Vent Ig? - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

takes deep breath


im fine

smowyashe - Ashe's Den

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1 year ago

This week, I managed to get into the highest level string quartet at my school, then the day after that I tore my rotator cuff in my left arm, I can’t play the violin for a while and I have a concert in 2 weeks… :( I can’t vibrato without pain :(

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3 years ago

i literally can't have anything good in life smh

i went to the dentist today and they gave me the numbing meds twice because my tooth was hurting a lot while they were working.

fast forward i can't drink, eat or even TALK because she might've injected them into my veins or sum 💞💓💝💖


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1 year ago

Small vent I guess?

I have a ton of pain in my left ankle, like it gets so bad that I can't even walk sometimes and I have to wear a brace half the time. I am not even that old, why the hell does my ankle hate me?? I am so sorry for killing my blogs silly goofy mood.

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1 year ago

Update: I didn't have to wear my brace today, but I fucked up my ankle again so I have to wear it all tonight and tomorrow.😪

Small vent I guess?

I have a ton of pain in my left ankle, like it gets so bad that I can't even walk sometimes and I have to wear a brace half the time. I am not even that old, why the hell does my ankle hate me?? I am so sorry for killing my blogs silly goofy mood.

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1 year ago

Sometimes I like to write my thoughts, I'm unsure if this counts as poetry though.

Sometimes I Like To Write My Thoughts, I'm Unsure If This Counts As Poetry Though.

can you tell I like cannibalism as a metaphor for love

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1 year ago
When You Look Into The Mirror, You See Yourself As You Feel, But What The Mirror Sees Is The Sin Behind

when you look into the mirror, you see yourself as you feel, but what the mirror sees is the sin behind your back.

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10 months ago

I really want to draw but I never do because whenever I draw turns out to be something I don't even like at all and I don't really feel like I'm improving. I always look at my Tumblr fyp and just see amazing stuff

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10 months ago

Being in both neurodivergent friend groups and neurotypical friend groups I've come to the conclusion that I don't really fit in either. Like I have friends of both neurotypes but the groups I end up making end up never working out. It's always the friends on the periphery of my life that I don't talk to every day that last

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10 months ago

Being in both neurodivergent friend groups and neurotypical friend groups I've come to the conclusion that I don't really fit in either. Like I have friends of both neurotypes but the groups I end up making end up never working out. It's always the friends on the periphery of my life that I don't talk to every day that last

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8 months ago

I hate it when the songs that give me bad mental health also sound so catchy. Like I re-listened to a song that gives me a weird spinning in microwave feeling but it’s a catchy way to explain some of my trauma so-

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8 months ago

I hate it when the songs that give me bad mental health also sound so catchy. Like I re-listened to a song that gives me a weird spinning in microwave feeling but it’s a catchy way to explain some of my trauma so-

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8 months ago

I hate it when the songs that give me bad mental health also sound so catchy. Like I re-listened to a song that gives me a weird spinning in microwave feeling but it’s a catchy way to explain some of my trauma so-

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8 months ago

I hate it when the songs that give me bad mental health also sound so catchy. Like I re-listened to a song that gives me a weird spinning in microwave feeling but it’s a catchy way to explain some of my trauma so-

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5 months ago

TW‼️ mention of ED⬇️

“Wow you ate all that??”

“I can’t believe you could finish that plate!”

“Seconds already?”

Yes and I have an ED so it was difficult. Shut up <3

Honestly though, the amount of times I’ve been told this and comments similar to these is just…..

My dad was like “you need to stop skipping meals!!” As if the reason I do that isn’t because he’s constantly made fun of my weight since I was 3 years old. (That’s not an exaggeration btw)

I still vividly remember when I was 3, sitting at my grandparents dining room table with them and my parents and my dad started on a 20 minute rant about how I was overweight and needed to start doing exercises. I WAS THREE.

Children remember every little comment. Don’t be a dick.

*read this user’s DNI’s before interacting*

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5 months ago

“Why are you always so nice to kids that don’t fit in?”

Because I was the kid on the swingset that nobody liked. Because I was the kid who made the teacher force other kids to play with. Because I was the kid that would sit alone and read because real life sucked. Because I was the kid that would come home and cry because I was an outcast.

Because I was that kid.

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