7 months ago
Finished This Selfindulgent Nightmare... If Anyone From Abroad Would Be Interested In The Near Future

finished this selfindulgent nightmare... if anyone from abroad would be interested in the near future then DM me!!

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5 months ago
Grow Me Into Your Fat Playboy And Use Me

grow me into your fat playboy and use me 💓


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5 months ago

Nothing would make me more horny than an older man pressing on my full bladder while I drink more water and try not to get my pretty panties all wet

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6 months ago

When Cassandra Clare said that in TWP all the generations shall fight together don't deny that we all thought about Will back to life, or maybe in his ghost form

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6 years ago

Can someone please take that one scene from Steven Universe where Steven ends every word with "eth" and put Rouxls's face over it? Because that would make me very happy.

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4 years ago

Hey, does anyone know about any Danny Phantom in character blogs? I made a side blog, and I want to reblog some stuff.

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1 year ago

assdfegtrhec4wrtgh i would give up a kidney to see if we part get fully released

YALL ARE AWESOME And Have Made This Birthday A Nice One Indeed
YALL ARE AWESOME And Have Made This Birthday A Nice One Indeed
YALL ARE AWESOME And Have Made This Birthday A Nice One Indeed

Y’ALL ARE AWESOME and have made this birthday a nice one indeed

Thank you for you unusual, unflinching support; there are so many stories out there and all an author can hope to do is write a story that is worth anything to anyone.


And also have this portion of a chapter from the third book (Spoilers, obviously!)

*In this scene, just days after the two have met, the search for Moritz’s mother has led Ollie, Moritz and company to the forests and mountains of Appalachia. Up to this point, Moritz has kept his “emolocation” in check, worried about overwhelming Ollie with his feelings. However, a series of mishaps results in a rowboat overturning and the pair scrambling for shore, and Moritz can’t hide so easily.

 This is written (probably obviously) from Moritz’s POV. 

from Chapter Twelve: The Hat

It doesn’t make a great deal of sense. Truly, it doesn’t. My vision should improve beneath the water. Echolocation is typically used in such circumstances, I know. I have theories as to why I really could never be the Dolphin-hero you joked I was. (I miss those jokes, Oliver.)

We have spoken of adaptation. My ears are altogether too good at deciphering noise. The sounds of fluids in bodies, the sounds of aging wood and wind from kilometers away. My ears are too keen. Echolocation beneath the waves is a slow-motion slurge. An altogether lethargic animal. Sounds here move in great curves.

There is an idiom in English: can’t see the forest for the trees. I have the opposite problem. I am so used to seeing each and every tree that when the picture is larger I can’t see the trees for the forest.

You had hold of me beneath my arms, and you pulled me with you. Were your shoes as heavy as mine? Was your head aching from the spines of cold pricking us in every pore, the cold wet uncertainty of being tangled up in an atmosphere of water, not air?

Which way was up? The lake beneath us. Dark, I imagine. I could feel the unknowing of it. How deep?

But the more pressing issue: we both had to breathe. My ribs ached already, and my pacemaker could not fix that.

You must have known which way was up, because with a hollow thumping of your feet (was it your feet? There was so much, so vague beneath this icy swill) and the sensation of upward motion we broke the surface.    

You gasped and I heard only half of it. There echoed a great cracking in my eardrums. Did water rush into your ears, too? Doubtless I’d suffer another ear infection.

But for now it was you, pulling me across a wide, wide lake. The weight beneath me, my feet dragging behind. I don’t envy astronauts as you do, Oliver.

shore,” I heard you gasp. “Moritz? Can you hear me?”

The third time you asked? I answered:

“I always hear you.”

You didn’t respond. We weren’t really near shore, were we?

You damn optimist.

I may have fainted. But you carried me with you. Did you see my heartbeat swell? Did you see my madness? Because I was too disoriented to keep the filters on.

Perhaps you dipped in the water when the heavy weight of my affections struck you. A crash of sound and emotion that I could not restrain any longer, but you didn’t let me drown.

“Ollie, I
 always hear you. You’re in my very skull and bones.”

“Okay, you dork!” You gasped. You spat water and plowed ahead, arm over arm with mine draped around your warm neck. You kept my head above the water, and the weight of my feelings as well, as I drifted in and out of myself.


A hard slap against my face. Brutal, bracing, warmer than the cold air and the stones against my back. Water clogged my treacherous right ear, rendered vision hazy.

A click revealed that we were still woods-bound, on some shore far from the one we’d left. Reeds at my feet, branches overhead. No stones here. Just cold mud to cold earth. The smell not unlike sewage, nearly. Sulphur in the earth? In the trees?

I tilted my head; a wave crashed inside my skull. Water in my head.

“Earth to Dolphinmo!” you cried. And then, because you couldn’t pretend to be laughing. “Please, Moritz. Please wake up.”

You slapped me again. But this time, the force had been altered — the striking of your gloved palm was accompanied by a sharp electric shock that coursed from my cheek to my chest. A blade of electric sharpness.

 I sat immediately up, hands over my heart.

 "Confound it! I’m already awake!“

“Well, how am I supposed to know!” You shifted your weight back to your feet. I could hear that you were sitting just out of my reach — close enough for you to slap me. Not close enough for me to touch you. I don’t have your reach.  "It’s not like you, um, opened your eyes!“

Of course. First I’d bared my feelings and now my emptiness. I put a hand to my face. And then the other. You’d been looking at my naked skin. My goggles. Where were they?

"My goggles. Where are they?”

“Must have lost them in the water?” You wiped your nose on your sleeve. You were hazy with shivering, just as I was. How cold was it? Cold enough to make your boundaries blur.

“Ah, thank you. For pulling me through.”

“You basically already said that. Or felt that.” How cryptic, Ollie. “No biggie.”

I cocked my functioning ear your way. Were you only cold? Or had I frightened you that much? What had you felt from me when my guard was down? Damn it. Damn me.  Everything was bottled again, but you’d seen me for who I was.

I combed my hair in front of my face. You looked away, quieter than I’d seen you. Averting your eyes. For me, or for you?

Damn it all. Let me rot.

“I just sorta swam towards solidness. What should we do?”

“Ah.” I tilted my head away. To the left. Too late, for you’d seen me. God knew no one could forget what I look like. I had been punished for it before. I knew, on some level, that you would not hate me. I knew it, but even so.

“Hey. I felt a little of that. Moritz, if you really think that I care what you look like  â€” just. Never mind.” I missed your false smile now that it was nowhere to be found. “Never mind.”

“I’m afraid my hearing’s going to take a moment to, ah, adjust. But no, I don’t hear them. I’m a useless, ugly creature is what I am never to mind. Ha.”

You didn’t look away from me. "You are the dumbest smart person, Moritz. You know that?”

 "Thank you for informing me.“

 You groaned. "I mean that you look like you should. You look like you. There aren’t holes in your face, like I kind of imagined. It’s just

 I winced.

“I meant that in a nice way! For the love of pajamas! You look fine! Well, you don’t look, because you don’t have eyes to look with, but — dang it. You know what I’m saying.” Did you blush, Oliver? “I’d never change the way you look, dumbass. I’d never change you.”

You stood then, arms folded. I clicked— something really had changed about the shape of you. I heard a faint buzz beneath your skin. I had attributed it to the water in my ear and your shivering, but —

“Well. Probably. There’s at least one more doozie to deal with, dummy,” you said.

I did not want you to mention my unleashed feelings, so: “Auburn-Stache will be okay. Bridget will do as she’s said
we have to hope.”

“They’ll be fine. Bridget’s the shit.” You were buzzing. The trees were stationary, so were the rocks. But you, you were different than before, Ollie. It wasn’t just the chill —

I smacked my skull. Smacked my hand once more against the opposite side of my head until the water in my ear, warmed by my heat, leaked out. So I could see/hear you properly.

Your buzzing remained, just beneath the susurrus of night creatures.

“Um, when we were in the water?” You scratched the back of your hooded head.


yes?” Do not ask me about my feelings. Do not make me speak them, now that we are lost and alone and you would want to flee.

“I lost my hat,” you said faintly. “It’s gone, like your goggles.”

I clicked my tongue once. I saw you, saw all of you. Froze. The buzzing intensified, didn’t it?      

Because your hat was not all that was gone. Where the hat had been I saw the rubber tubing wrapped around your cranium with its gaffer tape peeling away. Your temples were exposed. Only a strip of cotton between my pacemaker and your electrical outbursts, now.

“My mother gave me that hat.” You slumped. Granted me a half-smile that tore me in two. “Mom did.”  

You hadn’t meant to shock me, then. When you slapped me. It was only that your hat was gone. Only that you were upset enough to emit an electromagnetic pulse and there was nothing to restrict your pulses now.

It was only that for the remainder of our journey up the mountain, our journey that had so quickly resulted in our being lost and confounded in the cold mountains —

You were yourself in full. Fully equipped to kill me, should you lose yourself as I had.

 And yet. I would never want to change you, either.

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7 months ago

So I keep thinking about Tissaia with epilepsy. Like she's had it since she was a child, but when she came to Aretuza she was able to slowly get a grasp on it through potions and other magical care, to the point that by her accension, she rarely ever had episodes.

But I think it also fed into her obsession with control. There's nothing quite like a seizure to make a person feel out of control, and she hates the way they make her feel... vulnerable, exposed. If she can just recognize and catalog every symptom and trigger, can figure out the exact amount of water she must drink and the exact amount of wine she's allowed to indulge in and the exact amount of time she has to take her potions once the migraines and auras start, well, she can keep them under control - keep herself under control.

By the time Yennefer enters her life, she hasn't had an episode in well over a century. (And hasn't been witnessed by anyone during, in much, much longer). She can almost pretend she doesn't have them, but that doesn't stop the fact that she sees herself in Yennefer from the very first moment she saw her crooked spine and twisted jaw. And she can't tell which urge is stronger, to shy away from her or hold her closer.

All of this to say, I keep thinking about:

A) a post-sodden where the dimeritium in Tissaia's blood and the illness it leaves her with, leaves her struggling with the delicate grasp she has on her control. I think it adds an extra layer to how she interacts with Yennefer. The desperate yearning paired with the pained distance. The anxious need to feel strong for a powerless Yennefer, despite feeling so weak and out of sorts herself. Especially when Yennefer has always been the one to challenge her careful balance in more ways than one.

And B) a post-alzur's thunder where channeling that much electric current has more of an effect than just whitening Tissaia's hair. Electrical injury has been known to cause neurological symptoms, including potentially triggering seizures, and Tissaia channeled enough current to have been vaporized. She should have been. And maybe her control is what saved her, but not without consequences. I feel like she would have been hiding it for days. The faint trembling and unfocused eyes, the other mages can attribute to exhaustion, both magical and otherwise. But Tissaia knows. She knows what's coming, and what's worse, none of her usual preventatives are working.

I think she has a couple minor episodes before anyone else notices. She's always able to retreat to privacy before anything happens. Though there always seems to be a pair of watchful violet eyes staring after her.

Until one day, she just drops. The other mages, of course, panic because they've never seen Tissaia like this, but all Tissaia registers is Yennefer. Yennefer's warm hand gently turning her to her side. Yennefer's voice as it alternates between low soothing tones and commands to the other mages. Yennefer who sits with Tissaia and becomes her balance and control, when all she feels is chaos.

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10 months ago

what if she lies next to me while I touch myself to her orders, and shes trailing her hands all over my body???

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10 months ago

It’s the autism, Your Honor. Neurodivergent brains always find each other, and it’s beautiful. ❀♟

I know we all talk about Will and Robin interacting in season 5- but I raise you:

Mike and Robin???

I Know We All Talk About Will And Robin Interacting In Season 5- But I Raise You:

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9 months ago

so where’s the red team fic where simmons finally snaps and kills Grif for Sarge’s approval n sarge has to pretend he’s proud of him and not like, horrified because hell if I know he does care about grif even a little bit

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1 year ago

i’m yeeting a bottle into the ocean but who’s going to make a Serennedy discord server so we can all collectively feed our obsession with leon and the spanish blorbo

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1 year ago

I need help finding a fic series on tumblr

So, a while ago I read this series on tumblr where the reader was with Tim Drake or Damien Wayne (probably Tim but I can't remember), and they had been together for a while, but he didn't think sex was important in their relationship, so they never did anything even remotely sexual. So fast forward to when he's telling Dick and Jason about this and they're like "seriously?" and Jason is all like "she probably feels like she isn't good enough for you, did you even think about that?" yadda yadda. Anyways, he eventually catches Y/N or reader or oc, WHATEVER, the girlfriend, he catches her and Jason having sex on the Batcomputer, and is like disgusted like "how could she like being treated like this?" blah blah. Anyways he watches them and sees them say "I love you" after they're done, and he leaves and doesn't tell them he knows. Fast forward a couple weeks (I think) and Tim (or Damien) is noticing that she's pregnant, doesn't say anything, and I'm almost certain it turns into a dark!Tim thing with Jason and reader still secretly together.


if you find this, can you please comment the name and author or tag me on the fic because I read it a while ago and all the time for like over a year, maybe two, I've been wanting-- no NEEDING to reread it and see if it was finished and just escape from reality because it was MAGNIFICENT.

Please and thank you.

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1 year ago

twitter changing their logo to doge really solidified how much of a garbage fire of a website it has become.

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5 months ago

this is the thrifting good luck post. may you find exactly what you need at the thrift store. may it be in good condition and in your size. may it have the tag color that's on sale that week. may it have 20 dollars tucked inside.

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9 months ago

I want Zatanna to be Amistads Godmother.

I Want Zatanna To Be Amistads Godmother.

And I won't shut up about it.

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1 year ago

ROUND 1 - starting July 25th

ROUND 1 - Starting July 25th

The Puzzler vs Generation Loss Title Card (Short)

Victory! vs Live or Die

The Holding Portal vs Creature Clash!

A Forlorn Gaze into Yesterday vs A New Victim

A New Villain vs You Are Here

The Laser Room vs Vicious Snag

In The Basement vs Access Granted

Victory! (Bonus) vs Slimelord Feast

Achievement Unlocked! vs The Hero (8-Bit)

The Button vs Hetch

A Previous Life vs The Carousel of Doom

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1 year ago

put Jaws back on the setlist for Teeth Of God tour 2024!!!

Put Jaws Back On The Setlist For Teeth Of God Tour 2024!!!

please its a need. imagine the drum cam on that?!??? PLEASE.

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9 months ago

guided masturbation
.. save me!!!!! getting off by myself is so boring.. need to be given instructions, need to be given permission to cum and forced to edge until they decide i’ve earned it

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