Bpd Recovery - Tumblr Posts
Borderlines of Tumblr who have been either hospitalized or medicated (or both)... how did it affect you? What were some pros and cons of your experience?
I know DBT and other types of therapy are the highest recommended forms of treatment for those with BPD. I've been going to therapy for the past few months, and my therapist truly is amazing, but my loved ones and I have recently made the difficult decision that I need more intense care than I am receiving. We're not sure exactly what method to pursue, but the options on the table are medication and hospitalization. I don't know how I feel about either to be honest with you, I just know I can't live like this anymore. I'd like to hear some of your stories before coming to any sort of conclusion. If you'd take the time to comment or reblog or even privately dm me on this topic it would mean the world to me.
Thanks guys.
But we cannot simply sit and stare at our wounds forever.

Life is worth living, no matter what. There will be difficult times, they’re unavoidable. But you will learn and grow through that pain and become an even stronger and more beautiful version of yourself. If you don’t believe me that’s too bad, because I’m right, and you’re awesome >:-)

My mental health isn’t perfect, but damn have I improved my sob fest recovery time!!! #turbomode

Miss you babe 🌝

(trigger warning: self harm)
So, I had to go to the hospital yesterday as I self harmed and needed stitches 🙃 I never intended to hurt myself to that extent, but obviously I shouldn’t have chosen to self harm at all in the first place 😓 These past few months my mental health has really taken a massive blow due to the Brisbane floods in February, 99% because I haven’t been able to live in my wonderful studio apartment due to there being no electricity or hot water. I’m so grateful for the support that I received at the PA hospital yesterday, every staff member that I interacted with was so fantastic. I was overwhelmed by their kindness and it meant the world to me when I’ve been in so much darkness for so long. I don’t want to die. I wish I wasn’t alive a lot, but what I really wish for is the emotional pain to go away. Otherwise, life is actually very much definitely 100% worth living. I just want the pain to go away. I know it’s only temporary and I will get back on track, especially once I’m living independently again. It’s kind of dark and fucked to say this, but in a way I believe it was a blessing that I ended up needing to call an ambulance yesterday. Interacting with people who I could feel genuinely cared about me and saw so much good in me that I struggle to see in myself, made me want to stay alive and keep trying. They made me feel like I’m worth it. So thank you to the paramedic who saw me without any judgement and showed so much empathy and care to my situation, who made me smile and laugh when I felt so ashamed and alone. Thank you to the junior doctor who took care of my stitches, made me laugh, shared our mutual love for anime and kdrama and only looked at me with eyes of respect and kindness. Thank you to the mental health team who made me feel so so so important and valued. I will never forget any of you, because I needed that support so badly and you will never understand how much it meant to me. I will try my best to take care and be kind to myself, firstly for myself, but also for all of you.

Videos of the inside of the book are on my Instagram → here ←
nobody will understand how badly it hurts when you wither everything you touch and lay waste wherever you step.
I need a big red circle and arrow around me that says “sensitive. will cry” like some sort of shitty clickbait YouTube video