Please Don't Kill Me - Tumblr Posts
It's time for part 10, everyone! This time on Sagaverse: Aftermath, we'll be continuing the fight! Will Ink get over his saltiness? Will Dream defeat Nightmare? Or will he get the upper hand? Join us in the morning on this round of Sagaverse!
SagaVerse CH:1 Aftermath, part 10 will be posted in 12 hours!

The comic will be posted at around 8 AM EST, so set an alarm for when the time comes folks! :D
Nico clearly has a type lmao
i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪

Small doodle I did when trying to do swirls
here's mine:

so my friend who watches bnha was like "yo do you guys wanna guess the character's names and quirks??" and my other friend and I were like "aight"
so here are some screen shots of the answers
(my two friends in the chat are tuner and quizzer don't ask-)

also my other friend @samseonghwa idk if I showed this to you but here

How the fuck did you find me
I don’t know, so enjoy this weird ass gif.
@iSoulatte find me anywhere
okay bye
Edit : so I need an explicination on how 120 people managed to find me please thank you
Elder Scrolls madlibs
Or more like Elder scrolls autocomplete/ auto-correct / mad libs.
Here is my first one:
THE OBLIVION CRISIS, behind the scenes
Lucien Lachance don’t mind that we offer free delivery to your door and Vicente Valtieri did a quick overview of the vampires of our lives.
Martin Septim went from being s little too small to a high risk business strategy. Uriel sent the wrong thing to the blades master and now Jauffre is not available for immediate delivery. Baurus and the others think that the company has taken a fantastic job and that everything is going great.
Meanwhile, in Oblivion, Mehrunes Dagon can’t find his laptop and Sheo is about to change the world of Harry Potter and the E bay. Haskill thinks that it would be better to just let Jyggalag, the driver, make a real problem.
Mankar Camoran and his merry band of cultist kraken cauliflowers sing the ancient woodland songs to appease the gross jesters of Nocturnal because she got mad after they kept stressing her favorite clients. I mean dogs.
Also, Mannimarco, the king of Wuv has come back to Cyrodiil and is in the mood for some fun with his pals, the judges of Tamriel’s got talent. But Arch-operator Traven of the Arcane Brewery wants to ruin his face and won’t let him do it. So, instead, he is stuck with a couple of cool looking retards and is trying to get some high.
M’aiq does not want to know how things will work out. He and the Nerevarine go for a drink in Todd Howard’s garage. There they meet Gabe Newell and gossip about Sload mash.
And that is how COC!Sheo got the most amazing idea to create the minions.
I am surprised that it connected Vicente with the word vampires.
Also, according to Cyrodiilians of E3 433, the Nerevarine is on an expedition to Akavir. Either the Nerevarine was lying or Todd Howard’s garage is (in) Akavir and Gabe Newell is in Akavir.
Or Todd Howard has kidnapped Gabe Newell and now a doppelganger is posing as him. Or the Nerevarine and M’aiq are Gods that mastered Chim or whatever and they can get out of the godhead or the screen to chill irl.
In that case, M’aiq in our world, outside the godhead, has a human form. Who do you think he is? Please suggest only mortal people, not any religious figures from non-media related religions.
Or are Todd Howard and Gabe Newell friends? Like Zeus and Odin? Idk. I googled it. I don’t think so...
So... I guess the highest mountain in Akavir (Todd Howard’s Garage?), please suggest name, is like the Olympus where all the gaming and in-game gods hang out? M’aiq does not want to know how things will work out. He and the Nerevarine go for a drink in Todd Howard’s garage. There they meet Gabe Newell and gossip about Sload mash.
And that is how COC!Sheo got the most amazing idea to create the minions.
I am surprised that it connected Vicente with the word vampires.
Also, according to Cyrodiilians of E3 433, the Nerevarine is on an expedition to Akavir. Either the Nerevarine was lying or Todd Howard’s garage is (in) Akavir and Gabe Newell is in Akavir.
Or Todd Howard has kidnapped Gabe Newell and now a doppelganger is posing as him. Or the Nerevarine and M’aiq are Gods that mastered Chim or whatever and they can get out of the godhead or the screen to chill irl.
In that case, M’aiq in our world, outside the godhead, has a human form. Who do you think he is? Please suggest only mortal people, not any religious figures from non-media related religions.
Or are Todd Howard and Gabe Newell friends? Like Zeus and Odin? Idk. I googled it. I don’t think so...
So... I guess the highest mountain in Akavir (Todd Howard’s Garage?), please suggest name, is like the Olympus where all the gaming and in-game gods hang out?
I’m one of those people that agrees with the rest of the fandom that the team behind the 2016 reboot was disgusting BUT thinks the show itself had wasted potential:
• the opening’s animation was cool and the song was catchy;
• many of the characters were reduced to stereotypes but I think Bubbles was well written and I actually liked her new voice more;
• things were generally drawn very lazily but the backgrounds were really cute;
• those new interests/hobbies the girls had, like Bubbles coding and Buttercup playing roller derby, were actually really nice ideas;
• I think the cute pajamas with different colors other than their main ones looked nice;
• I like that fact that they gave each of the girls a different swimsuit to represent their individual styles;
• I liked some of the characters’ new color palettes more, like Princess’ one.
I feel so sad that all of this was ruined because of “those elements” and that the show was made by a bunch of pedos. :(
(if I ever decide to develop my OCs more I will be stealing some of these ideas because the kid diddlers don’t deserve them, lol)
I understand why Craig requested a scene of OG Bubbles beating up 2016 Bubbles, since he couldn’t request her beating up the writers of the reboot directly instead.

Jimin is celebrating his birthday alone, but he's imagining that he's celebrating with his friends
Maribat Idea #1
So I was reading alot of games AU and this got me thinking:
Maribat X Sword Art Online crossover pt.1
So after Hawkmoth and Mayura is defeated and Marinette is travelling around the world. She got herself in Japan visiting Kagami or staying in there for a long time, Bought a new game for herself called Sword Art Online on its official release.
Damian is sent to japan to investigate the VRMMO game that is released in Japan for the new case that is underdevelopment . Initially it is Tim who must go to investigate but upon researching about the SAO game they later decide that Damian is the best option to go on Beta-testing for the English Server.
Damian as a Beta tester is in the game earlier than Marinette.
Even if there is an english setting in the game, The common Laguage is used by players is Japanese. Marinette struggles to keep up with the others, until Agil suggest hiring an English speaking Player to be her teacher named MIDORI no AKUMA (Green Demon).
And imagine Damian’s (who is a high level lone player) surprise when a young woman who is beautiful, skilled, talented and resourceful is asking him to teach her, No surprise that he refuse... of course
2016: still sucky in death
It has come to my attention that the great actress Carrie Fisher has died at the age of 60 today. RIP and may the force always be with you. My reaction, of course, was “even as it’s going out and leaving us alone, 2016 couldn’t help itself. It had to ruin one last thing.” (I say this, of course, at the risk of being offensive. Then again, this is the Internet. Everything is offensive here.) Me: phew this year is finally over. I never thought it’d end. 2016:

Gabriel Ultrakill
i just threw up... from LOVE i just peed blood... from HOPE

Scream (1996) dir. Wes Craven
hi and welcometo
stef tries to explain his gemder for you all ^_^!!
i am agender and pangender… i am bi-gender but I am also one specific gender. i am nothing, and I am something …
i speak in riddles wtf
This is why I like friends to lovers more than enemies to lovers
friends to lovers never had a bad track. “scared i’ll ruin what we have” SLAPS. “friendship cuddles while secretly dying inside” BANGER. “teasing each other and holding eye contact for a little too long” KILLS ME. and don’t even get me STARTED on “screaming i love you in the middle of a heated argument.”
I have some thoughts... How can you say. Charlie doesn't fuck?! 😩 Likeeee we've been seen him flirting before like jeez. Sexual tension even. You cannot sit here and tell me no. I refuse to accept it 😭

Wait. This is just Steven Universe. 👀

I'm a fan but...
Honestly people??? Do you not know??? That howling???? Isn't??? Growling???? A roar??? Is not the same??? As a howl???? Wolves?? Don't??? Roar?? (Please don't kill me, I'm out now)