LIKE WTH - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Yeji X Dispatch: It's Refreshing. I'm So Grateful To See A Large Concert Hall Filled Every Time. Thank
Yeji X Dispatch: It's Refreshing. I'm So Grateful To See A Large Concert Hall Filled Every Time. Thank
Yeji X Dispatch: It's Refreshing. I'm So Grateful To See A Large Concert Hall Filled Every Time. Thank
Yeji X Dispatch: It's Refreshing. I'm So Grateful To See A Large Concert Hall Filled Every Time. Thank

yeji x dispatch: It's refreshing. I'm so grateful to see a large concert hall filled every time. Thank you for making me realize that I am receiving a lot of love. I'll remember the last time forever.

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1 year ago

Imagine start to stand a group and then move to Korea to finish your studies, then go to all activities of your favorite member of the band but something is wrong, little by little your visit very often the little coffeehouse that the family of the member own, then you think that he’s flirting with you, do you start to call he’s mom mother in law, because she’s so nice to you, then one day you are at the place and he’s there too, socializing with the costumers, you recorded this and put this on social media, making content saying that he was in fact flitting with you, the fans of the group worry about he’s safety because your behavior it’s pretty messed up, and finally your become THE FIRST MEXICAN GIRL TO BE IN A BLACK LIST, you’re longer cannot attending to a fan meeting, concerts and all that involved the group and solo activities, and even worse you’re risking your permission for stay at the country.

Well that happened, it’s a tiktoker from Mexico

She harassed Jay B from Got7, she was living I the “reader moment”

She got banned from Got7 agency, is a shame for me say this because it’s messed up, and because still this moment she believes that she did nothing wrong.

Imagine Start To Stand A Group And Then Move To Korea To Finish Your Studies, Then Go To All Activities

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5 months ago

ok why the fuck was it so exceedingly easy to get the tesseract though like it wasn’t even in a puzzle box or anything it was just behind a button??? ​they said dw we have a foolproof defense system and the defense system was literally a glass fake and an extremely obvious secret box

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1 year ago

got pets yesterday, slept better then I have in a month

I'm starting to think there's something deeper here >.>

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the-perks-of-being-a-person - the perks of being a person

Quick: create yourself in this maker!

I'll start:

Quick: Create Yourself In This Maker!

(I'll tag... @almost-an-artist @kiwi-der-vogel @whyoneartheven @turdofanerd ?)

Oh, and anyone who wants to is invited too!

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3 years ago

Me: *depressed that exam didn't go well* I guess I'll have to work harder and with more determination. I'll start right now.

Me 5mins later: *Watches 1 hour long video of making paint @pearfleur *

My books and assignments: ._.

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1 year ago

How is Apollo going to be cursed three SEPARATE times in the span of like a month AND be an asshole… pick a struggle please

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2 years ago

… What ?

How is bnha anime of the decade...... they aren’t even anime of the hour of the minute of the second

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1 year ago

That guy need to calm the f down. And learn to respect others griefs. Seriously.

lusetmv - Lusetmv

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4 years ago
Sadly I Am Not Good At Making Memes, But Could Someone Have Told Me That Dolly The Sheep Was Named After

Sadly I am not good at making memes, but could someone have told me that Dolly the sheep was named after Dolly Parton!!?’!?!!!!!!???!??

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1 year ago

Is anyone else getting a bunch of manifestation crap in their tags tab on the home screen? I have no manifestation tags followed or anything but the keep showing up and I'm not sure what to do. And I'm not gonna use the tags because otherwise more will show up probably

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10 months ago


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