Rupi Kaur - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A questão sobre escrever é que não sei se vou acabar me curando ou me destruindo.

— “Outros Jeitos de Usar a Boca”, Rupi Kaur.

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8 years ago
So True!! Im Fed Up With This Shallow World We Are Livin In!! I Dont Care Whether Or Not You Find Me

so true!! im fed up with this shallow world we are livin in!! i dont care whether or not you find me pretty, i dont want you to be interested in me because of my looks… im a goddamn beautiful soul, thus even if you find my appearance attractive, believe me that its only a reflection of what lies beneath!!

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7 months ago

I got new poetry books and I am so ready to mark these up and draw with my glitter pens

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1 year ago

Merak ediyorum

Sana yetiyor mu güzelliğim

Ya da güzel sayılır mıyım hiç

Seni görmeden önce

beş kez değiştiriyorum giydiklerimi

Acaba bu pantolon

sağlar mı beni soymak istemeni

Şu kız

Öyle çarpıcı ki

Çözüyor dizlerimi

diye düşünmen için

bir şey var mı yapabileceğim

Yaz bunları bir kağıda ve gönder

içimdeki en güvensiz parçalara

Ne kadar güzel olduğumu söyleyen

sesin bile yetiyor gözlerimi doldurmaya

Sana yettiğimi söyleyen o sesin

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3 years ago

eu nunca tinha visto nada que anunciasse um estrondo tão silencioso quanto a ansiedade.

— Rupi Kaur.

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2 years ago
Home Body, Rupi Kaur (Poetry, 192 Pages, Paperback, Simon & Schuster)

Home Body, Rupi Kaur (Poetry, 192 Pages, Paperback, Simon & Schuster)

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2 years ago

365 Days of Poetry - Day 19:


most importantly love

like it’s the only thing you know how

at the end of the day all this

means nothing

this page

where you’re sitting

your degree

your job

the money

nothing even matters

except love and human connection

who you loved

and how deeply you loved them

how you touched the people around you

and how much you gave them


Rupi Kaur

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7 months ago
So I Found This On The News And What Bothers Me Is The Fact That They Banned Milk And Honey Because It's

So I found this on the news and what bothers me is the fact that they banned milk and honey because it's "indicent" as if a book of poems is the problem and not their toxic mentality and ACOTAR? A book that presents characters development and complex trauma? Like? Is Utah okay? Full article down

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4 years ago

I woke up..

I woke up feeling empty today. I was doing just fine, the last few weeks have been JUST FINE! I don't know if ill be okay. I tell myself, this feeling will pass- please please please don't cry! It feels so overwhelming. Like I'm drowning. But its ok, because.. I woke up today. 

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