What Else Do I Tag - Tumblr Posts
I wish to share with thee! Some cute bugs

A cute lil bee fly
And a tortoise beetle going :o !
Ur rad!
Lil bugs are jus yes. U made my day :))) <33
Merciless uncaring rain
(Never ending)
Pierces through my fiery heart
It’s like it was never burning
Drenched, i look up at the sky
(In Desperation)
But the midnight sky is dark
Stars no longer hear my prayers
Raindrops blend in with my tears
(Life has never been so dull)
From the start i always feared
But i never thought it was true
Clinging to my empty dreams
Hoping for a glimpse of love
Then, what will become of me
As i fade without a sound
Im trying to make a song, these are the lyrics for the chorus for now
"nerd" term of affection
"nerd" term of *in*fection
what is with male characters seeing like, this terrifying battle or the most deadly shit ever and thinking this would be a good time to be shirtless
not complaining, just curious
gender dysphoria is the only mental disorcer people rather to romanticize and not only pretend it's not a bad thing but also loves to act like it's something to be proud and celebrate with a colorful flag
yes, I'm talking about trannies if it wasn't clear enough
Honestly? You DESERVE all the bullying and hatred you get from people. You're loud, obnoxious, annoying, self-centered, shallow and exactly the stereotype of everyone's main focus of mocking. And you know what is the best part of it? You're so fucking dumb you can't even realize that everyone around you hates every single trait of you especially whenever you keep with the shittalk about "accept yourself as who you are" and "being proud of who I am" because they have to pretend you're not insufferable
Some silly Billy scratchy art I just finished☆

Had a conversation with a friend and thought "this would do numbers on Tumblr"

hey ho i turned 16 a lil while ago aint that just neat
The best part about Tumblr is that you can say nonsensical stuff like 'My cat identifies as a bologna sandwich' and nearly everyone who sees it will just agree or comment what their pet identifies as.
Really, it is wild here; and I was here when anime based rp blogs were EVERYWHERE.

I'm going to bite this man

I just watched otgw for the first time do have some doodles
Spooky month will never end.
So like- I was just thinking about my 2nd grade teacher and how she had us vote on something random (probably if gummy bears or skittles were better idk) and she made us write our vote on a little slip of paper and then put it in this box and uh…,
Like…. What? 😂 we all seriously thought if we told anyone (including our parents) we would go to jail. I just…. What was the motive here??? 😭
i remember thinking like: “I won’t tell a single soul that I voted before 18!!” and now I’m posting it to all the gays on tumblr who follow my content lmao
*check this user’s DNI’s before interacting*
Ok dude what is up with the algorithm?? 😭 I post these hugely detailed theories that I’m proud of for coming up with and worked really hard on and they get like 3 notes each over the course of 2 weeks and then I post like 5 shitposts and they each get like 11 notes in a hour????? Maybe it’s bc I’ve only posted like 10 things but I’m just so confused 😭😭
(Not a vent or a rant btw, just genuine confusion)
*check this user’s DNI’s before interacting*
silly af attacm

this character is @hairscare ‘s (i hope it was okay to tag!!you!!) umhh they’re really cool and ermm k think i would sell a kidney for her shows also jesus christ i thoight about those like harry styles x reader things sorry im rambling
one of the best things david jenkins does with OFMD is that when he fucks with the historicity of 18th century pirate-adventure genre, the effect is not just comedic. it’s not just getting a kick out of leather gang + clipper ships + dramatic capture scene set to fleetwood mac’s the chain + british royalists in their stupid wigs. it’s that the obscuring of that timeline and ours allows u to perceive the setting of imperialism that the characters are playing in as both a past relic and present reality. is this more intentional than just an aesthetic choice? feels like it. why not tbh? the Pirates Dicking Around genre has always been about 1700s western european empire. and in OFMD we get an eerie insistence that there is actually no post-colonial era. there never was. there’s just the iterations of that violent legacy: from the trans-atlantic slave route, the pillaging of asia-pacific, etc. to the current forms of global imperial militarism and armed police states that took its place. on paper the show is based on a true story. in tone it’s present-haunted. and the central motley crew here works bc they’re all dynamic, hilarious, flirty, grimy, etc. but they also work bc they’re all visually, clearly a little united nations survey of colonized peoples whose shit was fucked up by 18th century imperialists. and it isn’t even subtext?? the whole show is about piracy as refuge. yea sure, from everyone’s dicey personal life dramas, sour romantic entanglements, the general banalities of life etc. but also, piracy as escape from the larger ills of societal outcasting and poverty as a result of …. . british/spanish/french/etc colonialism. consider: blackbeard’s voice in the show is just taika’s actual māori accent. and there’s a scene where you find out the kraken isn’t real, that blackbeard is monster and man. and behind his infamy is just some guy who’s traumatized, forlorn as all fuck, with insane daddy issues, etc. but whose tender humanity is brought into question against his own monstrousness. you see the whites of his eyes peering out of a soot smeared face, a mirror of the savage native caricature that all 18th century western europeans held of their colonized pacific islander subjects. blackbeard’s final act is a regression into that mythic dehumanization but rly it’s just him at his most heartbroken and lonely. and yea, this is mainly the angsty climax part of a multi-act love story. but also perhaps a purposeful genre-aware moment among many other similar moments within a show whose historical/present context is very explicit. and is meant to define the parameters of the world these characters are struggling in. ultimately OFMD makes u feel like. the absurd horror and wretchedness of colonialism’s totaling stain on history is in fact the most surreal wasteland valley-of-death setting for a group of outcasts to go and find refuge in love, gay sex, hooligan shit, and jokes. in the 1700s pirate hostile open seas, among their own fellow-othered. u know
A ver, esta vez si en serio.
Hello! I'm Mapache. I'm not used to posting on Tumblr, so I'm probably not gonna post a lot, I'm too lazy anyway. I do traditional drawings, mostly Lorax related stuff, but also some Rpg maker horror stuff,,, I guess???
I don't feel like there's drawings I can say I'm proud of, for like, showing here, but there are these Once-ler scenes redraw anyway. I just finished them.

So, yeah, that's all for now and for a long time too. 👋👋👋👋

Hello. The amount of activity on my last post made me turn this idea into something presentable.
Btw I agree with Mike, forest blueberries are awesome