Lgbt Writers - Tumblr Posts
You trace the outline of my body like you ache to be one. I feel heavenly when I’m being held by you and i feel hell when we are apart. You look at me and i can feel love through your gaze, like your eyes are the sun and i am merely a cat basking in your light through the window. The overwhelming joy and calmness you bring me is something i can never take for granted, growing up in the crazy environment i did, where love was loud, angry, and distant. Your love is soft, sweet, and near-never harsh. When people say that love is supposed to hurt i can’t help but deny what they are saying because loving you has never hurt me. It’s made me better each day and calmed my anxious mind. Your love has softened the harsh reality of the world and how i view myself. I’ve loved you the moment i laid eyes on you, it’s like my heart just knew that you would be the one i spend my days with. I can’t be more grateful to have found someone who truly softens my everyday burdens of just being alive on this earth. We are meant to be like how the clouds are meant to have moisture from water to cause rain, you cure my droughts and provide food and nourishment to my body by loving me the way i was intended to be loved.
With lots of love,
Welcome to my small world of sexy fun. Everyone is welcome....well unless you're a man or a minor, then DNI.
A few things about me:
⚢ - Babygirl or Slut
⚢ - I'm a mid-40's sapiosexual homoflexible lesbian. Just because I say I'm homoflexible, doesn't mean I'm interested in talking to men.
⚢ - My pronouns are she/her
⚢ - I am a submissive babygirl with a bratty streak. I have a very dirty mind and I like to share and read the musing of others.
⚢ - I am a writer and like to share excerpts from my books and my short stories. Occasionally I'll let my mind wander to the more kinky side and share my feelings and thoughts.
⚢ - I will do a lot of reblogs of others that excite or interest me.
⚢ - If you are a male, minor, homophobe or TERF, please don't follow me. I have lesbian mutuals who reblog my stuff and most don't care to interact with you.
⚢ - I will definitely not follow you and will likely block you if your profile is empty, ageless or a minor (under 18).
⚢ - Ladies, I likely will not follow you if have a lot of images/posts that are focused on heterosexual interactions. I honestly don't want to see a lot of pictures or comments about guys and dicks. Sorry.
⚢ - Anon asks and DMs are open (whether I will answer is a different question)
⚢ - If you're a Mommy Domme and would like to interact with me, please send me a DM and i'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I want us naked under the covers, my fingers teasing your folds and your clit. I want you with your arms around me and burying your face in my neck, trying to focus on just cuddling me but it feels too good that you are whimpering. But you don't have to hide your voice, I want to hear you. You don't have to hide anything cuz I can already feel how wet you are. My God, you feel so good around my fingers
Masquerade - First Night (copyrighted material- J. Scott)

Madison agreeing to walking back through the city to her penthouse instead of getting a car filled Brienna with elation. She realized something about being with Madison that she never embraced with her late husband, enjoying the small moments. With Alton it was more work and social events leaving Brienna with a lot of time to herself to explore her own interests and friends, but in the end, she realized there weren’t a lot of small moments.
They walked along Camp street hand in hand, stopping occasionally to look into a shop that caught their eye. The relative comfortable silence between them save small bits of small talk seemed to punctuate the open and honest conversation over lunch. Somehow Madison seemed lighter, more unburdened now, as if somehow their conversation lifted a weight.
“What’s on your mind Madi?” Brienna asked as they walked along the sidewalk entering Harmony Circle. A contemplative silence fell over Madison over the last few blocks which worried her.
Madison shook her head giving a warm smile, the lavender lenses of her very chic glasses did little to hide the how the smile translated to her eyes. “Nothing, not really. Just can’t remember the last time I just strolled through downtown. I’m just enjoying being with you.”
Brienna matched the smile hearing the calm, serenity in her voice. “I agree. It’s nice that we don’t need to always maintain a conversation to feel comfortable with each other.”
Giving an approving nod, Madison pulled her glasses up to her head, holding Brienna’s gaze. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, darling. Isn’t that the point, to get to know each other.” Brienna gave a soft shrug.
The edges of Madison’s lips curled down with what seemed an uncertain frown. “I just didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing up sad memories. But I was curious what your relationship with your late husband was like. Did you have comfortable silences like this?”
Pushing her own glasses up onto her forehead, Brienna checked for traffic then quickly guided Madison across the street into the park at the center of the circle. Picking an empty bench away from the throngs of people walking here and there she sat down, with Madison close. “First of all Madi, don’t ever worry that asking about Alton is going to upset me. I’ve had long months of solitude to come to terms with his passing.” Brienna forced a smile despite the emotions rising at the back of her throat. “Our relationship was…comfortable.” The way she answered that probably gave Madison the impression there were issues despite their relative happiness. “We were happy. We shared similar interests, but his work came first most of the time, which left me with freedom to do what I wanted. Did we have comfortable silences like this?” Brienna paused letting her memories run through her mind. “I’ll just say we enjoyed each other’s company, when it mattered.”
Those soft blue eyes scanned her face for a long moment before Madison nodded with a soft smile. “I appreciate you sharing that.” She replied standing and pulling Brienna up by the hand as they continued their journey. “How long were you married?” Madison asked after a few moments of walking in silence.
“Twelve years.” Brienna answered softly, her heart suddenly feeling rather heavy. In that moment of reminiscent contemplation the fact that the age gap between her and Alton wasn’t much different than the gap between her and Madison. That realization brought a soft smirk to her lips.
They both fell into what amounted to thoughtful silence as they walked the rest of the way. Madison stopped in her tracks as they turned up O’Keefe Ave, the condo coming into view. “You live there?” The gasped, eyes wide behind her glasses.
Brienna smiled, nodding, pointing to the top of the glassed in area at the very top of the building. “Yep, very top floor. C’mon.” She urged playfully pulling Madison’s dumbfounded form up the sidewalk. Walking through the lobby, Brienna couldn’t be sure if Madison’s jaw ever closed which left a perpetual smile on Brienna’s face.
She couldn’t tell what fascinated Madison the most, the fact that the elevator required a keycard to reach her penthouse or that the elevator opened directly into the foyer. But the awestruck look on the young woman’s face made Brienna chuckle. “I can’t believe you live here.” Madison exclaimed as she ran to the window to look out at the view from the living room. “I mean I knew you had money, but not this sort of money.”
Brienna let her explore without saying anything, simply enjoying the childlike excitement of seeing what was behind the next door. Laying her purse, glasses and keycard on the table near the elevator, Brienna opened the sliding glass door to the patio, leaning against the rail as Madison explored. “Your bathroom is as big as our living room and so gorgeous.” Madison called out before eventually joining her on the patio.
As Madison joined her against the railing, Breinna turned, pulling her close, pressing a firm, hungry kiss to those soft perky lips. One hand went to the small of Madison’s back, driving their bodies together as her other hand slid up the close cropped hair a the back of her neck, holding the her into the kiss. Madison let out a deep throaty moan, her hands wrapped around Brienna’s waist immediately as she melted into the kiss. Their tongues met in the middle, swirling around each other as the simmering heat and desire of the past week bubbled to the surface.
The kiss continued for what seemed an eternity before Brienna broke it slowly. Madison let out a deep sigh as their eyes met. The desire and affection between them seemed unmistakable. “Does it make you uncomfortable that I live like this?” Brienna asked in a tentative whisper. A slight anxiety over Madison’s answer pulled at the back of her neck.
“Why would it?” Madison’s lips pursed into a gentle frown as if the question somehow came off as painful. “This is who you are. Your money isn’t important to why I feel the way I do about you.”
She let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding at Madison’s answer. While she’d never admit to anyone that part of the reason she married Alton was his money and status, the idea of someone wanting to be with her for the same reason made Brienna anxious. To hear Madison express her feelings regardless eased that anxiety. “I’m glad. And I would never want my status to influence how we feel about each other.”
“So you’re saying you feel something for me then?” Madison teased causing Brienna to laugh out a she pulled the young woman against her in a tight, affectionate hug.
“I guess you could say that I might be catching some feelings for you.” Teased back kissing Madison on the nose. “How about some wine?”
Madison grinned wide, nodding, giving her a final hug before letting go.”That would be wonderful, thank you.” Brienna walked into the kitchen reaching the wine cooler just in time to hear Madison squeal. “Oh my gawd you’ve got a hot tub!” Brienna chuckled to herself, pouring two large glasses of white wine with half of the bottle.
“This time is for us to enjoy ourselves and get to know each other in every way.” Brienna handed a glass of wine to Madison, taking a seat on the gray cushioned patio sofa. “If you want to jump in the hot tub and relieve some of the stress from the week, we can.”
The mix of nervousness, elation and arousal made Madison feel like she was on a sugar high. She was certain that Brienna found her either adorable or ridiculous and was just waiting for a chance to push her out the door. The warm, cozy opulence of her penthouse did little to calm her down. The fact that Brienna had a car service on call screamed money, but she never imagined. Not that it mattered.
Gulping down a generous amount of the offered wine in hopes that it might calm her a bit, Madison shook her head as the cool, flavorful liquid slid over her tongue. “Not yet. I don’t imagine you have a bathing suit that would fit me, and I want the first time you see me naked to be making love to me.”
Brienna suddenly coughed with a mouth full of wine, her hand covering her lips as she tried to swallow. The wide eyed look on her face surprised Madison. “Well, that was unexpected.” Brienna choked out with a grin, wiping her bottom lips with a finger.
“What?” Madison pulled her legs up into a bent position onto the sofa so she could face Brienna. Something about what she said caught the older woman off guard and Madison worried she may have overstepped.
“Just the way you said that dear.” Brienna apologized reaching out to lay a hand on her bent knee. “Hearing you say making love to me caught me off guard is all.”
Madison frowned slightly. “I guess I figured it sounded more sensual than saying when you fuck me.”
Laughing out loud, Brienna slid closer, taking Madison’s knees and bridging her thighs with Madison’s legs. Her fingers deftly untied her boots, letting each of them fall to the patio. Madison watched this with interest as Brienna pulled her close until Madison’s butt pressed to her thigh. Long tailored nails brushed over her cheek as Brienna’s finger cupped her cheek. Her emerald green eyes seemingly reading her face for a long moment. “I absolutely agree with you darling, the idea of slow, sensual exploration, making love to each other sounds perfect.”
Unable to resist the pull and proximity, Madison leaned forward until their lips met. The contact started slow and soft. Brienna pulled the wine glass from Madison’s hand, setting it somewhere before pressing more firmly into the kiss. As they fell deeper into the kiss, Madison felt those long nails and warm fingers slide over the exposed skin of her torso. She let out a deep moan once they found the hem of her top, sliding up over her back, under the tight top.
Warm hands inched forward along her ribs as she felt the fabric of her top slip up over her breasts, exposing the tender skin to the warm afternoon air. Brienna broke the kiss as her hands pulled her top up Madison’s arms and over her head. Madison chewed tentatively on her lower lip, watching Brienna’s face. Her nails trailed down Madison’s collar, drifting slowly to the soft rise of her modest breasts. Her fingers traced the round outer edge of the fleshy globe, her emerald eyes following every inch.
Madison’s pulse raced. Her chest rose and fell quickly as the tender, sensual touch sent heat radiating out in every direction. Trying not to distract Brienna’s attention, Madison reached forward, her nails working the last few buttons of Brienna’s top. Separating the panels, she slowly worked the shirt down Brienna’s shoulders. Madison’s fingers brushed along the full breasts pushed up by the cream lace bra. Brienna reached back, unfastening her bra, letting the straps slide down her arms with the button up top.
Rising up on her knees, Madison shifted her position, straddling Brienna’s thighs. Her hands took the older woman’s cheeks in her hands as her butt settle down on Brienna’s thighs. The kiss became more deep and heated as their breasts and bodies came together. Madison let out a throaty moan against Brienna’s lips as her nails drug up Madison’s sides, slipping between their bodies to cup her breasts, one in each hand.
Her hips ground gently against Breinna’s thighs, the motion pressing her jeans tightly over the growing heat and wetness at the apex of her thighs. Suddenly Breinna’s mouth broke the kiss, jumping to Madison’s neck. The sensation caused Madison to groan out deeply, head rolling back, letting out an exasperated moan. One of Brienna’s hands slid to her back, the other cupped the flesh of Madison’s breast as hot breath suddenly washed over Madison’s flesh. Her nipples hardening around the bars pierced through each nipple. Her body jerked as the warm, moist lips that closed around her aching peaks.
A hand shot into Brienna’s thick locks of hair at the back of her neck. Madison gasped loudly feeling her body tremble with renewed heat. She held the older woman’s mouth to her breast as her tongue circled and played with the metal bar in her nipple. Madison’s breathing came more quickly just as Brienna’s mouth released her nipple with a pop, moving to the other. Madison’s mouth fell open, now feeling her saliva cool in the open air around her nipple.
As much as she might want to, Brienna realized denying her desire to explore and know Madison in even the most intimate ways was not happening. Her head and body swooned with heat and desire even before Madison straddled her lap and their bodies came together for the first time since this young woman first caught her attention at Gyles party. Their naked skin, their naked breasts coming together opened a door deep inside Brienna she never knew existed. The greedy way her hunger drove her to those pert, young breasts scared her. But instead of fighting it or telling herself she had no idea what she was doing, Brienna just let her instincts take over. Judging by the way Madison’s body responded, she had no objections.
What threw her mind into a tailspin was Madison slowly pulling her head away from her breast and slipping from the couch. Without a word, Madison grabbed up both glasses of wine, giving Brienna a mischievous grin, crooking a finger as if to indicate Brienna should follow before turning towards the open glass doors.
Brienna sat dumbfounded and confused for a long moment, eyes following the shapely swing of Madison’s hips disappearing into the penthouse. Kicking off her sandals, she pushed up off of the couch, following the trail of Madison’s perfume. Walking into the bedroom, seeing Madison sitting at the foot of the bed in her lavender panties, jeans laying in a pile inside the door to the bedroom. She sat holding her almost empty glass of wine in one hand as she reached out for Brienna with the other.
She took Madison’s hand as she tossed back the last of her wine. Madison handed Brienna the empty glass. All Brienna could think to do was place it on the nearby dresser and then Madison pulled her back around abruptly. Eyes looked up along Brienna’s body, while her hands slide over her hips, gently easing the skirt down Brienna’s thighs, until it lay in a pile at her feet.
Still not uttering a word, using her face and her hands to give Brienna any indication of what to do, Madison slid her body back along the bed, laying against the pillows and headboard, wearing only panties. Noticing her wine on the nightstand closest to the door, Brienna stepped over, draining the wine into her mouth as her eyes took in the young woman in her bed. The full bowed lips, the random assortment of tattoos on her arms, shoulders and belly, the lavender tipped nipple piercings on her perfectly round, modestly sized breasts. Despite the sultry look of confidence in her eyes in this moment, Breinna knew full well the uncertain, self-conscious young woman stirring underneath.
Swallowing the wine as it warmed her tongue and throat, Brienna took the last step. Making sure Madison’s eyes watched intently, she hooked her thumbs into the fabric of her bikini cut panties, slowly lowering them until they fell to the floor. She stepped out of them, kneeling on the bed, crawling towards Madison who’s eyes fell to the soft patch of blond hair at the apex of her thighs.
Hovering over Madison on her hands and knees, looking down into those youthful blue eyes, Madison lifted her butt up as her hands pushed her panties down her legs, eventually kicking them free with her feet. Breinna found the small trail of light brown hair running down her belly from her navel to a matching patch of hair on her mound just another curiously unique part of this lovely woman.
Madison’s hand rose up, cupping Brienna’s cheek, her eyes locked intently on Brienna’s. “Sorry for the abrupt game of chase. I could feel where things were going and I wanted it to be right.” Her voice came out with a sensual softness to it that caused Brienna’s belly to clench into a knot. Never before had any lover she’d gone to bed with touched her so completely the way Madison did.
Lowering herself to the bed, laying to Madison’s side, Brienna pulled her hair over her shoulder, letting it hand down her back into the bed before her hand went to Madison’s hip. Madison slid closer until their bodies pressed together and her thigh slipped in between Brienna’s. “Baby, nothing about being here with you feels wrong.” Brienna hand drifted up Madison’s back, reaching her shoulder as she pulled them closer together. Lips met with a shared moan as they finally came together as lovers, connected in the moment.

I mentioned in my Pinned post that I'm a writer...I am offering a promotional deal on my latest published book. Starting Aug 3rd, my book will be on sale for half price for a week starting Aug 3rd.
If you're into BDSM and Sapphic Romance...this book is for you. There are graphic scenes in the story but it's a very powerful story for anyone who has either explored a D/s relationship or is considering it.
Please check it out and leave a review if you purchase it.
Thank you.
Iris (1)
Before today, I was entirely sure that I was invisible to her.
The world revolves around a single star, big enough and bright enough to warm the whole galaxy. To me, Iris is a star, and the rest of the world was her galaxy.
She had long, curly, red hair that bounced when she walked. She had deep brown eyes that looked like honey in the sunlight. She had straight teeth, all except for that cute little gap in the front. She was just a little taller than me, that is, with her platform converse on. I'd never seen her without them. She wore plaid button downs with cropped tank tops, just barely exposing her abdomen. She never wore leggings or skirts, just oversized jeans or khaki pants she said she borrowed from her dad.
She played soccer, tennis, volleyball, and was drum major of the marching band. She doodled little hearts in her English notes. She smelled like honeysuckle. She would always smile with the widest, toothiest grin I've ever seen. She hummed under her breath when she did her schoolwork, usually songs I've never heard before.
I've never seen her look so terrified as I do now. She walked over to my lunch table, hands shaking, holding a crumpled piece of paper. I assumed it was a note, and I assumed it was for my friend, Mark. He and Iris always got along well, and everyone in the world thought they were dating. He makes her laugh in a way I wish that I could. He holds her books for her when she opens her locker. He buys her orange soda during study hall. Although he's told me a thousand times that he doesn't have feelings for her, I've never seen him look at any other girl the way he looks at her.
I look over to my right, and there's Mark, looking up at Iris, the biggest smile on his face. He invites her to sit, but she shakes her head, drops the note on the table, and walks back over to her own table, her friends watching closely to see what Mark will do.
As she walked away, I couldn't help but wonder why she looked so nervous. She was never nervous. She sang in every talent show, and she gave speeches in front of the whole school on a quarterly basis, as co-president of the diversity club.
When I looked back at Mark, his smile was gone. He looked more confused that anything, really.
"Aren't you going to read it?"
"Read what?"
He looks down at the note left on our table, his friends watching around us in silence. As I pick up the crumpled paper, I see my name in Iris's perfect, cursive writing.
"It's... for me?"
Mark smiles and laughs to himself.
"I'm just as surprised as you are."
Iris never showed any sign of interest in me. Not once did she ever speak to me unless Mark was there. Yet, here I was, holding a note SHE wrote.
I slowly unfolded the note, unsure of what I would find inside.
Call me.
2. "I'm ruined."
3. "Coin Locker Baby"
4. Nobody wants your story
5. As your partner, I'm proud
6. "Let's just die right here together"
7. "I'm so pathetic I almost feel sorry"
8. "Closure is an imaginary concept for the traumantized"
9. I'm a victimized victimizer of my own infantile emotions
10. They don't want to bury something when it's still alive.
11. "Thank you so much God for making me rich and white!"
12. Like thousands of insects are squirming under the folds of his flesh"
I’ll tag @kaeru483 @grayed-out-typeface @12-cluh @blargh-500 @drivingmebonkas @wyvchard with no pressure ofc + open tag!
Ten Sentences Tag Game
Nobody tagged me but it was open tag! I’ll tag @differentnighttale @kaeru483 @imbecominggayer @grayed-out-typeface with no pressure ofc + open tag!
Rules: write a sentence with the number of words specified, so for 1-10 you write 10 sentences in total with an increasing word count each time.
I’m going to share sentences from my main WIP :)
1. Butterflies.
2. “You’re here.”
3. “What about life?”
4. To hell with regulations.
5. It was sunlight turned sunburns.
6. Left to linger in the air.
7. “Death is an event, not an end.”
8. “I’ve never felt so hopeful about my future…”
9. They don’t deserve our Motherland; those self proclaimed heroes.
10. It’s bad enough that every mirror here is covered up.
I have so many characters that are inspired by games and movies :)
I define my worlds by the main characters so that's basically what I am going to be doing here!
Nonkosi + Yituing: Imagine if Arcana (the mobile dating sim) had a protagonist who was self-aware of their role in the story. If the main character pulled a Monika from Doki Doki where pulls someone into the game universe.
Myroslava + GRML + Theo: A deconstruction of the Isekai/Reincarnation genre since it's my favorite thing to read!
Claude + Gabriel The Archangel: I was playing a cash-grabbing dating sim game where the main was forced to be the maid to demons. I made a joke about how the character was invisible and that's how Claude was born.
Yuuma + Jukka: What if the anti-hero was a picture of immaturity and emotion? What if the anti-villain wasn't totally sympathetic and kind off insane? Then they kiss!
Writers Challege #3
Ciao bellas,bellos.
Its me again.
I'm back in my home coutry.
sighs sadly.
Whelp, anyways I made a challenge.
Rules: Describe your WIP(s) with their title as a dramatic logline for a show.
Tara: Wolf Chronicles is a swirl of Stranger Things show but in a modern day setting and with werewolves.
Tara: Wolf Chronicles is My Reason to Die but with fantasy and horror.
@wyked-ao3 @blargh-500 @loverboyxbutch @morganthepen
@imbecominggayer @furrywrit3r

I'm writing a comic series called Quest of the west, it's about a coyote (Dash), a badger (Fang) and a Raven (Raven lol), their home gets destroyed by a terrible fire and they have to work together to search for a new home:)
(The drawing is a work in progress)
Genres: adventure, coming of age, friendship, slice of life, drama
Hello I'm writing a story that I want to share with the world:)
Title: The tails of Dirt Creek
About: A western town with anthropomorphic cats and dogs
Author: Arri Endrik (pen name)
Genre: comedy-western, drama, slice of life, mystery, action
Setting: somewhere in Wyoming between 1876-1890's
I'm hoping to make this into a comic, btw I'm not a professional writer and I'm doing this all by myself so it's a lil iffy
Summary: Gunnar gets framed for a murder and now he's on the run, he was just wandering aimlessly throughout Wyoming until he came across a small town...
Chapter 1: "Welcome to Dirt Creek"
Gunnar had no clue how long or how far he was runnin, but he knew one thing.....he was tired and hungry........ever since he got framed for that dad-gummed murder he didn't comment.........sure, he was not the goodest dog in the west, but he wasn't a killer!
Gunnar could only see dirt.... and more dirt......not a blade of grass in sight....he was starting to just give up right then and there, but then he saw the distance....he shielded his eyes with his paw, There! A town! Gunnar had a spark of hope.....he was not well known in these parts, so the towns folk probably wouldn't recognize him...... Gunnar figured he outta stay there for a bit then move on, no one would find him in a small town in the middle of nowhere............ right?
He walked up to a broken wooden sign that said "Welcom to Dirt Creek", That's funny Gunnar thought....."Welcome" was spelled wrong........., he kept walkin till he was in the middle of town.......but where is everyone? Gunnar thought..... the town was completely empty..."Huh, no one here....?" Then suddenly he heard a loud commotion, he looked around and saw that the sound was coming from the saloon, which was named The watering hole, Gunnar walked in and if he hadn't ducked in time he would've gotten his head knocked off by a flyin beer bottle! Gunnar saw that there was a Huge bar fight goin on! He walked in carefully..... and sat at the bar between a Blue heeler and a brown Newfoundland, working at the bar was an English bulldog who looked like he had enough of life..... Gunnar politely asked "Uh excuse me sir, may I have a glass of water please?"
The bulldog nodded and handed him a whole bottle of beer and said "You'll thank me later" and walked off.
Gunnar looked around and watched everyone fight......... He was shocked, and wondered why there wasn't a sheriff keepin everyone in line.... Suddenly he felt someone pat his shoulder, and he turned around to see that Blue heeler staring at him with a big stupid grin on his face,
"Well Howdy there partner! What's your name? I'm Dan Miller!".
Gunnar answered back "Uh.....the name's Gunnar Wilson, nice to meet ya, say......why is everyone fightin? Where is the sheriff?".
The dog just laughed "Well we don't have a sheriff...not anymore, he died! And as for why everyone is fightin....well.....I guess everyone just has anger issues".
Gunnar wondered what happened to the last sheriff but he figured it'd be best not to ask....."So.....why don't y'all get a new sheriff?".
Dan replied "No one ever lasts long as a sheriff tho....they either die or head for the hills! I don't blame anyone for runnin away tho, we are a stubborn bunch....".
And Gunnar believed him.......... Suddenly a bullet nicked his left ear! Gunnar looked around and saw the culprit.....a small tan Chihuahua that was jumpin on a table and had two large pistols in his paws ........shootin and yeppin like a coyote......"Hey pipsqueak! You almost shot my head off!". The Chihuahua just pointed his pistols at Gunnar, and Gunnar ran for cover, he heard a bullet pass by his other ear........he hid under a table..... watching......"Maybe I should lay low for a bit .........till this clears out......"
(Outside the saloon)
Gunnar barely got outta there with his ears and tail attached........he looked around for a place to he walked around he saw a Café, library, Tailor, Flower shop, and a Butcher.......then he saw a small Chinese crested dog staring at him suspiciously...... Gunnar tried to look friendly "Uh hello there sir, name's Gunnar Wilson, and I'm new around here". The dog just stared at Gunnar..... judging him..... Gunnar smiled sheepishly, till the little dog finally said
"My name is Ping Wú, and if I was you, I wouldn't stay long......".
"Why?" Gunnar asked.
Ping sighed, "Because.....this town is as the name ain't nothin but a pile of dirt"
To be continued....;)
Looking forward to it!
Hello there
Are you an lgbt writer? An aspiring author? Published author? Beta reader, perhaps? Or even just a member of the lgbt community who enjoys reading and wants to see what people are writing?
Well I made a discord for 16+ lgbt writers!
The Writer's Tavern
A community discord for LGBT writers where you can share your wips (and have specific channels for them too), get writing advice, talk about world building and character creation, poetry, share your art, and more.
The server is almost done, so please feel free to DM me here if you want to be a mod and help manage a community that I'm hoping will grow into a collection of LGBT writers supporting each other.