Marxist Leninist - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Tankies aren't Comrades

For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.

But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.

If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.

If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.

Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.

But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!

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1 year ago
Tankie Mad

Tankie mad

Tankies aren't Comrades

For context: I recently migrated to Tumblr and Im used to the State of Reddit where of course there where Tankie subs but it wasnt to hard too acually avoid them.

But Holy Fucking Fuck! The State of leftists Tags on this site is so fucking bad. Like you cant browse the Anticapitalist, communist or socialist Tags without seeing people praising the Soviets or China or just blatantly denying Genocides. Of course I am of the opinion that the left would be stronger If it wouldnt constantly start Infights over nothing. BUT defending Authoritarian regimes, denying Genocide, defending Imperialism(as long as it isnt USA), Warcrimes and the Overall supression of the working Class are under no circumstances part of leftist Values and we dont need these people to stand strong against the System.

If you still consider fighting side by side with these people I recommand you take a look at what happend to teh CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Or the Anrchist/libertarian socialists that fought in the Russian Revolution. These people will stab you in the back or put you in to a Camp first chance they get.

If you are part of the LGBTQ community or Religious minority I recommand looking what is currently happenig to the Uyghurs in China or Russias war on the LGBTQ community.

Luckily most of these people are Keyboard warriors and dont engage with the real world.

But under any circumstances, TANKIES ARE NOT YOUR COMRADES!

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2 years ago

The problem with provisional governments is that they normally put in place some sort of emergency power to even work, which can backfire horribly at a moments notice because giving someone power and little to no repercussions, tends to make them get carried away. Purges happen in any system that requires authority and has tension (e.g., both the red and white armies were responsible for various pogroms in the Russian Civil War, read "my Disillusionment in Russia" by Emma Goldman).

Furthermore, humans can't account for everything, so if you have to deal with an issue with a plan that is a decade old and can't adapt fast enough, you just lost everything because you were to rigid, too stubborn, and did not realize that you cannot have a "perfect plan".

And also, how will this provisional state be run without the squabble of all six "most sublime men-of-state peoples governor generalissimo oligarchs" all in one room? And that's one of the fundamental issues with hierarchy and power, people agree when one of them has a gun on the table and knows how to use it, because the gunman is projecting a force onto the other members. And the moment the gun is gone, the system collapses into factionalism and haphazard genocide due to the fact there was no consent within that organization, no free association, and no one had a say except the gunman.

In an even worse scenario, everyone within lets say, a provisional council, is ready to counter-coup and has detailed plans on how to murder and purge the opposition within or outside their party. This is the inherent paranoia and mistrust that comes with being in a system that rewards ambition, it doesn't matter what stance or ideology someone has if they are ambitious enough and can maneuver through the political climate, they can essentially install themselves as a dictator (with enough support of course), My proof? just look at the Sandinista's in Nicaragua, take this with a grain of salt of course (can't trust EVERYTHING on the internet, I know, shocker), but I know people that where college students in the 70s-90s southern Mexico, who wanted to fight for the Sandinista's. These people truly believed they where changing the horrible dictatorship in Nicaragua. They could have been right at one point, but based off of how critical they are of the Sandinista regime, some going as far as saying that the Sandinista's barely achieved anything, or made things worse. Now I am in the processes of studying and "interviewing" the people that know the subject, so this is by no means a full fledged case study. But many of these people say they compromised the freedom of the same workers they were fighting for. there were men that fled after being ordered to murder 800 Miskito indigenous CHILDREN!

In conclusion, Marxism shows us that power is just a brute tool, you can drape it in red all you want, it still leeches onto someone like a parasite that has convinced its host its giving people freedom, freedom of breathing more like.

“MLs be like, ‘Oh YoU’rE aN aNaRcHiSt? TeLl Me ExAcTlY hOw EvErYtHiNg WiLl WoRk UnDeR aNaRcHiSm RiGhT nOw!’”

Damn straight we are.

Know why?

Because you have two options: either you have everything planned down to the least minute detail before you pop off the revolution–which I agree is an absurd requirement–or you admit that there will have to be experimentation with new ways of doing things once we’ve overthrown the government.

Now, the thing about experiments is that they fail sometimes.

And the thing about failing to get people the life-saving medicine they need is that they! fucking! DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since the whole point of revolution is to make people’s lives better, this is counterproductive.

This is the purpose of the transitional state: it gives you a safe environment in which to run socialist experiments with the goal of gradually transitioning to a stateless, classless society. You know, explicitly so that your entire society doesn’t collapse because one single thing went horribly wrong in the massive new social and economic system you decided to build from scratch and release in alpha.

(Also it keeps MI6 from coming in and wrecking your shit so liberal bootlickers can look at it and be like “Another example of how socialism never works!”)

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1 year ago

What are tankies?

They are the truly insufferable Online Leftists whose one and only political theory is "America is responsible for all the bad things in the world ever and no other country, government, or group of people has any agency at all, this is very progressive of me." If that sounds like a vast oversimplification, it's actually not. They have, at best, a middle school grasp of history, social studies, civics, politics, etc; it's like they learned about American imperialism in ninth grade and can't shut up about it or adapt any more nuanced or complicated view of the world. They are often also big fans of not voting and/or encouraging other left-leaning young people not to vote because in their view, the Democrats are as bad as or actually worse than the Republicans. Needless to say, the Kremlin is extremely vested in continuing to support and promote all of this.

I have likewise written posts about how the American left has a problem with denouncing Russia, since they still have an old-school, unreconstructed view of the USSR as the "triumph of socialism" and which is wrong on about 800 different levels. Tankies likewise tend to subscribe to old-school Marxism or Communism (you know, as if the entire twentieth century didn't happen) and have some jumbled Baby's First Commune idea of how society would work, thus revealing that they actually know nothing about globalism and capitalism while pretending to oppose both. They are often virulently misogynistic and think that race, gender, religion, etc are irrelevant; the only valid struggle is The Class Struggle. Some of them, particularly Glenn Greenwald and that horrible Briahna Joy Gray chick who used to work for Bernie and was a big proponent of "don't vote for Hillary Clinton because SCOTUS isn't important," have gone full-fledged Russian fascist cheerleaders, because Putin hates America, they hate America, and therefore they must be friends! Which, you'll note, is functionally identical to the GOP extreme-right Lunatic Caucus buddying up to Putin for the same reasons.

Anyway: tankies suck, they are wrong about literally everything, they're an insult to every actually progressive or historical-minded person with a basic grasp of reality, and the fact that their rhetoric has pervaded so far into young left-identifying political and social spaces, and is often taken as gospel by the members of those spaces, constantly drives me crazy. So yes.

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1 year ago

Sometimes I wonder what a huge, incomprehensibly deep and wide rift is between a person with leftist views from the west that grinded in mud beside me in the trenches, sharing water and cigarettes, constantly frostbitten, harsh and aggressive for no reason, hardened by the deadliest war since iran-iraq massacre... and a spoiled creature living on the web in their den grinding not in mud but in noosphere's cesspit, spewing memes, joking about gulags and pol pot, asking stalin to come back, calling themselves 'communists' or 'marxism-leninists' or whatever their brainrot regurgitates. And these two people call themselves leftist.

I thought the web would be my shelter from reality which is currently a pure nightmare, but even here, in the most serene of social networks there are fucking imageboard-born wretches who are light miles away from actual reality. Actual reality is an 'utka' can in which the tied mad veterans in the hospital were allowed to piss in until sedatives kick in and the pacified berserker could be released. Actual reality is hospitals set in 1940-1950 era buildings because our country was turned into ruin and a colony by a superior power which tries to reassert it's control over us by any means imaginable, and we have no resources and time to rebuild and renovate and make our hospitals, clinics and everything of state inhabitable. We are a ruin fighting another, far more terrible ruin.

Actual reality is a letter from an anarchist in russian prison, RPG charged, craters after barrel artillery shelling, the black helmet of a ruskie Su-25 pilot who flew just above the pines where we started digging our positions, and I felt I looked him in the eyes when he turned right above us and we saw the cockpit clearly. Actual reality is a last cigarette to warm your fingers because the rest of the body is an iceberg. And the day before that I was toying around with Postman, shaping up Jiras, tasks, CRMs, meetings. And in a few hours you lose almost everything and find yourself in a WW2 era crater near Kyiv getting ready to fight the cream of the crop of the russian army (guard airborne brigades).

I wish all those who joke about 'Ukronazi' and 'grains hidden from communists'. those who put hammer and sickle on trans flags and those who sit on the fence and talk bothsideism, to have their towns and houses to be shown on CNN like mine was. But this time I will be watching and you will be running for shelter.

You seriously have to burn the fat off your souls.

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5 months ago

Maoism-Third Worldism is based y'all, the revolutionary potential in all of these bad boys is simply, divine!

Our boy Mao was pretty much on the money, common Mao W.

But we gotta figure out how to get that Left Globalization thing going y'all...

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8 months ago

Whenever I'm studying Marxism (and that's quite a lot of times actually) I remember Marx's idea that Revolution can only take form through hate.

Of course, I know now it's a very specific form of hate and that it's pointed to a specific community of people but when I started learning about it, I often found myself rebelling at the notion of hatred as a conductive to Revolution.

I thought hate was too volatile, too savage to be trustworthy but as I grow older and see the world as it is I see myself tasting that hate — and it's hard to actually put into words but this hatred is not ugly and unpredictable.

This hatred is actually quite beautiful, it's not a firing blaze scorching down the earth but a burning fire cleansing a wound, it's born out of indignation and love for humankind. It's there because I love humanity so much I can't help but feel the indignation for what happens to us to my very core and I can't help but turn this into anger, into hatred against those I know are responsible for this.

I really think Marx was onto something with this besides the whole political and economic points he usually made.

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