Jedi Culture - Tumblr Posts
holy shit i NEED this
Padawan braids should be far more decorated I don't care
I want them to have beads and bows and jewels and rings and bells and-
I want them to scream culture, to scream tradition, to scream history!!!
So I saw a post about younglings and padawans pranking each other (and sometimes the masters) and sewing cat ears on their cloaks and

I did sketch Elzar, Avar and Stellan because I love those three (also, they lived way before Order 66 so I can spare myself from the trauma of knowing that they were cute Younglings that later got slaughtered)
It’s cute okay?
I love the idea of jedi babies with psychometry just.... latching onto random things that have good memories attached and carrying it around like a teddy bear. Like baby Quin found a spatula with a memory of a kid and their parent lovingly making cookies in it and he slept with a dollar store spatula for the next 3 years. Cal found some silverware that a happy group of friends used for all of their special occasions, so his pockets end up full of comfort spoons. and forks. and butter knives.
Love the idea of collective Jedi parenting. Like technically I only have one padawan but my friends' padawans are also coincidentally my padawans. My padawan’s friends are also my padawans. This padawan who got separated from their master? My padawan today. This other padawan who needs to learn to pilot but their master is afraid of flying? Now my padawan twice a week.
Padawan braids should be far more decorated I don't care
I want them to have beads and bows and jewels and rings and bells and-
I want them to scream culture, to scream tradition, to scream history!!!
Padawan braids should be far more decorated I don't care
I want them to have beads and bows and jewels and rings and bells and-
I want them to scream culture, to scream tradition, to scream history!!!
The book of boba fett ep7 predictions!!!!
I have so many ideas about this right now that it's getting hard to write it out but let me just start with what I think will happen at the end of the episode: Luke and Din totally meets on Tatooine during/after the crime war. AND Luke decides to teach both Din and Grogu. Which leads stright to the mandalorian ss3.
Now here's how I think how it would go that way:
Grogu will probably choose both the lightsaber and the armor. He wants to be a jedi but he also doesn't want to be away from Din. Since he IS still very attached to Din at this point, it will be completely logical for him to do so.
Seeing Grogu choose both, Luke will decide to take Grogu back to Din. Because he sees Grogu as attached to Din and not ready to become a Jedi.
Din and Luke meets during battle at the crime war going on at Tatooine and totally have a mcfuckin cool back to back fight standoff. (okay this is just my fan side going brrrrrrr)
Din uses the darksaber and Luke notices it. So Din explains that it was created by a mandalorian jedi and in order to propery use it, he needs to learn to let go of his own attachments as well as how to actually use it.
Luke has a moment on Tatooine. He thinks about how his life has been with his aunt, his uncle and Obi-wan. (Which also creates an opening to the Kenobi series.) He remembers having been attached to them as a child, thinks about how different it was comparing to the way the jedis used to train a youngling to be a jedi, and realizes that it went fine for him after all. That although he was raised by his gurdians and got attached to them, he was later on still able to learn how to let go of his attachments AND become a Jedi.
Luke realizes the purpose of being a Jedi. That it is not only to fight and protect peace, but also to teach ~ teach people about healthy relationships, about how to let go, about how to be compassionate!
Thus leading to Luke teaching both Grogu and Din how to let go of attachments.
More furure predictions!!
I also believe that Luke will ban the "seperating children from their birth parents in order to teach them about how to let go of attachments" one. Maybe not now but in the future. Because this is literally one of the biggest loophole in Star Wars. As well as one of the biggest reasons why the majority of the fans think that Jedis are..."lacking morals" and "brainwashes children".
This idea of "taking force-sensitive children away from their home and to the temple in order to become a Jedi" was originally, very, very much for the purpose of mythologization of Star Wars itself. That "becoming a Jedi is like answering the calling from God". SO OFCOURSE IT DOESN'T WORK IN REAL LIFE! It is also one of the times that Star Wars, being the space-fantasy tale it is, gets backfired by its own fantasy-ness.
The truth is that, and what I want to tell is that, you don't need to seperate yourself from the people you love in order to learn how to let go.
Grogu doesn't need to be seperated from Din to become a jedi.
Also one more thing: what people mistakes a lot about the Jedi is specifically the word attachment. (yeah...bad word choice Lucas.) I would love to explain that the word attachment in Jedi culture does not mean love or connection, but a closer synonym for obsession.
And the novels actually use the term “breveted” for how the Jedi came to be in charge of the Clone Army. A brief and layman explanation of the term breveted: the Jedi were drafted in as officers with none of the pay and all of the responsibilities of the position.
So the Republic got to have an entirely involuntary army fighting for it, and Sidious got to have all the delicious trauma as an appetizer for his grand plan.
See, one of the arguments agaist the Jedi that I just Don't Get is the whole "they committed a war crime by drafting a bunch of clones into the army!" I watched the prequels again recently. and that. is not what happened.
I don't know about everybody else, but what I saw was Obi-Wan tracking down Jango Fett during his investigation of the assassination attempt against Padme, and getting sidetracked by a bunch of Kaminoans going "hey!!! we have your order ready for pickup!!!" then going to report it to the jedi coucil and them going "we.. didn't order...a million identical human men... maybe... the republic???? we'll tell them and try to get it sorted out???" and then the senate hears about this and goes "oh!! elite soldiers!! how convienient and not at all suspicious!!!" (i assume there were at least some senators who didn't like the idea, but it had to be a majority). And then they drafted the clones into the war and went over to the jedi and said "hey, you wouldn't mind leading these guys into battle, right??? i mean, you are peacekeepers, so it's kind of your job to fight on our side in a galactic civil war lol" and the jedi said "well, we serve the republic, and there are obviously some atrocities being committed... and it seems like there might be some sith activity involved... so... okay. but we don't like this. we're peacekeepers not soldiers."
The Jedi weren't the ones who drafted the clones??? Yes, Yoda brought them to Geonosis, but (i believe) the senate had already approved their use as a military force, and he was trying to save his family from being decimated by battle droids. I think that's pretty understandable.
Anyway. Just needed to get another rant out of my system.
Jedi train to catch themselves while falling
In the crèche it’s onto mats and cushions
Initiates will jump off of anything they can get onto until a teacher stops them
Padawans have secret competitions and games where they jump off of things
When the clone wars starts, almost every single clone has a heart attack pretty early on when their general, commander, or both jumps off of a building mid battle, a ship at the start, or something else for the hell of it.
Which of course becomes a bet of “who’s general is the coolest?” And “who can stick the best landing”
“While it’s true that many children are given to the Temple as infants, no child is kept with us against his or her will. The Temple is not a prison. It is a home. A school. A world within a world. A safe haven for those born with peculiar sensitivity to the Force."
-Obi Wan Kenobi
wholesome Jedi headcanon time!
I think that the Jedi would be good with, encouraging unconventional habits. You like baking desserts with weird spices from Ryloth? Well, here's a cookbook with even more interesting recipes and their history. Also, did you know that Master so-and-so used to be good at baking these too?
You like reading random romance novels from this one Mid Rim world? Jocasta's going to specifically procure volumes, and pressure editors to write more.
You like using a traditional weapon from your homeworld instead of a lightsaber? We'll give you a copy of techniques and teach you how to incorporate the two fighting styles.
I don't see much of it in canon (because god forbid a children's show set in space have main characters who have interests other than combat), but I want it to be true.
So you guys know how the Jedi Order is filled with people from pretty much every world and species? Think about all the unique cultural things the Jedi would practice simply because the Order is basically a giant melting pot.
A Kalikori made out of Akul teeth, passed down through a lineage and carved in multiple different styles to represent the cultures of each of the lineage members.
Different Jedi taking inspiration for their cultural face tattoos from their Togruta master's lekku or their friends' facial tattoos or the designs on a Council member's cultural headdress.
Recipes that are fusion foods made of like five different cultural dishes because a group of friends all got drunk together, got the munchies, and fucked around in the kitchen until something tasted good.
Like, just everyone sharing their cultures with each other and then people adapting their cultures based on their lineages and the shared culture in the Order, shared culture being a form of expressing love and adopting someone into the Order/a lineage.
Obviously there would be things that are off limits and permission would have to be given and the Jedi would probably emphasize learning the culture before ever adapting it, but I just think that after thousands of years their would be a lot of shared culture among the Jedi.
Oh, and languages! With how many languages are probably spoken in the Order, I wouldn't be surprised if the Jedi basically spoke bastardized versions of every language mashed together---it'd probably be an always moving/changing/evolving thing that no one but the Jedi can understand because the Jedi use the Force to bridge any gaps there might be in someone's understanding.
A lot of words and phrases would be taken from Dai Bendu, just because it's my personal headcanon that the Jedi still speak it, but then it would branch out from there into Twi'leki and Togruti and Durese and everything else all mixed together.
I just...I love the idea of the Jedi having a mixed culture that reflects the diversity of the Order.
I adore this!! Escpecially considering during the Cline Wars, they would have to adapt their knowledge to the many things they would have to deal with on campaigns.
Not only that, but the addition of the clones is super fun! These clones don’t really ah e a standard for what *regular* people act like so all of the weird Jedi-isms are completely normal to them.
They’d pick up some accents and words from their Jedi, maybe the commanders even pick up some habits. We’ve already seen how a Jedi can influence the strategy and attitude of their own battalions, see 501st vs 212th, so it’s entirely possible they also pick up some of the cultural rules that each Jedi chooses to participate in.
That, combined with the mash of the clones own ‘culture’ (I say it like that because there is barely anything about that part of them other than they have it in some degree) and mannerisms would create a whole new subculture. They’d maybe mash up the languages from their Jedi and some of their butchered Mando’a. Meshing the rules and ideas of the Jedi with their own soldier training from Kamino
a non-comprehensive list of my favourite jedi hcs to play around with
cause i just don’t get tired of these mfs!
i’ve mentioned this one before but: education at the temple differs greatly from a western school system. students aren’t graded and there’s no use for exams. there are sets of standard classes so everyone gets a good foundation in languages, history & politics, maths and sciences, plus practical learning - we know every jedi on active duty is expected to be able to perform maintenance and troubleshooting on their ships and other tech - but younglings tend to run through these fairly quickly. beyond that, classes are based purely on the jedi’s interests and goals, and are basically treated as a particularly involved hobby. 10 yr old initiates and 90 yr old masters can easily be found in the same class. a padawan might choose to rip through four advanced math courses in a year just cause it’s fun, or they might take one or two, and either is fine. learning is very much a lifelong process in the temple, there’s no need to rush.
(as a result, many jedi end up being top-tier experts in their favourite subjects. schools invite them to lecture all over the galaxy. sometimes a 16 yr old will show up, but by god they do know their quantum mechanics.)
the service corps! of course we know that obi-wan was pretty disappointed to be sent to the agricorps, but i think this is kinda more reflective of his own self esteem issues than it is of the order’s predominant attitudes. it makes more sense to me that the agricorps, educorps, explorcorps and medcorps would be equally respected to active knights (this is stated in canon but not rly explored), and would actually be the destination of choice for many initiates. plenty of people aren’t cut out for a job that could potentially bring you into deadly conflict, and plenty aren’t interested in trying it.
(a bit of canon, to flesh out the corps: members of the corps are part of the order and are considered jedi. jedi may voluntarily join or leave the corps, and it seems common for the service corps to form connections with non-jedi intergalactic research associations. i’d really like to see more of them!)
my god the cultural exchange in the temple must be insane! not only do you have hundreds of species living under the same roof, many bringing with them traditions from their homeworlds, but you’ve also got the underlying thousands of years of culture completely unique to jedi! i imagine you could walk through the temple and pick out bits of etiquette or architecture or sayings that originated on one world and eventually became so integrated that everyone knows and uses them.
speaking of etiquette:
jedi tend to come across as Odd to non-jedi because they’re raised with concepts of politeness that are influenced by the fact that they’ve got essentially an extra sense. uninvited touch is a no-no because it can be overwhelming for the partially-trained younglings and their varying ability to sense others’ emotions, especially if the recipient happens to be psychometric; this makes a bow the default greeting between strangers rather than a handshake or similar. after boundaries have been established it’s totally fine and normal for jedi to hug, hold hands, sleep in piles, etc., although they tend to act more reserved on missions as a sign of professionalism.
another common source of culture shock between young jedi and your average coruscanti is their differing understandings of authority. a master is believed to learn as much from their padawan as the padawan does from their master, and this mutual respect is applied all the way from younglings to council members. a whole lot of jedi culture is based on learning and teaching relationships, therefore displays of respect and politeness are not dependent on the rank of the people involved, they’re offered by default. for a young initiate on a field trip (city trip?), bowing to a senator and not receiving a bow or head dip in return is definitely cause to get huffy.
openness is really important if you’re gonna support a kid as they grow up and learn how to manage their relationship with the force. openness is also every young kid’s specialty. more than one unintentionally rude senator has received a pointed comment from a three-foot tall jedi.
communal living! jedi are raised in groups and have many mentors over the course of their lives, and i imagine that mindset never really leaves. their predominant social norms and taboos are pretty different from the rest of coruscant. physical contact is not tied to romantic or sexual interest in and of itself. canonically, they’re taught not to place any undue weight on their appearance or modesty, so nudity isn’t uncommon or inappropriate. people have bodies and that’s just how things be. in the wise words of @agoddamn i have never seen motherfuckers with more communal bathing energy in my life.
relatedly, because they’re raised by such an immense variety of people with lifetimes of travel under their belts, younglings’ language acquisition must be batshit crazy. i firmly believe that most jedi grow up speaking a wild mashup of galactic standard, dai bendu, whatever they’ve learned from their birth family if they were old enough, and the favourite languages of their crèchemasters. as they get a bit older they might be taught common trade languages alongside galactic standard, dai bendu, a sign language, and whatever else they choose to learn. as padawans and knights, they might continue to pick up languages for missions.
(this concept is hinted at a lot in canon and i LOVE it. many jedi we meet are explicitly multilingual. if a jedi isn’t physically capable of speaking galactic standard - wookiees and ithorians, for example - there’s a really good chance they’ll be understood. we even get to see this in the ilum arc - conversations in the padawan group happen in three different languages at once!)
accents?? also gotta be wild. how did this human padawan end up speaking mostly with a ryl accent? well their favourite crèchemaster’s master did a long mission on ryloth and never really lost the accent. you’ll get lineages where not a single member sounds alike - a bit like yoda vs dooku vs rael, qui-gon and obi-wan vs anakin and ahsoka!
this is so long. i just think they’re really cool :,)
I have been looking for this type of thing, so I can more develop the Jedi Order in an AU I am writing
Some jedi thoughts
Ok so, lets forget for a moment all the angst and bring some jedi as found family thoughts in here, ok?
Part 2 |
Kiddos in the creche talking about what color their kyber crystal will be
Padawans being the coolest older siblings around !!!! Because they look so grown up to the creche kids and so cool but they are actually just teens with no self preservation instincts that love to do dumb shit while having little kids boosting their confidence !!
Ok, we all know the temple is fucking massive, so i bet there are at least SEVERAL alcohol stashes from padawans somewhere lmao
Also, along those lines: BIG HIDE AND SEEK COMPETITIONS it helps everyone at being sneaky, at finding people and at orienting themselves, AND IT’S SO MUCH FUN (it also wears the kids down so they sleep the entire night lol)
It’s always someone’s birthday, like, statistically. So they just have a big board in the mess hall to congratulate the birthdays of the day (and it has pictures too so even if you don’t recognize the name you can say happy birthday to someone on the corridors bc that’s how their big family works)
Jedi having little charms on their lightsabers from their padawans
Also, best friends having matching jewelry (rings, charms…) made out of eachother’s lightsabers
Little initiates just making conversation with just about anyone they see bc they were raised in an environment full of love and comprehension and they know that the order is they family and they are safe there and they will always be treated right and with respect no matter what
Drinking games over cheesy jedi romance shows
Also: DARK HUMOR !! You expected teens to not make jokes out of not knowing/having parents???
Jumping out of windows is a Thing, and i won’t elaborate on that
Taking naps on the room of a thousand fountains is the best feeling ever and there’s always someone doing it
Enough for today :)
Some jedi thoughts - Part 2
I’m so happy that y’all liked the first part, so i’m here to bring even more jedi order headcanons bc, honestly, we all need those found family feels rn.
Part 1 |
Younglings braiding eachother’s hair to pretend they are padawans because they are so excited to grow up and be cool like their older siblings
Continuing with the inside jokes i mentoned in part one, here are some of them: calling the order “the cult”, blaming every little inconvenience on the sith, the fact that whatever you do Master Yoda WILL KNOW and probably bring it up in your next conversation in a very ominous tone and, continuing with Master Yoda, just, whispering weird stuff in the way he speaks to your friends just to creep them out
There’s a big tradition of sharing stories within the order, but specially scary stories as it is a way to face fear and know how to manage it in a safe environment
All hobbies (as long as they aren’t a danger for yourself or others) are very encouraged, so it’s not weird at all to see a group of jedi on some part of the temple just playing a wind instrument from Alderaan or an old master teaching a youngling how to properly execute an ancient sculpture technique or a group of padawans sprawled on the floor while they paint colorful rocks
Breakfasts at the mess hall are just a different plane of reality. Is that Master Fisto in sweatpants over there? Good for him. Did that kid just force-throw a whole ass fruit over the window? Not my business. Are those two padawans making a tower out of cutlery? I honestly hope it comes down and startles that one master taking a nap in the next table
The gossip here travels faster than lightspeed
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Just go watch the babies, easiest way to heal your soul
Self expression tends to manifest itself more in hairstyles and makeup rather than in clothes, jedi robes are way too comfortable to be sacrificed like that
Being able to spend the entire day and night in the archives researching absolutely everything about your new hyperfixation (until Master Nu kicks you out so you get some sleep and nutrients)
Again, thank you all so much for supporting the firts part!! <3