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Ярких мухоморов пост. Bright fly agaric post.
Невероятная красота каньонов Исландии.
Исландию часто называют «землёй огня и льда», из-за широкого разнообразия местных ландшафтов, которые включают в себя древние вулканы, грохочущие водопады, ползучие ледники, и удивительные пляжи с чёрным песком.Здесь тянутся к облакам высокие горы, в окружении холмистых долин.
Каньон Мулаглюфур — это великолепное место, которое стоит посетить. Это по-прежнему очень аутентичное место , не затронутое массовым туризмом, поскольку вокруг него не построено никакой инфраструктуры.
The incredible beauty of Iceland's canyons.
Iceland is often called the "land of fire and ice" due to its wide variety of landscapes, which include ancient volcanoes, thundering waterfalls, creeping glaciers, and stunning black sand beaches. It is home to towering mountains that reach into the clouds, surrounded by rolling valleys.
Mulaglufur Canyon is a magnificent place to visit. It is still a very authentic place, untouched by mass tourism as no infrastructure has been built around it.
Telegram - Самые красивые места на Земле (,
Неповторимый и мощный водопад Вермафоссен в Норвегии. The unique and powerful Vermafossen waterfall in Norway.
Красивый водопад Вермафоссен(Вермефоссен) находится в муниципалитете Раума в округе Мёре-ог-Ромсдал, Норвегия. Водопад расположен на реке Верма, которая является притоком большой реки Раума , протекающей через долину Ромсдален . Река Верма течет крутыми каскадами, разделяется на три канала и наконец падает примерно на 50 метров (160 футов) в главную реку. Общая высота водопада от истока составляет 380 метров, а совокупная ширина потоков – 137 метров.Через нижнюю часть Вермафоссена проходит мост Киллинг длиной 26 метров, с него открывается великолепный вид на пейзаж.Рядом есть небольшой магазин, продающий различные сувениры для туристов.
Холодный водопад среди деревьев и величественных скал с чистой, белой водой. Действительно удивительное место, достойное посещения.
The beautiful Vermafossen waterfall is located in the municipality of Rauma in the county of Møre og Romsdal, Norway. The waterfall is on the Verma River, which is a tributary of the large Rauma River, which flows through the Romsdalen valley. The Verma River flows in steep cascades, splits into three channels and finally falls about 50 meters (160 ft) into the main river. The total height of the waterfall from the source is 380 meters, and the total width of the streams is 137 meters. The Killing Bridge, 26 meters long, runs across the lower part of Vermafossen and offers magnificent views of the landscape.
Nearby there is a small shop selling various souvenirs for tourists. A cold waterfall among trees and majestic rocks with clear, white water. Truly an amazing place worth visiting.
Знаменитый водопад «7 сестер» украшает левый берег Гейрангер-фьорда — живописного объекта наследия ЮНЕСКО. В период таяния снегов семь мощных потоков низвергаются с отвесной скалы и закрывают горные уступы, словно струящиеся девичьи локоны. Во время сильных дождей к основным струям добавляется несколько ручейков, а зимой вода замерзает и покрывает крутой берег извилистыми ледяными лентами.
В рейтинге самых высоких водопадов Норвегии «Семь сестер» занимает 59 строчку. «Старшая» сестра низвергается в залив с 410-метровой вершины, а все 7 потоков «встречаются» на высоте 250 метров и закрывают собой участок скалы шириной 223 метра. «Семь сестер» — хоть и не самый высокий, но, несомненно, один из самых красивых водопадов Норвегии. Фотографировать водопад лучше в мае—июне — когда потоки еще полноводны.
The famous waterfall "7 Sisters" adorns the left bank of Geiranger Fjord, a picturesque UNESCO heritage site. During the melting of the snows, seven powerful streams descend from a sheer cliff and cover the mountain ledges, like flowing girlish curls. During heavy rains, several streams are added to the main streams, and in winter the water freezes and covers the steep bank with winding ice ribbons.
Seven Sisters is ranked 59th in the ranking of the highest waterfalls in Norway. The "elder" sister plunges into the bay from a 410-meter peak, and all 7 streams "meet" at an altitude of 250 meters and cover a 223-meter-wide section of rock. "Seven Sisters" is not the highest, but undoubtedly one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Norway. It is better to photograph the waterfall in May—June — when the streams are still full.
Источник://,//, /,,://, /,/
Деттифосс самый мощный водопад Исландии и Европы, его называют «европейской Ниагарой».При ширине около 100 метров этот водопад низвергается с высоты в 44 метра. Во время паводков количество воды в водопаде может вырости в 3-4 раза и в пиковые моменты составляет до 600 м3/секунду! Кстати, в переводе с исландского Деттифосс значит Бурлящий водопад, гул его слышен на многие мили вокруг.
Водопад находится в северо-восточной части острова, в Национальном парке Исландии Йёкульсаурглювур и расположенн на крупной реке Йёкюльсау-ау-Фьёдлюм. Ледниковое питание реки Йёкюльсау-ау-Фьёдлюм обуславливает не совсем обычный для исландских рек буро-коричневый цвет воды, срывающейся с уступов Деттифосс. Путь к живописному творению природы лежит сквозь пустынную местность, покрытую множеством дюн черного песка.Единственным исключением является зеленый оазис на склоне холма на западном берегу, куда попадают брызги от водопада, увлажняя почву. Однако на восточном берегу совершенно иная картина. При определенном направлении ветра вы можете промокнуть до нитки от брызг. Из-за густого облака брызг дно водопада не просматривается, однако хорошо видны потрясающие базальтовые колонны, которые встречаются на всем пути с обеих сторон реки.
Однако не только своей мощью и суровой красотой известен водопад Деттифосс, но и своим участием в кинематографе - именно этот водопад "сыграл" роль в фильме Ридли Скотта "Прометей". По версии Скотта именно тут зародилась жизнь на Земле.
Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Iceland and Europe, it is called the “European Niagara”. With a width of about 100 meters, this waterfall falls from a height of 44 meters. During floods, the amount of water in the waterfall can increase 3-4 times and at peak moments it reaches up to 600 m3/second! By the way, in Icelandic Dettifoss means Raging Waterfall; its roar can be heard for many miles around.
The waterfall is located in the northeastern part of the island, in the Jökulsárglúvur National Park of Iceland and is located on the large river Jökulsau au Fjödlum. The glacial feeding of the Jökulsau au Fjödlum River causes the brown-brown color of the water falling from the Dettifoss ledges, which is unusual for Icelandic rivers. The path to the picturesque creation of nature lies through a desert area covered with many dunes of black sand. The only exception is a green oasis on the hillside on the western shore, where spray from a waterfall falls, moistening the soil. However, on the eastern shore the picture is completely different. In certain wind directions, you can get wet to the skin from the spray. Due to the thick cloud of spray, the bottom of the waterfall is not visible, but the stunning basalt columns that occur along the entire path on both sides of the river are clearly visible.
However, the Dettifoss waterfall is known not only for its power and harsh beauty, but also for its participation in cinema - it was this waterfall that “played” a role in Ridley Scott’s film “Prometheus”. According to Scott, this is where life on Earth originated.
Источник://,/,// . html,//, /,/ waterfall, // / blog /vodopad_dettifoss_dettifoss/2012-10-26-33, //www.equatorial . by/content/vodopad-dettifoss-dettifoss,/
Черный пляж Фаускасандур расположен на южном побережье Исландии, недалеко от небольшого городка Вик-и-Мюрдал. Этот регион характеризуется суровым вулканическим ландшафтом, который является результатом миллионов лет геологической деятельности. До пляжа можно добраться по национальной дороге № 1, известной как Хрингвегур, которая проходит вокруг всей Исландии, соединяя самые важные города и туристические достопримечательности.
Регион, в котором расположен Фаускасандур, отличается исключительным ландшафтным разнообразием. Рядом с пляжем расположены величественные скалы, вулканические скальные образования и многочисленные пещеры. Одной из самых впечатляющих особенностей ландшафта является гора Рейнисфьялль, которая возвышается над пляжем, откуда открывается захватывающий вид на океан и окрестности.
Черный песок пляжа состоит из измельченного базальта, образовавшегося в результате извержений вулканов. Базальтовый песок чрезвычайно мелкий и мягкий, благодаря чему пляж кажется почти сюрреалистическим. Рядом с пляжем можно увидеть впечатляющие базальтовые колонны Рейнисдрангар, которые по легенде являются окаменевшими троллями. Пляж Фаускасандур так же примечателен своим черным песком и огромным монолитом, возвышающимся над его берегом. Почти прямоугольная гигантская скала выглядела неуместно, выступая как недостающая часть окружающих горных оснований. С ее вершиной, покрытой зеленой листвой, которая сползает по скалистым склонам, это естественное скальное образование добавляет уникальный элемент темной береговой линии.Также стоит упомянуть поразительный контраст между белыми изломами в волнах и черным песком.
В целом, уникальный вид Фаускасандура делает его особенно идеальным местом для фотографов. Фаускасандур можно посещать круглый год. Летом, когда погода хорошая, а световой день достигает своей максимальной длины, посетители могут наслаждаться долгими прогулками по песчаному берегу, наблюдая за волнами, разбивающимися о темный песок под полуночным солнцем в течение 20 часов в день. Так же в теплый сезон окрестности становятся зеленее и ярче, а зима подчеркивает завораживающий контраст между белым снегом и черным песком.
The black beach of Fauskasandur is located on the south coast of Iceland, near the small town of Vik y Myrdal. This region is characterized by a rugged volcanic landscape, which is the result of millions of years of geological activity. The beach can be reached via National Road 1, known as Hringvegur, which runs around the entire country of Iceland, connecting the most important cities and tourist attractions.
The region in which Fauskasandur is located has an exceptional landscape diversity. Near the beach there are majestic cliffs, volcanic rock formations and numerous caves. One of the most impressive features of the landscape is the mountain Reynisfjall, which rises above the beach, offering breathtaking views of the ocean and the surrounding area.
The black sand of the beach consists of crushed basalt, formed by volcanic eruptions. Basalt sand is extremely fine and soft, making the beach seem almost surreal. Near the beach, you can see the impressive basalt columns of Reynisdrangar, which according to legend are petrified trolls. Fauskasandur beach is also notable for its black sand and the huge monolith that towers over its shore. The almost rectangular giant rock looked out of place, protruding as a missing part of the surrounding mountain bases. With its top covered in green foliage that creeps down the rocky slopes, this natural rock formation adds a unique element to the dark coastline. Also worth mentioning is the striking contrast between the white breaks in the waves and the black sand.
Overall, Fauskasandur's unique appearance makes it an especially ideal place for photographers. Fauskasandur can be visited all year round. In the summer, when the weather is fine and the daylight hours are at their longest, visitors can enjoy long walks along the sandy shore, watching the waves crash against the dark sand under the midnight sun for 20 hours a day. Also, during the warm season, the surroundings become greener and brighter, and winter highlights the mesmerizing contrast between the white snow and black sand.
Источник://,/ /drive /fauskasandur-black-sand-beach,/, // html,/ &place=Fauskasandur#pictures,/ starmyri/fauskasandur,/Черная-площадь-Фаускасандур-доступ-автостоянка-достопримечательности/, / , / / tags/fauskasandur/.
Мне всегда нравились звуки природы, они дарят спокойствие и умиротворение. "Работа" дятла, крик совы, журчанье ручья и шелест листвы. Во всем этом есть что-то сказачное,былинное, то о чем в шуме и суете большого города мы забываем.
I have always liked the sounds of nature, they give peace and tranquility. The "work" of a woodpecker, the cry of an owl, the murmur of a stream and the rustle of leaves. In all this there is something fabulous, epic, something that we forget about in the hustle and bustle of a big city.
Поход в горы пасмурным вечером. Каменные глыбы покрытые мхом и лишайником.
Hiking in the mountains on a cloudy evening. Stone blocks covered with moss and lichen.
Папоротник внутри заброшенного колодца в лесу. Октябрь 23.
Fern inside an abandoned well in the forest. October 23.
Седум обыкновенный (лат. Hylotelephium telephium) на известняковой скале. Ноябрь 23. Sedum telephium on a limestone rock. November 23.
Ложноопёнок кирпично-красный (лат. Hypholóma laterítium, ранее — Hypholoma sublateritium) в темном еловом лесу. Сентябрь 24. Brick-red honey fungus (lat. Hypholoma lateritium, formerly Hypholoma sublateritium) in a dark spruce forest. September 24.
Whump: The Musical Day 7: The Last Five Years (I will not lose because you can not win.")
Fandom: The Batch Batch
Warning: Cannon typical violence
Summary: When Hemlock invades Pabu, the batch has to fight for their lives as well as the lives of the citizens of the peaceful Island.
Ao3 link
Today was supposed to be an ordinary day. When Hunter had woken up, he was dragged down to the beach by Omega and Deke. They wanted to show him that they had learned how to surf. Even if he wouldn't admit it, Hunter was proud of the clones for learning how to be children.
Wrecker had forced Crosshair down to the beach as well. The warm sand and pleasant smell should help him to relax the man thought. So the three brothers sat on a red towel and started to talk. It wasn't much, but it was somewhere to start.
Mox and Stak joined them shortly and started to work on a sand castle. Some clouds covered the sunny sky. But when Hunter looked up, they weren't clouds. Imperial vessels blocked the sun.
This couldn't be happening. Pabu was supposed to be safe. It wasn't meant for invasions. So many of the people spent too long running just to have to up their whole lives again. Hunter looked back down.
Looking at Crosshair, he spoke. "Get Omega and the boys to the ship. Be ready to leave. Call Echo and tell him we need help, immediately."
In truth, Hunter knew why he chose Crosshair. With his hand, even if he hadn't told them yet, he knew that he'd be the one whose help they need the least. Now if he could still hit any mark, that could have been a different story.
But there was more to that. Wrecker had a history with Pabu. He would protect it fiercely. The island was his home, the people were his family.
As Deke rode a wave in, Hunter stood. The father ran out to two of his youngest that were in the water. "Go over to Crosshair" he told them. They nodded before Hunter went to Mox and Stak and pulled them up from the sand.
"What's going on?" Mox asked. Nervousness was written all over his face.
"The empire-"
"We could tell" Stak interrupted.
"Go with your siblings." It was the first time he had outright called their siblings to their faces. If it had been any other time, Hunter would have said more. For now, it would have to wait."
As Hunter walked the other two over with the rest of the group, Omega started to talk. "We can help!"
"I know, but it's you they want and the boys haven't finished their training. It's safer this way."
"And someone needs to watch Cross." Wrecker tried to add some humor to the situation.
Phee joined them on the beach, knowing that it was Clone Force 99 who had unfortunately brought the Empire to Pabu. Hunter walked over to her before she met the rest of the group. "Make sure Omega gets out of here. They want her and we wouldn't let her get taken again."
"Okay." She looked past the Sargent, "come on kids, let's get you to safety!"
Sighing, Crosshair grabbed Omega and picked her up. "Come on."
"Put me down!" Omega fought Crosshair all the way up the beach.
"Now what?" Wrecker asked.
"We fight."
At the Mauradur, Crosshair was quick to make the decision to leave. Batcher awoke from her nap and laid with Omega to help keep her calm. The boys mostly sat with her or talked to Crosshair as they left the atmosphere and headed to Coruscant to meet with Echo.
As the days passed, the battle of Pabu seemed to be more and more helpless. Civilians were dying, some who had fought and some who had not.
When the bad batch had settled on Pabu, they taught Shep how to shoot. The mayor had agreed to ease their minds, never thinking he would need to use this new skill. Unfortunately it was only a matter of time. Lyana stayed near her father when she could. Mostly she was hidden with other children.
When the invasion began, Hunter had suddenly become a Sargent again. It had been a long time since he played that role. Civilians who had fought in wars, civil or intergalactical, had taken up their old military rank. It was strange.
The invasion had lasted days. Hemlock wouldn't give up until he found Omega, unaware she had been taken off world. Pabu was being torn apart, lives crumbled to the ground and while some knew why the empire had attacked, most didn't. For the people who did, they couldn't and wouldn't be mad at Clone Force 99 for trying to live peaceful lives and for trying to protect their daughter and little girl.
It had been four days into the fighting when Hemlock showed his face. When Hunter met Hemlock for the second time, injured and tired, he knew meeting the scientist twice was three times too many.
"Hello CT-9901, or should I say Hunter?" Hemlock spoke.
Startled and out of breath, Hunter didn't answer. It had been so long since he heard his CT number, he had almost forgotten it. Still, he knew the malice behind it.
"This can all end, just give me the girl."
"Never." Hunter moved behind a counter. He sank to the floor for a moment.
"I figured as much. I truly am impressed that you are capable of forming such a bond with her. A parental role appears to come so easily to you."
The words made Hunter's skin crawl. Why would he be unable to form a bond with her? Omega was his daughter, nothing could change that. Was it because he was a clone? Was that why he was deemed unable to love a child, to have children he felt were his own?
"The safest option for your men and the civilians of this island, is to stop the fighting. You cannot win this battle, Sargent."
"I will not lose because you can not win."
Silents filled the room. They stood in a ruined kitchen. The checkered floors were stained with blood and glass. The cabinets had been torn open by both the empire and the citizens of Pabu. They needed food and they needed wood. The empire hadn't taken their time to bring out flame throwers to scorch the island and its people.
"You, won't win this." Hunter reinforced the idea. "You can't. I won't let you. " Pulling his knife from its sheath, he tried to find a clear shot at Hemlock.
The scientist couldn't win. In the end, he would round up every single citizen and kill them off. With Wrecker taking part in the fight, he needed his to be okay. With everything Tech had sacrificed to save them, they couldn't die here. Crosshair and his kids would be alone. It hurt knowing that Omega would blame herself for the slaughter of the people of Pabu. Echo would wish he arrived earlier and would blame himself for not being there to save them.
They needed saving. They couldn't do it alone. The Sargent only had one shot at killing Hemlock. Blood pooled under Hunter from his injuries. With broken ribs, multiple deep lacerations on his legs as well as his arms and one close to his neck, a few broken toes, and a large amount of bruising, the man was unsure how he had stayed alive this long. He could feel blood on the side of his face but he wasn't sure if it came from his left ear (since he couldn't hear from it) or from his head.
The vibro-knife shook in his hand. It almost felt foreign. Standing slowly, yet staying out of view, Hunter grabbed a piece of glass from behind the mahogany counter. Looking at it for a moment, he sighed. They couldn't afford to lose. Not anymore. Losing meant dying and for the first time in so long, Hunter had something to live for. His brothers and children and family he had made on Padu and his pets (Gonky included) all meant the world to him. No one else needed to die.
However, If he had to give all of that up to save them, to win the battle of Pabu, the battle for his family, he would.
Throwing the glass, Hunter hoped that it would distract Hemlock and his guards. When it did, the man stood fully and threw his knife. As soon as he saw it plunge deep into his skull, he felt a weight be lifted off of his chest. The weight was replaced with a bullet.
The tile cracked when he fell. There wasn't much Hunter could think about. The sound of ships overhead relieved Hunter. It had to be Echo. If not, the empire would take the island in a matter of hours.
Hunter's entire body hurt. The warm feeling of blood tangled with his hair. The glass had cut any exposed skin. The guards grabbed Hemlock's body and went to leave. Hunter listened to the footsteps as they faded. His mind was so foggy that evening and nothing made his sense. But Hemlock was dead. If that was Echo, which it had to be, Pabu would rebuild. The coppery smell of blood filled Hunter's nose.
Dying, Hunter tried to reach for his comm. Hitting it, the world started to fade. His hand rested on the communication device long enough for Echo to notice the soft noise of fire and gunshots that played over his headset. Then his hand slipped off the button and the comm channel went silent.
The man had never expected to wake up again. But when he saw a white roof, he knew something was different. Everything hurt too damn much for him to be dead. There was a steady, high pitched beeping that hurt his ears; or at least the one he could still hear out of.
Had they won? Was everyone safe? Where was his family, his kids?
"Hunter!" Omega yelled, answering one of his questions. "He's awake" she shook Echo awake.
"Hunter?" Echo grounded as he sat up. Then he pinched himself.
"You actually woke up." Crosshair stood up. "It's been a week."
"Leave him alone. He needed his beauty rest" Wrecker joked. The boys and Batcher sat in the corner of the room, still half asleep.
"Is everyone, okay?" Hunter finally said, struggling to speak.
"We're okay."
"In shambles. We were about to leave to help with the rebuilding and attend a few funerals. We'll send you regards. They people were rooting for you." Echo told him.
"We're lucky you came in when you did. You saved us." Nudging Echo, Wrecker walked over to wake up the boys.
"Alderaan. Rex has some allies here. We couldn't help you on our own, the damage done to you, it was too extensive." Walking beside Hunter, Echo stood next to him.
"Dad!" Deke yelled, excited. He ran over to him and just about toppled Echo.
"You're actually alive" Stak added.
"Hey." Mox was the last to stand as he was trying to not disturb Batcher.
Hemlock's words about his parental instincts ran through Hunter's head. However, that didn't matter. He was their father. Just because he was a clone didn't mean he didn't form bonds with people he cared dearly for.
"We can stay for a little but Hunter needs to rest, we need to get back to Pabu." Walking to the door, Echo went to tell the nurses that Hunter had woken up.
Omega clung to Hunter's arm, determined to never let go. Crosshair and Wrecker sat at the end of the bed. Wrecker looked rough but that was to be expected.
"Tell me everything later" the Sargent whispered.
"We will." After a few hours, Echo decided it was time to go. Omega and Batcher stayed with Hunter while the rest left for Pabu. Knowing that Hemlock couldn't hurt her, made breathing just a little bit easier. So did knowing that most everyone he cared about was safe; though by now someone would have told him if Phee, Shep, or Lyana had died.
Everything would be okay. It had to be. Now that Hemlock was out of the way, maybe the batch could live a peaceful life. Even if Hunter knew they would end up in the fight, it was a nice thought. But the clone knew his place was fighting for peace. After all, if he wanted Omega and his boys to be safe, he needed to make a safer galaxy. And that was okay with him. If he needed to fight he would. For his children.
Mosses are one of the most interesting wonders of the forest.
Мхи - одно из самых интересных чудес леса.