I Love This Idea - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

me: it’s exam season, i need to focus on studying

my brain: au where penelope doesn’t escape the palace on time and jennette is held hostage in the ruby palace because the judith family isn’t trusted anymore and got demoted to a lower noble rank, and therefore grows up alongside athanasia and has an entirely new personality because she wasn’t raised to be a cutesy princess and instead had to learn to survive the obelian court while trying to protect her younger (supposed) sister from their bloodthirsty dad who seems to completely ignore her and hate athy while her aunt tries to manipulate her and convince her to become the official crown princess, roger tries to win her favor since she’s the supposed heir as the eldest, her magic is deemed uncontrollable and chaotic, and-

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2 years ago



pairing: vernon x gn!reader

prompt: a really stupid thing that took place today (here are the final results)

word count: 1.4k~

warnings: mostly just fluff but a liiil talk abt having to keep a relationship pretty private n there being stress surrounding that. intentional lowercase + no proofreading.

daisy’s notes: i am an idiot. i almost gendered this just bc its based off of me being an idiot, but there was no real reason to soooo….. we can all be dumb together <3


Keep reading

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5 months ago

Miles and Madeline buying an aibo when they first released and connecting it to Edgar so he can interact with them more.

Miles And Madeline Buying An Aibo When They First Released And Connecting It To Edgar So He Can Interact
Miles And Madeline Buying An Aibo When They First Released And Connecting It To Edgar So He Can Interact

He practically chases the two throughout the house. He gets mad that the battery only lasts about an hour before needing to recharge.

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1 year ago

Part of me always longs to see size swaps of characters, or them at the same size and them both realizing how the other had been accommodating them the whole time. Big -> small? They're yelling their throat raw all of a sudden just to be heard. They're exhausted keeping up with things their small does with ease. They can not contain their fear at the least frightening size thing. Small -> big? They can Not hear their big with them so small, even though they're yelling. Constantly forgetting to whisper. they're suddenly hyper-self conscious over everything (My breath might smell? my breathing is too windy? I moved too fast?) They instinctually grab their big because "small thing small". All the mistakes. I often see the big who gets small and their perspective and their journey to empathizing with their small, but the small's realization at just how much you have to temper your impulses when you're around someone smaller, it's something I desperately want to see more of

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1 year ago

Farmers friend

Farmers Friend

i was just sketching and the idea of a farmer come to mind and then i thought wouldn't it be cool if there were fairies as well and the fairies help pollinate the farmers crops and they get food in exchange. overtime they become friends and stuff

anyways that's the idea i came up with. where have i been? honestly, its anyone's guess :']

anyways bye >:]

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4 years ago

Hc that after Janus` first appearance when he went back to the dark side and was like, "REMUS IT´S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT, VIRGIL IS NOT WEARING A DRESS OR A SKIRT WHAT THE F U CK" and they both just freaked the fuck out because when Virgil was a dark side he never wore pants or shorts always skirts and dresses, he tried pants once and it was traumatizing for everyone involved.

Oh I love this

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4 years ago

Virgil constantly gets kidnapped by othersides for being “Bad for Thomas”,all the sides come to rescue him but find he’s already rescued himself.(Obvs you don’t have to if you don’t want to!)

Heck yes, love when Virgiil does stuff like that (rescued himself)! Also, poor boi!!!

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4 years ago

That's such a cool idea. Love the drawing by the way too💜❤️

Some Semi Old Art I Made Of A Roman/Virgil Fusion I Call Paranoia. The Name Mostly Comes From The Fact

some semi old art i made of a roman/Virgil fusion i call paranoia. The name mostly comes from the fact that paranoia is an anxiety disorder that induces an over active imagination. 

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4 years ago

So Virgil is bored or better know as Virgil showing how long he lived with Remus.


Part 2 Part 3 Part 4


There was complete silence.


Still no response.


There was a sigh. “What, Virgil?”

“I’m bored.”

Logan glanced up from his book to look at Virgil who was laying on his back with his head dangling off the bed.

“Read one of the books I gave you.” he said, turning back to his own, shaking his head.

Virgil huffed and grabbed one of the books, still hanging upside down as he opened it and tried to read it.

Logan was completely absorbed in his own book, not really noticing as Virgil slowly began to slide off the bed.

Virgil had a silent five second panic as he felt himself slipping and found himself stuck, his legs on the bed while he kept himself from falling completely with his hands.

He was in an odd sort of bridge position and his arms quickly began to tire from holding himself up.

He sent a look at Logan, debating whether or not to say something but decided against it, he didn’t think he could stand the embarrassment of having to ask Logan to help him.

He slipped further off the end and managed to gently lower himself to the floor without hurting himself or making a loud noise.

When he stood up though he felt really light-headed from where all the blood had rushed to his head.

He sat himself on Logans bed again, criss-cross applesauce style.

He picked up his book and tried to focus on the words but his bored mind just wouldn’t.

Logan was still oblivious to everything and Virgil frowned slightly as he observed the logical trait.

He had his head tilted ever so slightly as he read, his lips parted just enough for the tip of his tongue to poke out and his eyes darted left and right as he took in whatever it was he was reading.

Virgil tried to look back at his book but he was just so over it.

He put the book down and looked over at Logan again, smirking as a thought suddenly popped into his head.

“Logan?” he asked, holding back a small snort as Logan seemed to jump at his voice.

“huh? Oh, what is it Virgil?” Logan asked, having momentarily forgotten the anxious trait was present.

“Don’t you think reading is weird?”

“Weird? How do you mean?” Logan looked at Virgil in confusion.

Virgil pointed at the book in Logans hands. “Well books are basically dead trees, right?”

“I suppose they can be seen as such, yes.” Logan said, unsure where Virgil was going with this.

“So you basically just sat there for ages staring at a dead tree and  hullucinating because that’s what reading is. You just think up weird sounds and images in your head.”

Logan stared at Virgil, his mouth open in shock as he realised he had no response.

After several minutes of Logan not responding Virgil felt a bit concerned.

“Logan? Are you OK?” he asked and received a distressed noise in response.

Virgil sighed and got up, going to the door and calling out down the corridor “Patton! I broke Logan!”

There was a few seconds of silence before Patton appeared, looking at Logan and then at Virgil with a groan.

“Again Virgil? This is the third time this week.”

“I couldn’t help it! I was bored and I was trying to read the book he gave me but I ended up…. Breaking him.” Virgil muttered, looking at the floor.

Patton sighed “From now on if you’re bored you’re not allowed to go to Logan. You come to either me or Roman.”

Virgil pouted slightly. “Fiiiine.”

Patton focused on snapping Logan out of his shocked state and Virgil suddenly felt the urge to listen to his music.

He walked out of the room quietly, feeling kind of guilty about breaking Logan but there was something good that had come out of it.

Virgil was no longer bored.


@amethystdarkwolf @mcfreakin-childproof-caps @patchworkofstars @kitkat-doodles @unikornavenger @dolphin-squirrel

(I haven’t yet decided how many parts this will be as it’s an ongoing one. I’m midway through writing the fourth part and there’s a possibility of there being a fifth one as well)

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5 months ago

Okay so I’ve spent the last couple days on Twitter (@kacievvbbbb if you wanna join me 👀) just fucking yapping about my new found obsession with the idea that Mihawk not only reads but is an active and well loved contributor to the pirate smut genre all across the blues. And I just needed to bring this to tumble to get more thoughts on it.

Here are mine;

- he obviously writes under a pseudonym would be funny if it was an anagram of like Worlds Strongest Swordsman or something.

- he writes essentially y/n fanfiction but he is always the reader.

- he is heavily perfectionist about his detailing of things like bodice ripping and that has lead to many a fun night for Shanks as he discreetly tries to rest just how exactly a bodice ripping would look and feel. Or if this sex position is even plausible.

-this one was a combined effort between @Dior and myself but he writes all the lovers as much more of an active participant in sex than the pillow princess himself actually is and this is because he thinks he is putting in exactly the same amount of work into sex as Shanks is which is laughable.

-Benn features heavily in alot of these RHP smut books. Benn

-He mostly writes RHP smut but he will branch out to other pirates like Crocodile maybe Doffy 👀. This gives Shanks heart palpitations when he finds out all this smut has been written by Mihawk.

- Mihawk almost kills both himself and Shanks by drowning the first time he finds out that Shanks knows about his little hobby.

- Shanks regularly requests they try something from the book and Mihawk has to stomp down the urge to throttle him. But again Mihawk’s reader is a much active participant in sex than he is and he is not a fan of all this work he has to put in even though he enjoys the results. Shanks is highly amused.

- Shanks for the first time in his life becaomes an avid reader with a habit and this confuses everyone that doesn’t know what he is reading and suffers Benn greatly who does.

- Shanks is lowkey very into the stories where the “reader” has sex with other men. He starts setting plans in motion.

- Mihawk also collects a lot of pirate smut a lot of it is about himself as well and this is his equivalent to jerking off. His next favorite people to read about are of course Shanks, Cricodile he is ashamed of just how much Doflamingo smut he owns. Lowkey maybe some King smut too.

- a contribution from someone on Twitter tha I live is that he also grades said smut about himslef and then sends the notes to the authors.

- he pseudonym is well known and well lived in the community.

-this is infact where more than half of his riches comes from.

- yes he also does read marine porn. He steers clear of anything that even remotely mentions garp tho. His favorite marine to red about is Sengoku I don’t fucking know 😭. I can just imagine him seating in warlord meetings shipping Sengoku with random fucking marines and pirates as he is trying to talk about very serious business

- he sure write the well known and well loved “the red haired emperor & me” series which is published in Morgan’s magazine or whatever and Shanks always seeks him out no matter where he is and fucks him good and hard everytime a new chapter goes out.

- he continues to do this while at Cross Guild Buggy and Crocodile are non the wiser. His crocodile descriptions start to get more detailed a clown pops up every now and again in his writing Shanks might be on the verge of a heart attack.

- shanks is a little too invested in the situation some (Benn) would say.

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10 months ago


DCA x Reader Headcanon Doodles

DCA X Reader Headcanon Doodles
DCA X Reader Headcanon Doodles
DCA X Reader Headcanon Doodles
DCA X Reader Headcanon Doodles

🥲🥲Plz excuse my bad english, the texts were done with the help of translator. This idea suddenly came to my mind so I doodled it out messily.!

Hope you enjoy <3

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5 years ago

Zoe is the FBI Hacker Job

I move that we as a fandom should hereafter refer to Queen of Thieves seasons as “The [_____] Job,” as is right and proper for the genre.

Nikolai season 1 would obviously be The Van Gogh Job, for example.


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7 months ago
a digital drawing of utena and anthy in the style of the video game fantasy life. they are drawn in a chibi style. utena is in a paladin uniform with rose details, and anthy is in a red wizard outfit. anthys hat has a crown on it. anthy has a dark brown heart shaped wand with a red gem in the middle. utena is holding a gray sword with a pink rose decal.

utena and anthy if they were in fantasy life :)

ok rambly time. i made utena a paladin because. duh. and anthy is a wizard. utena is just wearing a variation of the basic paladin uniform, and her sword is based off of the azure rose. both because its shape resembles the sword of dios and also has rose in the name. anthys outfit is loosely based off the grand wizard outfit, and she is using a palm wand. (and also the round specs)

i imagine that if it wasnt a spot for the player to move in, that they could live in that little log cabin in south castele. out in the farmland near the horse stables and whatever, i think it’d be nice for them.

i tried to get as close to how the actual art style would draw them, by looking through the character creator and going off the hair and eyes in there. unfortunately theres not a pink color close to utena’s in the game, but otherwise i was able to figure out how to stylize them. i was originally gonna give anthy the almond eyes, but i couldnt figure out how to get it to look good, so she has more basic ones

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4 years ago

A rewrite of that stupid ass hot spring scene from Strikers because I fucking hate it. 🙃


Instead of being idiots and trying to sneak out, the guys step out and admit they’re there.

The girls freak out and demand an explanation. Akiren explains.

Makoto, still annoyed but keeping her cool, is like: “Well I guess we didn’t hear them sneak in and they did step out to show themselves”

But Ann is then like “But you guys still need to get out of here! Now shoo!”

Then Ann splashes at Ryuji, Ryuji gets annoyed and splashes Ann back. Then Futaba joins in then Yusuke joins and soon everyone sans Morgana is just in a big stupid splash fight and actually having some fun

Then the Hotel staff kicks them out of the hot springs for rough housing

Some bickering occurs (mostly from Ryuji and Ann in a dumb childish “you started it” way) but they all decide to go back to their room and just chill and eat. Despite not getting to stay in the hot spring, they still had fun. Then we get Zenkichi seeing the press conference and story proceeds as normal

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7 months ago

@pristinepraise mentioned how cal’s parents would feel watching the security footage and learning that cal was definitely enjoying it more than andre in our texts … thinking about his parents seeing the footage for the first time in the court room and having to be escorted out.

it killed them to know their boy was involved but to see how much he loved what he did? they would think they raised him wrong, blame themselves for everything. they would see the video diary of cal saying their parents had nothing to do with it, but they wouldn’t believe it because he had lied to them about so much. why wouldn’t he lie about that? mr and mrs gabriel i love you so much

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2 years ago

Reblog this with who you think is the biggest plance shipper in the show

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9 months ago

☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Ever After High Bookollector☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

• Wuthering Heights



.*Ever After High Bookollector.*
.*Ever After High Bookollector.*
.*Ever After High Bookollector.*
.*Ever After High Bookollector.*
.*Ever After High Bookollector.*


Hello enchants! I decided to present you with a collection that for now has 3 short stories available, based on the Skullectors line from Monster high, where the dolls are based on monsters aimed at an adult audience, in this case, they will be short stories aimed at an adult audience, and to begin with what Better than Wuthering Heights? I hope you like it, because everything was made practically from scratch by me! like the post, repost in stories, and save, and if you're new here, follow me!


"Wuthering Heights" revolves around the passionate and tumultuous relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Heathcliff, a mysterious orphan, is brought to live at Wuthering Heights, where he falls deeply in love with Catherine. However, Catherine marries another man, Edgar Linton, which sets off a chain of revenge and obsession that spans generations. The story delves into themes of love, betrayal, revenge, and the destructive nature of unchecked passion.

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5 months ago

I love this so much been working non-stop since yesterday on an OC!

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.
2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

2K followers on tumblr and 30K subscribers on YouTube! In celebration, here’s my story. Not a rewrite. This is all a work in progress and subject to change.

Being a HEMA fencer, I’ve wanted a story semi-based on actual swordsmanship and actual fencing techniques.. but fantasy.

It’s a story like… Spiderverse meets Steven Universe meets Owl House meets She-Ra.

It’s called

The Knight’s Handbook


It’s modern Earth but there are supernatural people who protect it like guardian angels called Knights: Humans who’ve died via sacrificing themselves for someone else, and have been revived (not by choice). They protect humans from things as small as tripping over to protecting them from demons, dragons and other dangerous entities.

A Knight can pull their weapon from a magical, glowing scar called their Mortal Wound, the injury they acquired and a sign of the end of their mortality, like how SU Gems can pull their weapons from their gems. A Knight’s weapon can be anything including guns and crossbows, but these shoot magic/energy bullets or arrows.

Knights have their own realm to go to just for each other, (Gallantia) but can live on Earth hiding as normal humans if they wish (so long as they hide the magic scar!)

They function a bit like bees in that there is a Queen, chosen instantly when someone dies by sacrifice according to ‘qualifications of their soul’ (So not completely random like other Knights). Of course, this only happens when the former Queen is killed. Never have there been two Queen Knights at once, so written history goes. Like bees, that would create a huge issue!

Here is the main character and the main antagonist. For the first time apparently ever, there are Two Queen Knights. A mistake of nature, perhaps?

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.
2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

Sidra Saiffudeen

Our main enby is Sidra, she/they. A normal teen turned Queen Knight chosen right after her death, impaled through the chest (where you can see her Mortal Wound symbol) by saving her father. Her design is based on a bee! Not all Knights’ designs are, but I thought I’d lean into Queen Bee stuff.

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

She’s the ‘Acknowledged’ Queen. Most Knights, ones in support of the past Queen who just died (it’s a mournful period), back Sidra, but think she’s a bit immature. Sidra adores her new people though and vows to be a good Queen. Knight Queens don’t just sit back like Earth Royalty, they’re the most powerful and therefore in battle a lot. The past Queens tended to be adults (The Captain of the Royal Guard was in love with the past Queen (sapphics >:) ) and so having Sidra around is painful but they do their best to teach her.

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

Then there’s Juliana Fontana, always called Jules. She… is also a Queen Knight. You can tell this because a Queen’s mortal wound symbol is always the same as the Knight Symbol, a sword. Some Knights went traitor to back Jules rather than Sidra. Jules is a very very tired and sneaky girl, but more academically intelligent than Sidra. She’d be a very different Queen, and that’s why the Knights that took her side did so! She hasn’t figured out how to access her weapon or knight form.

The twist? They haven’t seen each other for a long long time… but Sidra and Jules know each other.

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.
2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.
2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

Info on Weapons, Mortal Wounds and Knight Forms.

Lastly, The Title’s “The Knight’s Handbook”… what are Knight Handbooks?

2K Followers On Tumblr And 30K Subscribers On YouTube! In Celebration, Heres My Story. Not A Rewrite.

Well, for Knights, along with a weapon you can pull from your Mortal Wound, you also have your Handbook! Every Knight has a Handbook with their symbol on it. Like I said, Queen Knights don’t get their own unique personalised symbol, rather they get the default symbol representing all Knights as a species (unfortunate!).

Every Handbook is personalised except for the first couple pages and chapters. The first few pages *always* contain The Rules of Knighthood. One of which is that there Cannot Be Two Queens. But… have these Handbooks with their strict rules on who your friends and enemies are and what you can or cannot do always been a part of the Knights? Or did someone *write* these books for their own purposes? Control?

Handbooks also contain info on how to fight/fence, how to defeat certain entities, anatomy, etc (I’ll figure out more). But, Handbooks also serve as phones! You write something in your handbook for someone else and your writings will appear in *their* handbook! Not sure, but I imagine handbooks can also be used as little sketch hologram projectors (you sketch a map for example or a plan and project it into the air using your book.)

Sidra and Jules may have this giant plot going on around them because they happen to be Queens, but that doesn’t mean they’re not teenagers who want to have fun. A lot of Knights are kids and teenagers and still have their senses of fun, much to the dismay of the serious adult Knights. But they’re all immortal so they’ve got plenty of time to grow up before they hit an age to stop. Being a Knight is tough and scary cause you *could* die at any time in a fight, so adult Knights tend to protect the teens from going out before they’ve trained properly. Queens are not afforded such a luxury and besides, a lot of teen Knights are totally reckless regardless of what the adults say!

So yeah!

That’s an intro to The Knight’s Handbook. I’d love for people to join in like they did with GunnTech and make their own Knights for this, if you feel inspired. It’s kinda like a DTIYS but instead of Draw This In Your Style, it’s… Draw Your Sona for this concept? Working title… /j If you wanna do something, I suppose tag it with “The Knight’s Handbook” with the apostrophe and whatnot, but I do not expect anything, you guys already do so so much 🧡.

Any art or ocs of The Knight’s Handbook will definitely be featured on my next YT vid and I’ll be reblogging (Plus I would love to draw you guys’ ocs, and basically consider them canon since there’s an infinite number of Knights in TKH!)

Thank you for all your support, guys!

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3 years ago

Imagine this, but with a breakfast club type thing.

picture this

12 years old reid (he/him, questioning he/they), little nerd 

13 years old garcia (she/xe/ve), fluffy blonde hair, extremely colorful dresses (because i’m fully convinced teenager garcia was exactly like bau garcia and no one can tell me otherwise)

16 years old jj (she/her), soon to be valedictorian, popular girl, soccer team 

16 years old morgan (he/him), confident, baseball team, pulls all the girls

16 years old emily (she/they, questioning they/them because high school is making her question everything even if she would never admit it), goth, idgaf attitude 24/7, everyone knows her but everyone is scared of her so she has no friends

17 years old hotch (he/him), straight As but you wouldn’t know it, shy with no friends

18 years old rossi (HE WOULD SAY THAT HIS PRONOUNS ARE “NOR/MAL”, I KNOW HE WOULD), already has uncle energy, only wears branded clothes

the only students in a single classroom with a terrified teacher. they’d get along very well but it’d take some time because they’ve all heard rumors about each other/they’re scared of emily and rossi

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