Ttte Hiro X Henry - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 97:

Henry, being stuck in the void and not being able to move his body: Oh, I don't feel so good...

Henry: Why are all of my limbs slack?

Henry: Why can't I move my eyes?!

Henry: Why can't I move my mouth?!?

Henry: Is this an internal dialogue?

Henry: I can't see the end of the horizon-

*Somebody appears in front of him*


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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 261:

Hiro: Oh, right. Henry, do you want to go to "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

Henry, curled into a ball and crying: I have pink eye.... I can't go....

Hiro: Oh, never mind...

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9 months ago

Which ttte pairings do you like the most?

Well, Edward and Toby are definitely my favorite of course. 😏 I don't really see any content with the two of them that much so I'm here to fix that! Ok, but in all seriousness though. It would have such a pairing with lots of potential like Toby slowly becoming more confident and Edward morphing into his more calmer personality (He's still grumpy and impatient lol) as the two interact.

I also really like Edward and Gordon. Basically, it's the dysfunctional brothers relationship. Edward's the gremlin youngin while Gordon is barely hanging on to his last strand of sanity. I like to imagine that Gordon drags Edward by grabbing his shirt collar or restraining him so that he doesn't kill somebody lol. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Something like this or dunno:

Which Ttte Pairings Do You Like The Most?

Percy and Mavis are the two siblings that have weird interests and they're the only people who understand each other. Mavis likes alt/goth culture while Percy likes weirdcore/creepy shit. Basically, they're the chill older siblings. Also, you can't forget about Percy's, Phillip's and Pluto's dynamic. They're called the Three Ps for a reason. πŸ…ΏοΈπŸ…ΏοΈπŸ…ΏοΈ

Toby and Henrietta are just the classic "girlboss and malewife" pairing. They're just made for each other, DID YOU NOT SEE HASTY HANNAH?!? These two are married for sure. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Some other pairings that I like/love:

Thomas and Percy. They're not "best friends" in my eyes but more like "We both roast each other but we still care" Definitely a reverse of "Thomas' the smart one and Percy's the dumb one". Percy is the only one with more than 1 braincell.

Edward and James. I used to ship these two together until the oversaturation of this ship and the fandom kinda ruining it made me stop shipping this pairing. I imagine them as ex fiancΓ©s who thankfully broke up for the good of both of them because the relationship started becoming pretty toxic. They're now like brothers although in some cases, it becomes awkward when somebody brings up their past relationship.

Henry and Hiro: It's really sweet to the point where all of my teeth are rotting because both of them understand each other and still help the other with their problems despite conflicts that happen. Why isn't this ship more popular than it already is???

Edward, Duck and Diesel: Yeah..... This is just the manifestation of chaos itself. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Duck and Diesel are both halves of a whole dumbass while Edward is unsuccessfully trying to stop the two of them from killing each other.

I got a ton more pairings that I would LOVE to talk about, but I don't want to make this extremely long so that's it for now!

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