Human Beings - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?”
—Henry David Thoreau
i wish ppl on this website, and within leftist circles in general, were a little less gung ho about making jokes or statements like "billionaires arent people" "nazis arent people" "police arent people"
there is no level of evil where a human stops being a human. if you decide to kill them for their crimes, then you are killing a human. and sometimes that is justified! oil execs and war profiteers have destroyed countless lives in service of their own sick greed, and given the chance to enact that same violence on them, id probably pop their heads like a pimple.
but it is important that we do not shy away from the reality of that choice. it is a human life that is being ended. a person with interiority, feelings, family.
if we stop considering any group as people, even a group defined by their own evil actions, then we are drawing a line to divide society into persons and non-persons, and stating that those non-persons do not deserve to live.
i hope i dont need to explain why that is a dangerous position to take.
these people and all of their evil, their greed, their hatred, are just as much a part of humanity as art, culture, language, food. they are a part of us that has grown malignant and cancerous, and like a cancer, they must be excised for the sake of the whole--but they are still a part of us, made of the same stuff as us, down to their cores.
evil humans are still humans.
My biggest life hack: Develop a sense of the inherent and profound value of all human beings, including yourself.
With whichever fandom you belong to, hug them with love and faith. Whether you’re a STAY, an ATINY, a UNIVERSE, an INSOMNIAC, whichever, love them as if they’re an extended family,
I have never seen such true friendship within a fandom, and they are just a standard to what friendship is, at least in my eyes. I have never been able to keep a friend in my life, and every time I make a friend, it’s either they turn their back to me, or they were never really a friend, just someone I can conveniently talk to.
Always surround yourself with people that help you rise to the occasion, that help you make your day better, and that can tell you what you’ve done wrong, not even caring if they make you cry, AND THEY STILL STAY AROUND, cherish them with all your might. It’s the Cosmos gifting you something.
Be yourself, put yourself first, but have good friends with you.
An Odd Day…
August 23rd, 2023
Today was. as the title says, an odd day. I didn’t have any classes today so I slept in a bit before starting my day. After I got ready I watched some yt for a bit and then made some cake! Spoiler alert: the cake sucked, which was sad. I’m usually good at making cake but today I started making it before realising I didn’t have any eggs and had to use sour cream as a substitute, which didn’t go to plan and made the cake end up short, dense and stodgy. Not my best work. After that I kinda just had lunch (some leftover tuna from the yesterday) and then chilled before I had to go to work. I don’t mind working the closing shift USUALLY, but I think three nights in a row is a little much for me so that was kinda a weight on my mind I guess but I don’t have another shift until Saturday so at least I get a break :) work was fine, just boring. On the way home I blasted that new Olivia Rodrigo song tho, Vampire? That shit actually slaps, I scream my heart out to that song. I relate way too much to it. Now i’m just relaxing again and trying to fall asleep since I have school early in the morning :) I hope it goes well and I hope I can finally make some friends! I hope all of y’all had a great day today. You got this! Just take it one day at a time :)
This is a content but tired Rei, signing off. 🩷
It is fascinating to note, if not realize without arbitrary judgment, that we are of the same human species and we synchronize eachother without even trying. All of life is connected. It is divine grace..!
yeah the world can be a terrible but place. but. listen. someone recorded a video of a squeaking frog, posted it online, it was so cute it went viral, then others decided to explain why it was squeaking so much in the first place. someone saw their cat do something every cat does, but decided it was special enough to post (because it is) and others watched. some people made video remixes and songs and video essays and documentaries and movies and books on why animals do what they do and why we think they are adorable and it turns out humans are programmed to see patterns and try to connect with everything around them and to communicate why we like what we like. we were build to love. it’s how we survived. it’s how we evolve

On hesitating to come out: “You think you’re in a place where you’re all I’m thrilled to be gay, I have no issues about being gay anymore, I don’t feel shame about being gay, but you actually do. You’re just not fully aware of it. I think I still felt scared about people knowing. I felt awkward around gay people; I felt guilty for not being myself.” — Ellen Page for Flare Magazine, June 2014

the flaws within a flower.
It’s also far more exhausting, you see, humans were built for a very specific kind of hunting which I can’t remember the name off which involved following the creature until it gave up, keeled over and died.
In order to perform this better, we evolved to utilise 2 legs and a very specific walk that involves sorta just falling into our next step which is incredibly energy efficient allowing us to cover far greater distances than most animals without needing to take a break.
4 legs on the other hand is more optimised for speed and other aspects rather than walking.
Humans and the masters of walking, not the 4 or more legged other animals.
If I was wrong, feel free to correct me.
being 4 legged probably feels good as hell you're literally made to be twice as good at walking around. and baby i love walking around

All three of these characters carry a similar energy that I cannot describe but I am deeply infatuated with on a level that I cannot describe But I am obsessed with anyways. Like you put these three in a room together none of them will ever talk to each other and I'll love it I eat this up literally want to eat.

by henrikj on Flickr.Horseshoe Bend, Colorado River - near Page, Arizona.
Ah, human being is so beautiful. Humanity is so beautiful. I wish to study each one inside and out... Just to see, how you are built from the inside and how your brain works, why you behave this way and not otherwise.