Nightcord At 25:00 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Project Sekai Eng Translation  [ On This Blank Canvas, I Paint ] Event Story


I’m finally done with Ena’s event story! How was everyone’s ranks? I didn’t run though.

I cried again at this event. However, seeing Ena trying her best to fight through her problems no matter how hard it was makes me happy. She is a strong girl.

There are few things that I struggled when translating this, especially for the fine art terms since of course, I’m not very familiar the terms in Japanese xD.



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6 months ago

Chapter 5 of Sour Droplets!

[Chapter 5 - Unamed Melody X]

An wasn’t sure if she could classify her dream as a “dream”, or an unpleasant nightmare. She was awake enough to remember part of it, and even though it wasn’t Kanade’s song, her was still as emotion-stirring as the heart-gripping melody that made her cry. For An had dreamt of being hugged by Nagi in her sleep, something she really missed her doing.

And when An woke up she felt more rested than before, but her heart was throbbing with pain that seemed to be vying for her attention. However she ignored it, instead pulling out her phone to text her dad that she was alright, while the faint clicking of a mouse could be heard in the background. 

Yet as she glanced at the screen in her hand, she could see that it was riddled with cracks, making her inwardly curse at herself. It had probably gotten damaged when she fell, meaning that not only could she not text anyone, but that her dad would have to buy her a new phone. She felt her frustration boil inside of her. Why did she have to continue causing trouble for other people? 

An exhaled a deep breath out of her nose, her anger feeling like it was gripping her heart. 

However, this attracted Kanade’s attention, which was evident when she turned her head to look at An.

“Oh you’re awake again? How do you feel?” Kanade asked, the ends of her hair resting in the seat of her chair.

“Mmgh.. how long have I slept?” An asked, putting her phone away and rubbing her eyes.

“Well its August 27 2024…” Kanade started, her hands in her lap now.

“…!” An sucked in a breath. 

She had visited Aunt Nagis grave on the 25th before passing out, which likely means when she woke up again that it was the 26th. Then, she fell asleep again and woke up on the 27th, which meant she had been away from home for three days!

An opened her mouth, about to apologize and head home when her stomach spoke for her, letting out a growl that demanded sustenance. 

“I apologize An. I was so concerned about how you felt I didn’t get an opportunity to grab something for you to eat.” Kanade apologized, her gaze softening. “I don’t have much, but would you like to eat some minute ramen? I apologize I don’t have something else to offer you, but that’s all I have.”

An didn’t have ramen a lot, but the idea of eating something warm was too tempting to resist, even though she’d been sleeping on a warm bed for all this time.

“Yes please…” Was all An could manage and Kanade just grabbed one of her many unopened cups of ramen around the room and left, closing the door behind her as she went to heat up the ramen.

As bad as An felt for making Kanade do all of this, her heart warmed at the girls kindness. She knew that after this, she was definitely indebted to Kanade now, especially since An had cried infront of her. She new she had been a bother it Kanade, but she couldn’t help but find a part of her wanting to be friends with the introverted girl. She didn’t just want to leave someone who had done this much for her behind and forget about her, she wanted to keep in touch and somehow repay Kanade with the same generosity she showed her.

It didn’t take long for Kanade to come back in with the ramen, containing a shiny silver fork. She handed it to An who accepted it with a grateful smile before she sat down at her desk chair again, continuing to work on her song.

An was surprised that Kanade hadn’t asked about her mental breakdown, or why she seemed so mopey. But at the same time she was glad that Kanade hadn’t pushed it, as that would likely only have made things worse. Still, a part of An felt compelled to tell her. Even though she was basically a complete stranger An met barely three days ago. 

An wrapped her hands around the cup and stared into the murky water as it warmed her hands. Finally, after a moment, she had gained enough courage and broke the silence.

“Hey Kanade… can I tell you something?”


And that was all it took for An to start confessing. She was surprised that a part of her had stirred her onwards to this moment. After all she had Kohane and everyone to support her right? So why did she feel so… so… so hopeless and alone?

But Kanade listened to her story quietly, managing eye contact with An the whole time to show that she was listening. 

“I think I understand the pain you’re going through.” Kanade said after An finished, surprising her.

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6 months ago

Chapter 6 of Sour Droplets!

[Chapter 6 - Coming To Terms]

“Huh?” An asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Kanade just smiled softly in reply, however this time with a twinge of pain on her face. “My mom died from an illness when I was young, and my dad is still in care at the hospital, slowly recovering from his memory problems.” 

An’s eyes dilated in surprise as she listened, not quite believing what she was hearing. How could a girl that looked like she was 17 go through so much pain? An couldn’t imagine being in her shoes and going through all that pain, even if she had all of her supports she did now.

“But what matters is the fact you can go beyond.”

“Go.. beyond?” An echoed, confused.

“Even though they’re not here right now, you can still carry on their dream.” Kanade stated, smiling softly even though the pain in her eyes were more visible now. “To carry on their will and go to places that would make them proud.”

Despite the darkness in the room, the feelings being conveyed were crisp and clear. Slicing into An’s feelings like a sharp knife. And before she knew, tears were falling from here eyes once again.

“Sometimes when I think about my parents, I feel a sharp pain stabbing my heart. Like someone’s ringing out a soggy cloth.” Kanade continued as An’s tears continued to make trails down her cheek as one after the other continued to fall. “And it makes me want to break down and cry. To hide under the covers and never climb out again, but that’s ok. It’s ok to feel these emotions and to express them to people you know. For the only way to grow with pain is to experience it, or to go through it, growing with it as it grows with you.”

This advice was none like An had ever heard before. Sure if you googled “how to come to terms with death” you’d get something like “Accept it and live knowing that it's coming and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop it.” Which was a piece of advice that could help some people, but wasn’t what An wanted to hear. Yet the maturity reflected in Kanade’s voice… the honesty… It seemed to envelop An’s heart in a warm blanket, despite the aching topic they were talking about.

Despite the subtle throb of An’s heart, she managed a weak smile as she let her tears drip down her face. “Thank you Kanade.”

“No there’s no need to thank me Mrs. An.” Kanade responded, making An laugh inside at how quickly she returned to formalities. “You’ve braved through the pain and came to a decision yourself, I played no part in that.”

An just continued to smile, knowing that if she continued to be kind that Kanade would just deflect somehow, and give An more credit than due. So instead, An tried a different approach.

“Hey Kanade.”


“What’s your phone number?”

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2 years ago

honestly i just want to protect mizuki:(


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7 months ago
Whos Ur Fav Miku-
Whos Ur Fav Miku-
Whos Ur Fav Miku-

“who’s ur fav miku-”

nightcord miku.

“really?? out of alll the-”


“but what abt-”

stfu, nightcord miku:3

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1 year ago
People Say You Can Attain Immortality If You Feast On A Ningyos Flesh. Mafuyu Knows She Shouldnt, But

people say you can attain immortality if you feast on a ningyo’s flesh. mafuyu knows she shouldn’t, but ventures to the surface whenever her misery is too palpable.

one day, she’s caught by a painter from a fisherman family and her life is turned upside down.

not featured here: sickly painter ena who has been searching for a ningyo

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1 year ago

Characters I think are autistic bc I, an autistic person, say so:

- my OCs. All of them

- all of the Winx Club gals

- Apple White, Madline Hatter, Cerise Hood (Ever After High)

- Rhodonite and Padparacha (Steven Universe)

- Frisk (Undertale)

- Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)

- all of Wonderland x Showtime, and Mafuyu Asahina from Nightcord at 25:00 (Project Sekai: Colourful Stage)

- Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Hitoshi Shinsou (Boku No Hero Academia)

- Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Skootaloo (My Little Pony)

if i say a character is autistic then i am correct and they are. these things come to me in divine visions and i do know more than you actually

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8 months ago

guys nightcord's spotify was hacked i think

didn't this happen with vbs one time??? i feel like they should've learned their lesson from what happened with vbs

i don't think they made these playlists...

Guys Nightcord's Spotify Was Hacked I Think
Guys Nightcord's Spotify Was Hacked I Think

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5 months ago

"It's alright— they're just clothes. We can go together and buy more, just breathe." Ena's hands hold her own, and she feels sick at the contact. Sick at the contact, sick at the thought, sick, sick, sick. "Focus on me—don't pay attention to them, just me–"

They were just clothes—but they weren't just clothes. It was never about the clothes; it was always about her, her, her. It was always about Mizuki Akiyama, the girl who was–she was a girl, and she dressed the way she pleased, and she chose to express herself with cute clothes and ribbons and things that made her feel at home.

But this was not home. The rest of the world was cruel and harsh, and even if Ena and Nightcord felt like it most days, the school grounds of Kamiyama high were as far from home as she could ever get.


Hello pjsk tumblr i hope everyone had a wonderful mizu5

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1 year ago
What The Fuck Did You Just Fucking Say About Me, You Little Bitch? I'll Have You Know I Graduated Top
What The Fuck Did You Just Fucking Say About Me, You Little Bitch? I'll Have You Know I Graduated Top

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret rai

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1 year ago

♪ yeah, the gods are real, and they have kids, and those kids have issues! ♪

 Yeah, The Gods Are Real, And They Have Kids, And Those Kids Have Issues!
 Yeah, The Gods Are Real, And They Have Kids, And Those Kids Have Issues!
 Yeah, The Gods Are Real, And They Have Kids, And Those Kids Have Issues!
 Yeah, The Gods Are Real, And They Have Kids, And Those Kids Have Issues!
 Yeah, The Gods Are Real, And They Have Kids, And Those Kids Have Issues!

I watched a school production of the lightning thief musical and was inspired by the way each character modified the camp t-shirt into a unique outfit, and it also totally restarted my pjo hyperfixation, so… camp half-blood prosekai au!!

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11 months ago

Sometimes I get bored and this boredness is somehow awesome and yes this is from Project Sekai

Sometimes I Get Bored And This Boredness Is Somehow Awesome And Yes This Is From Project Sekai

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