2 years ago

Jonathan Kent is a clone.

More specifically, Superman and Lois's Jonathan Kent is actually an adaptation of Conner Kent. (Jordan is also the Jon adaptation)

There are two versions of Jon that match the two comic versions of Kon.

The fruity, celebrity, daddy issues one who for at least some time is aligned with the villain.

Jonathan Kent Is A Clone.
Jonathan Kent Is A Clone.

And the more down to earth one who also has daddy issues who tries to combat them with performance enhancing drugs. Who dresses bland af (affectionate).

Jonathan Kent Is A Clone.
Jonathan Kent Is A Clone.

It is possible that Jon's football throwing skills could be enhanced by tactile telekinesis and it would add reasoning to Clark's favouritism towards Jordan because Kon always has a rough relationship with Clark. He may be being unconsciously biased against him.

It would also be an extra factor for why Lois and Clark were so sure Jon was the one with powers because he was specifically designed and lab grown for that reason.

The show also has no qualms changing characters' names. The biggest example is how Natalie is called Natasha in the comics but also Ally originally being called Rudy ('cause she's basically confirmed to be Parasite now, right?) It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to change Kon to Jon. After all, despite how confusing it is, it's still only a one letter change.

As for how this would actually play out in canon. We don't know how much S&L is actually related to Supergirl but it seems like it is a different continuity, considering their blatant refusal to even make a passing reference to the Arrowverse, but we can assume that the characters might make somewhat similar decisions and things might play out similar because they seem like quite similar alternate universes, if anything.

If, like in the Arrowverse, Lois and Clark went to have their baby on Argo, once they found out they were having a kid because that seems like the safest option then, as far as we know, that would leave earth with no superhero.

This would also leave a perfect opportunity for Lex Luthor to create his own superman with no opposition. Enter project Kr.

When Lois, Clark and their son, Jon, arrive back on earth business goes back to usual until one day Clark busts Luthor for project Kr and he finds a baby who is, genetically, basically his son.

Since the family was off the grid (off the planet) for almost the entire pregnancy, they would be able to pass the baby off as their actual son's twin brother because they wouldn't have told anyone they were having one kid, past the stage that they should have known if they were having twins.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Now for a few flaws to this theory and their rebuttals.

1 We saw Lois get pregnant with twins. - All the flashback scenes we saw pre-the twins already being born were taken directly out of Clark's mind in the "A Brief Reminiscence Inbetween Cataclysmic Events" we don't actually know how the little mind reader devices work but we do know that the "memories" do not always play out exactly as they happened, as seen when Lois is going through Jordan's memories. It is also possible that what we play out is Clark's imaginings of his and Lois' cover story.

Why wouldn't they tell the boys in the pilot? - I think this can mostly be explained along with why they kept the Superman secret for so long. Clark didn't want to tell the boys until it was necessary and while the alien thing was basically unavoidable, it is very easy to see Clark reason to himself that practically, they're both half Kryptonian, it doesn't really matter where they came from. It would be another massive reveal after the alien thing so he might not want to dump it all on them at one time. Especially considering their reactions. This would only make the secret harder to spill each passing day because the boys would, justifiably, be mad about why they were still keeping massive secrets from them.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

Tldr: s&l Jon = comics Kon.

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7 months ago


So, can people who are on both the Aro Spectrum and Ace Spectrum call themselves AroAce?

For example, could someone be Demisexual and Aromantic and still call themselves AroAce?

Or someone who's Asexual and Demiromantic?

Or someone who's Cupiosexual and Cupioromantic?

What about people who are Cupiosexual and Aromantic?

These are only a few examples, but I think you get my point.

I'm Demiromantic and Asexual and I call myself AroAce because 1- It's easier to say and 2- I feel like I can say I'm AroAce.

Let me know because I'm not sure!



EDIT: Thank you to everyone who replied! This has been a really big help.

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10 months ago

What are your predictions for tonight's finale, especially regarding the questions you sent? 🤭

It seems like it could be a really action-packed, fun episode.

I’m trying not to get my expectations high to avoid too much disappointment.

My wish list is:

1- A good, open conversation between Tim and Lucy with the mentioning of some feelings. I feel like if they jump back into things too quickly, then they don’t do the breakup justice. So as much as I want (need? Yeah, need is a better word) them to get back together, I would rather just see steps in that direction that are showing healthy progress.

2 - Please, please, please let the cliffhanger involve someone other than Tim and Lucy. They’ve been through the wringer this season. Let it be Luna (love her and she deserves more attention) or Nyla (who also deserves some more character development time) or Aaron (2 season finales in a row? Probably not) or Celina messing up AGAIN and finally having a consequence other than a slap on the hand or verbal warning.

3 - Big Bad Boss reveal…. Elijah would make some sense. I would sort of like it to be Primm and then everything he’s done gets called into question.

4 - I’d also like to see some consequences for Monica. Remember that file that Nyla has on her from season 5? Whip it out. Get some evidence on her from killing her assailant. Disbar and put her behind bars. She’s taken up way too much screen time lately.

5 - Any way we could petition to get back to 22 episodes and starting in September? I can manage a having a few weeks off here and there. That actually gives us time to process things fully (6x6 took me a minute to process), and it gives fanfiction writers time to put out some stories.

Thanks for returning the ask! 🫶🏻😘

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9 months ago

My writing style is... weird, chaotic, etcetera. It also is not entirely under my control. I feel like I'm not coming up with stories: they somehow exist already, and the universe is revealing them to me. They typically come in the form of isolated scenes, but sometimes not even that: sometimes it's just a few random lines of dialogue from non-specified unknown characters.

Like, the other day I suddenly come up with:


"Ugh, how do you always manage to appear at the worst possible moments, not one minute before and not a minute after?

"Hehe, what can I say... it's a talent. No, jokes aside, what's up?"

"This. This is what's up".

Who are these characters? What are they talking about? What is the second one pointing to?

No idea. I don't have any kind of picture. Just random floating dialogue, like an incomplete fragment that was supposed to be part of something, but instead arrived alone.

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10 months ago
Fury Is So Silly I Can't

Fury is so silly i can't 💔💔💔

Erm. If Anyone Has Any Warrior Cats Characters Grabby Paws

erm…. if anyone has any warrior cats characters… grabby paws

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1 year ago
Have You Heard Of OBAKEIDORO? It's A Neat Little Game On Both Switch And Steam, With One Player Being
Have You Heard Of OBAKEIDORO? It's A Neat Little Game On Both Switch And Steam, With One Player Being

Have you heard of OBAKEIDORO? It's a neat little game on both Switch and Steam, with one player being the monster trying to capture 3 human players before time runs out. (Don't worry, the monsters don't intend to hurt them... supposedly.) It's currently celebrating its 4th anniversary!

Me and my friends got introduced to this game when it was available for a Nintendo Switch game trial, and after it was over we liked the game so much that we decided to buy it and keep playing. Even with the three of us needing a CPU to fill the final human slot, it's stupid fun to just romp around and try and outwit each other.

In case you're curious as to who the characters in the pictures are, look below.

Alex: One of two starting humans, the other being his sister Alisa. He's even-tempered, and his favorite book is "Punishments Around the World."

Patches: The starting monster, a cemetery-dwelling ghost with a fondness for jumping out of walls and making children scream.

Sharlie: A cat working as a shop clerk. Although only hired to help out, he plots to take the owner's place (The owner being the one behind the game of OBAKEIDORO in the first place).

Baphomeeko: A demon child who loves books, and sneakily borrowed a book on magic from the library. Her dream is to become a mighty demon like her dad.

Googly: The first 'human' you'll likely unlock, and Alisa's favorite toy. He jumps at the slightest sound, but will face any monster to defend the twins he belongs to.

Sharlie's a purchasable 'human', while Baphomeeko's locked behind an event, but she isn't too hard to unlock when her event does come around. Naturally, there's lots more in the game right now than just these five, and if you want to try the game yourself it's currently on sale on Switch for 50% off! Not sponsored, but it is a fun little game to open on a lazy afternoon.

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4 years ago

Hol up your bROTHER????? (⊙_◎)

*cough* YOUNGER BROTHER *cough*

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7 months ago

The only two reasons I return to Wattpad once a month are:

1) because it houses all my "execution bad but premise and idea kinda solid" drafts from eight years ago

2) it birthed my favorite book: Obama The Musical

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8 months ago

Baldness is for nerds this is a battle to the death. If you have the same character/pfp on both platforms you have to decide which is the superior.

You have to explain your reasoning in the reblogs too

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1 year ago



i take cashapp, venmo, and paypal! the disclaimer is ONLY if you pay via paypal! dm if intrested! :D

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5 months ago

prom queen by beach bunny always makes me cry. Partly because of the message and partly because it was in a lot of videos/shorts when I was in a particularly sad time.

Such a good song though

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