Throat Chakra - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Wise Words From Dr.Seuss.

Wise words from Dr.Seuss.

Always a nice reminder to be true to yourself :)

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3 years ago

      The 3rd house deals heavily with how we’re socialized, how we internalize behaviors and perpetuate the unspoken policies of our tribe. It can be as tangible to you as your native language, or as illusive as an inherited illness.

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3 years ago

[six] Lovers -- Devil

      The subconscious expression of Venus influences us through the Throat Chakra of communication and social bonds.

      The conscious expression of Venus influences us through the Root Chakra of emotional security and personal intimacy.

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2 years ago
 As A Life Path 5, Kristen Stewarts Major Life Lessons Are Ruled By The Planet Of Conscious Information.

      As a life path 5, Kristen Stewart’s major life lessons are ruled by the planet of conscious information. Within her chart: Mercury is in the sign of self-worth.

      The placement of her planets are evenly scattered, with no major stelliums... there are six water sign placements, out of the eighteen total. Which signals to emotional clarity through her life’s purpose.

      Mercury naturally rules Gemini, and directs the Throat chakra. This chakra is the gateway between our needs and desires. It’s where we channel the unconscious self and express our conscious reality. A pronounced Throat introduces a strong voice and perspective, which allows one to form concrete ideologies. The abilities of this chakra allows you to foster clairaudience, or clear hearing.

      People with predominant feminine placements (Earth+Water) tend to struggle with intangible reality. Our emotional awareness grows as we awaken our sensitivities, through first-hand experience. When we avoid our emotions, we begin to suppress our inner intelligence, which means struggling to ground our personal narrative. A shallow narrative would be one that does not value all of our experiences, therefore the purpose of self-worth should be defined by the intention to honor oneself.

      Within her Vedic chart, Kristen’s Hasta nakshatra symbolizes the skills of the hand, and control of life force. The deity Survatr is worshiped as the Sun before sunrise, being described as beautiful-handed, beautiful-tongued and golden. Surya, on the other hand, is venerated as the Sun until sunset. The time of Survatr’s appearance would be when darkness is becoming light, although he is also known as “bringing rest” to all two and four-legged creatures. I believe this reveals how perspective of human life relies on our ability to differentiate time, as we organize periods of work and rest. This could denote articulation of energy, through physical movement or the embodiment of your personal emotions.

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2 years ago

[five] hierophant -- temperance

      Within our unconscious expression, Mercury’s influence is experienced through the Throat chakra-- of communication and social bonds.       Within our subconscious expression, Mercury’s influence is experienced through the Solar Plexus chakra-- of personal vitality and self-confidence.

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2 years ago
A Sneak Peek Into My Original Birth Chart Overview!
A Sneak Peek Into My Original Birth Chart Overview!
A Sneak Peek Into My Original Birth Chart Overview!

A sneak peek into my original birth chart overview!

I want to provide a comprehensive path to follow relevant influences in your chart... I focus on the lessons that your dominant planets are teaching you.

Feel free to message me for more info.

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2 years ago
 A 9th House Sun In Pisces Means That Youre Learning To Surrender Your Personal Beliefs In Order To Grow

      A 9th house Sun in Pisces means that you’re learning to surrender your personal beliefs in order to grow as a part of something bigger. So we would look across to the house of communication, sharing rulership between Virgo and Libra in your chart. While Mercury rules over that sign of self-awareness, your natal Mercury is in the house of Karmic attachments. That 8th house is specifically “splashing” into your 3rd!

We got here because of your life path 1, which is ruled by the Sun’s placement in your chart.

      I think that you are always a more observant and adaptive type of person, which has helped you become open towards other people’s ideas. But the 8th house planets: Mercury, Uranus and also Neptune will teach you to not rely on other people…

      Maybe you’re realizing that people around you are holding onto traditions that everyone seems to go along with even though it personally doesn’t really connect to who they are. Isn’t it weird how adult in our lives can convince themselves to follow certain rules... just because someone else said so-- and that someone else was told by someone else too?

If you’ve ever felt disappointed by people “in charge” it’s because they don’t inspire you. Maybe you’re meant to lead into inspiration by example. And a lot of people won’t see what you see or really get what you’re about.

      It will be challenging and even lonely to stray from the norm... but you won’t necessarily have to do it alone. Because as you realize your purpose you’re beginning to connect with the world you want to create. You have to reframe your beliefs to support your vision, which other people will absolutely share.

      The doodle I did looks like a piglet to me. It feels like you’re experiencing a throat chakra block because you take in too many ideas. Mercury and Jupiter in your chart are both in Air signs which focus on the power of sharing ideas. Consider how your character needs to be refined, so that you can cultivate your unique tastes and communicate what you really feel.

      Uranus and Neptune are powerful planets for our generation (Z-X) they want to awaken you to your higher potential so that you can be a contribution. Especially shedding cycles that have long run their course! But discovering your life’s purpose depends on how much work you’ve done to clear your personal blockages. Otherwise the lessons of the bigger planets will frustrate you.

Good luck~

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2 years ago
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability.
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability.
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability.
 In Felixs Case, His Placement Of Saturn In Gemini Highlights The Multiplicity Of Personal Accountability.

      In Felix’s case, his placement of Saturn in Gemini highlights the multiplicity of personal accountability. While Saturn shares rulership over this chakra along with the Moon, in Felix’s chart: the Moon is placed in Aries. This reveals the degrees in which life lessons are absorbed.

      I sense that he’s often underestimated because he blends in too closely with his peers. This could mean stunted individuality, in favor of being agreeable or personable.

      This energy leak takes away from the quality of his identity, which is a huge factor in attaining healthy autonomy. The energy in Felix’s chart can help to present his personal beliefs through his actions, as a way to clear his own path. That way, his ability to consider other perspectives doesn’t distract from his unique outlook.

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7 months ago
 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

♄ Utilizing Chakras to Heal your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds
 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

Chakra is a Sanskrit term used to describe each of the energetic power stations within the human body. These stations, when balanced, ensure the flow of divine energy from our root to our crown.

Balance is also significant to Saturn, which is exalted in the sign of the divine scales, Libra. Saturn’s placement within the natal chart creates restriction, either self imposed or through uncontrollable fated circumstances. As a result, the native lacks or struggles with the themes of whatever it touches, creating an imbalance among the Chakras.

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

This pursuit of balance becomes a tasklist with progress reports every 27-30 years (Saturn's Return). The goal is to balance and master this energy.

Embracing the energy of the weaker chakras can assist in this process and in healing. This is a cohesive list (with recommended placements) curated to suit the emotional wounds or lack created by Saturn in the signs and houses. Of course, this can be used as you please! The frequencies can be found on youtube.

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

7 - crown chakra

“I am divinely guided, inspired, and protected."

Imbalance Symptom: Attachment Enhances: Spirituality, Enlightenment, Intuition, Empathy, Awareness, Intelligence Right: To know and learn

Location: Top of the head Sound: Silence Gland: Pituitary Colors: White, Violet

Stones: Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Labradorite

Healing Frequency: 963 HZ

suggested placements:

🔮 saturn in pisces / 12th house

🔮 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house

🔮 saturn in cancer/ 4th house

🔮 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

6-third eye

“I trust, honor, and follow my intuition."

Imbalance Symptom: Illusion Enhances: Awareness, Intuition, Thought, Insight, Vision, Mental Clarity, Memory Right: To see

Location: Center of forehead Sound: Om Gland: Pineal Colors: Indigo

Stones: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sapphire

Healing Frequency: 852 HZ

suggested placements

🧿 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🧿 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house 🧿 saturn in aquarius / 11th house 🧿 saturn in pisces/ 12th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

5 - throat

“I feel safe to speak my truth and honor my voice.”

Imbalance Symptom: Lies Enhances: Expression, Communication, Diplomacy, Personal Voice, Creative Identity Right: To speak and be heard

Location: Throat Sound: Ham Gland: Thyroid Colors: Azure Blue Stones: Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Blue Howlite Healing Frequency: 741 HZ

suggested placements

🪬 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🪬 saturn in libra/ 7th house 🪬 saturn in aquarius/ 11th house 🪬 saturn in leo/ 5th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

4 - heart

“I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.”

Imbalance Symptom: Grief, Depression Enhances: Love, Healing, Acceptance Right: To love and be loved

Location: center of chest, heart Sound: Yam Gland: thymus Colors: Green/ pink Stones: Jade, Green Opal, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite Healing Frequency: 639 HZ

suggested placements

💚 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house 💚 saturn in cancer/ 4th house 💚 saturn in leo/ 5th house 💚 saturn in libra/ 7th house

💚 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

3 - solar plexus

“I am confident in my ability and stand in my power."

Imbalance Symptom: Shame Enhances: Power, Vitality, Manifestation, Self- Definition & Idenitity Right: To act and be an individual

Location: Belly button Sound: Ram Gland: Pancreas Color: Yellow Stones: Topaz, Citrine, Fire Opal, Amber Healing Frequency: 528 HZ

suggested placements

☀️ saturn in aries/ 1st house

☀️ saturn in leo/ 5th house

☀️ saturn in capricorn/ 10th house

☀️ saturn in virgo/ 6th house

☀️ saturn in aquarius/ 11th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

2 - sacral

“It is my birthright to receive pleasure and I radiate with joy."

Imbalance Symptom: Guilt Enhances: Sex, Creativity, Abundance, Self Care/Gratification, Emotional Intelligence Right: To feel and have pleasure

Location: Lower stomach/ pelvis Sound: Vam Gland: Gonads Color: Orange Stones: Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, Orange Calcite Healing Frequency: 417 HZ

suggested placements

🔥 saturn in leo/ 5th house

🔥 saturn in pisces/ 12th house

🔥 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house

🔥 saturn in cancer/ 4th house

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

1 - root

“I am here and the Earth supports, nourishes, and nurtures me.”

Imbalance Symptom: Fear Enhances: Security, Trust, Grounding, Prosperity, Stability Right: To be here

Location: Base of the spine, Perineum Sound: Lam Gland: Adrenal Colors: Red/ Brown Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Red Agate, Bloodstone Healing Frequency: 396 HZ

suggested placements

🌹 saturn in capricorn/10th house

🌹 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house

🌹 saturn in virgo/ 6th house

🌹 saturn in aries/ 1st house

🌹 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house

Thank you for reading!!

check out my blog for in-depth astro & mythology posts!

@thesirenisles | masterlist | ko-fi? ☕️

All rights reserved. © 2024 The Siren Isles

 Utilizing Chakras To Heal Your Saturn Wounds

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1 year ago

Opening the Gateway to Expression: A Meditation for the Throat Chakra

Shaina Tranquilino

August 5, 2023

In the world of energy healing and chakra balancing, each chakra plays a vital role in our overall well-being. Today, we'll explore the fifth chakra, known as the throat chakra or Vishuddha in Sanskrit. Positioned at the centre of our neck, this energetic vortex governs communication, expression, and authenticity. If you find yourself struggling with self-expression, speaking your truth, or even feeling creatively stifled, it may be time to focus on nurturing and harmonizing your throat chakra through meditation.

The Importance of a Balanced Throat Chakra:

A balanced throat chakra allows us to confidently express ourselves with clarity and integrity. It facilitates effective communication both in verbal and non-verbal forms, fostering healthy relationships and enhancing our ability to listen actively. When imbalanced, however, it can manifest as difficulty expressing emotions, fear of public speaking, chronic sore throats or voice issues, creative blocks, or an excessive need for validation from others.

Meditation Technique for Balancing the Throat Chakra:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable space:

Choose a serene environment where you won't be disturbed during your practice. Create an ambiance that resonates with you - light some candles or incense if desired.

2. Assume a comfortable seated position:

Sit cross-legged on a cushion or chair with your spine straight but relaxed. Rest your hands on your knees or lap facing upward to receive energy.

3. Begin deep breathing:

Close your eyes gently and take several deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each inhale imagine white light filling your body while exhaling any tension or negativity.

4. Visualize vibrant blue light:

Focus your attention on your throat area where the throat chakra resides. Envision a spinning wheel of vibrant sky-blue light located precisely at the centre of your throat. Picture this light growing brighter, clearing any blockages or stagnant energy.

Opening The Gateway To Expression: A Meditation For The Throat Chakra

5. Repeat affirmations:

Silently or out loud, repeat affirmations that resonate with you and align with the throat chakra's qualities. Examples include: "I express myself confidently and authentically," "My voice is powerful and worthy of being heard," or "I communicate my thoughts clearly and listen deeply."

6. Engage in toning exercises:

Using your voice, start making sustained sounds such as "Aah" or "Ooh." Feel the vibrations resonating within your throat and imagine them harmonizing and healing your throat chakra. Experiment with different pitches if it feels right for you.

7. Reflect on personal expression:

Take a moment to reflect on how you've been expressing yourself lately. Are there areas where you hold back? Are there situations where you feel uncomfortable speaking up? Allow these insights to flow without judgment; awareness is the first step towards growth.

8. Journaling:

After completing the meditation, grab a journal and write down any thoughts, emotions, or realizations that arose during the practice. This process helps solidify your intentions and encourages self-reflection.

By regularly practicing this meditation for the throat chakra, we can cultivate an authentic voice that allows us to communicate our needs, desires, and truths in a healthy manner while fostering deep connections with others. Remember that balancing each chakra requires time and patience, so make this meditation part of your regular routine to experience profound shifts in self-expression and connection. Embrace the power of your voice, unleash its potential, and let it reverberate positively through every aspect of your life!

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