Funny Stories - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

once we were doing a general knowledge quiz that one of the teachers put together because it was the end of term

one of the questions was "where is the scapula located"

my group had no fucking idea bc i only knew abt animals and disney, and the rest of the group put together their three braincells for a few questions

the "Correct" answer was knee

i repeat

the teacher who had put the quiz together said that the scapula was located in the knee

lots of outraged shouting from students ensued

Hey guys, I'm bored, talk to me or something

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3 years ago

i literally can't have anything good in life smh

i went to the dentist today and they gave me the numbing meds twice because my tooth was hurting a lot while they were working.

fast forward i can't drink, eat or even TALK because she might've injected them into my veins or sum 💞💓💝💖


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1 year ago

Conversation I just over heard between my sister (13) and two of our younger cousins (7&9) while they were playing:

Kid 1 (to my sister): STOP BEING WEIRD!!

My sister: I can't it's in my genes!!


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10 months ago

Well out of the blue I just remembered today the time I accidentally joined the cast of a production of The Princess Bride….in the middle of the production.

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7 months ago

Day 7 of posting memes because I'm bored and have a ton (sorry for not posting yesterday.)

Day 7 Of Posting Memes Because I'm Bored And Have A Ton (sorry For Not Posting Yesterday.)
Day 7 Of Posting Memes Because I'm Bored And Have A Ton (sorry For Not Posting Yesterday.)
Day 7 Of Posting Memes Because I'm Bored And Have A Ton (sorry For Not Posting Yesterday.)
Day 7 Of Posting Memes Because I'm Bored And Have A Ton (sorry For Not Posting Yesterday.)

It's fucked up stories i found online today. Enjoy :)

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say ayo if pt. 1

you used to think cinnamon was super sweet as a kid because of snickerdoodle cookies but instead got betrayed when you chucked a tablespoon of cinnamon into the back of your throat and proceeded to cough for two minutes straight while your family looked on in resignation

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8 months ago

When me and my friends were camping my mom was getting wasted with some of her friends and I didn't wanna be there but my first friend made me sit on her lap with my other friend on top of me and then my mom friends 9 year old daughter say of my friend

And then my friend holding me down whispered

CaN i GeT a HiGh Ya?

And then the 9 year olds wasted dad screamed out


And then sat on us

And my friend under me got squished

And welp that's my life in a nutshell

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6 months ago

It's hard to be mysterious and intimating when your little brother is the biggest cinnamon roll in existence and is standing beside you because he can't handle being on his own

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6 months ago
My New Friend Just Got A Gf Who's Also My Friend And Goggled Imaged A Photo Of A Ring And Proposed

My new friend just got a gf who's also my friend and goggled imaged a photo of a ring and proposed

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6 months ago

This is what i have my friend down as:

This Is What I Have My Friend Down As:

And this is what she has me down as 😭:

This Is What I Have My Friend Down As:

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9 months ago

I remember having this thing I would do called COCWC, which stands for Cosplaying Original Characters Without Costumes. My dad told me to think of something that rolled off the tongue better.

And me, being 9 years old and being oblivious to it all, said that I should now call it-

“Cock-Wak” (it was just adding all the letters together to make a random word)

We just stuck with COCWC.

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2 years ago

I once told a group of toddler-aged kids, "You can't go onto the playground without a grownup because there could be an alligator out there." after that whenever I told them they couldn't go someplace by themselves (like the hallway) they'd say, "because there could be an alligator, right?"

I accidentally rewired their brains to think any unsafe place was only dangerous because of potential alligators!

funny how adults will say random things to children without much thought or accuracy, and then a kid will integrate that into a fundamental cornerstone of their understanding of reality and The Way The World Works

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2 years ago

Funny anime story

Okay so back when I was in high school the first season of Attack on titan came out and I could only watch the sub cause that's what Netflix had. Now one Saturday I decided to binge the entire season and my mom was the only other person home. She wasn't really watching and had no idea what was happening but would occasionally glance at the screen. Around the last few episodes, she sat down next to me to fold laundry, and I was completely focused on the Eren Jean switcharoo when all of a sudden I hear my mom laugh and go, "Horse face!" So basically, the only thing my mom learned about the series is that Jean has a horse face and I think that's amazing!

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