you with everything that I will be here for you no matter what- even if they fire me from my job- I need to be with you. It just feels like I've been away from you so long that I've forgotten everything else- I need you too " he paused, knowing what he was about to say was the most soul crushing thing he was about to say but he knew there was no point in hoping any longer " and I think we should stop trying to adopt- we've been trying for so long and Maybe its not for us. So what if we don't have kids- we'll act like ones, we'll be the couple that grows old together with all sorts of fun besides Childern are huge responsibility and I could never, I've heard they're just a huge pain in the ass "

Draco chuckled and Harry kissed his face smiling " I love you Draco- and I mean this so much tonight- more than any other night "

Draco smiled at him, pressing his forehead against Harry " I love you too- it's nice to finally hear you say it "

And Harry knew what it meant and it made him hate himself but right now as Draco remained close to him, he knew he just needed reminding that he loved Draco even if for sometime he had forgotten to love him. And even though they pretended again that having no family wasn't the end of the world but it certainly was the end of a world they wanted to live in and perhaps they'd be fine with it one day.

And this night when they danced again, for the third time they started a new journey of their life.

To heal some hearts- they returned home and recieved news from the adoption agency for twins and a home not to far away.


Tags :
3 years ago

Draco : I never cry, crying is for the pathetic

Watches titanic

Draco : * cries *

Harry : you wanna say something ?

Draco : shut up *continues crying*

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