Star Wars Attack Of The Clones - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

can confirm we most definitely do want that dress

Girls don't wanna have fun.

Girls want to have that pretty yellow-pink-purple dress Padmé wears in Attack of the Clones.

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1 year ago
OH MY GOODNESS!! I Was At A Bookstore Earlier & I Cant Believe What I Found!! I Didnt Even Know Padme

OH MY GOODNESS!! I was at a bookstore earlier & I can’t believe what I found!! I didn’t even know Padme had books… 🤯


OH MY GOODNESS!! I Was At A Bookstore Earlier & I Cant Believe What I Found!! I Didnt Even Know Padme

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6 months ago

Transformers x Star Wars 🛸🪐🛞

Transformers X Star Wars
Transformers X Star Wars

❥ Author’s Note: Hello everyone! So I’ve always wanted to make a SW crossover with another sci-fi series, & I didn’t know whether to pick this or Avatar? But I went with this one! I will be planning an Avatar-themed post too. Also a quick side note, these headcanons will mostly be based on the movies since those are the only Transformers media I’ve seen so far. But I am trying to watch the shows so hopefully this is okay! Thank you & enjoy!


Okay starting off! Cybertron in this universe is located along the Inner Rim of the Galaxy, but resides as an independent world during the Old Republic Era. Unlike other colonies & planets in the Inner Rim, Cybertron is considered the most technologically advanced place in the galaxy. Considering their inhabitants are autonomous robotic organisms.

The planet itself is entirely based around robotic bodies: while there is some wildlife, such as water & flora, etc. The planet itself is entirely made up of metal, with multiply cities & colonies resting along the surface, or even underground.

The Cybertronians are somewhat of a mystery, as they prefer to keep to their own & often worry about their civilization’s care. It’s incredibly rare for any other species to arrive on their planet at all. Although they are not entirely secluded, as sometimes their presence is needed for political matters.

Whether it’s discussing planetary boundaries, offering their services to aid in building projects, or even providing physical support in combat. They have been known to help the Republic a few times as a means of military support. Considering they’re giant mechanical beings that are taller than any building…

But I also feel they would be willing to help out in the Clone Wars too.

Autobots vs Decepticons

So I know the war on Cybertron lasts like a gazillion years, but for the sake of the headcanon maybe it takes place around the same time as the Star Wars franchise? Like the Autobot rebellion against Megatron perhaps started before the Empire took over. But maybe it goes on long enough throughout the Clone Wars, and the Autobot brigades leaving begins either when the Empire takes over or a while after.

But I can image the Empire also tried teaming up with Megatron at some point. I guess this is kind of similar to Mandalore in a way?

Just like the live action movies, the Autobot brigades decide to seek refuge on other planets as a means to rest & regroup. Which also translates to the whole “robots in disguise” thing. So once the war happens, Cybertronians aren’t secluded anymore & the war has gone lot more public in the galaxy. With a few Bots living or hiding among cities, or even building their own bases as a means to reconnect with each other. They even take the opportunity to defend the planets from the Decepticons, just like Earth.

Obviously the Bots still transform into vehicles, as it’s still convenient for them to move around. But the fact that lots of vehicles in Star Wars are usually automated by droids, or they can just hover around like speeders & ships, I feel the option can just be whatever people want it to be? Lol

I did discuss this in a Bad Batch discord I’m in, and I thought making the Cybertronians land vehicles might help make them stand out more when compared to other alien races in Star Wars. But they can obviously just scan a Walker or a Speeder, or even a clone ship, & just take off on their own too.

Fun Facts

Okay so these are just random, less lore-based or time-based ideas compared to the ones above, but I hope you enjoy!

This one is my favorite, but I love the idea of Optimus Prime being a hero of both Cybertron & during the Clone Wars. And maybe during the original trilogy, he shows up! Like maybe Luke or Han come across him stuck in his alt-mode & they kind of wake him up & he transforms! Ready & willing to find his comrades & defeat the Empire! 🤩

I discussed this one on the Bad Batch discord too with someone and we discussed the Marauder or one of the Clone ships secretly being an Autobot!! Like maybe Hunter or even Tech finds out, or are the first ones to find out.

This also gave me an idea for Bumblebee, since he’s one of the most popular Autobots, as well as being accustomed to Earth & other cultures in the movies. I like the idea of him meeting the Bad Batch or even the 501st through the Clone Wars. Like maybe Bee crash landed somewhere & the Clones are in the same area as him, & pick up his distress signal. This would be similar to the 2018 movie, but I feel their dynamic with Bee is kinda like with Sam Witwicky. 😅 Bayverse Bumblebee is pretty rambunctious…

Similar to the Last Knight movie with Hot Rod, I like the idea of an Autobot being a Senator’s guard. Maybe for Princess Padme or even Leia since she’s such a good marksman. They could be their personal transport during their time in the Senate, but if things get hectic they just transform to rescue them.

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3 years ago


Am I supposed to believe that Jango didn’t know about The Bad Batch or Omega? As cadets? Babies? Successful mutations of his DNA that could result in better soldiers? The only female clone of him?

He definitely knew and that makes things sadder in my brain🥲

What if Boba knew them...

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3 years ago

I agree with many people that Anakin’s story was kind of poorly developed, especially in the movies. However, I think what we have seen shows how his motivations were strong enough to join the dark side and become Darth Vader.

Anakin had no father, literally, and only had his mother until he was ~10y/o.

He and his mother were slaves for Watto.

When Qui-gon discovered how high his midichlorian count was, his force sensitivity was made into a big deal.

Qui-gon believed very early on that Anakin was the Chosen One and that he would fulfill the prophecy of balancing the force.

Anakin had to say goodbye to his mother and leave the only home he ever knew to live with and be trained by strangers.

When Anakin was first brought before the High Jedi Council, they refused to allow him to be trained. His confidence was built up and broken down within such a short amount of time.

As one of the only men that believed in him and cared for him up until that point, Qui-gon’s death must have been heartbreaking to Anakin.

The only reason Yoda agreed to let Anakin into the Order was because Obi-wan basically threatened to leave the Order and take Anakin with him and train him without the council’s supervision (and because he trusted Qui-gon’s judgement).

Anakin was raised by Obi-wan for the next 10 years, but probably in a very by-the-book way because Obi-wan was dedicated the the Jedi Code.

During this time, he was probably judged by everyone else in the Order. Everyone expected him to be the Chosen One. What do you think happened when Anakin failed at something? Made a mistake? He was probably held to such high expectations the rest of his childhood.

When he was 19, he saw force visions of his mother dying. He went back to Tatooine to find her just in time for her to die in his arms. He killed the entire village of Tusken Raiders out of rage, probably because he never had a place to vent his anger before. Jedi are taught not to let emotions control their actions, but for the first ~10 years of his life, he was raised differently. He probably had strong emotions but had to hide them to avoid further disappointment from his peers.

It is implied that Anakin was knighted because the Jedi Order didn’t have enough Jedi knights to serve as generals in the Clone War. They admitted that he hadn’t passed all of the trials but knighted him anyways. One of the most important achievements in any Jedi’s life was falsified in Anakin’s case for the council’s gain.

When the council entrusts him to train Ahsoka, and after he warms up to the idea of that responsibility, he grows very attached to Ahsoka. So when Cad Bane almost threw her out an airlock, she was almost killed by the Blue Shadow Virus, she was possessed (and killed¿) by the Brother, she was kidnapped by Trandoshans, she was framed for murder, she was expelled from the Order, and when she left the Order and Anakin behind...Anakin felt responsible, heartbroken, and maybe even betrayed. He missed her and resented the council for her deciding to leave.

Not to mention when the council decided to have Obi-wan fake his death and go undercover to prevent Eval from kidnapping Palpatine. Anakin genuinely thought his master, the man who raised him, “the closest thing [he had] to a father,” was dead. They had a funeral that Obi-wan’s closest friends and peers attended under the impression that it was real. After the mission’s success, Anakin finds out that the council lied to him in such a horrible and kind of unnecessary way.

Anakin also saw force visions of Padmé dying. Not only was padmé his wife and the love of his life, but she was also the mother of his unborn children. He wasn’t just trying to save her, he was also trying to save the twins from dying. He had three lives at risk that he was desperate to save.

When Anakin is inducted into the Jedi Council, he isn’t given the rank of master. This is the first time in the Jedi Order’s history that a member of the council was not ranked as a master. If Anakin wasn’t ready to be a master, he shouldn’t have been accepted onto the council. Later, Windu tells Anakin that if his intel is correct then he will have “gained [his] trust” meaning that Windu never truly trusted him before that.

So when Palpatine promises to help Anakin save Padmé, supports Anakin’s decisions throughout the war, and seems to want to help him, Anakin grows close to him. Anakin depended on him.

In the end, he was deceived. Padmé was dead (he probably assumed his children were dead by extension), the Jedi were dead, he believed his former padawan was dead (probably at the hands of Rex, who he also probably thought was dead), his master had left him to die, his life was basically ruined, and all he had was a man that engineered his suit to constantly cause him pain to ensure that he would never overthrow him.

Anakin’s story is a tragedy, and it’s shown beautifully if you pay enough attention.

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5 years ago

My Star Wars Headcanons

I have only two Star Wars Headcanons because I am very confident that I won’t have them destroyed or disproven,

1: Shmi Skywalker was Force Sensitive. This seems to be supported by Canon as Anakin, according to the AtoC novelization, was able to follow his bond with her across the desert and fond her (also one of the novelizations for TPM Qui-Gon notes that she’s Force Sensitive enough to be a powerful Jedi and that whoever Anakin’s father was he had to be a powerful Force Sensitive in order for Anakin to be powerful).

Yes, the novelizations aren’t fully Canon but the ideas are there,

2: Anakin was seeing Padme’s spirit/soul when he asked her if she was an Angel and not just her outer appearance.

Going back to TPM novelization Anakin adds more to his description of Angels: good and kind and make hardened criminals cry.

But stepping away from the novelization and examining other Canon sources it seems that Force Sensitivities can sense what is in a person’s heart and/or soul which can manifest in physical sensations. We have at least three or more Canon sources where characters have described feeling cold, for two of the characters it was in reference to the presence of a Dark Sider: Vader. Luke describes the cave on Dagobah as ‘cold’ and Yoda tells him it’s a place of evil (whether or not that’s true remains to be seen). And than Anakin tells the Jedi Council that he feels cold which they seem to attribute to him feeling fear.

Anyway, thank you for your time.

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