Roberts Rebellion - Tumblr Posts
It was Aerys' fault. Dragonestone was the safest place for them. It was not him who brought them to kingslanding.
There is no one person at fault. To say it is Aerys’s fault alone is just as wrong as saying it is only Rhaegar’s, Tywin’s, or Gregor’s. The tragedy of Elia and her children may have been avoided if any one of these men had acted differently. Had Rhaegar acted differently he may have been able to prevent his family from being brought to King’s Landing. If Tywin hadn’t ordered the murders, they almost certainly wouldn’t have happened. Had Gregor and Amory not so being gleefully willing to kill an innocent woman and her small children, they may have been able to survive. Aerys created the situation; Tywin, Gregor, and Amory killed them; and Rhaegar failed to be there for them. Doesn’t mean that there is no honor in Rhaegar wanting to save the realm from the Others. He’s a fascinating character. It’s more worth talking about what Rhaegar could’ve done to protect them because, of all 5 of these men, he’s the only one who would have. His relationship with them was dysfunctional but I do believe he did care for them. That sets him apart from the other culpable characters. He cared enough to let Elia in on his council and even tell her about the prophecy to some extent. If rumors are to be believed, he cared enough to try to get rid of Aerys. He still could have acted with more caution to ensure the safety of his family. If he could hide Lyanna in the tower of joy, he could’ve hidden Elia and the kids. Being on Dragonstone is not hidden when you are married to the prince of Dragonstone.
if they adapt Robert's Rebellion
I don't want to give anyone ideas but if they ever make Robert Rebellion's tv or movie version then Robert Baratheon is going to be portrayed as the worst man ever who raped woman here and there and probably assaulted Lyanna.
And that's why she ran away with the tragic melancholic godly prince who was so noble and good but trapped in a marriage with either an unstable chronically ill brown woman or a scheming ambitious brown woman who doesn't love him at all and maybe cheats on him.
Tragic King Aerys who loves his family and wants to burn the whole city because he has a good cause!! Sacrifices will wake dragons! Dragons eggs could have hatched before Dany! Aerys' was a genius. And yes Rhaella supported him and Rhaegar with everything.
It was House Targaryen against the world.
Also, Tywin Lannister was best buddy of Aerys. He sent the Mountain and Amory Lorch to protect the royal family! Those noble knights who accidentally killed the little girl maybe because he couldn't identify whether the Princess was Targaryen or not? Maybe she wasn't.
The Mountain too had similar accidents because Aegon isn't the ptwp or he doesn't exist at all. Problem solved! Rhaegar had no son! This is true! Jon is his only son!!
And let's not forget how hard it was for the Mountain and other guy to climb the building, their struggle to get in Maegor's Holdfast!! They will show us that, than the Princess who is trapped helplessly in a tower with a drawbridge, drawn up and no way to escape with her children.
But no problem that those children died, they were nothing special no one mourns them or their mother. They deserved to be killed and forgotten. House Martell supports Targaryens! They will rise for Jon if they knew! True love of the prince Rhaegar already gave him the only son. Aegon 6th!!
And see a noble honourable Stark lord will raise because 'song ice and fire!' 'prophecy baby' and not because he is the last piece of his sister and that's what any uncle will do.
And… Jon Arryn? Who is Jon Arryn? Why does he want to rebel? He has no reason! (His heir was also murdered idk why people forget that!)
And yes the war was started by Littlefinger if you didn't know before he hyped up Brandon to march to KL. 😄

Small wonder her marriage had been so loveless. The Arryns were proud, and prickly of their honor. Lord Jon might wed Lysa to bind the Tullys to the cause of the rebellion, and in hopes of a son, but it would have been hard for him to love a woman who came to his bed soiled and unwilling. He would have been kind, no doubt; dutiful, yes; but Lysa needed warmth.

Elia Martell Week: Day 5 - Dorne

house of ladies week 2020 → day 4: house martell
In Dorne, she walked among vipers and none would bite her. In King’s Landing, she found herself surrounded by lions

My sister, Elia, she married Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and became the princess she already was. In Dorne, she walked among vipers and none would bite her. In King’s Landing, she found herself surrounded by lions.

Princess Elia was a good woman, Your Grace.
happy (belated) birthday Anne!
A Wolf in the South
Lyanna Stark chafes under the strain of her impending marriage to Robert Baratheon. Since the Tourney at Harrenhal, her last real breath of freedom, her father has kept her under watch. While in the Riverlands preparing for Brandon’s upcoming marriage, an incident drives Lyanna further south and into the unknown.
(in which Lyanna is not caught by Rhaegar at the Tourney at Harrenhal and the Rebellion goes very differently)
The house with the red door in Braavos
@lovinhistorywithswords asked:
Hi Butterfly! @racefortheironthrone pointed me your way for this question. Why do you think the “house with the red door” is in Braavos? And where is it in the city?
Interesting question. The “house with the red door”, the house where Dany lived her earliest childhood, is in Braavos because that’s where Ser Willem Darry fled with the Targaryen children after their escape from Dragonstone. So the real question here is, why did Darry choose Braavos?

Per the map of the Narrow Sea, the Free City of Pentos looks a lot closer to Dragonstone than Braavos does, right? So why does it seem that Darry went out of his way?
Well, there’s more to it than just a simple glance at the map. The text of the book is illuminating:
She had been born on Dragonstone nine moons after their flight, while a raging summer storm threatened to rip the island fastness apart. They said that storm was terrible. The Targaryen fleet was smashed while it lay at anchor, and huge stone blocks were ripped from the parapets and sent hurtling into the wild waters of the narrow sea. Her mother had died birthing her, and for that her brother Viserys had never forgiven her. She did not remember Dragonstone either. They had run again, just before the Usurper’s brother set sail with his new-built fleet. By then only Dragonstone itself, the ancient seat of their House, had remained of the Seven Kingdoms that had once been theirs. It would not remain for long. The garrison had been prepared to sell them to the Usurper, but one night Ser Willem Darry and four loyal men had broken into the nursery and stolen them both, along with her wet nurse, and set sail under cover of darkness for the safety of the Braavosian coast.
–AGOT, Daenerys I
So, first of all, we see that that Stannis’s fleet was coming up from Storm’s End. Willem Darry surely thought he couldn’t trust traveling south when a fleet that might intercept them was right there in the south. Secondly, we see that Darry’s ship didn’t land in Braavos itself, but the Braavosian Coastlands, which are a lot closer to Dragonstone, just about equidistant to Pentos. Thirdly, geography is much more complicated than what you see on the map – it involves weather as well:
The storms that blow up the narrow sea are infamous throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and in the Nine Free Cities as well. Though they may arise in any season, seafarers say that the worst of them come each autumn, forming in the warm waters of the Summer Sea south of the Stepstones, then roaring north across those bleak and stony islands.
–The World of Ice and Fire
The prevailing winds in the Narrow Sea come from the south and blow north. There had just been a “raging summer storm” at Dragonstone, and the weather was probably still very unsettled. So, a small ship (with sails, not a galley with oars) traveling across the Narrow Sea would probably find it more difficult to go south-east – better to make use of the winds and go north-east instead, up to Braavosi territory, and eventually to the city of Braavos.

And lastly, there’s politics. The spymaster Varys had come from Pentos, and Varys had just been pardoned by Robert and was now on his side. Willem Darry might not have been as politically astute as some, but he almost certainly believed that with Varys’s connections in Pentos, it wouldn’t be safe to take the Targaryen children there. (The fact that Dany and Viserys eventually ended up in Pentos… well, they had long since lost Darry’s guidance, since he had died years before.)
So, that’s why Braavos. As for where the house with the red door might be in the city:
That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.
–AGOT, Daenerys I
Trees did not grow on Braavos, save in the courts and gardens of the mighty.
–AFFC, Samwell III
This is not a contradiction (or some ~conspiracy~ that Dany’s beliefs about her childhood are a lie, as some crack theorists would have it). No, what it tells us is that this “big” house, with a lemon tree in its courtyard or garden, was in a neighborhood where the mighty of Braavos live.

Now, you can see the northeasternmost part of the city is where the Sealord’s Palace is, near the Purple Harbor where only Braavosi can dock. (It’s much nicer and cleaner and richer than the Ragman’s Harbor in the west.) The northeast of Braavos is also where the Iron Bank is located, and on the map there are many palaces and large houses with courtyards depicted in that area of the city. Also, we know that the Sealord was a witness to the secret betrothal contract between Viserys and Arianne Martell (arranged by Willem Darry and Oberyn Martell).
So I think it’s very likely that the house with the red door was located in the northeast of the city, probably not very far from the Sealord’s Palace. It might have been in some other wealthy neighborhood (near the palaces of the Prestayns or Antaryons maybe), but I’d still give odds on the northeast. But hopefully we’ll get an exact location of the house with the red door before the series is over, and then we can know for sure. :)

"The High Septon once told me that as we sin, so do we suffer. If that's true, Lord Eddard, tell me...why is it always the innocents who suffer most, when you high lords play your game of thrones?"
I hope that every single person in harrenhal during the pre rebellion tourney was having daemon level hallucinations and disturbing dreams but no one said anything because they thought they were the only one. robert shoulder checking joncon into a wall when they pass each other in the hallway but he doesn’t shove him as hard as usual because he’s still bothered by a dream he had last night about ned in a wedding gown with blue roses in his hair. joncon just pauses for a moment with his cheek pressed against the wall because he just had an auditory hallucination of bells ringing for some reason when robert pushed him and he’s already feeling off because his brain keeps giving him a nonsensical vision of turning to stone while golden skulls laugh at him. downstairs barristan rubs his eyes because he keeps looking down and seeing himself dressed in dirty rags instead of kingsguard white while all the nobles around him are festooned in finery. elia keeps jumping because she swears she’s seeing lions slinking around corners and disappearing. upstairs in an empty room arthur just pulled his dick out of his sister in horror and thought “this must be another waking dream” but that one’s real

Westeros children during the Robert’s Rebellion;
-Prince Viserys of House Targaryen 🐉
-Tyrion of House Lannister 🦁
-Renly of House Baratheon 🦌
-Edmure of House Tully 🐟
robert’s rebellion series but in keeping with GRRM’s “no king pov policy” we watch robert’s rise through jon arryn’s eyes a parallel to catelyn’s horror in watching her son’s royal rise and fall but this time robert rises and rises while jon gradually realizes they picked the wrong man for the crown
no rhaegar or lyanna pov either. we’re stuck between whatever they see fit to tell elia, arthur and benjen. all contrasting in what they think they know or how much they believe what they were told. the readers are as confused as the realm.
I was reading a fanfiction on tumblr but ive lost the post, its a game of thrones ff possibly oberyn x reader.
It starts off with a part of the targaryen family going up north where the father of the main character marries a tyrell and the girl has two brothers but she only has the white hair and violet eyes like targaryens.
If anyone finds it pls tag me or send me it, i will be forever in your debt 🙏