Extreme - Tumblr Posts

Oh. Good and big.
Let’s make him truly savage.

TOP 5 Extreme Bodybuilders In History
(uploaded on youtube by DelamorteDelamort on his channel)
yes i love big old monsters but i’ll still let tiny ones breed me too! i don’t discriminate !!!
imagining this tentacled alien who is the perfect size to fit exactly on your cunt and just attach itself to you like a facehugger… it can fill you up entirely easily with its tentacles once it’s attached, squirming around and secreting a fluid that makes you nice and pliant… watching the tentacles squirm around through your tummy is probably pretty nice too, hm?
once you’re prepared it starts pumping it’s tentacles within you, making you just writhe with pleasure as it fills you up entirely, it feeding on the cum you keep on providing it after orgasm and orgasm as you already feel so overstimulated… by then you’re loose enough for the tentacles of the alien to squirm into your womb, and even though it’s supposed to hurt you’re just in absolute bliss, legs squeezing the alien’s outside body a bit, just needing something to hold onto here, it’s so intense… all you can think about right now is getting bred now properly by the creature, you’re practically drooling thinking about what’s about to come…
when it delivers its first load of hot seed to your womb directly you feel just wave of pleasure after pleasure, clenching down on all the tentacles as you watch the tentacle outlines disappear as your tummy swells a bit… and then it’s thrusting into you again, delivering more and more cum to your fertile womb… it should be dripping down some of its seed by now, but due to its attachment nothing can escape, you’re just going to keep on getting filled and filled by this alien until it decides it’s done, and you’re encouraging it to, it feels so nice to be just be at complete mercy of this small little alien…
TheHappySpaceman Reviews - Was It Really That Bad? Van Halen III by Van Halen
Extreme lead singer Gary Cherone teams up with hard rock pioneers Van Halen and acclaimed composer Mike Post for an experimental album? What could possibly go wrong?
Featured on Van Halen News Desk 2017/03/17!

Dude he finally got that burger.
Pluto in the 3rd House

The 3rd House can often represent many things, but what it represents at its core is discovery and numerous interactions that can develop and culminate to a solid foundation found later in the 4th House. How one learns and thinks is found in this house. The movement of thoughts and words are represented by this house, often playing out in open, versatile environments such as early school settings (up to high school) and our siblings.
When Pluto is in the 3rd House, terrifying, but also transformative power is found in the native’s mind. If the native isn’t quickly aware of this mental power, they will only be reminded for a few times. The negative manifestations that often come with this placement creates great consequences and the native will soon learn of the mental power they possess. Due to this, many individuals with this placement do not express their thoughts very often. Many of these individuals are aware of the destruction they can create with just a few words.
However, while they are capable of causing utter destruction with their words, they are perfectly capable of healing themselves and others if they use their words positively. There is a powerful, respectful, but also feared sharpness of the mind. Those with this placement are capable of weaving through the confusing and murky undercurrents of verbal and body language, often understanding the hidden psychological motives of others for better or worse. Individuals with this placement are naturally detectives, their minds often madly searching, but also critically analyzing the information they find.
These individuals often excel in managing secrets. Not only can they keep secrets, but they can also release just enough information to satisfy another party, but keep enough information to keep themselves safe. However, having this skill can often make these individuals feared, for nobody really knows what these individuals keep inside their heads. Pluto in the 3rd natives are also capable of being destructive bullies. They can quickly detect the sensitive spots of their peers to their advantage, easily hurting others where it hurts the most.
In school, the native can often put on a public facade that is completely different from their mind. Natives can often say a few trivial phrases to others uncomfortably for the sake of hiding what they’re really thinking. Due to this, many of their peers will often think that these natives are shallow or even unintelligent. This can often result in the native often feeling intellectually misunderstood, which can result in volatile verbal outbursts that can shock others. Deep down, natives with this placement seek for intimacy and deep relationships with their peers.
Their mental processes can often be mysterious to their teachers. Due to this, natives with this placement would much rather learn by themselves. Natives with this placement often become very intimate with the way they learn. However, natives with this placement can also create an intimate relationship with their instructors if there is a great understanding. Often, effective teachers can transform the native’s mind, which can enhance their learning for the better. These students are also capable of causing unsettling power struggles with their teachers, for they are always critically questioning the educational content they are receiving.
The learning process of those with Pluto in the 3rd can be very extreme, which is why many with this placement often like to learn in solitude. There is often a feeling of thinking that nobody understands their way of learning, so they take complete charge of their learning. Pluto in the 3rd natives are passionate learners, often obsessively learning nonstop about subjects they are attracted to. Inspiration comes at the most random times, often consuming their minds.
However, destructive thoughts are just as capable of intruding the native’s mind. These thoughts are often so disturbing to the point where the native can see their own mind to be dangerous. They often question how and why they’re able to create such horrifying thoughts with ease. These natives can mentally twist a mundane, daily activity to something truly horrifying in their minds. While these thoughts are terrifying, they also highlight the inner darkness these natives possess in their minds, whether they want to accept it or not.
If the native has a sibling, the relationship will truly be complex. There will be parts of the relationships both the native and sibling can struggle to understand. The native has the potential to develop a very strong, intimate relationship with their sibling that can bring a secure upbringing. However, the native also has the potential to create a destructive relationship that can often add an unsettling volatility to their upbringing. There is often a power struggle between the native and the sibling. Siblings can also be secretive with the native, and perhaps even manipulative. Natives with this placement can also be bullied by their siblings. Pluto can often bring transformation, the native often loving their sibling one moment, and hating them the next.
Pluto in the 3rd is a placement that enables the native mental strength. However, this strength can often be used to help but also to destroy those around them. Individuals with this placement can often struggle to release their deepest thoughts, often fearing that they’ll reveal their vulnerabilities or hurt their loved ones. Natives often need to associate with people who aren’t judgmental and are able to ride on the same mental wavelength as them. Patience is needed with individuals for this placement, for it takes time for these individuals to mentally expose themselves in a healthy, helpful way.
Another emoji spell, here we go 🌈🌠
emoji spell for:
like to charge and reblog to cast!!!

I did a riff on a cupid design as if it was a 90s edgy superhero and for today I thought I'd make it a literal exposed heart dude that beats people.
When you are a borderline
Sadness feels like suicide.
Anger feels like murder.
Distance feels like abbandonment.
Joy feels weird and unknown.
Being in love feels like being an inconvenience.
Loving someone feels like losing control.
Losing someone feels like dying.
Happiness feels like unbearable euphoria.
Feeling normal feels like feeling nothing.
Now put all that in a single week.