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Poems and quotes my therapist would hate - A kind life (on Wattpad) I've always been fond of poetic and quotes because people were better at putting my emotions in words than me. As I matured I realized that it's never too late to become one of those people. So I became them. And if I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse- Jude Duarte.
Yall should like......... read my poems *wink wink*
Inner child
Whenever I think of breaking the generational trauma or breaking the cycle, it always makes me think of the little girl in me who just wanted to be loved. She wanted, no...needed... her mum, she needed her love. My heart breaks whenever I think of the inner little girl in me who just wanted her parents to love her and be there for her.
I don’t know if it’s just me or what but I have a hard time believing someone when they say they love me. As a child, I never felt loved or received love from my parents. They never say “Honey, I love you.” I never received hugs or smooches. They’re always both neck deep in work and even when they give me materialistic things, they always make sure I understood I owed them and therefore needed to make it up to them in some ways. So, now as an adult, I can only understand the concept of love, and never feel it towards anyone. The idea of love is probably so far fetched to me that I can never really know.