Ror Hades - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #1

She only speaks the Truth

F!Y/N: Unpopular opinion, not all dogs are good boys

Hades: Blocked

F!Y/N: Some are good girls

Hades: Unblocked

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #1

F!Y/N speaks the truth, and unknowingly ends up with an admirer from afar…

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2 years ago


Episode 10

Y/N: *reading*

Poseidon: "they're reading the book Hades gave her...Again..."

Y/N*closes the book and hugs it while smiling * Always Perfect.

Poseidon:.....*silently approaches his lover* Y/N..

Y/N:*almost gets an heart attack* Poseidon, my dear husband ...I do love you so much but you're gonna give me an heart attack if you do that again. Do you wish for my death? * touches their chest*

Poseidon:Y/N you are a divine being, you can't possibly die for an heart attack.

Y/N: Dear it was a joke. Anyway, do you need something?

Poseidon:You seem to like a lot that book....

Y/N:W-well yes.

Poseidon:what is that book about?

Y/N:Umh...Art??? I guess*looks away*

Poseidon:You're lying...

Y/N:O-of course not! How could you assume that! I would never lie to you!

Poseidon:You look away when you lie. You always do that especially when you make pranks on Zeus and Adamas,but they are too stupid to notice.

Y/N: Oh..."Am I that obvious!? Well at least to him"

Poseidon:Now tell you like that book so much? Is it because Hades gave it to you?*clearly pissed* Is he courting you?

Y/N:No of course!!

Poseidon:Then show it to me!*tries to get the book*

Y/N:No!!!*runs away*

Poseidon:Fool...*easily catches them*

Y/N:Shit! *tries to escape* Release me!! Now!

Poseidon:Be good and let me see this book*reaches for it *


*the books falls on the floor and pictures get out of it*

Poseidon:.....are those.....picture of me....

Y/N:...Can a deity die for embarrassment? Cause I think I'm gonna die right now....

Poseidon:....So that's why you say 'always perfect' everytime you read it.


~ Hellheim ~

Hades: Y/N is really enjoying Poseidon's album. I'm glad I did a copy for them. But I hope that he never finds...

Poseidon:*breaks the door*.... Hades....*dark aura*



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2 years ago


Episode 13

(Notes: Female reader cause...come on Dadam would be a hyper protective dad if he had a daughter.

Deities involved: Hades,Loki,Shiva, Poseidon and Thor.)

~When Y/N brings her male buddies at home.~

Y/N:*happy aura* I'm so happy that Dad let you come with me!!

Loki:I'm surprised too.

Shiva:Yeah "I mean he's called the lover boys killer"

Hades: I hope he can enjoy the apple cider I brought here.

Y/N:Of course he will!*smiles and opens the door* Dad! We're here!

Adam:Welcome back home sweetheart*Pat's Y/N's head*

Y/N:*giggles* Are mom and big brothers home?

Adam:Yes, they are in garden right now. Why don't you go give them a hug? They missed you a lot.

Y/N: *nods* Okay! My friends can help you preparing dinner!! *turns to the boys* It won't take too long!*runs in the garden*

The gods:.....*they all look at Adam*

Adam:*keeps smiling while looking at Y/N*

Poseidon/Thor:....*clearly have a bad feeling*

Shiva: She always looks so innocent."I bet she's a naughty girl under the sheets" *pervert smirk* innocent..."I really want to corrupt that innocence "* psycho smirk*

Adam:....*the smile drops*

Poseidon/Thor: "Idiots he can tell what you're thinking "

Hades:*coughs cause he knows that he has to make a good impression * It's an honor to meet you Adam, I'm Hades,a close 'friend' of your daughter. As a gift for your hospitality I brought you some Apple cider...

Adam:I have five rules. Memorize them.

Hades:Umh...of course I mean it's your house...

Adam: Rule number ONE: Don't bother sucking up. I HATE you. That's not gonna change.

Hades: I...I beg your pardon?

Adam: You'll give me your phone numbers and social media when I call you, you WILL answer. That's rule number TWO. You're not welcome here you're insects, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the food chain. You WILL obey to me without complaining.*menacing aura*

Loki:*starts shaking*

Adam: When you go out with her or come here to do anything, you will ALWAYS keep some distance from her. Which brings me to rule number THREE, don't try be a Romeo or a Don Giovanni when you're alone with her. If I don't see doesn't mean I won't know if you did something.


Adam: Rule number FOUR:... If she calls me....telling me that you hurt her or tried doing SOMETHING to her don't bother call me to give me explanations.Not only you will have lost your chances with her but you definitely asked for death.

Shiva:*raises his hand while shaking*


Shiva: You said five rules. That was only four.

Hades:...."He did not...just ask him that..."*mentally facepalming*

Adam: *evil smirk* Rule number FIVE: You must refer to me as SIR. If you want to live. Do not call me Adam, man, bud, buddy,pops or "dad". You won't EVER get the privilege and the honor to do that.

Shiva:....of...of course sir....


Y/N: I'm back!! Guys,are you okay? You look pale.*clueless *


Adam:They are fine sweetheart, they must be tired,I heard that coming from Valhalla can be exhausting for a god. Right?*smiles*

~RECORD OF RAGNAROK No Sense ~'s true...

Y/N: Is that so....well you can rest now! Mom and I will prepare lunch!!

Adam: Sweetheart you should rest too, Cain and Abel can help your mother. Why don't WE give them a tour of the house?

Y/N:*smiles* That's a wonderful idea dad!!

Adam: Well then, it's decided.*keeps smiling*

Poseidon: "We knew...what kind of man was Adam"

Hades:"....The rumours were clear..."

Thor: ".....But we ignored them ...and still came here..."

Loki:"....We literally threw ourselves in the lion's den..."

Shiva:"...Sure we may be gods...but now..."

The gods: "We're really fucked."


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2 years ago


Episode 15

~The greek gods are fighting unknown creatures whose stole people's hearts~

Zeus:there are too many of those bastards !!

Poseidon:*destroys heartless* they never end!

Hades:Wait....where's Y/N!?

Adamas:HOW can you lose that pipsqueak?!


Heartless1:*steals Y/N's spear*


Heartless2:*steals their shields*

Y/N:wait a minute!

Adamas:For fuck sake!!!*runs to Y/N*

*Heartless approach Y/N*

Y/N:......*starts dancing*

Y/N:*destroys every single heartless*



Poseidon: 😐

Y/N: This is what you thieves deserve*takes their weapons back*

Zeus: YEAH TELL THEM!*proud* I'm so happy that she used my moves.

Adamas:.... You need an idiot to make an idiot.... not leave her alone with Zeus again.

Hades: *sighs in agreement*


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2 years ago


Episode 17



Adamas:Go away pipsqueak.


Adamas: Pipsqueak....are you asking for death?*clearly pissed *

Y/N:Nah,I'd like to live for a while longer.

Adamas:Then go away. *turns around*

Y/N: You're no fun, but you're lucky that I still love you.

Adamas:...I don't care...

Y/N:Yes, you do.*kisses his cheek* See you later, dear husband.*leaves*

Adamas:.....*Adamas.exe.has stopped.working*

Zeus:Bleah*gag noise*

Poseidon:Y/N sure knows how to shut him up.

Hades*smiles*ahh young love


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2 years ago


Episode 20

Y/N: Zeus listen an advice from a wise person.

Zeus:Since when you're wise?

Y/N:Shush and hear me out.

Zeus:*sighs and listens*

Y/N:women are like can break them...

Zeus:That's true. *smirks*

Y/N: ..BUT....if you try to step on them....they will fucking hurt you*evil smirk*


Y/N:And that's why I made a few calls. *snaps their fingers* Ladies!

*all Zeus' human lovers + Hera come out*

Zeus:*knows that he's fucked*


Y/N:I believe that is time for your revenge.


The girls: YES!

Zeus: Oh would you look at the time! I gotta go!! *gets chained * WTF!?

Y/N: Not so fast old man. You gotta pay for your crimes *smirks and gives Hera a pair of scissors*




All the gods could hear Zeus' high pitched screams.

Herakles:Nobody is gonna help him...right??

Hermes:Nope. *smiles*

Ares: I care about my life.*clearly scared of his mother*

Poseidon:Not me *reads*

Hades:He has to learn from his mistakes.

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10 months ago


this actually took less time because i avoided drawing his eye patch and actual clothes. took nearly two hours [ an hour and fifty minutes ]

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7 months ago

All I Feel, is Rage...

Ror men with their s/o is experiencing her Feminine Rage Era.

Requested Characters: Various.

Notes: It's my first time writing something about this, please have mercy...

All I Feel, Is Rage...
All I Feel, Is Rage...

He is Confused.

Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loves you, and for everything you are, but to see you in a state like this puts him on ...edge to say the least.

He's heard about this feminine rage era through other beings, hearing its just a trend. However, to see it right infront of his eyes. Damn...

He's concerned for you, but according to the manual guide on, "How to Fully Support Your Partner" , by the valkyries, he's supposed to just calm you down, and agree with what you have to say.

No matter how wrong it is.

HERCULES, Jack the Ripper, Sasaki Kojiro, ARES, and anyone else on your mind...

All I Feel, Is Rage...
All I Feel, Is Rage...

He's awfully entertained.

Don't get him wrong. He feels awful for what you're going through. But honestly, he finds it hard not to laugh.

How is it possible that someone, or some people have made you so angry, that you turn out like this?

Feminine rage era you say? Well, this one is for the books. Don't worry he'll listen to what you have to complain about, but he isn't letting this down any time soon...

LOKI, Shiva, Hermes, Qin Shi Huang, BUDDHA, and anyone else on your mind...

All I Feel, Is Rage...
All I Feel, Is Rage...

He finds it attractive.

Manz had to rethink his life decisions, because... Oh my days, you look like a mess. A hot mess. His hot mess.

The way your hands pull onto your hair, the scream you made when you were ranting about your boss, coworker, anyone who just so happened to push you beyond your limits...

Honestly, he could watch you rant and walk around endlessly for almost the whole day and not be bothered by it. As long as it's not directed to him, he's fine...

And your boss? Don't worry about them, he'll take care of it...

THOR, Poseidon, HADES, Apollo, Lu bu, and anyone else on your mind...

All I Feel, Is Rage...
All I Feel, Is Rage...

Don't we all have those days...

My inbox is open. Check out my Rules.

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1 year ago

That scared the sh!t out of me 💀

(And ngl being bald suits zeus, idk why but he would kill it)

Damn i messed up lets make the olympus brothers ⚡B A L D ⚡

Like this?

Damn I Messed Up Lets Make The Olympus Brothers B A L D

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7 months ago

hii sora!! i don’t usually req stuff but i’d like to see more content from you so !! do you have any hcs on how hades heracles and susano’o would be in a relationship? like love language, how/if they’re romantic, etc! you can just do one of the charas if you have a limit / don’t have any, totally fine either way 🩵 thank you!!

Thank you! For requesting plus for asking for Susano'o! I want to apologize if it's not accurate enough.


His love language would be Gift Giving

He would feel bad when he couldn't spend time with his lover, so he would mostly give them a gift they either talked about or eyeing the item

When he is alone with his partner, he loves having a walk with them and listening to them talk to their heart content.


His love language would be Acts Of Service

Hercules enjoys spoiling his lover when they need help

If he sees his partner having a rough day he would do everything they need to do to get it over with to not stress them out.

Susano'o 🌊

Susano'o love language would be Word Of Affirmation

He loves it when his partner does something amazing and would always cheer them

He always admire his lover strength and hard work they show

Susano'o always looks at his lover with admiration and enjoys praising his partner, mostly seeing their blush

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7 months ago

Mamma Mia AU! For ROR

I can think about it some since there is a Scene I like and thought of Hades and my friend Sona (I love them so much) basically the part is in the part where they sang Voulez-Vous in the movie

Mamma Mia AU! For ROR

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7 months ago

Questioning people in the RoR fandom:

■ ■ ■

How long have you been in the Record of Ragnarok fandom?

Top 5 favorite characters?

Top 5 favorite RoR OC content creators?

Any complain of the manga or fandom?

Thoughts on the spin-off?

Do you have a main OC?

That is a hard question, but I think I was somewhere at the end of Tesla fight?

Susano'o, Sasaki, Lucifer, Zerofuku, Thrud

@sigyn-foxyposts @asheervasilissa @atreyushortcake @foreuthenia and @ctrldoll and my other friend who idk if they have tumblr.

I think that the Twitter Fandom is weird, but also (MY OPINION) seeing any ship with Zerofuku is really weird.

I honestly don't know yet but I'm happy to see Sun Wukong

Well, it is my Sona, but yes, and did a fanchild cause it's fun

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7 months ago

Okay, I decided to make the other Twitter account for Yume stuff, but it would be mostly ROR. Later on, I will work on what Sora thinks of the Norse gods (since she you know used to live with Odin)

Regular Twitter

Yume Twitter

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1 year ago

What was bro smoking while doing this

You know you’re in a fandom when people start doing measurements to find out their favorite character’s dick size 😭 😂 (I don’t say this in a mean way! I find it hilarious actually!)

Anyways, here’s for all you Hades simps

You Know Youre In A Fandom When People Start Doing Measurements To Find Out Their Favorite Characters

Note; I didn’t make this, it was posted on the Shuumatsu discord server, so I’ve no link for it.

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