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5 years ago

Spoilers from 'Something to tell you' Card!!!

Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!
Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!

Wait, what?

Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!


Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!
Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!
Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!
Spoilers From 'Something To Tell You' Card!!!

I'm blushing, Satan (>///<)

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and THIS is why Dadbatos is best Barbatos

Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their

Love it when characters casually reveal some insane childhood trauma with a nostalgic smile on their face because this is just a normal part of their childhood how fun! to the absolute horror of those around them who are very much in the 'that's not normal what the actual fuck' boat

Okay but here's what makes me tear up:

This conversation happens in a devilgram where Diavolo is picking apples for Barbatos to make an apple pie for him and it cuts to a flashback that shows Diavolo wanted an apple tree to impress his new angel friend and excitedly tells this to Barbatos. Barbatos then helps Diavolo plant an apple tree in the forest

Isn't that rattling your brain!!!? Aren't you foaming at the mouth!?!?!

The Demon King enchanted this forest to be full of things that could hurt and kill his child, all in the name of preparing Diavolo to be a better king

Then Barbatos helps Diavolo plant apple trees in it, because Diavolo wants to share it with their enemy, a gesture of friendship and good will that would eventually bring peace to the three worlds* which in turn helps Diavolo grow towards becoming a better king

Diavolo's father created a deadly survival course for a child so he wouldn't get bored, something that would keep Diavolo away from him, and the man who actually raised Diavolo spent time with Diavolo helping him grow apple trees in it

A labour of love grown and tended to for years, if not centuries, just so Diavolo could give his friend apples (another gesture of love) built upon the soil of something that was meant to push and punish Diavolo into being the ideal ruler

*(over a series of meetings Diavolo & Lucifer become friends -> Lucifer starts questioning things in the Celestial Realm -> Lucifer, pushed by the sentence against Lilith, starts a war in the Celestial Realm -> Lucifer seeks sanctuary in the Devildom -> Diavolo helps Lucifer + reincarnates Lilith -> Lucifer pledges his loyalty to Diavolo + through Lilith's line MC is eventually born -> through MC & the brothers' fates being tied Lucifer accidentally picks MC for the exchange program -> MC showing that people from all three worlds could not only be close friends but family starts mending bridges + MC wanting to stay in the Devildom permanently gets everyone actively pushing for peace leading to them becoming part of the student council/government and challenging the views of the older/more conservative demons -> all this eventually kickstarts both Diavolo & Lucifer's character & relationship development -> Diavolo learns to be a more considerate ruler & person who listens to others instead of immediately jumping in with his own plans & ideas + Lucifer learns to actually push back against Diavolo & not just be his 'Yes Man')

Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their
Love It When Characters Casually Reveal Some Insane Childhood Trauma With A Nostalgic Smile On Their

Also this Devilgram is called "The Seven Apples"

and with lines like,

"Still...I hope that all this effort bears fruit, someday"

"With enough care and attention, I'm certain that it shall."

"Ah, well. Good things come to those who wait, and all that."

And talk about the future of the Devildom and how they pick exactly seven apples, the whole tree talk/metaphor is 100% about gaining the friendship & trust of Lucifer and his brothers by putting in the effort, care and attention to one day, years in the future, have seven shining apples with you


It's not just a tree.

It's all about love, isn't it and the things we do for the people we love.

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4 years ago

Midnight chaos with MC and Solomon ft. Diavolo

*Guess who had a dream and turned it into a crackfic p.s I can't do Diavolo justice I'm sorry*

*MC lying in bed late at night about to fall asleep but their D.D.D rings*

"Solomon what the f-"

"So I kinda made a mistake when booking our tickets"

My mind flashed to the poster up in the Devildom's shopping district, Phantom of the Opera, Devildom rendition written in metallic gold.

"We're seeing the Musical tomorrow what about it?"

I could practically hear Solomon's sweat drop as dry laughter came from my D.D.D

"I may or may not have accidentally booked the midnight premiere tickets and can't get a refund..."

"But...that's tonight"


"...I know...."



"..And one ticket costs 1,200 grimm.."


"...I know...."



"meet me in front of Purgatory Hall in 15 minutes"

I scanned the time on top of my D.D.D. '10:56 pm' it says

"See yah there Sol"

Looks like I'm sneaking out.


"Hey Sol, you have them?"

Said sorcerer smirked before lifting his cape revealing the damned tickets

"Safe and sound"

"Does Simeon know you're out?"

"Does Lucifer know you're out?"

Playful laughter erupted before we regained our composure.

"Alright MC shall we get goi-"

"My my, Never thought I'd catch the chaotic duo on campus at midnight"

Our heads whipped to the source of the new voice only to see Lord Diavolo smiling cheerfully arms crossed.

"L-lord Diavolo, we can explain-"

"I want in on whatever you two are planning"

...Wait what?


"That was amazing! Who knew humans could write such an intricate narrative!"

"I guess that's just what we have to offer compared to Angels and Demons"

"I have to say... the Devildom's Rendition made the story more intense than it was intended"

"I personally liked it that way"

"MC you like anything that's even remotely gory"

"Don't you think the marquee lights look splendid this early in the morning"

Diavolo's right, they do look amazing in the dark environment.

"I know! Why don't we take a 'selfie', I always wanted to take one!"

Diavolo gleefully whipped out his D.D.D pulling me and Solomon into the frame.

"Say Cheese!"



"YO GUYS! Check out Diavolo's Devilgram!"

"Levi why bother with the Prince's social media?"

"Wait is that MC and Solomon..!?"


Midnight Chaos With MC And Solomon Ft. Diavolo

Guess who snuck out at midnight with the humans to watch the premiere of Phantom of the opera!😁 @monSOLO @McSpade

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3 years ago

There are only a couple technical things that can make an Obey Me player happy:

• UR/UR+/SSR in a free summon

• The jumpy smily ball having a >𓎟< 🎶 or ☆𓎟☆ face

• Accidentally tapping the wrong thing in Surprise Guest but still getting hearts

• Getting all three motions as big hearts in Surprise Guest

• Choices with Intimacy Level raises

• Winning a dance battle with a weak team

• Presents 😌💅✨

• Seeing the Nightmare event during the first few hours of its release

• Seeing the Pop Quiz during the first few hours of its release

• An exclamation mark next to Majolish and Devilgram

• Getting a new icon

• Akuzon sales you can ACTUALLY AFFORD

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6 months ago

Nah, cuz there's this acc that post thing's like this card or this card, and however appears "this card" or "virtual dri-" VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY BITCH!! DID YOU SAW THE DEVILGRAM STORY????! DID YOU???! NO "BUT-". JUST VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY.

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6 months ago

Nah, cuz there's this acc that post thing's like this card or this card, and however appears "this card" or "virtual dri-" VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY BITCH!! DID YOU SAW THE DEVILGRAM STORY????! DID YOU???! NO "BUT-". JUST VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY.

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6 months ago

Nah, cuz there's this acc that post thing's like this card or this card, and however appears "this card" or "virtual dri-" VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY BITCH!! DID YOU SAW THE DEVILGRAM STORY????! DID YOU???! NO "BUT-". JUST VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY.

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6 months ago

Nah, cuz there's this acc that post thing's like this card or this card, and however appears "this card" or "virtual dri-" VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY BITCH!! DID YOU SAW THE DEVILGRAM STORY????! DID YOU???! NO "BUT-". JUST VIRTUAL DRIVE ALL THE WAY.

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1 year ago
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time
They All Care About Him So Much And It Hurts That He's Surprised Each Time

they all care about him so much and it hurts that he's surprised each time

Mammon Fell purely so he wouldn't be separated from Lucifer and Lucifer doesn't even know. He's still Bamboozled by the fact his brothers would stick with him through thick or thin, that they love him so fiercly no matter how much they fight, the same way he loves them

Traumatised Tragic Old Man who keeps hurting himself for the people he loves and is shocked each time they react negatively to it because he has willingly made himself into their Villain to protect them from threats that no longer exist, but that previous trauma insist are still present, and so now he thinks it's only fair that they all hate him, while simultaneously not realising the extent to which his actions and words have actually hurt them - so the same way that seeing the evidence of their continued love towards him still shocks him, seeing the evidence of the persisting hurt he caused them also shocks him

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