I Love People - Tumblr Posts
comforting friends and they're just the right size to put my head on top of theirs or theirs in the crook of my neck when we hug
i love being tall

For context, Nancy is the 60-something year old woman my mom and a couple other business owners helped get out of a homeless shelter and into a retirement home. I helped her move in a few weeks back. You have no idea how much this makes me smile
I wish I could flirt with someone
every time I find a pill on the ground I take it home with me and draw a picture of it with crayons. here's the collection so far.

^ the very first pill I found & drew. couldn't identify it (markings rubbed off) but it looked very beautiful to me.

^pill no. 2: fluoxetine. my greatest find and finest crayon drawing. sorry to whoever lost their fluoxetine. I'll save it for a special occasion. I used a sharpie pen to clean up some lines on this one I think.

^ pill no. 3: ibuprofen. accidentally closed my laptop on this one, destroying it. and getting goop on my laptop. I found another one though. People drop a lot of painkillers. The first 2 used only colors from the classic 24 pack of crayons, but I had to break out extras from my childhood crayon collection for this one.

^pill no. 4: benadryl. this pill was crumbling inside its plastic when I found it, but it was intact enough to take home and draw! Hooray.

^pill no. 5: midol. this one was real scuffed up. I actually found an entire bottle of midol on another occasion, and someone's last 2 weeks of birth control yet another time, but those are the kind of things I leave behind because someone's likely to miss their entire bottle of midol or sealed birth control and come back for it.

^pill no. 6: unfinished advil/ibuprofen. I find a lot of painkillers, as mentioned, so I guess I got bored. I also have a drawing of acetaminophen that I am not posting because I don't like it.

^pill no. 7: severe tylenol. I didn't know such a thing existed until I found it on the ground. "severe tylenol" makes it sound like the tylenol is mean. this was among the more challenging ones and it's kinda rushed, but drawing the plastic was fun. just did this one an hour ago.
in case you're wondering, I do keep the pills when possible. I like to hold onto my reference material. they live in a separate box from my vintage ibuprofen collection.

the gimmick blogs are like tumblr’s rogue gallery. yes we’ve got some heroes, yes we’ve got some villains, but more importantly if you look over here you will see some freak who devotes all their time to counting the number of “t’s” in a post
I wrote a ff that was only about four hundred words long, but the reception was just. amazing. I felt so touched seeing that people actually clicked and didn't just dismiss it as a waste of time. I even got comments!! Comments. Bookmarks and collections are nice and all. But comments are the real prizes I look for
i unironically enjoy it when people describe things in video game terms. like, i’m not a video-game lover, or player really, but my friend texted me saying that she “levelled up [her] cooking skill today” because she learnt a new recipe. another friend said that she hasn’t really dabbled in much character customisation yet, but she wants to. she was talking about getting piercings and tattoos. i dunno , it just brings me joy :)
i have recently started a babysitting job, and i pick the kid up from the bus stop, and it’s a popular school bus, so lots of parents are waiting too. and they’re waiting with their littler kids, and every day that k have been waiting here for the kid, i watch tribes of parents and little children go into the local convenience store and all come out with ice blocks and ice creams no matter it’s raining or windy.
and it just makes me feel so warm. i dunno why. it just seems so cute and wholesome and human

I haven't seen this circulating here on Tumblr, so I decided to make my own post.
last saturday, in Porto, there was a pride parade going down the street and this old man was standing there, by his front door, waving the portuguese flag. most people on the parade probably thought the same: old person waving the national flag? he's probably protesting against the parade, he's a nationalist of some sort.
then the old man called for that person to come near him. the whole parade stopped. everyone just.. stopped moving. they didn't know what to expect, and most expected the worst. and that person decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and approached the old man. and then... they traded flags, he hugged the person and then he waved the pride flag happily. everyone cheered him.
such a wholesome moment. 🥹❤️🌈

I love hyping up my friends!! Your eyelashes are amazing! You're so smart!! Look at you go!! Im so proud of you! Your nails! You made that!? I love you I love you I love you
I love how, without fail, every single person ever to catch something that's falling really weirldy pulls the spider man fingers
My co-workers in the next cubicle are having a how-good-is-the-crunch of the food they're eating and I love it when people are people. I'm just bearing a bunch of "how about this?" "Ooooh nice one," "5 out of 10," let me try," What about my carrots?"
I love how archaeology proves that people have always existed. Sometimes it just feels fake? Like we as a people just sprung up out of nowhere 500 years ago. But no, actually, I am related to people who lived in caves and loved people and had Neanderthal friends and who organised bear bones and got angry and painted on walls with paint and sailed across oceans and made food. Like there is actual tangible things that people made all those years ago, and now these objects are being handled again thousands of years later. Crazy. Will my stuff be looked at in another thousand years?? I am bamboozled!
One of my colleagues over heard that I like to read and tab books, so he went and brought a book he'd read a few years ago for me to read it and tab it, so he can read it after
I was sitting in a Komatsu mining shovel today and we dug up an old mine shaft!! I could see rails and a wooden ladder and lots of wooden beams and pipes!!!! I could see where the beams had been cut so that they fit together instead of using nails! It blew my mind cause I was in a (massive) hole 690 meters down and there was an old mining tunnel from hundreds of years ago when they only had pickaxe's and shit. Like the wood I was seeing hadn't been touched or seen daylight in forever and we just dug it out!
As if people did that by hand!! 690 meters!!!!
locked my keys in my car, so I asked a cop for help and he was teaching me how to use a metal coat-hanger to jimmie it open HA