Hollow Mind - Tumblr Posts
Do y’all think Belos purposely gave hunter that notch on his ear and scar just so he would look a bit less like his brother? Cause he said he looked a lot like him so…maybe? Probably nothing but I’m tunneling further down this rabbit hole and cannot stop myself.
So here’s some other things my brain is brining up
The fact that Darius was sad when Hunter was proclaimed golden guard. Why? Was it because it was so soon after his mentors death, or because he knows what happening and what hunter is bc if his previous mentor was the old golden guard then maybe he told Darius everything before he died.
Meaning Darius knows all about what hunter is and what his fate is going to be.
Raine somehow found the time to get Eda flowers and put the potion in the flowers and have them do that effect thingy and make a note for her.
Don’t know how they did it, but they did. They also was able to run away from the door without being spotted, well it might have been them, it was to hard to see the figure
We get to see a lot of Phillip and his brothers history from background images in this episode. Granted a lot of them are without context or the right order but using what we know about things we can kind of piece tigger a timeline. That time line being
Phillip and his brother were close
Phillip and his brother founded the town Luz lives in
They go to the Boiling Illes
Phillip is weary and discussed but has an interest in the magic
Phillips brother loves this new world and possibly falls in love with a witch
This is where things get muddled
There is a falling out with the brothers
A mishap with magic occurs and Phillip gets cursed
What we know for sure is that Phillip views his brother action as betraying him and starts making Grim walkers while working on the draining spell
The last portion we know happens after luz, or at least the mass propaganda part, because we see Phillip working with what we now know to be a grimwalker
Because that’s what all of the previous Golden Guards were, clones of his dead brother
We still don’t know why he made them exactly, maybe he wanted a version of his brother with him-one that was loyal and wouldn’t betray him like the original did-or maybe it was because a small part of him still cares for his brother and wants him around.
Especially for the day of unity
Also apparently those palismen have souls
And belos are them twice now
Which is horrifying because he seemed very excited/glad to have done it
Also I for real thought that Hunter was going to be stuck in Phillips mind and just be a voice in the back of his head forever
Would have been a horrible ending for him but luckily he used wild magic
The very thing he had been persistent on not using
But was super cool with researching and Ohmygosh this boy alsmot died
Luz almost died
They both almost died in someone else’s head and Eda would have had to live with the fact that she wasn’t able to save her in time and that if they ever did make a portal to the human realm she would have to tell Luz mother that she died and Luz mom would get mad at her or something because Luz mom-Just remembered her name is Carmella-Carmella made her promise to come home and stay out
Holly crap Amity almost lost her girlfriend
How is everyone else going to react to this
And who’s going to check on hunter
Might be Willow and the rest of the Emerald entrails. Might be Darius, hell it might even be the fu kind Bat Queen. Haven’t seen her in this part of the season yet, but someone needs to do it because while I love flapjack-which is his official name-they said it in the show now-he is not going to be enough to help hunter through this
He didn’t even react when he tried to talk to him
Also Darius almost had a dad moment. Really wish I know what those three were saying during those silent moments.
I imagine they were kind of mad at Darius for dropping the bottle
Cause that’s what caused this in the first place
Also apparently someone was onro the rebels because Hunter had to learn about this from someone and I’m curious to see who
And who will replace him
Might be Kiki, but I don’t know
Either way this has gone on for a while and my had is starting to hurt
So in the words of our dear boy Hunter
Hollow Mind

I can’t believe it’s been a year since Hollow Mind came out! That episode changed The Owl House for me and well it made me like this now ahaha obsessed with Phillip and such. But on another note this episode was my favorite the writing was amazing and just the whole plot twist was so good and this episode just sucked me in way further into the Owl House then I would of ever thought. It deepens the lore and it’s just perfect. I very much agree and see why this episode is the highest rated one! Happy Hollow Mind Anniversary!! (I know I’m a bit late hahah)

We know that Belos feels a solidarity towards Luz and always showed himself wanting to be close to her because she is human like him, but the fact that kid Belos was actually Belos the whole time just makes that his whole behavior so uncomfortable and creepy since while he was ignoring Hunter (someone he has known and lived with for years and that Hunter loved and admired) kid Belos was clinging to Luz or he hugged her or took her by the arm (considering that Luz is practically a stranger who considers him an evil monster).

We know that Belos feels a solidarity towards Luz and always showed himself wanting to be close to her because she is human like him, but the fact that kid Belos was actually Belos the whole time just makes that his whole behavior so uncomfortable and creepy since while he was ignoring Hunter (someone he has known and lived with for years and that Hunter loved and admired) kid Belos was clinging to Luz or he hugged her or took her by the arm (considering that Luz is practically a stranger who considers him an evil monster).
just my little interpretation of what happens directly after Hollow Mind, I was in a writing mood lol
Hunter hadn't processed the information he had just uncovered until he was laying there in the owl house, surrounded by fugitives and outlaws. No. Equals now. Belos knew he had been in his mind. And compared on his reaction Hunter couldn't go back now... his breathe started getting rapid as thoughts flooded his mind faster than he could manage them, scrambling back from the owl lady. His vision was blurring at the edges, all sounds except his heart pounding seeming to muffle. Eda seemed to say something, but he couldn't make out what she had said. He stood up, looking for an escape. *this stupid cape! Worthless! It always has been!* his mind hissed as he tore the cape off his back and threw it furiously onto the floor. Then he bolted out the owl house like he was being chased by a slitherbeast. "Hunter!" He could just make out. Luz's voice. Sweet, innocent Luz. Why had she trusted him. Ever. Why did she save him in the end? Even after figuring out he... wasn't even real... he tore through the forest, wanting nothing more than to pass out onto the cold mossy soil and have all his thoughts be taken away. But they just kept coming, so much at once, too much at once. He could feel branches from the trees furiously whipping at his skin. Hunter's foot got trapped on a root and he went tumbling forward onto the floor. Sharp small pinprickles of pain started tearing through his skin. Hunter could hardly think straight, so instead of observing what was causing the pain or tending to his newly scraped up knee, blood starting to collect, he pushed himself up with a grunt and started trudging through the forest once more. His breathe was rough and fast, and his pace was starting to slow. There was nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. He felt a sudden yank at the strand of hair over his face, a familiar red Cardinal seemingly worried. Hunter glanced around cautiously before sitting down under a large tree, holding Flapjack in his hands as tears trickled down from his eyes onto the forest floor. His entire life was a lie. Everything he had worked for. And if that wasn't bad enough he was just some expendable clone! He felt a gentle peck at the knee he had hugged to his chest. Flapjack was perched on his knee, a piece of bright green torn cloth in his mouth. Hunter, starting to steady his breathing, took to cloth in his hands. 'Emerald Entrails' it read. The only place he had felt truly accepted for who he was, not hiding under some mask. Hexside. That was it! He couldn't go back to the palace... and the owl lady had seen him so vulnerable there was no way he was going back. But there... he could hide out, sneak food, it wouldn't be very honorable but it would work, at least for the time being. The small prickly pain across his bare skin seemed to be getting a bit red. He must have fallen on some sort of venomous plant... and here in the boiling isles you never know what that will do to you. Hunter stood up, holding Flapjack in front of him. "Hey, would you mind leading me to Hexside? I think we could stay there for now... until I figure this out, of course" he said quietly to the bird, who chirped back, then took off into the air a moment, before grabbing onto his hair and dragging him a few steps in the right direction. "T-thank you, Flap" he muttered, walking in that direction, much calmer, and definitely not limping a bit from tripping. He peeked out from the trees to see the massive school. *alright Hunter. You'll have plenty of time to have identity crisis's in there. Just prioritize finding a safe place first and you'll be fine* he thought, sneaking over to a window around the side of the school and opening it up quietly. *your situation still won't affect how the others should respect you. Remember that. As long as they don't know, I mean* he thought, pulling himself up into the window and climbing on into the school.

Digital art :0 (sry for the random color blocks, it wouldn't upload on my computer so I just had to take a picture of my screen :/)
The background paintings from Hollow Mind in high quality. The rest are in a reblog. Done by u/FinnMcMissile98, here's the og reddit post:

Hollow mind sure does have everything!! Trauma, trauma, trauma, would you look at that, some more trauma!!!
Hollow Mind sure does have everything. Raine canonically working with Darius and Eberwolf. Darius confirmed to be really worried about Hunter’s safety. More in-depth talk on the propaganda and change Belos caused to Wild Witches and civilians as a whole. Belos apparently not just being British but also an actual witch hunter. Confirmation on multiple past Grimwalkers being murdered by Belos when they didn’t stay in line. Hunter being unable to go back home and having what appeared to be a panic attack. Luz realizing it’s because of her that Belos got the final glyph he needed and completely falling apart. Absolutely devastating line delivery. The emotional damage is incomprehensible, godspeed.
What is the creepy kid is actually Hunter as a child? It would be hard to get into belos's mind, Hunter is definetly a possibility. Maybe he asks eda to help sort through the memories. Hunters casual demeanor and the godlike Belos imagery seems to fit with how hunter views his uncle.

Hmmm I’m seeing a pattern with my favorite characters I choose to adopt. 2 rules to becoming my son: #2. Adorable, must protect

Hmmm I’m seeing a pattern with my favorite characters I choose to adopt. 2 rules to becoming my son: #2. Adorable, must protect
i can't fucking believe that belos managed to convince an entire world to let him take over and completely change their culture and values within the span of about 50 years essentially by doing something akin to this

Hmmm I’m seeing a pattern with my favorite characters I choose to adopt. 2 rules to becoming my son: #2. Adorable, must protect
yesterday I was watching The Emperor’s New Groove and my sister said Pacha’s hat looked like my hat (The Collector’s hat). So…

I’m so prepared for how different Hunter will look now that he’s left the castle
He won’t have to wake up by 6am every morning! Since he’s getting sleep, the bags under his eyes won’t be as noticeable
Whole new outfit, he’s not the golden guard anymore. Considering how he’s worn a uniform his entire life I can imagine his fashion sense to be pretty atrocious
Probably new hairstyle/color as he becomes his own person (parallel to Amity dying her hair purple to separate herself from her mother’s expectations)
And I am so confident he’ll change his name from Hunter. Willow calling him Caleb was something that made him perk up and was the narrative reward for him standing up for his friends against the emperors Coven. So I assume he’ll take the name Caleb but who knows!