Ttte Henrietta X Toby - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

-Toby and Gordon were both crying when they heard their own songs.

Thomas: *Is looking at Toby and Gordon* Should we comfort them? I feel like it's a bit too emotional.

Edward: Nah, Thomas my boy. You know how these two function. Let them show their emotions properly for once.

Toby and Gordon: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

- Multiple characters had to redo their lines because their voices kept on cracking.

-Somebody told the forbidden Gorilla joke to Edward 10 times and Edward started rolling on the ground and banging on the floor. In fact, he banged on the floor so hard that he actually broke his wrist.

-Everybody spent the day laughing at James when he wore the bee costume. Especially Thomas, who was on the ground and actually peed his pants.

-Toby and Edward were kissing on a set once and Percy noticed. The end result was comedy gold.

Percy: Hey dad? Where's Phillip? The production crew said that they needed him to- What the?.....

Toby: *Is covered with kisses on his face* Uh, this is awkward. Percy, it's-

Edward: It's exactly what it looks like.

Toby: EDWARD!!!!

-There were too many times where Edward kept on swearing whenever he messed up. There was even a whole ass video about it on YouTube. Charlie Sand posted that one as a joke and he almost got put on a tombstone by an angry and grumpy Edward.

-Henrietta lost it when she heard Toby screaming in "Hasty Hannah" when he was going down the hill.

-Toby: Henrietta, I thought that you weren't going to laugh at me while I was going down the hill with Hannah.....Why?...... I feel betrayed.....

Henrietta: Sorry my dear, but it was too hilarious to not to.

-Henry falling into the lake headfirst wasn't supposed to happen in the episode but the writers kept it anyways because Henry spitting out the water was funny.

-In the scene of TATMR, where Toby is giggling at Diesel 10 and Splodge when they got stuck, Edward came out of nowhere and picked Toby onto his shoulder and started running off the set.

- Thomas straight up said "FUCK YOU" to Diesel 10 when he fell off of the bridge and into the barge.

-Edward slapped James in the face when James was supposed to give Edward his iconic smug expression.

-Toby literally messed up his lines 15 times when Phillip accidently called him "Dad" on set.

I am thinking about actor au where the engines themselves are filming the Thomas & Friends tv show. Specifically the blooper reel of engines messing up or forgetting their lines, coming to a stop too late and completely passing through the shot, giggling uncontrollably at something it takes about 11 tries before they can finish the scene, pulling faces in the background, Stanley popping up in scenes he's not meant to,

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1 year ago

I chose Freebie question

Toby and Henrietta dating Edward. What is the best dating spot on the island? And how would everyone react?

Probably the beach lol. The sand is symbolic of Toby's down-to-earth nature and water symbolizes Edward either being represented as a calm mentor, an in between serious and wise and assertive but prone to being grumpy since water can be portrayed as either calm and soothing or dangerous and ruthless like a tsunami.

Also, Toby is married to Edward and Henrietta but Henrietta and Edward aren't dating each other since Edward is gay. Although, I do think the idea of Edward, Toby and Henrietta being in a polycule is pretty interesting. With that being said, the relationships are probably more like a love triangle.

Everybody's reactions would probably range from "Awww, that's so romantic" to "Make sure you guys don't drown or else we have to call the Search and Rescue Team for you old geezers."

But yeah, that's probably it.

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 92:

Toby: Okay listen Henrietta. I wasn't that tired.

Henrietta: Yes, I get it. But why did you color my face with a highlighter while I was sleeping?

Toby: *Starts sobbing* Because you're important to me....

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 103:

Emily: Ummmm, where's Toby?

Gordon: Don't worry, I'll find him.

Gordon, yelling in the distance: *Breathes* HENRIETTA AND EDWARD ARE SHITTY PARTNERS!!!!!

Toby, yelling back: NO!!!!! THEY'RE NOT!!!! THEY'RE THE BEST PEOPLE I'VE EVER KNOWN!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!

Gordon: Found him.

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1 year ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 108:

Henrietta: Why are you crying?

Toby, sobbing: BeCaUsE hAnNaH kEpT sAyInG sHe WaNnA mArRy mE!!!!!

Toby: *Gasps*

Toby: And that's why I'm crying.....

Henrietta, snickering a bit: You're crying cuz you don't want to marry her?

Toby: Yes....

Hannah, in the distance: I WILL MARRY YOU!!!!


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11 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 162:

*Thomas and Toby are chuffing along the main line together*

Thomas: Hey Toby.

Toby: Yes Thomas?

Thomas: I want to ask you something.

Toby: Sure, what is it?

Thomas: Why does Edward and Henrietta call you "babygirl"?

Toby: ........We don't talk about that.....

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10 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 183:

Henrietta: Look Toby!

Toby: Yes dear?

Henrietta: There are people taking photos of us!

*People are standing on the bridge on top of Toby and Henrietta as they take pictures of the old couple*

Henrietta: It's nice to people that actually appreciate the railway once.

Toby: Yeah, me too.

*Just then, Edward chuffs along the line*

Edward: Hey babe!

Toby: Oh, hey Eddie!

Edward: Make sure to look sharp for the camera!

Toby: Look sharp for what?-

*A cameraman takes a picture of the three, unintentionally flash-banging Toby in the process*


Edward and Henrietta: *Start laughing*

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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 225:

*In the past*

Tabitha: You know what? Screw this! This day is OVER!!!! *Tabitha then starts storming off*

Henrietta: Wait, wait, wait! Where you're going?!??!

Tabitha: ....ALASKA!!!!!

Henrietta: It's faster if you drive!

Tabitha: .....AAAAAAAAHHHHH-

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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 226:

Toby: So, are you telling me that I should look at some of our fans' fanarts?

Henrietta: Yes dear, I have seen some of them. But oh my word, they just look that good!

Toby: Alright, I'll take a look.

*Toby goes onto the laptop and searches up fanart of him and Henrietta. However, a Toby x Percy picture shows up unexpectedly, making the two of them very disgusted.*

Toby and Henrietta: ....

Toby: *Stands up and goes outside*


Toby, in his engine form: HIT ME!!!! HIT ME AS HARD AS POSSIBLE!!!!

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9 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 229:

*Toby and his driver were talking when the both of them saw Henrietta and Toby's firewoman talking in the distance*

Toby: Oh my god! There she is!

Toby's driver: Why don't you just confess to her?

Toby: I can't! I'm too shy!

Toby's driver: Here's my advice: Just keep going. Got it?

Toby: Okay.

*Toby then walks towards the two pair before clearing his throat*


Henrietta and Toby's firewoman: Is he okay?...

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9 months ago

Which ttte pairings do you like the most?

Well, Edward and Toby are definitely my favorite of course. 😏 I don't really see any content with the two of them that much so I'm here to fix that! Ok, but in all seriousness though. It would have such a pairing with lots of potential like Toby slowly becoming more confident and Edward morphing into his more calmer personality (He's still grumpy and impatient lol) as the two interact.

I also really like Edward and Gordon. Basically, it's the dysfunctional brothers relationship. Edward's the gremlin youngin while Gordon is barely hanging on to his last strand of sanity. I like to imagine that Gordon drags Edward by grabbing his shirt collar or restraining him so that he doesn't kill somebody lol. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Something like this or dunno:

Which Ttte Pairings Do You Like The Most?

Percy and Mavis are the two siblings that have weird interests and they're the only people who understand each other. Mavis likes alt/goth culture while Percy likes weirdcore/creepy shit. Basically, they're the chill older siblings. Also, you can't forget about Percy's, Phillip's and Pluto's dynamic. They're called the Three Ps for a reason. πŸ…ΏοΈπŸ…ΏοΈπŸ…ΏοΈ

Toby and Henrietta are just the classic "girlboss and malewife" pairing. They're just made for each other, DID YOU NOT SEE HASTY HANNAH?!? These two are married for sure. πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Some other pairings that I like/love:

Thomas and Percy. They're not "best friends" in my eyes but more like "We both roast each other but we still care" Definitely a reverse of "Thomas' the smart one and Percy's the dumb one". Percy is the only one with more than 1 braincell.

Edward and James. I used to ship these two together until the oversaturation of this ship and the fandom kinda ruining it made me stop shipping this pairing. I imagine them as ex fiancΓ©s who thankfully broke up for the good of both of them because the relationship started becoming pretty toxic. They're now like brothers although in some cases, it becomes awkward when somebody brings up their past relationship.

Henry and Hiro: It's really sweet to the point where all of my teeth are rotting because both of them understand each other and still help the other with their problems despite conflicts that happen. Why isn't this ship more popular than it already is???

Edward, Duck and Diesel: Yeah..... This is just the manifestation of chaos itself. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Duck and Diesel are both halves of a whole dumbass while Edward is unsuccessfully trying to stop the two of them from killing each other.

I got a ton more pairings that I would LOVE to talk about, but I don't want to make this extremely long so that's it for now!

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8 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 282:

Edward: Well, I'll see you again at midnight.

Toby: Sure thing! You know, we should talk to each other more often. Too bad that we work at different lines. Maybe, we should give each other a hug?

Edward: Of course!

*Edward and Toby then hug each other. However, Edward practically picks up Toby, which causes him to silently panic. Edward then drops him gently before transforming into his engine form and heading off, leaving Toby with his first bisexual awakening*

Toby: I-I... What was that?... Wait, am I crushing on Edward??? B-But, I thought I was straight the entire time! Oh god. oh god.... He's kinda attractive for some reason... Maybe I wanna-

Toby: Wait, I'm married to Henrietta, I can't do that! That means I'm cheating on her! I like women but somehow I find men hot? What do you call this???? I don't understand!!!!

*Just then, Gordon walks up to Toby*

Gordon: Toby, what are you rambling about?

Toby: O-Oh my Lady, Gordon!!! Well, Edward decided to give me a hug but he basically carried me and afterwards, I started contemplating whether I like guys or girls. And the problem is, I LIKE BOTH OF THEM!!!

Gordon: Oh? So, were you secretly bisexu-


Gordon: Toby, are you actually okay?-

Toby: SHUT UP!!!!!

Toby: Wait, wait, hang on a second! Edward, Edward, one of my best friends somehow looks sexy as hell and I can't get over him!!!!!

*Toby then grabs Gordon by his shirt collar while completely panicking*


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8 months ago

(Context; The Ffarqhuarr trio are at the Ffarqhuarr sheds. Henrietta is getting some small repairs)

Toby: "Ughhh....I miss my wife, Percy"

Thomas: *struggling to not laugh*

Toby: "I miss her a lot 😫"

Percy: "it's been 10 minutes???😦"

Toby: I know but I miss her a lot....

Percy: Dad, it's been 10 minutes. Mom's not gonna be gone forever.

*Meanwhile Thomas*


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8 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 305:

Toby: How often should we use that catchphrase?

Gordon: Toby, I think you were right. I can't see how this day can get any weird-And..... Here we go....

*The camera then cuts to Henrietta and Gordon sitting on a bench with a baby in their arms*


Gordon: I know right? Like, future me dating women? Come on, why would do that?


Gordon: ....And it looks like I didn't stop at women.... 😰😰😰 *Points*

*The camera then cuts to a wedding where a genderbent Gordon and a weirdly tall Toby are looking into each others' eyes*

Gordon: 😨😨😨😨

Toby: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *Starts cries hysterically*

Gordon: I agree, I always thought I was the one wearing pants in this friendship....

Toby: WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭

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6 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 323:

*Pluto, Phillip, Percy and Mavis are arguing while Toby is trying to intervene*


Pluto, Phillip, Percy and Mavis: *All run* NO!!!!!!

Toby: Hehe, works every time...

Toby: They're scared to death of her!

*A pissed off Henrietta suddenly walks up to Toby*

Toby: *Turns around* AH!!!!!

Henrietta: Call me for what? 😠

Toby: A-Ah!.... Hennie my love!... πŸ˜…

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5 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 367:

Person: What kind of guys do you prefer?

Henrietta: My husband~

Person: What kind of guys do you prefer?

Edward: Henrietta's husband.

*Vine boom sound*

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5 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 377:

Toby, holding a sign that says "Work hard and be nice to people": Be hard.

Toby: Wait.... *Looks at the sign*

Henrietta: *Immediately starts wheezing as soon as Toby is on the ground, questioning his life*

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5 months ago

Incorrect Ttte Quotes 390:

Toby: Henrietta? Henrietta? Are you there?

Henri, in the distance: Oh! Toby, is that you? I'm over here!

Toby: *Goes into a room* Is everything alright?!? Are you hurt?!? You're okay, right?!?-

*Toby is then face to face a gender bent version of his wife looking at him*

Henri: Well, looks that gender-swap spell didn't affect you, didn't it my dear?

Toby: *Lagging* Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh-

Henri: Sweetie, is something wrong?


Henri: Wait, what?!

Toby: I mean it just-YOU JUST LOOK SO HANDSOME!!!!!!

*Alice then barges into the room*


*Toby then turns around to face Alice*

Alice: Uhhhhh, it's me..... Edward..... Your husband..... I think.....

Toby: *Ungodly bisexual screeching intensifies*

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