Prose Riot - Tumblr Posts
My heart is a place
Where pain has resided
A barren space
Where violence was incited
There have been
Broken fragments inside it
Scattered all around
So everyone
Who entered
Tripped and fell
And get bruised
Ran away
To seek shelter
Somewhere safe
And warmer
Than the winter
That engulfed me
I was cursed
To make anyone
Who loves me suffer
For I'm not whole
Been in pieces for so long
Then you came
Like a silver lining
Who walked in
Exuding light
That sent worries
Out the door
You touched my skin
That has long been torn
As though you can heal
My still bleeding wounds
You did seal them
With your light caresses
Now they're closing
Oh the process
Is so breathtaking
You knocked on my heart
For oft, I hesitated
If I'll let you in
You'll get hurt
Or wounded
May trip against
My unpolished sides
May collide
With the unspeakable
Darkness I hide
You smiled
And took my hand
Severed the barricades
I've put to separate
Myself from you
You said you don't need it
Trusting your words
I unlocked my heart
So you could enter
To my surprise
You started taming
My storm
Like you knew it by name
I was never a halcyon sea
But you calmed my waves
With songs
I've never heard before
Love, you enthralled me
By the way you closed
My wounds
Called every piece of me
Claimed them as yours
So they slowly gravitated
Like pieces of a puzzle
Finally falling into place
Now I'm whole
And will no longer hurt
For today...
Someone like you came
To meet me
At my worst
Made me better
As you continuously shower
Me with love
Made me believe
My pieces can't pierce
Anyone who gets near
For I am not broken
I am whole
And suddenly.....
I feel whole
For I am loved
And I am home
-a story to feed a starving heart, katie